News Scrapbook 1959-1962


EVENING T'll/BUNE \\ ed., Mar«-h 8, 1061 r====-=-R S ... General to Joli t U C, U LA on o·amond an Di go tem Jett 1mcn return from SAN DIEGO, CAL,,ORNIA • J\

EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Sat.. .:narch 11, 1901 b-3 Area Teams Win One·of 3 On Dianiond Thr. arra's collegiate base- ball trams could win only onr I deci ion In three gamei: yes- 1 terday. and that lone ,•ictory < wa• much too close for com- 1 fort. 1 San Diego State Coll!'ge , strugglrd for 13 inning before ' IL c-ould turn back Cal Poly at Pomona, 12-11. TPd Faris' single, which brought home \'ance Ga'.,!c. finally provided th!' margin of \'ictory. Unl\'erslty of San Diego dropped a 3-0 ,erdict to UCLA in Lo~ Angeles. and Cal Wc.-t- i

0 Take Spotlight r:oon at Presidio Hills <'Olll'SI' Ji1·0 Al Abrego

pion hip will b1• hrld Thu .sday a11d I• riday at t e Pa,atiempo country Club. :C:ac·h team ,ull be compo.ed of six players with the four top score counting Top Ii& play er will CJUalify !or th Ii al :lu holes ~o aetPrmine indlYldual hQnor Satur. day Thr .Aztecs' Hon O'Connor won the in• di, uni till<• last yrar. Runner-up w, Chuck Cou1 tnPy, No. 1 man on this ) ear' A,.tec t a-n, who wil: bP a top cont<'nclrr agam. O'Connor, two-time County Am11fo11r , h11111- p1on Is ssi. ting Scott this year I\ coach of the Aztecs' Jayvee ti am, which bl a )l k • d lr team mPmbrrs arc M ke Ko ,ch, Matt Ne! on, T<>n-y Hall, Gl<•nn lark<> and Gn';: Cn mpb<•ll. H's 1111! trr~l tin c t r Azt,•cs hav<> iil'lded a ja~, ct• goll a;;;irl!• 1;ation. JI 'II he "ki

B) PAUL CO It <:ullcge golf is In the area We<'k. 'nl\·ersltj" of San Diego plays ii

rl'ports. Th<'

potli;;ht 111''<1

J>ilch-nnd-putt cmn·!;c ill br closed during those> hour.- while the annual Tiny Tots tournament !~ held. Tijuana Country Oub formally ha· ap11Jipd for membership in the n<•w Soulhcrn Coun- 11,,, Golf Association Jnlernatlonal. The ap- pllC'atlon was r,,f<'n-rcl to tlw committee on l')igibllJty, rules nn

fir,t ln-

t match J\londay again~t Arizora a taff College at Hsslon Valley



Countr Cl b.

The P1onc rs' iour-man team !


junior, and 1r shmen

Lorenza, a

o! T John

hick, Frank Merhar nd Mike Coop- cr. !Ar nza al o is a pitcher-third ba m ..n 1or coach Mike Morrow's l SD ba cball team. Pro!c 10 ls at MVCC have helped the Pi- oneers get thei p gram started A full ~ch d i planned next year.

tt's rian Diei;o State Col• ve ;\londay for .Santa Crul I defend their Northern Califor- leglarn championship. Tliirt:-onc I

(. oa h


lc>gc g nia In school whe



ill compete. 'fhe Aztecs will play a \\armup match with Colorado Tuesday. The 36-hole team cham-

USD Golfers Win i d t

20 © Turs., . Iar. 21, 1961 a SAN DI EGO, CALIFORNIA DESANTIS USD GRID CAPTAIN Jim Desanti. , ·tar full- back on the University of San Diego· - ,·arsity foot- ball team, will be team captain for the 1961 sea- son. Desantis was chosen by returning USD play- ers. Desantis, son of Mr. a nd .\1rs. Nunzio DeSantis of Jamestown, N. Y., is a Junior at ~he College for Me~. He is majoring in busmes administration. Last football season De- Sa~t1s led the Pioneers in- dividual rushing with s,, 2 yards in 126 carries. He won the 1960 Gil Kulm Award as the outstan player. " Spring football practice at t_he c o 11 e g e begins Aprtl l2.


