News Scrapbook 1959-1962
SDJ.~-........PES FADE
5AN DIECO, CALIFORNIA , Tnf' ., Jllll. ,.cl, lOGl J
C-W Enhon
SPORT ... Gener I
Pioneers Set For Invasion f evada The University of 3an Diego basketball team leaves for Las Vegas thts Thursday afte1noon for werkend game • with Neva• da Southern College and Nellis
layoff Chances If any of .San Dirgo's four roll<'gt, bill k<>tball trams do any post-season playing, apparrntly Cal Westrrn wlil hf' doing it Th<' \VC'~trrners c>nhanccd thrlr chancr; for a ~hot at Pasa• rlena Coll,•g<' in an NAIA playoff by whipping La VPt-nl', 82•;,,. Saturday ght :it LaV<'l'nC'. Jt was th<' W<'strnwr~· 11th vk- 1ory in rn NAIA .. ont,•~ts. San Diego .Jun or CoJleg<', and Jim Firming 21 in USO's mranwh If', hn Its hop<'s. ior victory. MCRD R<'nt six piny- a statf' tournan,,-nt trip n11nl'd rrs into douhl<' figurl's with in Bak<'r fl<'ld Wh<'n th,• Rrnl'• rentrr Joi' Millrr lt-adlng with gad<'S PH!\ ail d. (~'J,6:J. Th<' :!7 poin1 s. Knight ,·ould hav" tkd for Palomar·~ t1<·cr.1 \\as Jt~ thr , fC'\ropolitan Confrrl'nl'c ]2th straight and rnn Its South l<'Rd by winning C'rntral l'onfl'r!'n<'r rrcord to SDJC was th<' only local 7-0. N<'al Walt<-1 1011,,,·tP
L • 'e• vada Southern Co1IC'g Will tr)' to reverse a preVious I o s s when It play ho t to the Univcr 1ty of ·a'l Diego ba • ketball squad tomo1To\V n,ght at 8 o"clock U d f led the , evadans, l. on JarJ. 4. ' YEGAS, Jan. 2G
U DBurie Cal Ba tist T n l I r I t of Diego ha k tball p I a
c> rs
!ncrra ed scoring totals
ha~ toda)
!:,an Diri::o ,·011tinuPrl lls late> Palomlr. s<'ason surg,• hy bPati11g < np uso 1u1 ~1CRD smran•d El Toro, J 11· PA•. dw·•• 1, 1 01 71, at Point Loma lligh and~· w1,01 Palomar whippc>d Santa Bnr, H?ri8~ Bapti t, 8'.i-7J, in Jtlvl'rsidP·, r,·,,,
sco1 cd :i I'll')' 97 57 1.l'iumph !a t l'lght 0\ er Cal Haptl t Four or thr 10 l"SD scorers wcr 1!1 double f i g u r .., , topprd uy J Im Firming' · '.? • Pla) ing in th<• Kearn, IIigh g) m, the Pioneers Jed at the haH, 44-22. Coach Ken Le ·lie"· outfit now goes after fts nlnth ea• ,on win tomght at , • a , a 1 T1 alnln.: Center. TI1c Pio• ne..,rs and Bluejackets tip off 111 R. ·ummary· USO Ct!) CAL BAPTIST (57) GFPT GFPT ~gd~ , i f C~' ; '1 / H nds 9 0 1 11 0 Nt 2 ~.\rg1~: 1 ts zn ., n J , Tr 11 l i 3 1 ~:~,~Y f i 2:c~ac:i 2 Cap to } i i ? ~~/un• l J j Beran 3 OO 6 Orr 2 1 O 5 Totals 44, 10 '7 Totals ll 11 14 n hoift,m• s. . ore- USO H , Cot Bapt ,1 2,
ecrs defeated Neva- da Southern, 66-64, January 7. Nevada's 1960,61 record in- cludes impressive victories o,•er Arizona State (Flagstaff), New Mexico Highlands and Cal Poly (San Luis Ob po), Nevada Is expected to start Bernie Fumagalli and Odis ThompsQn at forwards, Tim Leonard at nter and Jim Jan- sen and Jerry Haine! at guards. Leonard cored 26 points and collected 16 rebounds In ·e,·a- da'a appearance at Kearny High. 1-'umagalll cored 25 points and got eight rebounds. Nellls' 1960-61' record in- cludes \\1ns over Vandenburg Air Force Base, 114-99; Oxnard Air Force Base, 74-70, and El Toro Marines. 