News Scrapbook 1959-1962
THE SAN DIEGO UNIOH TlWS,, eb. 9,'ID61 Cf) 29 _JAN DIEGO, CALtFORNIA a _ MC DFir t Of 5lough USD Rivals l "l'n Le lie t, oprs to dos<' out his fir t srason as hrad basketball coach at the Uni- versity ot 8an Diego with a winning season but USD's last five opponents could provide the young coach with a differ- ent !ate. First of the five obstacks will appear at La Jolla Illgh gym tomorrow night in thr form o! the tough and talented Marine Corps Recruit Drpot. The Plonerrs lost to the :'.\Ia- rines 0:1 DC('. 6, f,1-58, in a l'losrly conte ted affair. The San Pedro lnlernation al Longshoremcn's and Ware- housemen';; Union, one oI the outstanding AAU teams in Southern CaHCornia, comes south Saturday night to mel't the PionPrrs at Krarny High. The ILWU Dockers' lineup In• cludrs an array of formrr USC and Long B!'ach State players. l"SD has won Pight o! its last 10 games and now has a 10-1::? seasonal mark. The oth- er opponents left on th<' slate will bl' Cal Western Uni\·rrsl- ty (Feb. lSl, Orange Count) State Collrge (Feb, ::!'.!) and Loyola l'nh·crsity IFcb. 2-1). Senior guard Jim Fleming .scorcd 70 points In the la t thrrc games and brought his point total to 4~'7. only nlne points off his own season scor- ing record e last season. Tl!AM 0 FO FT REI TP Avf, g::;:,....,,. . lJ min Ht im ~u INDIVtOUAL G FG FT I TP Av, Fem ng, Jim, v • J2 1 18 71 6 4'17 19.A ~J;r:i•:8i3~·:. ·. ~ 2 iri •1 1 ll --J 1 tt Caoula, Tony, f • • 1S 20 J 1 O 7.l Baron. Ed. 9 11 AS 15 1 10S $.8 Robbins, Jonn, g . , 20 36- 29 102 101 5.0 O'Connor, Mike, c • 13 3-' 30 U 91 .f 9 Hiz:idt,, Dove. c • 9 31 4 ss 70 7) i~!r:.Ob,I~ -,f, a . 1: 1~ 1, 21 r, J-3 scnommel, Bob, c • " s 3 t, 13 32 ~~:; ~rJts, 1 • I 1 : {? 11 f * .. USD Baseball R fer Sliced Coach ! I k e I o r r ow trimmed three more from h s vars] y baseball roster and announced that two newcom- ers wcrr likely to break into the starti11g lineup this sea- son for the Universitv of San Diego. • The squad now numbers 19 \\1th se\·cn of the e rcturn- ng lettermen. Lettermen are pitrl'cr--0utfleldPr Tom God- dard pit~'ler-thlrd baseman Terry Lorenz. second basr- man-pltchl'r Dick Wilbur, out- fielder Tim Lc-ydc-n, John Holliday and Da\ e Melton and shortstop Jim Fiercnza. Newcomers Guy f;cllrck, a first baseman, and Wayne Ferris, a catcher, appear des- tined for opening game serv- ice. Selleck, a freshman, won a var lty football Jetter last sca~on and Ferris, a 1r graduate of Pius X High in Downe), is a transil'r from Long Beac-h City Collrge. The mound corps will be bolstered by nghthandcrs Denny Shields and .\like Hem- inger and lellhander Terry Stallard t Shields is a 1960 graduate of St. Augustine High, Stallard 1s from Pomona Cat,1ollc High and Heminger, whose twin brother Pat ls a candidate for an outfield position, ls a grad- uate o! Central Catholic High in Fort Wayne, Ind.
-~------~--- 'USO Cagers Seek Season Victory Edge Ken Leslie hopea to close out h a. winning sea.- son, but U, D'a lut !Ive oppon- provide the ypung coach with a somewhat dlfff'r• ent fate. hill fl!'llt 8.11 hea.d buket- the University of o
3, 1961
Near Playoff Westerners Rip LaVerne; USD Gets 10th Triumph Cal Wt•stp1•11 U11iwr·sity, headrd for a po~sible .. TA[A postsPason playoff spot. has 1 L haske1hall victorit>s unrli>r its bPII todaY. The Westt•rners ·r1ispo~er1 of LaVi>rne College, 82-38, Saturday night in LaVPrne ,1:-; fh·e players scored in
L. A. lakers Catching On In Angeltown
USD haa won eight of its 10
--~'double figures. Coach Bob Kloppenberg's Point Lo- mans now have an 11-5 rec- ord against collegiate op- po11P11ls.
