News Scrapbook 1959-1962



SPORTS EDITOR ---- --- Players Only Su re Winners In War Between Pro Leagues

I ing with the I~- ,illman l' tr · ted 1o ht nd brood d until mo I of had departed Th n hi · pouse for < omfort · nd nrouragemenl, hu wa'! 1hwarted m th! ambi- tion he• u h didn't have a dime. Th un about the um, earching for a fri nd with a dim to pare. Fin llv, h ncounte;ed a man h vaguelv r cogmz rl a~ a !lll'ml>er of th Ram ' fan club. Glllmnn for<·ed a smile ancl of- r.. rc-cl to shake hand . "Ar n't you id Gillman?" the C n I k d, C'OOly. "Ye , ir." "The follow who oache the c ve hi h athl t<.' dC'Cld •d to phon

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THE SAN DIEGO UNION 22 @ • I., ,1 r. "6, 1960 '


SAN DIEGO, CALIFOANlil----,-:.__~~




l'rl., A1 • rll I , l!JGO $AN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA

Pioneers .face Wester Nine The lJ11il ,., sity or S a n Dil'go hasl'hall tratn 11ill h<' shooting fol' It~ third straight , lctory tomorrow wlwn lt hat- 1Ic~ Cal West,•rtl lJni\'l't 1ty at Robb Field 111 Oc<'an B<'adz. Game time !~ l :30 11 111. 4.;, l'<'cord against 1•01l!'giitll' com, petition and 7.7 for thP sea- ,;on, Ira, e scored a r<'cord- .·hatt.-r'ing 67 runs in l h e 1 r la t :U. innings. l !:>D cn,slwd Cal •r,.ch, 23- l. 111 aa abbr<'Vlatl'd fi\'1' and i, half innin~ gam" and trnuncrd the \\'r ·1,.1·t11•rs la ·t W!'Ck, 3~-1. l't

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around like

yo I cl ing wanderin

USD Crushes Weste ners, 35-1 Including eight home runs, yesterday to emba Cal Western, 35-1, In a b all game played on Morrow Field. Jim Fior nza, who had a perfect four-for-four d y at bat, hi ree o! the homers, Bob Keyes two. Dick Wilbur of the Pio ers had five hits in six ti \ , whlle Keye hit four o sue. Col Wtsltrll , . 000 010 D17- I S 7 USO Sell •• ·urSS< ,st "':I,,." 1S 2 an~~~,:, 0 l=or tti~ w : Loren? Univ<>rslty of San Diego smas d 23 hits,

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un.,.Iar,i,-,1000 S.c...Al\l~ DIEGO, CALIFORNIA-'

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THE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1960 Pioneers Set 1 For 3rd Win The University of San D1eg baseball team seeks it third

consecutive win Saturday after- noon meeting Cal We tern Um- ,·ersity at Point Loma. Game time Is 3 p.m. The Pioneers, with a 3 rec- ord against collegi te competi- tion and 7-7 for the season, have scored a record-shaLter1~ 0 67 runs in their last 22 innings USD hitters drove across nine runs while losing to the San Diego Padres last week, 16-9. U::;D's tomd hitting attack con- tinued last Friday and the Pio- neers crushed visiting Cal Tech. 25-1, in an abbreviated five and a half inning game. Freshman Tom Goddard scattered two hlta and received credit for the Cal Tech victory. The Pioneers made the mo:t of their first baseball meeting with Cal Western University and buried their crosstown riv- als, 33-1, in a game halted after seven and a half innings last Saturday afternoon. The Pioneers collected 10 hltl! against Cal Tech and exploded for 23 hits, including eight bomeruns, against Cal Western. Second baseman Jim Fiorenza had four hits against Cal West- ern, including three homers. Centerfielder Bob Keyes had three single, and a 380-foot homerun over the right center- field fence. First bMeman Dick Wilbur had five hits In six times at bat. Cal W e a t e r n righthander Chuck Lea! absorbed the loss after allowing 7 runs in. the first four innings. Cal Western entered Saturday's gti,nJ with a 5-1 record. Coach Mike Mo:-row indicated today that he wduld l!tart God- dard In tu y's g a m e galnst Cal Western

Sid Urges Common Draft Th n w dub sold 16,000 k ft r op ning it office , and Gillman i vine d he' v.orking for a thriving <.:onl'ern. "fhe port fan 1 a strange gu~ ," pie are oppo ed to ju.'t about everything. W 'r gettm, cu tomc-r · ,, ho don't like the J?odger,; and th R m : th<-':, 're going to upport u.·, m,;tead. Of our th I al'l' a lot of oth r p pie who are attract d to nPw t am and a 1ww league. "111 ,,hole thing .-ort of reminds me of !he way 1h at1onal Leagu, pwked its new 1·omn11ss1~ner: When the O\\ er went into the nweting at :'II1am1 they knew \\ho the.} ,,ere against. but not who t~ey w r fo1. Thi kind of thing went on for a long 1tme ar1d, fina I), omebocl • su~ge:;trd Pete Rozelle. They couldn'L think of nn:, thing ag in t Pe e, so they gave him the ob" G llrnan 1 comm ·ed, Inc1denh- II), that both leagues ,,ill b hurt bndl) unlc they a~,·ee to work in har- ason tir'ket, the first w con- ay · Gill~an. " lot of p

- San Diego Union Photo By R,w Jarvis



Da, e ?IIelton of L"nh ersih· of San Diego :slaps the platf' as he sl ides home behind Cal Westem <:atcher .Joe

Welch. Ump is Howard Daile). lJSD won the ball game, 13-1. Pitche1 Tom Goddard hurled !he victory. · GoddardSh ines In USD Win



Tom Goclclm·d struck out 12 and hit a home run with two UniH.rsity of San D i e go mates aboard a.~ USO defeat- ed Cal We•le1n, 13-1, at Robb 1°ield yestrrday. It was Cal Western's first home field defeat, hut it was USD secoud straight oH•t· the \\'PsternP1·s. I.:1,t timP 0•1t IJ.SD \\'On :1:1. J Goddard p1ll'he>d a 7-liitter, lPIL I;! Wt•8!P1·nc•r.s slranrlcd 611 tfi,, ha es g,11ver1itr of ?. o. ol ..~!!_•rn _.---~-

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