News Scrapbook 1959-1962


EMPTY-About the only equipment in sight in thi~ laboratory at Uni- ver ·ity of San Diego is a static ma- chine Dr. Albert D. Wasel is demon-

strating for Mrs. Bernard Cunning- ham, board member of the univer- sity's auxiliary. Empty lab table shows need for more equipment. _ _ I

miere, and the Rev. l\Iartm ::\k.:\lanus, regent of the University of San Diego Law School. ;\Iay 17 premiere will help Jaw -chool get full accredita- tion by September.

VAC.\..~T SIIEL\'.ES-Pointing to va1·a11t law Lr,ok shelves that ill be filled by benefit prc>miPre of movie "The Gallant Hours" are Mrs. Philip J. l\Iorrison, wife of cochairman assis1in, the pre-


Benefit Premiere to Speed l,.9,)4t§S9~JJI Ace red itation The UnhPrsity ol San DiPgo othPl'S that wr h:W<' a good Harol1l Tebhets are <·ochair- 'Law SC'houl is aiming al full Ja\1 Sl'hool hPrr." men. AmPric-an Bar A ,oc ,,tlon ac- Thc rni\'l'l'Sity of San C,,mmltlel' membf'rs are ·crrd1lalio11 by :-;,.1,tPmher. Di,,go's L.iw Srhoul recPived PHtr-i,·k J. Enright, J.Iiehael And thr Rc1 AlfrPII F ac,.,.Prlilalion Parlicr this yrar Jhs c;,mzaln, JaC'k L. Oat- . _ . m~n. Quintin Whf>lan, How. Geimrr, rl i r" c Io r nf the from the Cal!Jorma Dai·. rd Dattan, Roy Fi11/g-1•rnld, school' law l,h, a1y, a Falh<'r Gi>imer, who was C. Hugh Friedman. Thomas oac, o! the things the school appointed director of the Ji. :\! or an, Charles Froehlich. needs Jar th! 1·reognia1nce 1 brary last month, holds a mas. 1 John Rhoades, Georgl' Mc- about 1,600 spedal la\\· books. tr.r of science degree from the Clenahan, James Mul\·aney, Part of the p,·or<'Pd from Catholic Univnsity at Wash- William F. Re<'d, !-toss Tharp, thP prrm!!'re of thr, mo le Jnglon, D.C. Ill' said much of Raymond P. CoadJ, and Su- "The Galla11I 11, t11·s" will bP his research was done at the pcrior JucJgps William !llR- us<'d to pu1 ch·, " soml' pl Library o! Cong-rPSS. hl'dy, Dean ShPITY, Bonsall tbf',e , 11 fo t 1c Jaw li · Ou1· goal is to bring ou1· Noon, and \'inc,:nt Whelan. br mm librar. up to a condition Tir·kl' for thl' JnPmirrl' ool;~ \\ here law i;tudents will ]}a\ e may b Jltlrcha •d at The.i.rle _ a fine <'f Prrner sysh·m hr,rp :\Iusie 9 , ta lev A dre\\ bl' Ma; 1, too. 'hi' .iid. sport gooos tore,, l'nion Title . ·. A commillN• of Sari Dit>go Co., anrl De ~'alco markets. w.r C:e1mr 1 m


WEAVER DUE "-.T PREMIERE,, "-f 1Je§rf&ll(lav1Z'}£~cd

J ego. Infant

player in " Hours," d he-re for the picture T .Fox Thrat r ,Tames Cagri


c'.entif1c depart- Sciences, said the university ments are looking for help to needs equipment for a second grow up. physics laboratory. And _the n:iain ~eed, say In addition, the university un(ver~ity _off1c1als, 1.· for sci. ':"'ou_ld like to purchase pro- entl!lc eqmpment. Jectton room equipment to }'llm to Rai e t· un,t, wp_p!ement the visits of sci- Pa,·t of the proceed~ from ent1 fie groups and guest lee- the premiere of the mO\ie turer-s. "'l'he Gallant Hours," .\fay 17 tudent Aid Seen at the Fo TheatPr II go for Wasel said such meetings the p11rcha e of equipment and lectures would give USO for the univer Hy's scientific students a wider experience instruction. in science. The premiere Is ponsored They said the university by the un1versit) aux111nry.' ne ds uch basic laboratory lt al o \\ill benl'!it the library In. tructlon equipment as a fund ard tudent Joan funds. Gelger counter, spectroscope cond Laborato and an electron microscope. ry A long-range plan at the ?r. Albert D: Wa: el: chai~-1 university cal1s for a com. man of the university s D1v1. puting laboratory w h f ch slon of Mat~e_matics, and Dr. would have desk calculators Richard Ph1ll1ps, chairma n of for the students, Wasel said. ACTS IN 1 GALLANT HOURS' 'Chester' Drops .J,Y L~,~.P,.~.~, Thc,'an Dicgo l.nion's Tlwater "rifer Dennis Weaver hlrs been he \\On many a point as a

