News Scrapbook 1959-1962
EVENING TRIBUNE 4 SAN GO CAU~OR,.IA • 'I h11M<,, ~I r. " I Ill I'
NIGH Irish End With
Notn> Dame UnlvHsity nea Is the Pnd of a J o n g \ e t op. ba eball tour ton h.t at 11.J!:aln t l ni\'l'r- stty of San Diego at West- gatP Park. Escaping the l·old of ear- ly spring in 1hP lid, est, the Irish ha,·e made Ji k e wandering minstrels. pla)- ing games in San FranC"isro, 1 Frt>sno. , arramento, Fallon, Ni-v., Los Angeles and Long Beach. Coach Mike Morrow's Pi- onens will ha,·e to snip a two-game winning streak if the) re to triumph tonight. The Irish last night won a se~ond game In a row in Long BPach, b atmg Loyola niver. Ity, -0, on P a u 1 Pietuck" one-hitter. ' ·n, on the oth r hand, dropped a dec1 lo ) r.ster- da,, losing to Cal "estern, 4-3, at Rohb Field. Geo1ge Bjorn t11d'~ squepzp bunt in thf' bottom o! the 10th In- ning !etched Joe \\'elch from third ,, ith thP \\'e t- ern,.rs' winrmg run. Frank Shubert, thP We teme ' ace, recei\'ed the He had relieved In the .!'ixth inning. The Pioneer ' • ILke Hem- inger, who had beaten Cal Western a month earlier, receipted for the loss. After tonight's date with the South Bend, Ind., ath- letic power, the Pioneers head for a Saturday double- header at Morrow F i e 1 d with Cal Poly of Pomona. Catcher Walt Osgood, who played !or St. Anthony's High in Long Beach, is one o! N o t r e Dame' chie[ threats In the contest in the San Diego Padre.' Pacific Coast League park. He's
. ,OTIH'. I> n. SU G
hargers' Keyes Confident Of M king rade in AFL
IBI H '.\IOUNDS'.\IAN J\IIKE BRENNAN '.\lakes Westgate Park appearance tonight
-- -
considered a major league prospect InfieldPr Jack Gentempo, the Irish tf'am <'aptain, will be on hand tonight. too. He
la t war, Ad- l. Ye,ter-
mission will he day's core: USO
200 100 000 0-3 , 3
Col Western 300 000 000 1---t f S M. Heminger ond P. Heminger; Leaf, Shubert (6J ond Welch
U lasts Azusa, 25-6
TH SOUTH N CROSS, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1961 Pioneer Nine Due To Face Troians M1d-semeater examinations, perhap~ the toughest opponent on the , ar• t • baseball schedule, la the center of attention at the Unlve t31 of San Diego this week. The College for Men exam~ are scheduled for March 20-23. The va.rmty baseball team re~umes action \Yedne.sday afternoon,
a- aid
---==:...._~=--- - -.l
March 29, against the Univer- sity of Southern California al l Westgate Park. The Pioneers e, ened the 1961 record at 3-3 last weekend \\ith victories over Pepperdine Col- lege last Friday, 11-6. and Whittier College on Saturday, 11-10. USD slammed six home runs and Pepperdlne got two in Fri- day's meeting. Terry Lorenz. Tom Goddard, Wayne Ferris and Dkk \ "ilbur each got home runs. Lorenz' came with the ba es loaded in the third inning. Freshman John Baumgarten hit two home runs and picked up three RBI's. Bob Williama and Glenn Wedel o! Pepperdinc each hit home runs anri shared five of Pepperdine's, nine h't:,. Right hander Gcddard struck out SlX 1n ~,x innings and received credit for the win. USD and \\11lttier each got' 12 hits in the first game of a ~cheduled doubleheader JasL Saturday at wind-blown for- row Field, but a triple by Jim Fiorenza JO th., bottom half of the ninth inning brought Baum- garten home \\ith the winning run. The ~cond game was halted by the umpires after three and a ha!( mnmgs be- cause of darkne . \Vhlttier had a 3-0 lead when the recond game 'll8 atoppeg. Second b • lbur got five hits in 10 1pe at b/!,t., in the two gam and boo tedhi~ averag~ to 11.21, h ght g the USD starters. Baumgarten 1s second with .304.