Cal Western moved ahead at the half, 42-30, and coasted to ihe t r I u m p h. Friday's WeStPrner game with West• mont was postponed when the Santa Harbara st'hool was in• vol \'Pd in a traJ'fic accident In the lmpc·rlal Valley, resulting Jn minor injuril'S to five pla)"rs. l SJ) Wlu.., A;;ain l'nl\ r1·. ity of San Dil'go m, lie It three victories for the week Saturday when the PionP1•1·s squPlc:hPd Cal Bap. tlst, Ri-73, in Riverside. It was th!' ~econd wln in iive cla}S OV('l' thl' Bapti~ts for coach Kr>n Lrslil''~ out !it. Russ Crav<'n · led with 23 points !or USD, which now has a 10-]1 SPason l'!'COr aud onum a $tudrnt Cru- po1nt d to one hnght-faccd r, who hopefully chirped- "\11 l'Y?' Jf Felt or th La"kers had b~cn ther , he'd have·1augh d too. * * * * nother \at1cty ot cage cat, Tom \\a n't "shook'' b · this un11 lttln (y t devastating) c ,tlqu of fellow cager Fehx Af· t r Uowln a polite p nod for laughter to subside, poised Ir. Jla11kin proce ded with the how. In re ponse to a question po crl by the emcee, Ha\\klns aid t am mat I in Baylor Is 'the greatest player m all ba ket- b II" Thi~ \Oked a spontaneous thunderclap frotn the au- dl n e, lndkalh e not on y of Elgln's popularity but also that the I k rs at la t ar catrl>ing on. lntr d Pion .ers m,•el the San Th Diego Mari Jolla. High i; r1day al S p.m. The Pio• neers lost to Uie • iarlnes on Decembe1· 6, 64-58. The San PP.dro International Longshor n's and Ware- hou.semen's Union, one ot the outatandln AAU teams In Soulhem C&liforrue., com es south Saturday nlghl meeting the Plonttrs ln an 8 p,m. game at High: The ILWU Dockers' line-up lncludea 11.Jl array or form r USC and Long Beach Stat players. The Dock rs' t e n t a. t I v e starterS for Saturday night's game a John Werhaa (USC) and b E pinosa. (Long Beach Stat.Pl at -!otwards, Bob Hamp- ton (USC) at Ct'nter and Jim Wh,lte (USC) a.n Bill Bloom (U, CJ at guards. The f artn s iii 11tart Lou Gibb 6-3) and. y Waters (6-3) at to1ward .1oe Miller (6-5) at center, Darr IP trell (6-1) a.rid Dick Bra.lion (5-10) n.t guard&. 11 l ~• the .Ma- rlnes In s with a 16.3 points par g11ru average. Glbbs, an NAIA All•Amerlcan while at Pitt€hUrgh (Kan.) College, has av raged 13.6. The ta.rln 26-3 record Is the be amon 11 the college and ~ervlc earn In Southern California. The Marine~ have an 11-1 record agaiMt college teams. USD won tllrce games Inst wttk, defeating Ca.1 Baptist, 97-57; San Dl.,go Naval Train• ing Center In overtime, 70-66 and Cal Baptist, 85-73. Senior guard Jim Fleming ,~ored 70 polntll in the three g11.nH•11. and bro ght his point total to 427. only nine point.JI off his own :;ealSon scoring rec- ord set lest 8eaaon. Sophomore forward Russ /:ravens acored l/11 volnts In the three games 1tn'1 ptckrrl up HI rebounds, Crave 1, econd in lnclivld1111.J with 406 points. Leslie nan
Top Mound Staff Seen for Pioneer Thr of the 22 e&ndldates lty ba.seball practice laat week wer trlmrned from the BqVa.l by Untvernlty of San Diego hetl.