est r and


Robert Mont omery, duccr-di•er·or, m tag cere- monies p cccdlni,: .the f1lrP. Tickets for the special i-howing, sponsored by the University of San D I c g o Auxi11ar), are av11-Ue,bl at the T h c a r l e Box ffice Prices are $1.50, $2.50, 5, and $10 !or spccial patrons tickets. Proceeds will aid various university projects. p


Hf> estimated that it the uni- 1 vers1ty had to pure-ha e all the\ books at rr•aH MSI, the bill would be about Hi,OO!t. "Whrnever we can rely on outs i d r> hPJp, in obtaining books such as thl'. ,,, \\ pre- fer it,'' said Father Gdmi\r. "It not only hf>lps u tremen- dously whPre we need it, but it brin s to the attl'ntion of

h i g h



walking with a stiff leg ard

flil!on" so long that he w c 1 comes

drawling "l\11'.


In 1948 the 6 foot 2 inch,

tried out

180-pound actor



or the United States Olym- pie team in the 10-event de• cathalon. He came in sixth in a field of 36, Bob l\lathias being one of the first three named to the team. Weaver has had pre,·ious opportunities to abandon his stiff-leg character in th e Playhouse 90 presentation, "Dungeon,' and on a Cli- max television play, "Burst o! Fire." \Vcaver \\ ;i.s a star high school and junior college athh;ite at Joplin, Mo., be- fore he joined the World War II Navy. After the war he enrolled as a GI B i I l stud1-nt at Oklahoma. * • • \\o>a,·er married the for tner Gf'raldine Stowe!] Oct. 10J5. and after complet- ing His education went to • w York Cily to st u d y drama wllh Lee Strasberg at J.jle Actor's Studio. In the spring of 1951 he replaced another actor in the role of a ja\' lin throw e r in ' Come ack, Little Sheba" 01;1 Broadway. He went on tour 'l'.ith the play a n d worked with the stars, Shir- ley B o o t h and S i d n e y Blackmer. He had met Shelly Win- ters at the Actor's Studio and she recommended him to her tud o, Universal-In- tcrn(llional. A. (l result, he wa placea under contract b t tile e ton many young a tQr , sueh a Rock Hud- son, Tony Curtis nd J rff Chandler, were al}earl of h m o he got only western 1 oli>S'. He secured a ,release be1:11use he !cared being t:l'p d as a cowboy actor. tcr that, Wearer !rl'e lcrnced and was in sue pi~tures as 'Dragnet," "Th• ilrldges of Toko-Ri," ''Ten "'anted l\Ten," "Se\'cn A,. gry Ien" and did a flock of plaJ s until th!' role ! Chester entered his I i 'f e. Aftet· that, he got just plan famous as the drawling • g. dragger.

tunlty to di •

w th the

pcnsc hoth


new motion P i c t ur c, "The Gal]ant Hours," with James Cag- ney as pro-

J\rend ducer - star and Robert l\lontgomcry as producer-director. have a West Coast premiere J\.Iav 17 at the Fox Theatl'r as ·a benl'- .m for th Univer.~lty of San Diego, sponsored by the uni- versity's women•~ au:,.,.iJi• ry. Ticket~ are on alc at earle's, Union Tit!r. Co. • nd Stanley Andrew i ·an Diego and 'tf'phen on's, a \"alenda Hotcl and La olla Beach and T,:, n r. 1 lub in the Horth shore area. The 1ilm gives Wea\'er a chance to dispel in the minds of the public what they _have come to belien, Is true- that he Is playing himself In television's "Gunsmoke" as the gimpy, nonc-too- brlght Chester, assistant to Marshal Matt Dillon. * * • Actually, \l'eaver'<1 phys- ical capabilities arc quite different from the illusion he has created through four srasons of "Gunsmoke." He was a track star at thf' Uni- versity of Oklahoma where The United Artist~ re- lease will

