News Scrapbook 1959-1962

196o '(Jl1:i: Bas :"b~l


Pioneers Divide Twin Bill, 5-1, 3-2



17, 1960


Pione rNine Tests Whittier Tie rgo ba two games tomorrow. First game \\ •ll ·tart at o clo<'k. I tl'am travels lo WhittlPl' College fo1·


home lal!t sea.son. Lc-renz alternates as a p1tcher•QUUte er The P1oi,eers tt to a ,ur- prls run rbarnpron~hlP.

Terr~· Lorc-nz. h hurler, will st gaml' while Goddard, an-


l 'SD resumes action . Ion• day at Indio "her. It meet· t 1e ~an DiC'go Padrrs in an exhibition game.

.. EVENING TRIBUNE b lo SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ---~·-• .......:;.,-~_ton., Mar. 21, 1960 Y

Pioneers Stay Home For Baseball Action University of S· Diego's baseball Pioneers have two games c duled this week- end, both at Mor Field. USD play Calle riday and the followin d bat- tle with California Western. The Pioneers split their doublelieader at Whittier Sat- urday, winning the o ner, 13-8, but drop_ping th $Ccond game to the Poets, 6-1,


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