'un,, far. 19. 1961 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA p· oneers Nip P , 11-10 Jim Fiorenza's ninth inning triple drove John Baumg~r- ten home yesterday to ~tve thi• University of San Diego an 11-10 baseball decision over Whittier In the first of t w o •chr duled contests on the win- ner's diamond. The s e eon d game was called after three innings on account of dark-

1'I mrn

Co lege Res ts

Russ Crav ns pro- uson' only note• v.01thy accomplishments Flem- Ing and Crav4'ns t live Ind!• ,tdu I a orlng records an,I

U DBaseball Team osts [ Powerful U C ,Univ<'rsity of San Diego's action tomorrow at Westgatl' t • Park to l'nt<'rtain Univrrsit) o! South<'rn California'~ pow rrful Trojans. Garn<' tim<' i• 3 p.m. The Pionr<•rs will takP a :i., r,ecord into t!,e game again . 1 ! w prr<>nniall~ ,;tro 11 ,., Tro. ;ans. " Dick Wilbur, '<<>eoiHI ba ·e- ,, 'C Pion<'ers return to ha eball b4 u 11

iHE " fl DIEGO UHION d 14 s ~hnr.s., 'Inr.~3. l!Jr,1 AN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Wilbur's .321 Average Leads Pioneer Nine Second baseman Dick Wil- bt1r 1;ad University of San J:?iego s baseball team in hit- t1~g aft r 1X games with a .321 average. The Pioneers, with a 3 . 3 le• cord, do not play again until larch 29 \ hen they go agains1 Sou\hr•~n California. the na- tion 8 • o. 1 ranked co 11 e g e team, at Westgate Park. Player HITTING ~- Heminger, p A: R3 Hi RBI Avt. ' . Hemlnger, c 3 1 0 2 .500 WIibur. 2b-p 28 9 6 0 .JJJ ¥oumgorten, lf-c 2l 7 6 2 3 .321 FhOll)PSon, c1 27 9 4 O f .304 Li~~~ll.clb } 4 4 2 j 2 Fiorenza, u 2 j ; l 3 .261 Hollldoy~lf-3b !0 2 1 j ,117 lormz, -p 2 2 4 3 1 .200 Selloci<, b 7 l 2 7 182 GOddord, P·rf lS l 2 f .143 Melton, rt 19 1 1 o 8 .067 Meis,_ 2b l 0 0 053 Martinez, rt 2 0 0 0 0 Totals 217 .w 36 10 30 PITCHING '4 ,'/\. Heminger IP W L 88 SO H R ER Wilbur 1 #v, l b J 1 l !f 1 8 ' t~:io:d 22lJJ 1 1 9 15 23 23 Jg -'----~•-o l S S 7 9 8

forts account. R total team




' M points ag Inst


aval Tra nlng 23 surpassed

th~ San DI go C' nt r on D c

lt?,. of ~an D,eJo's

man-pitcher, Jracls It \,n~ a succc'ss yes-, neer. wiU 1 the bat with a 321 ~ 1 _.('a}. Thr Pion<'crs downed m:i,rk. Trrry Lon•nz, pikhn- ~:~o~a ~tat<' o!. Flagstaff, tlurd basPman. I· the club's l;J 0 ·2 !:, rn the fll'st match leading RBI produc<>r \\ ith cv<'r played by a USD team. srven. Freshman John Babick shot .Tt 0 h1!1 Goddard has been the a two-oYer-par 71 over the P 1 c mg workhorse with a 1 1 . . record in the ,, 2 • • • lliission Vallev Country Club , . ' 3 llllllng~ • ' h<> s p1tch<'d. comse to lnacl th~ Pioneers. Plover Ab . Inc lll ' .. Mike Heminger" P h rb1 avqi. \. lS. Pat Heminger 'c i 2 ~O'l John £ob ck t o Kif Ch Dick. WIibur 2b g 28 9 0 .~33 ~...C ; Fro ,k l'~erhcr SO!. d' ~ci GDflter, 1,;>hnTBoumg'arten. Jf~c 23 7 1 ·?61 3·0; Ml

set by


33 • pol

th L

agalMt P d na Col• bruary 7, 1957. Cravens t records for tho most

un.• M



e (15)

In on





nd the mo t fr In on R~a1on {109).

USC Tops USD Wi h 6-Run 6 h LOS A. 'GEL;: ern Call!ornla rallled for six runs in the sixth inning to break up a close ball game and bury University ot San Tom Satrlano le big inning '1.ith a o!t Terry Lorenz, a teammate at Los Loyola High. Jim Shr Ron Stillwell also horn for the Trojans. USO Olt 12 2 Fe~~f:~rwtG~dor~~'~;e,Wi~~~ ~?th~~ WoHe (6) and Boch. eto-1 J O oo,-• use 201 ON Diego, .9•1.

