News Scrapbook 1959-1962


Snn., F"l>. I" 196l

bS 1·~-~------~--~ RD, Palomar





USO Five Falls :ro ILWU Club Unlvcr ·It>• o! ~nn n I e go dropped a 76-72 d cislon to the Internatlona1 Longshore- men's AAU team o! San Ped- • ro In the Kearny Iligh gym last night. several former UniverMty o! South(>rn Callfornl ('Dgers, put four men in double figures wit 1 ii-6 Bob Hampton lead- ing the way with 13 points. Ed Baran and Jim Flem- ing of USO match d Hamp- ton. C'fforts hut Jhl.' \ isl\ors gnth~rNI Jo 6'.! rPhourds to doM!nate the game. It wa: ii e 14th loss aga,nst 10 tri- Ul'lphs for the Pionee1 The JLWU 1iv<' boa ling

fw kend, 95-73, to the San Diego ' tar(n iFrlt!a,y nlghL and, 76-62, I to the Il.iV,'U Dockers Saturday night. USO' record I 0-H.

Pioneers to Cla With Cal Western

ason Play

ad For P


The go larine and Palomar mo ·t c-<'1 tain ::1-ll'tropolitan Con- :,;'orm Ostapin~ki 13. Guard . fc>rence champions since onl' fear! Smith bagged 18 for a qua s ai e or thrlr rrmaining fof's Is hap- Fresno. b k tb 11 d as e

c ll

ioneers, Cal Western Meet At Mission Bay T~c only neighborh?od riv- all three ,Prevlou game~. two air,> amon ity three season and a 77 ol deci.sion coll,•ge Ila '- th I t ,. a m s Dec, 9. Coach Bob Kloppen. (Om up fo A fourth renew. bur.:'s team, a strong contend- al t nl _h \\_hen Cal We ·tern et· for a berth In th ·AJA nnd lJruver 1ty o! San Diego e • cla h at • !Is ion Bay, start-/natlonal tournament, will be

0 e_ge J1ead1'1g

Fruno SI.

p Tsan Ole10 s~

· L.A. Harbor.

post-season IP


' '

, ' I "Hunfer 5 2 J 12 La•• l J 2 9 s10dny~ OO 2 O O'plnskl 2 o o • H"rlckson i r J 1 J

Thi' h.night~• Artllu1·




5 O 1 10 1 o o 2 , 3 3 15 J 2 J 1

At least one playl)r fro m bone) Williams should get an Crlm 1 on


like- add!'d start as a memhC'r of a Murray

San Diego Junior Coll g

l 1j

I\· will kc(>p shooting after the league all-star team whlrh Will f[;;~~los


Ji! 1 }~:s~

i~.Wlrme: 2 \~0;

oppose th<' R1mrgades in Bak-

sea on encts.


But San Diego State a n d Prsfi<'ld ~arch 3. llft~tl'd no pol t . Son Ditto SI. Fro,h u,1 ers soon °Wlll be hanging 'ein ,agmnst va.:le)' bringing h I s Elman Gl UniverJ

Crawford Hl1h

(41) r 1~ 5 g : 2, • I 61 • 13

f 11 Z'onfuss.


V l i

s , , 12 w1111,


USD 1'2J Madso'\ ~9 ~nor Robb s• Bara" Flem·n, r.:-~-;: • C. Wlc~I ToTch

2 2 2 t, :

, Furrow

G~ .. T lgi! •551 ( 4 2 12 s 2 3 Tl J y lf 1 ., , 1 S 1 1 2S 2' 117'

GFPT 0 f,

0 &oc1~e

241~ U l; Total, Go~ f 1 Trea,tor n; !1J:~~~:,ooc1 ~i~ 2 i 31 1: ~~r~::g~, i i o o 2 o Fuija!O 2 o? • 1 l O3 • Borees O 1 , 111211 41 ',l.:!: 1117 1! 1 112 i:01 Wtsltrn < 5 1) , , • c, l r 11

12~ 6Homo1on 5 1 0 1 Bloom 6 1 • J3 flo ne l 5~rar.d nt l J o h\~l'nasa 1 , 0 3 $alcldo 3 !

favored to win again.