(I co h Mike Morrow. The 19 quad membera indude ae\'en le lermen. The letter- men are Tom Goddard (pltcher-outfi Ider), Terry Lorenz (pitcher-third man), Dick Wilbur ( econd man-pltch-lAljg'Uatine High, SWiard wa11 er), Tim Leyden (outfielder). graduated from Pomona Cath- Jlm Fiorenza (&hortstop), Johnlolic High last June, and Hem• Holliday (outfielder), and Dave,inger, who•e twin brother Pa.t Melton (outfielder). la a candidate for an outrleld position, Is a graduate of Cen- At 1118-'t two newoomera a.p- tral High In Fort Wayne, Ind. pear destined for •tarting as• Daily workout.a will continue signment.s-fint ba.aeme.n Guy each afternoon at Mike Morrow Selleck and catcher Wayne Fer- Field I Balboa Park (at U1e foot of T as treet In the Mor- rlll. Selleck, a freshman, la a. ley Recr lion e.rea) until the varsity football letterman. Fer• opening da double-header with rla, a 1~56 graduate of Pim X Los Angele State College here High in Downey, ts a transfer February 25 • I from Long Beach Cit Coll Athletic coo nator Bob Sex- y egi,, ton announced that USD had l' hr e e new pitcher•. right- ~ed an agreement wi h the handers D y Shields a.nd Mike 1.,,_,_.,.,_.._ Pa probabl • th only man n basketball who , oo," 6-fool 5 Hall kin arlm1tted i ·~ touRh foot giants S11rde Hallbrook. at•ributcd what uccc cd a a e 13. Cardinal q t . 11' • His Eminence t 1'11• tale room ma•e~ on the road," T reph d •This e lo n w•cn,r,~•--,,,,,nt1~... - bettrr, dc\elop team spint Id clique~" * * * HbERS FOR s . T we ' 1 and Iongt1me popu'ar orator on gncd as foot all headmastet. cir u tep forward wa taken vl'hen games with out ere ranc lied b w-ay of balanc ng the economy. I, an Dlr_i:o L.nh r L lth th "" o thtre ha hrrn a startlingly lold War that once existed hehtrrn done a rrmarkablr nt, of apfn" I • It alhlellc ima e. dv tha\\lng In th th(~ ch kala Park and administrators al ate College. 1\iow comrs rherring V1ord !hat San Diego aduallv h Ignrrl a contract to play a 11:ame or ,·arsity fnoth31l \\ Ith • an Diego Slat, • o,. 1 , 1961, In ztec Bowl on the , tntr College ,campu • • We hope the game will ttmulate continued aradrm1c and social o cthcmess between the two school•" Athletic Publicist Bill Thomas declares n a communique to this column dated Jan. 27. "It wa al o an'lounc~d tliis week that "'e have signed to play Long Beac State at Long Be h 1961.'' * * * * GRID PROGRA.11' E ... r 'IBLE, CO.MPETE}:T Ice was broken last fall for the inaugural football meeting bctwe n t two .Border ily schools when the San Diego y arllngs, led by ex Plus X lf1"h quarterback "elson lurphY. shaded ta e· fre !unan team 16-14 in a spirited battle. When that cc-n w cotrplcled "1thout rancor or repcrcu 10n, the varsity matn bout was tmo l sure to follov.. ommentmg on the s1 m 1canl s1gmng of what soon will become San Diego"s "BLg Game," Sports Editor Jack Murphy of thP. San D1 i:o r1on a d "Ther s been a gro\\lng demand for th s crosstown ri\·alry , • part of both school w II bP. delighted .•• Paul Gover- rall (form co ch) r P')aled, 01ced his friendship for the ne d e pp to a [01Jtba I enc . The U D p pie, n , did ve tb;ng po 1ble to fo ter and malnta111 cord al relations "·th the Aztecs-anl:I that often meant Ignoring extreme if well-me~nmg, elements in the boo ter group "1 he l nhcr ity o( San Diel(o has done a remarkable Job ,of hullding an ncellent acadt'mic and athletic reputa- tion In a few )ears. Il, tandards l!re high. and still risin::. It foothall prn!!Tam t holh l'nsihll' and competent. USD is dt"!len ing or the r ognltion thl · conle t \\ ilh the ~ztecs Ill provide." It is ohvious b foo ball series w1li achie immt!d ate and enthusiastic community support. San Dii-go Um r ity Is to be congratulated an plant atop TH! SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, F!BfllUARY 2, 1961 Meanwhile, athletic coordi- nator Bob Sexton announced that CSD has signed an agree- ment with the San Diego Pa- dres to play t:'CLA (March 10!, USC (March lll and Xotre Dame (April G) at West- gate Park. u Meet Noire Dame April 10, Ban• Dlero Marlnea, MCRD. I Anrll 11. Azusa Colltge, home. Ar>rH a, San Dlero Padre1, Indio. 