455 points 16 9 nom



e r.

f r

rcr gam,. Crnverui t,ammates In rebounds with 1!11; 6-10 s?homore guard John Robb s WM second with 1:11. I e d his



Son D CG «.) 20, ac, 00x-J 12 , ~~t-,.,? _Oodard r6J, WI bur (6) and F~- .s Him 1l9er" .(6 • Witf"ltf~ Vloli' <,), a-,k.h,:mmer U J and Bac.h, N llis {7 F •

An- last ntil

8~~.,~rosn ~l? ,~ l Rvan and Leonard . Dixon, ThOmU U), Kane JJ and HUdel!on At Toe.son: Peppe,rd1ne, 6; Arizona, _. (10 lnnlngsJ. 2 Wlnburv, C•,.los (6) and Our•n • Mc• 1 Hancuter and Hollis; Hvm111. Thom• son (6), Pane 'lO (I) aod Lister. LA PACIFIC TOt:B."Al\lEXT CONSOLATION CHAMPIONSHIP tmperia, Ve ev, 6: LA Pact c, J CHAMPIONSHIP /Z/ Cusker end Cal"l"pos. k~ 9of:,M:~t:S

Pri .. ~lar. 1-:', 1901 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA TH:: SAil DIEGO UlllOtl Pioneer Nine Hosts P p erdine Today e 1ty of San Diego's baseball team, beaten by use and UCLA la ·t week, steps down in class but only slightly here toda when it engaged Pepperdine College at lllike Morrow Field at 2 p.m.

ackle "'N· 1nes

Pioneers o UCLA, US


' Notre Dai Higl1lig ts USD Baseball Sched11le The Un1vel's1ty of Notre 1 1s the starti·n• t J n ., ca c 1er !or a 1 11c head~ the h t of J4 base- Notre Dame. ball gamzs to be p!aycd bv the On Wednesday, April 5, Cai University of San Diego i~ the w t es crn and USD meet at 2 ·otre Dame p.m. at R bb Field in Ocean Thursday, April 6, al We~tgate Beach. This is the second mee-t- m. This is the fir,t ing of the two local teams this r;;,f !he two Catholic season. USO beat the W&ter.n- m athletic competi- ers last Mar,h 8, 8-6 in c-ver- next 18 days. USD meets Par a meet c_ollege

The Univ t f San Dle"o's varsity baseball team travels I to Los Angele Uu.e weekend for with the University of Call!ornla a.t Loe Angele• and tha Univem,ty of Southern California. USD rneeU UCLA Friday at 3 p.m. at Spaulding Fielod on the UCLA campus In West-~ wood. The Pioneers meet USC and Ken Yaryan (6-3). usc·s Saturday morning at 10 a.m. at infield is outstanding \\ith Bovard 1''leld on the USC w,n,e Ryan, leading hitter last ca.mpus. t UCLA fin~hed In the Cali• season with a .350 average, a tom Intercollegiate Baseball first b e Steve Bach ( .237) at A oclation cellar last season s ·ond, Ron Still well (.278! at with a 4 • 12 conference record. shortstop and Tom Satnano coach Art Relchle's team had a (.318), named to the second All- somewhat better 18-20 overs.II Am can team !a•t year as a record. • .sophomore at third base. UCLA expect. to field a. Outfielders Art E rs e Pk e t t t ~•- ua•on 13 26) Bob Li,;ngston (.314) ronger earn "'" "" ., . · • Reichle has a top center fleldtr and Mickey 'McN~mee (.282) :;~ In Tebbl• Fowl~r. Fowler hit marle the 1960 • CAA all-to .326 last season and wall the nament team. . . ' only Bruin n1tm•d to the all• The University of San Diego s CIBA team. Top returning opening day stage fright and a Bruin pitcher I How rd Col• strong pitching performance by !ms (4-R, 1 94 ERA). Marine p·tcher Bob Small\~ood Th.. untver lty of SoutheTD combined to help the San Diego California could field one of the :Marines de!~&t CSD. 8-5, last strongest te m in th sel'ool'~ week. The Pioneers Jost 2-0 and hlstor th! fteason. coach Rod 4.3 leads before the M~rlne! Dedeaux, 1958 eollrge baseball finally pulled ah wi!hhth co1trh or the y ar, has had only thr_ e-run rally e e g on lo ng eason in 13 vears as Inning. U (' h nd CO(l.(h, and under his Second baseman Dick Wilbur leadenhip the Trojans have newly elected team captain, had won 10 straight CIBA cham· 1 two alngl•s in five times at bat. I hi freshman center fielder Jim p ons ps. h d · le and a Fourte n lettenn•n return Thompson n a ~mg from I· t eMon's turn. 'I'he triple in four tlmet1 at bat, first TroJ ft h d an overall .(4-16 h11seman Tim Leyden had a I 1 t n an/1 ftnls:1ed tripl an l two-run home nm c~~d ational <'Olltglate an hort•top Jim Florenza had tourna n Ol!lng to lmne• a t\\ o-run home run In four ota tn xtr Innings In the times at bat. ch mnlon hip game. R ght hander Tom_C°<:dard, u c hu ll stron,: pitching 7-3 as a freshman pitrhe. last st rr 1 hy y rry Hankammer sea on, only allowed two earned ( 4.0 In 11l60,' Marcel Lac he• runs. The Pioneers committed I mann t3-:i Jim Withers (11-6)