Ing at 8 o'clock.

Cal principal problem will be checking 5-11 guard Jim Fleming, who al- ready has established a USD seasonal coring r e c O r d Fleming has accumulated 45j points, an average ot 19 . Sophomore !orward Ru s era. vens is clo~e behind with 430 point. The Point Loman , one of ~he leading de!en~ rn teams 111 the we o!!er capable li·:l, •orris Green- \Vestern's

The We~terners have won


26 10 u n

tJn"e ,r:ore· USO 36, ILWU .;,1.


k t 13

' • O'Connor





h I ran t e r wmn ng s rea Hirsch rappl'd in 27 p O I n t s and their o\'C'rall record to 30-3 against SDJC, evrn though hr Totals u 1, 11 o cf~~f;' ,o ?, 0 2l si wi_t~ an 82-72 conque t of sur- could play only about hall thP ,t•tmm• score: uso 21, Col w.. 1ern pnsmgly-tough Pa Io mar. gam<' brcau:e of a breathing MCRD (111 Polomor (72) Hall lo o • o


r l :9 11

1111, f.cb. 19, 19 I AN' Dl~CO., (ALIFORHIA r Top 53-48

1 Wolters


G7~ ,g Y


Gibbs ~ft\:~· g1~1r~n

.!\fCRD can claim thr \V ('st problem.

1~ g iii 5 g : CO?,,,;~( 1 , 1 ,o Pohlmann

·onl G1wnwood }Pd Cal

champion h!P tournament



and thP rlgh\ to compete m Westr.rn \\ !th 20 points, hitting

2 0' • o 1 1 1

THE SAN DIEGO UNION '--'b Q:- Fri.. elJ. 10, 1961 SAN DltGO, CALIFORNIA, epot, USD Clash l onight Iari11e Corps Recruit De- pot, n- u ual, is on another victory streak and tonight hope to make the Improved ·ruverslty oi San Diego Its 10th straight ba Ketball v t c- tlm. Tipoff Is chedul<'d at 8 o'clock In La Jolla Illgb gym. · Iuch to the Plone r di:- may, the L<'athernccks have a record o! 11 vlctorks and a single lo s (to San D l ego State\ with college cl u lJ s. , !CRD s overall record is 26-3. Even more impo. i'lg is tile fact that all the .Marine ·tart- 1 ers are hitting in d o u b 1 1 figure~. Joe Miller, a 6-5 center, heads the ::1-Iarlne wrecking crew with al6.6 a,·erage. For- ward u ·bbs and Ray ,va r a e 13.6 and 11.8 point a erag re pectivcly while gua1c! Darr<'ll P ell and Bob Cu right are listed at 1~ 3 and 12.9. l:SD, the local ti mabout club of 1961 ,ession, ha, , on three st t .a post<'d a ,-2 record since Jan. 6. EVENING TRIBUNE 2 SAN DIEGO, C-'LIFORNIA a• Friday, Feh. 10, 1961 X Mari For Gun o. 10 Marine Corps Recruit Depot . eks t'l extend its winning streak to 10 tonight when it engages University of San Di- ego at 8 in the La Jolla High gym. The :.'11arines· overall record is 26-3, including 11 wins over college opponents. USD has won three in a row and i 7-2 since Jan. 6, but the :Mannes ne,·ertheless will he favored, Joe Miller, 6-5 centc~, paces the . Iarines with a 16.6 average. 0

lglit of llwm in the Jina! 10 curfrloht the . WestrrnP1·s Corrloon as

thr All Manne


scorer wood, others.