14, P•pperdln•. Coll•r•. Loa April U. Point Mul"U N"av&l Air St.at1o_n, Point Mugu. AnA/J~~- 16, Loyol& UnlversUy, Los c:.r;'1.J~;.southem C&llfamla Collere, Aoru 18, Ph1bpac, P ·1oneers Map Busy ,.:;:.~.. Ca - aptist In Riverside The University ot San Diego Pioneers \\111 meet Cal-Baptist at 8 p.m. Saturday in Riverside. B b 11 S h d I C e U e a Se a (Tempe) do~~f~l,efJ.;,, A~~in!'i1n~~tt I . USC,_ Notre Dame, UCLA and Arizona. State (Tempe) are ho~i.11 28, South•m Call!ornla Collere, e 35-game University of i'Je.n Diego varsity baseball ""' 1, Pa.,adena eonec•. home. I •-~ me Uu= m th ~:; ~-. ~\~~~~'U'nfJ.~Tf~~'bd;,;,~•me. Laat year the Pioneers beat the schedule announced by athletic moderator Rev. J. Walshe Azu,a. ~;; twice, 99. Murray. Cal-Baptist cagers 80 and 98-77. Coach Mike Morrow, a veteran of more than 30 years of Ce~t.;, 1iT~~n Diego Naval Tralninr ut~~';,;~•. Po!nt Mull'u Nani Air sta- . USD lost to Phibtrapac last coaching In the San Diego area, • is optimistic that his 1961 squad lost a bid to the NAIA District May 19. San Die10 Naval Training will be ready to accept the cha!- 3 play-o!ta in 1959 In an NAIA _center.NTC·i ~=-====== week, 76-84. Leading USD .scor- - the ~e were Jim ers for ote and wa.s ex- play-off competi-' Fleming with 29 points, .Russ lenging schedule. Coach Mor- commJUee Cravens was high point man rt>w expected to meet with 22 II tro Tony Caputo with 14 points. Jim Henry led the Phibtrapac Uce session yesterday (Wednes- technicality. candidates at the opening prac- 1,AN DIBGO, CALIFORNI;. oat., Feb. 18, 1961 Q tlon season on IIIl eligibility i SA 6 esterners \ d., l'eh. I. 19 t SAN DtEGO, CALIFORNIA DIEGO UHION - includes achedule l._961 The da.y) I - I · team scoring 29 points. Henry, Daily workouts will continue four double-headers -beginning each afternoon at Mike Morrow with Loa Angeles State, Whit• tier College, March 18; Ca.I Poly I openmg day double-header with (Pomona) on April 8 and Ari- Los Angeles State College here, zona State April 22. . all A from . mencan ormer a f In· Final Home Stand Cal Wc-sll•rn plays its final homr> asfH'tbal! game of the 0 a_son tonight al 8 against rnvrrshy of San Di<'go at !11tss1on Ba~ High, The :westerners wit) be afl- Pr thr1r fourth straight vic- tory over the PionPers, who .Y<'l hav<' to l.rcat coach Bob I{loppenburg's quintet in a lwo-yea1· rivalry. A win by Cal w e s t e r n wou)d solidify its chancrs for thml ~tralght NAIA District fiU'l'I' Pia., oft bl'rth anrt give the Westl'1·nrrs a 14-6 rec rd fo: the " son. moppcnb(lr sai d forwa Chet Lrwis vJI be- _ lost " team th!' rc>- mamctrr n the sPason be- cau~e or illness. _c'rntcr Al't Johnson ls the \\ rstp1· H'l'S' top sc·m·er I 'lh an J 1 5 a1·c>rage. VJ V d b 'lt• U .. mvers ty, made 22 points in the second half of the Field In Balboa. Park until the I 1 an er 1 Pioneers Riddle ptis I BASKETBALL-, RESULTS I I game. Th e , • I P . 