RCH 30, 196\ Pioneers Set Busy Card On Diamond 'L'nl\'eraily of •• o tr e Dame heads the U.,t of H base- ball games to be played by the University of San Diego JO 1 he next 18 day . USO meetJ; ·otre Dame al 8 p.m, Thursday, April 6, at W tgate Park This 18 the .first meeting of the two Catho- aic college • ln athletic com- petition, The USO-. ·otre Dame game comes near the Cl)d of the htlng lrish'.11 w t c o a st to u r, which Include ;;ames :v.,th the Unlfer It~· o! Cali- !omla, U S C, UCLA Loyola Uruver ity, and the University o! Artzonti. • ·otre Dame w,11 use 18 play- ers from year·• team which lost to Minnel!ola, 6-15, In the District Four ~CAA touma • ment. Undet the coaching or Jake Kline, • •otre Dame won 19 games and lost seven in 1960. On Wednesday April 5 Cal Western University and USD n,eet at 2 p.m. at Robb Field ·n Ocean Beach. Tlus is the econd me ting ot the two local learns thi• sea.!'on. U D beat the \Vestemers last :March 8. 8 • 6 m extra Innings, USD med.!! Cal Poly /Po• mona) on Saturday, April 8, at Morrow Field In Balboa Park m a double-header. The first gam" begins 11t l p.m. Cal Poly has a record of aev~n w,ns and threP lo•s •· Last year U D lost Lo Cal Poly, 1-9. Cal Poly·• leading hitter is third baseman MI k e Kettle, v.ith 16 hits in 38 tines at bat an average or .i2l. Top pltchen 111·~ Ken RobinROn and Darrel Clark. Ea.en hu two The
The cal<'ndar says it Is base- who . ucc ed apt. Hans Ja- bali s~ason but footballs will cobsen at thp hPlm of th~ DC'V- fill the air today at :\1:arine ildogs. Harris ii:; a \"l'tPran Corps Recruit Depot as both mPntor with thP llawaiian '.\la-· :VICRD and University of San rines where his teams won !· Diego open spring workouts. , three service titks whilP win- ' USO drill at 2:30 p.m., ning ~4 games and losing 10. at t pot Transportati n Harris plan. o install the Ar a In Ide the Bam t w· g-T or a1·on with man- Str t •"· The Marin!'s 11 in mou for ll:w MCRD club b ru l 1.30 p.m., ai Hall which won eight of 10 games Field last season. It lost to USD, :M RD will be beginning 0 -p. 21-20, n~nd , to Quantico Ma- / erations under new c o a c h rine , -6, m the Leath<'rn!'ck Maj. Allen S. (R<'otty) Harris Bowl. THE DIEGO UNI N WPd.,AprilJ0,1961 t) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA b7 Thr<'<' Quantico players are s,•hedulPd to report among the 50 to 60 candidates today,
";ns and two losse,. Robin,ion has sLruck out 28 ba tt'r 22 inr.'ngs and has an earned run average of 2. 79. ------
Pioneer I e F ces Wave Specla1 to Tht S11n Oie,O Un on LOS ANGELE~. Auril ]. - BUS\' l'nh·etsity of San Diego p]a{s its fourth baseball game in °{iH• days herC' tomorrow when thP Pionee1· · squa r<' o{f against PPpperdirw College's Wa\'f•: at.\ p.m USO defPat~d th \\'a,·e,- 11-6, earlier this season in San Diego and hopl"s to add another ,·irtory to Its ;;.~ rPc- ord tomot-ro\\. Coa,·h !11ike )forrow's•squad con ti nuecl J1orth on Saturday to ,,,, ge the Pt. . 1a~•1 'a• \'al ,\11· • tion nine at 1 p.m .. at -n Id and thPn 1.<'nt n.· TO Lo AngPles on "undar to ha ttl~ Loyola l 11 2 p.m
They i n c 1 u d e iuarterback Tom Maudlin, end Marshall Hollingshead and center John Yohn, The arine. open a 10-game srheduh• agaifll,"t University of Mexico on Sept, 16 at Aztec Bowl. Coach Miki- P!'carov1eh is expectPd to welcom<' ahout 35 players as the rso Pioneers begin tlwir 20 practice ses- siom; over a 36-day period. USD compiled a 4-5-1 rt>cord last year highlighted by the upsel over MCRD. Pecarovich has only two ri-gulars missing from last year's squad but they are big on!'S captain and ta C k I e Wayne Bourque and quarter- back Jan Chapman.
ton's Trip le Paces USO Win Sotclal lo T Ian 0 OX, RD, prll Gode.lard scattered tod y t the of n De o 11 ov r Point lugu fann d eight. U D Pt Mu•u Goddard $hlltQhero Un"'"
Tom nine hits Universil} victory G rd
Halfback Pat Heminger and frosh quarterback N e I s o n -----~ ~----:...-'.....,--, Murphy ar<' being groomrd as U 7 rt>plaeements for Chapman at lnS, -4 the signal-calling post. 1 • . Re.,'1.tlars r!'tuming include ru ei: lty of San Dwgo eol t"nds Mlk<' McDevltt and Jim I<' t ·d mne,hits and a 7-4 vie- Ga bricl, tackl Gray Elliott, tor~· o~l'r I h bPac on the l~t. guards Wally .Joos and Mike tl'r s diamond_ yesterday ~1th Gurrola, center Jim O'Leary, two three-run mmngs. halfbacks Joe Locschnig and Dave Melton, John Baum- Joe Gray and fullback a,nd gartnrr and Jim Fiorenza captain Jim Desantis, f'our each had two hits and Dick tei-n oth<'r lettermen will br Wilbur hom<'red to l<'ad thl' shootini-: to n'Jc>lacc• thrs,, r<'g, Pion<'Prs to an "''"n R-8 rc•cord ulars. tor th<' s( r, on. USD plays at D<'Santi • was the club's Cosla Me~a Frida. and hosts ]Pading ground gainer last Ari;wna State of 'f<'mp<' Sat- season with :J3:.! yards in 12fi urday at IilH Monow Fi,•ld. <"arri<'S fo1· an av<>rag<' of 4.2 ~~.~Pa m l\'& : l )~r:ds p~r try. •~.,, ~nn,n~s bv Oijreem,ntl I lw I'IOllt'ers OP<'ll thl' cam- G '.% .. (!1° 1 ~~! i:Jtm.~~?n"e';:: 0 "Fei~I. pnign al Whlttil'l' Co 11 (' g e I ~h:. Kellstrom. Wiliiams (.ti and Mur• ff pt 16~
Pepperdine Rip3 USO Nine,20-1 S~c ol Iii Cfiego U n,on I ' LF "''-'WJ:.~•Apiil 11. Pl"pperdmC''S Wavr la~hl'd t:niH"rsit.1 of San Di ;::o's Pio- nPer·~ ,,·ith 13 hits and a 20-1 ha.•cball Yictory here today. Four Pioneer pi cher faced the on~I u it ,PcppC'rdinl' core • Inning it hatted ~~!'perdint ' :n !r=J 1l I .,M 11 b. Heminoer, Sheilds {,O, s,o,lara (6J v-, ur U) and Ferris, Bum;arten {3 , (6); Craig, Anderson ( )
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