'o' 4

ii' Ha\\ ii hy dcfc>at. minute

Feb. 2


came fl om hehind to po t thl'lr In 17 fourth victory ovrr USD in as soJc rul G F P TL.A. vau,v g~ ~~mrm.3VrJr~, ~~1.~0~~·~3, ¾, 1 ~J\1~

Johnson and


ng El Toro TUC' day. It was the fir ;t lo

Probable lineups: USO


, 2 o 10 Hl,och •


for Palomar 'fh<' San man\' gam<'


! 2 !



o • 1

CAL WESTIRN F Treaster (~.2"> F Grunwaod (6-2) c Jollruon (Ml G Cunn n;ham (5-11) G Fu'-ote fS-8) or TOkOhashl (5-1)

RD; ~ 0

ec'ntPr Joe llllcr h d

1 ~

I owevrr, al-

:11arcos school ready i a ur d

Crovtns M_adwn O Connor CH) ~1 ob•mb 11nv CS-/11 I'\ ns (5- 1) t6--1 (6-2


3! ,9 ~~;l~v 613 111s t.'/~g.,,.n 1 & ! 2 A Pre, ran 3511\i ,I t g J 1 ,

f r p



n1· w th 25


O. Fi;n;,v omar. I

ing th_c South C ntral Confer Bohhy Curt right got

tat• • Ia,.,_,,,c]l hit 27 for P

ence In the eight• ('11 Junior Collc>ge tournament. !or Colleg11, It~ chancc>s of ertterlng t h e same event now almost nil, outscor<'d L.A. \ alley. 86-78, in Los Angel s. In ·an Uiego, ~an Diego tntr dropp fur- San, Diego J

i~mfm/l,~~.1. 0 ~' ... :r:tto. 3 •

Dick J\taur au Mllected 17

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. tl Sat., Feb. 11, l!J61

MC DRomps,li Faces Calewo : Marine Corps Recru,, De- t pot's basketball team 1 slat- • ed to play Calewo tonight al Point Loma High after wal- I loping Un1verslty of San DI· ' ego, 95-73, last night at La , Jolla High. The victory over the Pio- neer, was the Iarines' 10th straight wil'J, and their 27th m 30 start~. Lou Gibbs scored 31 points and Joe Miller add- ed 21 in pacing the victory. Jim Fleming . cored 24 for USD, which now i~ 10-13 on the year. Summary: MCR D cmuso

ther behind Santa B CCAA pace b) ~quand 13-point l cl in the


to Fre


half and State, 64-60.

Th Aztecs will on strong Loyola lJniver~lty to- morrow night In Aztec Gym. SDJC now trails Baker field by two games with t, ·o to take

THE ShN DIEGO UNIOH 66 \\t'tl,. llrh. 2t, IO<;I JAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA i USD To Host 'Orange County soctial ta The san Ofe • o Union l'lJLLERTO, •, Ff.'h. :!l - L'ni, rrsity of San Oiegn's bas- k tball ho1ws to end it· losing ,lrrak h<'rC tomorrow night when it f'ngagrs Orange C'oun ty State- C'olicgc ln the Fullrr- ton Junior College gym. Tip- off is i,wt for 8 o'clock. This will he the next to last gam~ of the rcgula1· season fol' the Pionl'ers, who n o w ha\'e n rrrorcl o! 10-J :;. They lace Loyola in Los Angeles Friday night in the finale. USD has dropped its l a st three gamPs, to MCRD, Cal \Ve. tern and the Intcrnation. al Longshorcml'n's U n i o n. Team btatislics: G FG FT Reh. T? Avg, USO .. , • 25 69S 36'1 1320 1754 70.2 Opponents • 21~dfJi~u~2 1200 1778 71.0


Pioneers, MCRD Play UOP Gridders In Fall Univer lty of San Diego time for this 1or1!' ope, er. ard .!\farine Corps R(>crult A hon(> and-homr n::n•pp. De-pot ,, ere w addition~ to m<'rt \~as sl ned with" Pa- thr l'ni\crslt' of Pacific's 1e- clfk. The sf'Con an 1011 ced ,atcr. tcrday. The l\larines \\ ill m<'el Pa. Pacific. formerly known as cllic at Stockton. Oct. 21. College of the Pacific, will op-' The two local team W<'r" pose the Pioneers here Satu,•. added a!t<'r t 1c !;;to ktm, day afternoon Sept. 30, H<'V. 'school anrountrrl a d()-<'m- J. _Walshe , lurray, l'SD aU1- phasls pro gr a l) OJ1PNI lctic moderator, revealed. ltrom Pacific's o I in l ~late Fr. Murray said th<' Pio- were Kans as , t t Mar- neers hopNl lISD's new stadi- quctte, Hawaii, Villano~·a and um would be complet<'d ln Cincirnali.