78-63. Nellis lo~t to Xevada Southern , "ovember 25, 101-62; San Qiego North Island • •AS, 116-53, and San Di- ego • 'aval Training Center, 83- 73. I The Pioneers return to San Dies-o and meet Cal Baptist College January 31 at I c 1 O J 7 t>r 1 , :J e o J 16 I I O J 11 6 o Jo' i 1l 1 A o" PT 1 o ? 1 Pour o 2 o i Yoon 0 I O 1 8'Neol o o j o obnev 3 g 1 1~ ;;:~oi'rii,1 Bnpt;)t 0 0 1 o nm 5 0 • 10 1~ 1 j ,~ anta Barbara.~;~;:::~~' a UCLA •.,° 0 ~ 1';;' Md barn, Rl-70. in Ba1 ll<'S, Duan<' 1 !·an fer who \\'a 1irst game for Ca! ~park£1c1 Bob 1ram \\ ith 1 Yugatl' add, d ]4 playing his \\'!'.IPrn To1011 in1111 Tolol, Jlf~~~cT~,~~•~~~o~! 0 J;'o~ 0 :r~~~,i~c~t points. Frank Fi!r'1~~~1 toe,$:",; ,~'?i"a'b~:,/;,. c~~, 2117113 l(loppC'nhurg-•~ M fr f ? fr ;r, 1 o 2 , l I ! ti loro (7-41 • A Cl owd o! somr 8,000 larg-e as "alC'hrd thf' hnpor- K,iholm tant I' ·c l'CLA matf'h In Lo. ~~;:~• Hak<•r~field ~ft';;' as r.,~bs Angrl<'S . Jl.\'r.~g-P nn <':lr l<'r '• -'1:J to SDJC. With an 8-1 T!'C'Ord, 1he Rl'-llPgndr~ nO\V J)O!i.SPss A Cr-rrl1101t two-gam" l<'ad with only fh·<'I ~~1~/lmo ~;,~l~~~ht r -3 , d 0111 c!C'at,Posf:,.,1 d 1~ B,oo i 20 o ? g 10 2, 1 IJ 11 1 l 2J ~, o 12 ':c1J,:: 1 /.1.cJ&'W, ei3\~~~ 1 N I~ Pf~ , to o. ga ml' Boker,flold 1'91 SDJC 1'31 Mott>,l· A. WU 1arrn om., ..,,.., G "" v f ! G7 1 P 1~ IJ O 16 f o 11 0 l 1 t O po n Th I rr, HI lhomos 20 KnuA on 9 McCOY n Ha e, 7 k • om 6 1'n • o 11am broke • It 2 .a,m I'), a11d ,lR am one W~i b • ] [ 4 , 2 1~ l, • 6 .!' ti o tho l ut lo t h 2, 11 , , 3 K.f~ ); , , To101, 11 tY"'~;r•,;i:",nfc,~\'"~c~ ~1rt~J~f1~ Ttnnev; B•••rsl,el3 McCov, Kel, tru rs· an r th R ne llom ,., 59. >if ti<' i I 2 7 Modd,n ;, • 1j Mainiero i~~rn , wHnt:y 5 mhh O l li h?ino o:i 1 OFPT I,> 6 f • 22 O f 1 2 2 o 6 H l i 1 3 , 5 21 SI O • i , 24 Lo vornt 1111 hit 2.1 points Col we•tun 1111 Russ C'rti\ t'n GFPT Gretnw O 1 H -1 I I Lew , Crock. ~g/~.. F¥i7!i°1 ,i M~r USD Eyes Fift Against Phi 2 • 1n Row '211 1 23 U Tota:,- 17 0 EV_CN/NG TRIBUNE .,_ La 42, Cal We;;,ern Hclfl•m• 1,cor1 Vtrnt JO. Fro h Col Western SAN DIEGO,CALIFORNIA Thur,tlay, J- eb, !J, 1961 ... Basketball •c• PO La Vtrne BS. Santa llt:rbaro (70) PALOMAR (11) OFPT l O J 10 3 3 S i 1 I 1i ' GFrT I J O f,. 3 21 Zarate , 10 lo•,tm'n ~:~~an 1 ij Wollrrs Gollood ,. rouble Await.. 2 7 3 11 MCCorrtll 5 1 2 H Mftch'I Hartfiel Potllmon Totoh Mi~sed tonlslch 3 11 5 4i Nlf"dkk 1 SfDCking '.'I 0 1 2 2 I 1 l I 1 0 l o 1 1 2' 11 20 70 o 1 n 1 Horri 1' 13 11 ll Tetals free throws-Potomor, Wolters, Co!lond, Ma.:w,11 2, Wlllloms 1, Milch- ,.q, Hartfiel; Santo Borboro, Zor,otn 2, Ec:istmon 5, Keith .C, Hommon, Nltdlck. Pion uintet Including Jc 111 Un ,·crsity o! San Dkgo's lup, \\' THE SAti DIEGO UNION Thur .,l•<'h.",1001 a23 SAN DIEGO, CA,.IFORNIA IFlemingPaces I USDTo70-66 Overtime Win By ,JOH. ·r,;y JlcDONAl,D Unh-ersitr or San Diego overcame a 14-polnt deficit and crambl<'d through a five. minute ov<'rtime period last night to turn back Naval Training Center's baskelball- e1·s 70-66, in the Sailors' gym. The P ionePt'S, paced by Jim Fleming and Russ Cravens, avenged a prPvious and em- barrassing 73-67 Jo,s to 1he Sailors in the Holiday Tourn- ey. That loss placed USD last ln the