STA)lP OF APPROVAL-:\Irs. John D. Andrew the San Diego anglerette who took the Y ello\\1ail Derby lead and won the Boosters' Bonanza pot with a 34-pound, 8-ounce yellow caught at the Coro-

nado Islands yesterday from the Capt. Midnight has the weight of her winning fo,h checked by Father WiIIiam Spain, left, and Father J. W. Mur- ray. Both are Uniwrsity of San Diego officials.

OUTDOOR SCENE: HOT AND HEAVY Yellow Haul T~ps 2;000 By GEORGE HJ,;RRU:K had bounced back to $191 50 Others taking big yellows, EVENING TRIBUNE SPOrls Edllor after being cracked earlier although they didn't qualify, • ·o. 1 local fishing caper at S 2 , 152 · were Daisy Allen of Lyn- continues to be the hard- Mrs. Andrew used spin- hitting of yel1owtail. so par- ning tackle, 25-pound test wood, 19-14, and Norman don us if we bring it up once line and she required 45 Greenwald of Los Angeles, more. minutes to bring her catch 18-13. to the gaff. Tho~e noted ~crappers of B.RO\\"SING AROUND.• Besr single-boat catch at the Pacific were at it again th 1 1 d RPports of corvina fishm'g d e s an s was 302 by Hugh yester ay to give rod-and- L ti , Al 1 in the Salton Sea prov1·de a 1am s a 1mga. reelers another session of s o m e mighty interesl- hot-and-heavy angling. ::m~sion Bay Sportfishinl{ ing reading these days. Tun- For the third day in a row, Le 1ding's anglers ,wre· in ne) Williams, Brawley the take at the Coronado Is- the spotlight. too. sportsman, sRys the corvina lands went over the 1,000 On the tl1ree boats sent to ha,·en't bee,1 this active this mark. Iu tact. it reached the La Jolla kelp bed-. ti9 year. what with perfect 2,206, this being the f i r s t passengers caught 242 vel- weather conditions, meaning 2,000 fi,h da;> of the ~eason. lows and 287 bonito. T.h e no wind. Williams tells us yellowtail, howewr. didn't he and hls party knocked 'em The bigg-e,l new5 centered exceed 14 pounds. stiff Monday, the smallest around a San Diego angler- At the Coronados, ;'>.lission corvina goJng 12 pounds. ettl', Mrs. John D. Andrew Bay's Spitfire got into a hilt \Vhat made it really sporty of Pacific Beach, whose 34. )0t of action, its 25 pas- is that they took their fish pom1d, eight-ounce yellow sengers bagging 196 yl'llow- on spoon lures. caught off Wayne '.!\Illler's tail, including two qualifiers Upper Sweetwater River Capt. ~Iidnight at the Coro- for the Derby.

-Son .Diego Union Staff Photo i;ell Wilson, president of University of San Diego's College fol' Men. The , . grant will buy science equipment.

The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, left, accepts $5,000 grant from Ho~- ard P. Preish. Center is the Rev. Rus-

1cfrtiif t aC>f ls,ooo Presented To USD Thr University of San Di- ment for the university's di- ego_yesterday was presented vision of mathem 1. d a ~;.i,000 grnnt from the C.I.T. . a ics an Foundation, one of 15 award- natural sciences. ed nationwide by the founda- "The administration and tion to reward and encour- faculty are stimulated by this ag'.' rN'<'ntly accredited Jnsti-·grant. It will help u~ In 0 r tut1ons. · u The Most Rev. Charles F. effo~t lo provide a college ed- Buddy, bishop of the San Di- ucauon for the youth of ego Catholic Diocese and a1·ea, irrespective of crced president of thl' university, color and even financial abil'. accC>pted the grant from How- ity,'' he said. · Rrd P, Preish, ~istrict man- Equal matching funds, re. ager_ or the Umversal C.I.T. quired as a condition for ac- Ci c>d1t Corp. ceptance of the $- ooo • • Bishop Buddy said the mon- provided by the 'tn1 0 ; 1 .;ti~~ ey will be used to buy equip- une Charities.


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