10neera beat Nevada The Pioneers closed the 1960 97-57 Februa.ey 25. th S C II t La Friday o ege ern ou · ht 'I Returning atartel's Dick Wil- season in most 1mpress1ve1 style · · s Vegas a mg 71-66. Kearny 63. 5~~HOOL San D 1 ~0 SO, El Coion J8 Crcwtord 47. Cloir~mont .Ji. Grossmont 58. Granite Hill!S ;umo ~•. El c~nrro AS. Lr~~l~•~1~S1t~~s13e tllan ~7 - La Jolla their last 14 bur, first baseman· Jim Fior- wlnnmg 13 of • C I · 1 I • ra.ven.s was h gh point ·man hortstop, and pitchers games. enza. Di . •. pom,s. 'th 29 '"• St. Augustine 6t WI ck Mad.sen had 16 points and Fleming had Terry Lorenz and Tom Goddard • , the point lo lea I his quintet Also included on the schedule will be expected to carry the are the San Diego Marines the • . . hi~ t team will Coronado"· Unlverslly .•,. a me (\\ 0 The rr ity or • n D "'go 15. ' t JTla ~S . S • Polo Verde '9, Coachella J.7 a 97.57 romp 0\ Pr Cal Bap- mPN again • aturday mght at Collpalrla ••• Brawley 3,. • ot River id on thc/Riversidr. Before that the Cincinnati n, sfa~~.~E;!jE III h .. , Pitt<1burgh 79, Bucknell 67 rny g chool floor la t P1011e('r:; have a date tonight Norlh carotlna n, ctemson '6. I ht ' \\1th Naval Training Center Jium,l~gr: 1~~ 94 • F lcm1n hit nil of his point on the • :TC Iloor. ~ 051 8 ,:1p,~~ri"fil;, ~ 1 ~anau•tt• 6.l. th floor with 14 ha . USD (971 CAL BAPTIST {1r> W•st,rn Kentucky 73, La Salle 69 • lo ml Cd his only two Crav ns Gs~~ 1~ Paul o, n ~\;,..f3~~~~.'~~- 1A?;bo~~•~-Fomt 70. I fro he free throw f,~•n ; 8l ,: M'l~1 ; 1 i ~~~~~n'l~vr~:: ft: tti'11ola3fa1fS6 ~m rt9 1" O 2 21 Babney -t 1 o 9 New Mexico St 9c Po (C J"u 66 ~Obclna f O g 10 McDaniel 1 3 3 5 Arkortsas 74, ea·y10 r' 511. 0 1 · d 18 point O rr:,,..,.. 1 YO j :;,,ow,.; 1 ev' 0 3 0 Houston 101, Unlv
Pacific Coast League San Diego Saturday night USD lost to USD attack. Fiorenza hit 12 home runs, Padres, Pepperdine College, the' Nellis Air Force Base at Las and of Redlands Vegas, 58-59. Fleming Jed the drove across 43 runs and led University scoring with 16 points. Madsen the team In hitting last season Loyola. University (Los An- geles). had 11 points and John Rob- wi th a. sparkling ·442 average. The Schedule: bins had eight. Jl'eb. 23. Loa An11elea Statt 1doubte• htaderl. home. Fleming, in his last season at Wilbur hit .368. Lorenz po.sted USD, leading a 9·1 record and had a brilliant March I, San Di,ro Marin••· MCRD. scorer with 328 points In 18 1.75 earned run average. Sopho• ho~!~eh 8 • Cal W• umrerslty,I games for a. 20.4 point-per-gaJpe more Goddard had a 6-3 record t::;~ lf: :J~/5:\1;• ri'a~Y:~~•· average, Lut yea~ Fleming set and posted a 2.50 ERA. tl!;~r. n: ~r,~~1'2:.i?1~~:1•,d~~;.~: a school record m mdiv1dual headorl, horn,. scoring with 436 points. He has Coach Morrow'a teams have ?t H~~'."hci'm~'.• e!ght games to make 108 polnte had two outstanding seasons In April 4, B•ola Colltge, home, to t1e hi.s own scoring r nrd. succession. USD had a 17·7 t.o'rri':." 3, Cal w,siern Unh,rslly, Pt. Coach Ken Leshe has named record in 1959 and last year ho'ni',_11 6, university o! Notro Dame, Ct. vens 16-21 a.nd Madsen (6·;!) 1)0Sted'an 18-8 record. USD AUrll a. Cal Poly fPnmonaJ doublt. at f •1wartls, Fleming (5-11) and J...;.--- heador hom=•·--~~----..ll is the team's Robbins (5·11) at guards and I>ave Hind• (6-81 at center for the Cal-Baptist game.
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