six-team tourney. Fleming, a veteran guard who fires most of his shOts l from an off-balance position, hit 21 and v. a assisted by Cravens with J This gave USD a 9-12 season mark. Howe,·er, H e n r y Rapp , NTC's brilliant center, was high point man with 26 points. But JO of thPSP came at the free throw line as the. Pio- neers kept the big fellow tied up much of the way. For a while it appeared the Bluejackets would collect their fourth straight triumph over the <'Ollegians in two sea- sons. :\'TC pu~hed out to a 13-3 advantage and extended the margin to 1~ points hPfore CSD narrowed it to 20-22 at intermi,sion. Again, N'TC, using fivP mpn almost all the way, sped to a 14-point bulge before the colle- l gians shored up their defense and found the hoop. With 10 minutes to go, USD had closed it to 49-40 and fi\"e minutes later, Mike O'Connor tied it, 54-54 with a tip. The college boys had a 60-57 ad- vantage with a minute and a half left but Rapp tied It with free throw~ and a hook shot. USD made the most of free throws in the extra session with Tony Caputo and Crav- ens putting the game out of reach ith their charity tosses. USO (70) G F P T NTC (661 G F P T Cravens 6 6 • 11 Rapp I 10 , 26 Mod,;en o O O o Stacey 7 o 5 1' rtlnds 3 0 5 6 Dunbor 3 1 1 7 Flt-m'g 10 l • 21 Vosquez J , 2 10 Robbins 1 2 2 .C Lee .C I S 9 O'Con'r 5 1 , 11 Thompson O O 1 O Cci:iuto -4 2 1 10 Mahoney O O O O Tetals 2 • 12 20 70 Totals 2S 1' \I " Halftlme: NTC 29, USO 22. End of reoulafian PIOY: NTC 60, USO 60, Pioneers ar<' the home Bob Hampton, D!ll Bloom and ~trctch of coach Krn Leslie's Jim Whit<', form,•r l SC Tro- first on as ba kctball jans, and Bob Espinosa, Long coa h <1,nd there's t r o u b 1 C' Brach State. ahead. L<'sl. e has named Ru Cra- The Pione<'rs. after starting \"ens and Dick Mad en fo tart ~Jowly, ha\"e won ci;.ht of at forward , DaH• Hin " at thelr 10 starts this year for center and Jim Flem ng and a 10-12 season record. USO"s John Robbins at· guards to- 1 last five opponents figure to morr ow night against the be their toughest. tough Marinrs. Stat sties: USO faces the San Di<'go _ _____ TE_AM·~=~=-- Marlnes_tomorrow night at La USO- •• ~-{;-{i~ ~l~: ,:~ A7~·s Jolla High, followed b)' the Oooonents.• VNJft,Jr,',.._1162 as, 70.6 ILWU AAU Dockers Saturday -- - -G-FG FTREail'A'v: night. Then come games with F',em,no~lm•• -.-2211a 11 1,,21~1.-. Cal Western Feb. 18, Orange f.:.gJ:."n~l,~ ...;,' ·: n 1 r, t~ 1 ll m 1 ,:t County State College Feb. 22 ~g~~~•F~".°;, t.. ·. 11 li !~ il n~ U and Loyola Frb. 2t ~?~~~J,;j't~•.~ c •. t fo 1 g} 1 jl 1;~ The Dockers have several Hinds, oave, c .• • • !l , •s 10 1.1 ex-college stars in their line- i~~!