Pepperdine last season won 29 of 41 games to rank as t:le top mafor independent on the West Coast. The Wave ·were the at-large representatives in the NCA,\ District Eight play- ,of!s but w r eliminated by use. . The game today will be the !1r t of three weekend engage. ments for the Pioneers_ They oppose Whittler College in al doubleheader at 1 p.m. to- m o r r o w at Kearny High school. USD is 1-3 for the season I after bowing to t.:CLA, 3-0 and 1 to use, n-1. · Athlet!c coordinator n O b S<'xton announct•d that USD had relea cd UCLA from its contract to play th Pioneers .\farch 25. UC4'\ and use completed negotlittto last week to play th<> fir t nation- ally-tele, ised game In col- lege baseball history o, that date. Ci' Sat.. :\Jar. l l. 1961 ~N _DIE.llJl...CALIFORNIA Fowler Drives In 2; UCLA Tops USD, 3.,0 Special Jo The San DING UU:olt WES'nVOOD, Mar Tebbie Fowler drove I runs today to give LA a 3-0 baseball victory on•r the Univers;ty of San Dirgo. ThP Pioneers travel to Bo- \ ard Field tomorrow morning to play a single game at 10 :30 against the University of SouU1ern California. U SD 000 000 000-ll 3 3 UCLA 000 JOO 20x-3 8 2 a~dv~c~Ji1~:• (';,' 11 g~~ t?,L~~~. Serrls;


SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA Q ~at., March 18, 1961 /Baumgarten Paces USD HomerAttack Outfielder John Baumgart- en Jed University of San Di- ego's power parade yester- day as the Pioneers buried Pepperdine with a six-home- run assault, 11-6, at Mike Morrow Field. The Pioneers were to en- tertain Whittier In a twin bill today, which Pepperdine was scheduled for a doublheader with San Diego State College on the Aztec diamond. Baumgarten hit two round- trippers, while Terry Lorenz Dick Wilbur, Wayne Ferri~ and Tom G o d d a r d e ch smacked one. Lorenz' came with the ba Score: ~~'iferdint •. 100 22l 000- , , 0 Votes, MOOi-e ·(7) · 0 p 0;g~yJ1 JO :~'tn:"-'llbur (7) ond Ferris, p, Hemi~-

USO Batters Waves, 1 -6 Uni er,ity ot n Diego smashed six home runs, two by left fielder John Baumgar- tPn, as the Pioneer· deleated Pepperdine's Wa,·es. 11-6. at :Mike .\lorrow Field yesteHla). U D will meet Whittier Col- lege in a doublheader today beginning at noon with the game now sclieduled for the same :Morrow fiPld. Baumgart!'n hit his circuit blows in the sixth inning with the bases Pmpty and in the seventh with a ma aboard. Third baseman Te cy Lorenz socked a grand-slam homer in the third. Dick Wilbur hit onP In the fifth with the sack., empty and Wayne Ferris and pitcher Tom Godda rd joined Baumgarten w i t h o r, e-run homerli m the lxt"i.



The USD-Notre Dam:? game come~ near the end of the Fighllng's west coast Easter tour, which rndudes games with lhe University of California.. USC. UCLA, Loyo- la ~nivers1ty and Ualver.sily of Anzona. Notre Dame will u ·e 18 plav• ers. from last year•~ t~ain •h1ch lost to Minnesota 6-15 in the District Four NCAA '.ournament. Under the coach- ing of Jake Kline, Notre Dame won 19 games and Jost seven n !9GO. Two seniors, Nick Palihnich and Jack :\litche)I, both i·ight• handers, head the Insh pitch- mg staff. Last year Palihmch won &ix gantos and to-t two 311d Mltchel! won four and Jost two. Team c·aptam fur Notre Dame 1s Jack Gentcmpo, .cc• oncl basl'man. yi:-ar Gen- t~mpo !,ed the t.<'am m hittmg . ,\11th .3o3 36 hits ln 94 times at bat ;\Valt o~good 'a/ c- tt1n with 12 hil in a! bal fo, a .Jl6 av- erage ,guod a mur from St. A hon lli gn, eng Beach

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