Coach Dewe • J. CM 1 ft d Morrow approach s another baseball season with reason to he optimistic. The veteran University of Sar Die o coach expects the USD p ch ng rt to be the tronge t In the hool's hls- tOIJ. Three new pitchers, rlghthnnd rs Denny Shields and ke Heminger nd left- hander Terry tallard. will Join letterma'l Tom Goddard on the lab corps. Shields a 1960 graduate o! • t. Augustine High. Stal- lard was graduated from Po- mona Catholic last June and Heminger graduated ! r o m Central Catholic High In Fort Warne, Ind. Goddard was a winning pitcher !or Morrow last season. The 19-man squad Includes se\ en lettrrmen. Among re- turnees are Terry Lorenz, third baseman-pitcher: Dick ' 11 b u r, econd ba eman- p tcher Leyden, out- fielder: Jun ;Flor ,za, short- stop; John Holliday, out- fielder, and Dav Melton, out• fielder. 'I\vo newcomer who appear destined for ~tarting jobs are first baseman Guy elleek and catcher Wayne Ferris. The Pioneers open the ea- son Feb. 25 with a day double- header. Dally workouts tre held at Mike Morrow Field In Bn boa Park. USO has signed an agreement to play In Westgate Park agaln~t l.'CLA !arch 10, USC .March 11 and • ·otre Dame April 6.

G FG FT Reb. TP Avg, 2S 193 92 83 478 19 3 25 H4 107 17S 437 17.5 24 71 15 100 157 6 6 1~ ~: 1 ~ mu 19 s, 16 32 118 62 2f 42 33 105 l 7 5.1 1 37 8 66 82 7.4 2 19 16 21 54 2.6 6 5 7 7 17 2.8 9 A 7 18 15 1.7 A 5 3 l~ lJ 3,7 8 S 7 20 12 1.5

r:1emln;, Jim g, Crovcns, Run f, MOd~en, Olck t Robb111s, John g. Caputo, Tonv t. Boron, Ed g, O'Col"lnor, Mike c, Hi'ld~, Dove c. ~~~~r:!~1

al8 ( MCRD Rous USD, 95-73 Marine Corps Recruit De- pot's basketball team routed University of San Diego 95- i3. last n ght in the La Jolla gym, It wa. the :Marines' 10th straight victory and their 27th in 30 starts. Lou Gibbs, a 6-3 '.\Tarim• forward, po('.lped for 11 field goals and nine free throws for 31 points, !>·5 Joe , liller affording tine support with a 24-point output. Jim F l em i n g scored 24 points to pace the Pio(leers who uffrrrd their first lo~s in their last four ~tarts and now own a 10-13 record. The Ma . s led. 45-31, at halftime MCR D G F p'1~USD Gibbs 9 A Cr'tlftns Waters. 5 Madsen AdomSa 2 Cowto M"ller 24l·Hnds DIiiard 6 O'Connor Postrell 1 1 .c 3 Fleming Bratton 1 , :2 6 Robbins Curtright 2 4 , 10 (73) G F P T S 3 5 lJ 1 0 3 7 2 3 · 7 2 2 S O 3 I .t 7 6 12 5 2, 5 ( 3 1,

11ndent, Tl,undeyr Fth. 23, 11> 1

Teet r,n Pt n Set Loyola Clincher The l 'niversity of San Diego's off-again, on-again basketball team hopes to be more on than off when it ' travels to Los Angeles tomorrow night and ends the ]9fi0-61 season meeting Loyola 'Cniversity. Game time is 8 p.m. - . Both Loyola and USD Jost lsn·t expected to see action Fn- l important games last weekend. day night. USD lost It.I fourth straight Loyola coa,·h BIil Donovan baskel ball gami> to crosstown ha• ~RmPd Om.-r Simeon, a. riyal Cal Weolern Uruversity. 6-1 Junior, tr, rPplaee BPnto The' , after holdtng a In thA •tarting llnPup Frhlay


sec• I al lh<'