~f,2bki~ Al,• : 1: 1~ 1 t 2 l l: ------------' Sc.hammel, Bob, c .. -4 5 3 l• 13 3.2 WtCOI, Chor ts, f 8 3 6 l6 12 1.S Wical, Art, f 7 5 2 20 1:Z 1.7 on - EVENING TRIBUNE b4 411 DI , CALI ORNIA 1u , Jan, 31, I t I Pio eers Test I Baptist; Resumes g..1r~r-l , . ong 'ya ~--- l'f' al feeling I members 1verl:llty of Sa n Diego s vars ly baseball learn this week. The Pioneers went on a ten- day vacation so that team mem- bers could devote additional time lo their final fall semester examinations at the college for Men. · The exams are schedul- ed for January 17, 23. The players were also ready lo contbue their recent succes- sful basketball activi ·es The Pioneers have won four straight games this month, defeating Azusa College (twice), 74-66 and 88-71, Nevada Southern College, 66-64, and Biola Col- lege, 110-70. USD's record is now 6-IO. Coach Ken Leslie takes his tro- opes on the road later this mon- th, traveling lo Coronado Phib- trapac (Jan. 24) Nevada South- ern (Jan. 27) and Nellis Air For- ce Base Jan. 28). Both Nevada games vnll be p]ayeci in Las Vegas. The Pioneers defeated Biola College, 110-70, last Saturday night. USD's point tota1 was only n ne pomts shy of the sch- ool sin~e-game scoring rec- ord. Senior Jim Fleming scored 33 points against Biola and 30 ag- ainst Azusa and moved into a lie With sophmore Russ Crav- ens for individual scoring hon- ors through 16 games. Cravens scored 26 points agamst Biola and 16 agaainst Azusa and boosted his point total to 277 po nts. For P-ioneer Ball Berths First baseman Guy Selleck a .d catcher \\"avnc F<'rris a re about to crack UniYersity of San Diego's baseball line- up, Mike ::IIorrow dis- closed yesterdar S e l 1 e c k, a freshman. earned a , arstiy football let- ter last fa 11 and Fenis ls a transfer from Long Beach City College. He p epped at Piux X High School in Down- ev. •L"SD a t h 1 e c ief Bob SPxton said th a ·es have gi\'cn U~D the light to play it• home a es with t:'CLA .larch 1 aiid use 1larc·h 11 at W<'b1 e Park. An Ap 1 G clatt' \ ith . ·otre Dame o is tieke eel for the Padres ::\liss;on r lley dia- mond. T h c Pioneer continued d work its todn) at for- Field in Balboa Park. pen their seas n vt ho . 2::; against Los Angeles Slate in doublhead- er. t 0 • D uinte c;lges Boots In Overtime Winning has become a habit w it h Unh·ersity of S a n Diego's basketball tram. Last night the Pioneers de- feated. ·a,·al Training Center, 70-66, in overtime for their ninth win against 12 losses this ) car and fiith victory in theil- last se,·en game·. Jim ;Fleming scored 21 points for the collegians, who were behind most of the time from 10 to 14 points. Russ era\"ens scored l 8 for the PlonC'ers. Henry Rapp IP.d the Sailors ,·ith 26 points. Earlier this year • ~re had d fcated USD, , 7. Summar) USO 170) 0 I' P TNTC ("I C P P T Cravens " JI Ropp 8 10 " 26 Mod,en o t o Stocev i 11 ~i~g y ,t J 2 10 Robb,ns 1 2 2 • Lee • I 5 9 o'con·r s 1 11 TIJomPson gg 1 o Coputo "' , 1 10 Mc:itioney O o Totoll 29 12 20 70 Tolols 2S U 11 '6 Halll'me NTC 29, USD 22. 8 a I Cal ptist Ho tToUSO "nt., Feb.~. IOGl sAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA - Special to The Son Diego Union RIVERSIDE Feb. 3 The turnabout University of San Diego, a basketball s q u '!- d with a new lease on life, tries to make It two in a row o\'er Cal Baptist hi:re tomorrow : night. The game will start at 8 o'clock. The Pioneers toppled th e amc club last Tuesday in San Diego, 97-57, wlth J i m ,Fleming pacing the attack with 28 points.
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