In Finale LOS A. 'GELES. Feb. Z3 -

lh<' Klop. po. •AI


Special to The Son Oleto Union


P Teal Wt


in second place in the WCAC


, i J 10 7 , O 20 H I 0 1 0 ? J 1 a g i

o 1 2 1 Trta ter ! H .u~n'.::'m 4 0 7 I Takoha i : ! 2 :C1~'' 3 1 l Greenwood I

The on-again, off-again Uni- title race. versit;" of San Diego ba~kel- ball team steps Into the Lion~• Diego State, 73-4i, in their den tomorrow night when it last encounter and unless they faces-tough Loyola Uni\·ersity ha\'e a romplete letdown, the in the latter's gym. Tipoff is Pioneers do not figure to han- set for 8 o'clock. die such scorers as Ed Bento, TI1is will be the regular sea, Jern· Grote and Tom Rvan. son finale for the Pioneers Bento, a 6-5 junior, has aver- who have a 10-16 record. aged li.5 points a game and Leading scorer Jim Flem- is the team's le ad in g re- lng and rn other seniors will bounder , be perfor Ing in their final uso • Po<. th Ed cravens (6-2) F game. Th o ers are Madsen (6-2! F Baran and Al Paderewski. ~ 1 ~~,.)."!tm Fleming, \\hO hails from Robbins (S-IOJ :; Lexingt01!, Ky., nce?s only six ~D~~lllams (6-1'] 0 ',; mor<' pomts to l11t the 500 Malhis 16·3',l F mark for the season. The 5-11, ~~;::,iv 1~ .. lt' ,) S 170-pound guard topped his Flanery Cl-9) G old school reco:d of 4.36 set last season. Loyola Krallman 16·31 Bento -5 Ryan 6-S Q·11nn (.S-10 Grote (6-4) Santa Monrca c~il BrendJng (6-7) Brosnan (S-10) Elsensfadt (5-9) The Lions disposed of San



,I Totals

0 "

24 15 2' 7l



th nugh most of the lly dropped a If fi

Halftime score----MCRO .cs, USO, 31.


J erry C:rnlP,


1 H

fiPCOnri dos• d

20 U 20 SJ

16 U ll 41 Total•


pleyrr nf th~ :vnr with a 12.4 aveiai.e. i• Ln;vnla·, Mcond Mst •ror~r. Center Tnm Ryan, a 6-6 •nlor, ,. "'v•r•g-eing 10.~ points per 11:am• •n'1 1, ••cnnd In !nrli- 1·irlual rehnunrls. •n outstanding per- f()rmAnr" h • GrotA tha hl"lpPd It WAI<


USD 27. Cal wutern

t:S~alttJme 1core

hut Wll• up ef Rf i;;aturctn~· night, 92-61, The lnsl! dump<>d

, t. ;Illar~·•

the 1 inn~ de(eal th• Pinnef' a taat ye•r 1n their nnly mN>ting with Loyola.

:nto ~econd place in the ~es Athletic ConferPnCP. The University of San Francisco, with a. 6-1 rccorrl, currently leads the confei-encl'. Last sea- Bon Lolola. tied with Santa Clara for the WCAC champion- ship, hut Ins~ th!' NCAA bid In a po,t-se.ason playoff. Loyola'll 1961 \\'{~AC cham- pionship phtna wer• also shat- tered weekend when lead ,n~ srn1n Fri FIPn 1 n. a 11-/\ jun• inr, suffered a brok en no•• dur- inr: a wnrkCJlJ( •Ren•n, \'Pr i:· ln.2' 17 pnint• pPr gam• ~ntl th• tea111'8 l•.arl1niz •hr,unM,-,

Russ Cravens, a 6-2 sopho- more forward, also topped the oM mark in his last game Loyola, one of the outstand. lr.g teams on the c~ast for the srcond straight season, is

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