News Scrapbook 1959-1962
uggers Game
-Cal Western Set Grid Date Aztec In Fino
USD Nine Faces Two Tough Foes The Unlverllity o! Rtdlan and Loyola Unive ity will give the Univen1lty of S &n Diego bMeball team tough tests th! • weekend at Morrow Field. Red• lands and USD play Saturday at 1 p.m.. and Loyola and USD play Sunday at 2 p.m. USD and Redlands have nol met In baseball this sea on . LMt aeuon the schools mel once, and USD won, 11·4. Southern Callfomla Int~rcolleglale Alh· letic Conference. The J3ull PiQneer Cage Award Won By Robbins iI'h ore John Robµ ll8 WU the outstanding player 960-61 aeuon at the nlnr111ty of San Diego's fifth nnual ba k tba.11 awards ban· qut>t Sunday night. Robbins won the Larry Sul- llvan award, glven annually to 1 USD's oulJ!tandlng var I l t y basketball player. Nine of Robbins' teammates a. 1 s o recelved special recog • nltlon. Robbin,, & mu.~cular II • 9 guard, scored HS point.a in 215 games and flnl11.hed second In rebounds with 1157. Sophomore Ru.~• Cravens, 6-3, led ln Ind!• vldual rPbounda with 1!ll. - Pioneers Blank SC College, 5-0 Robbins transferred to th• earn d-nm-average of 1.54. In Univer~ly of San Diego from 1960 he was named to th all• JTrlnidad Slate (Colo.) Junior SCIAC team College, wh re he lettered In Last l:"rlday th• 'vanity basketbnll and football. beat Southern Calif r & ol• St>nlor Jim Fleming and lt'ge, 11-0. Freshman pilc·her sophomore Charles 'Wical won o~nnls h Ids pitch d a one• the 1960-61 co-c&ptaln 11.wards. hit gam a g a 1 n st Southern Fleming set scoring records Callfornla. for the most points In one sea• Plone r CQ I\ .'Mike Morrow ~on 1506) and the best scoring Ii 1.8 t~nta Ive starters !or thl~ average In one se1tSon (]8.7). WPekcnd's Uon a Wayne Fleming- su1-p1U1sed his own 436 Ferris. calch<'r, I.eyMn, point scoring record for 28 fir t b· ·e; D ck lbtlr, a~c- gam,s, whkh hi, set last II.Pit· ond base; Jim Fioren1.1t, abort• on. 11-nd hi 18.7 e,vel'llge aur- 11top; T rry Lorenz, third ba r.; pll • d the 16.9 av"ra e t by ohn B u gart n, left fir.Id; USD coach Ken ~11.lle tor 25 Im Thomp on, ce"lt r fl<'ld; games In 19, 7 d Dave 1 !ton rl ht field, Players ho ore 'it v r tty letter11 w r d , Tony I Caputo. C , ave Hlnd11., Dick ,Jp l,'lJn, J hn Rob• bins Bob Tr!U' i!nd Art Wlcal. SA~ DIEGO, -CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 196 1 me estern, \ p \ Bob Farrell, Aztec Rugh po e a combinC'd Univi'rsit of San Diego and a e:n Cal w t Ba eball th!~ wcekC'nd v.ill California We pit SDSC agair,t San Fer- today signrd a o foot a 1 f a m match tomorrow aflemoon at game Cali[ornla Collegiate Thanksg1vmg, Day._ Nov. 23,\ 3 in Aztec Bowl to launch a Athletic A ·ociation ~eries In San D go. The site v.lll be busy, four-dav schedule f O r on the Aztec diamond Friday announced later. · and SaturdaY The announct·ment \\ as Sa D go tate College ath· The Aztec· tennis team ,,ill made jointly by Rev. J. Walsh\ l play at Long Beach State Fri- Murray, USD director u! ath• ame, ,a benefi for day· the golfers haYe a dual letics, and A~ Lewis, Cal est• l ty. ervl e,, II match with UCLA_ at La Jolla \ern athletic direc-to:. one- a k t e f al appearnnc In ountr cub Friday; some year contract was ·1gn A of !ck ris of th men will c o m- The game, th<' first football who r cently was named to pct nual H San meeting betwPen the t w o the Sout11ern California rug- Antonio ays Friday n d school , will start at 11 a.m. by all- tars along with team- Saturday, and the fir ·t annual \and be P 1 a Ye d under the mates Bob Johnson and Bob\Aztcc Rowing Regatta w i 11 • 'CAA' free-substitution rulP. Whitebread. be held In San Diego Bay Sat- The game rounds out USD's The SDSC football team. urday. 10-game ·chcdule for next which is in its final week of' There will be eight-oared \all. Included on the slate tor spring practice, ,,ill drill in ewnts for freshman, junior the first time also is San Aztec Bowl tomorrow night at , ar itr and ,·arsity crews. Diego , t:i !' College. Thi' Az- 7. A red-Black intrasquad ·sc. Long Beach State and tees and Pioneers will clash gam 11 be played Saturday SDSC will ,ie in the varsity Nov. 18 in Aztec Bowl. Cali t race: Orange! Coast State also We tern also ha signed to receding the grid cont t will hc- repr ented in the fresh· meet the Aztecs. w,11 be a ehnic pre ·entcd by man and ja ·cee competition. b-8 a D I e go State College A champion ·hip whale boat nivr.r ·ity cs an_ r ct to of San Diego rn a charity nando Valley State In a three- meet in__a d l' 1 n er.. It n l' eup Takes ad , 1- S'-N DIIGO C'-LIFORNII> Thur., prll 20, 1061 i,· EVENING TRIBUNE b-8 Racing SPORTS G 1d Drills Open f Two lubs EVENING TRIBUNE $AN DIEGO CALIFORNIA ,1011., :IIay 15, t!Wl X _ SPO TS Gene The M ). llen hnrl 25 cand dat llnll Field, In u back Tom , f udll • Naval two b tween oc!ation. There race aoaches' A v.,11 be EC USD lums Beat 'Youngsters~' 14-8 'ou c-ouldn'l hlame l' · ,. \'er~ity of • an Diego foot~~:j u~1~;~s roach M kt> p, carovich 11 h · · from 8 a.m Training CentC'r crews will to :l open the program at 10:05 a.m. ion o 12 and from 1 p.m d • tar- Io nlon-Tribunc Publishing Co. expected to attend. Instruc- will present a trophy to the tlons Y.ill be •offered by ~id v.inner. The day's aeti\'i• Gillman, San Diego Cbarg- ties al o wlll Include four- crs: Don Coryell, SDSC; Bob- oared, t,~o-oared and single- by Downs. San Diego City Col- scull races and water• ·ki cx- lege: Tom Carter. St. Augus-,hibitio~- th!! more than 125 coaches hall Ho! ing hrad and tPnter John Yohn, ke,· p rformers la t ) al' for th·e U-atherneck Bov. l champion Quantico team Holdover. from .'.'.ICRD's 1960 t e am which \Von eight and lo. t l\\ o are backs Billy Charl s and Kelton Win~ton and linemen Dom Bruno, Donn Car ·well, BIil Meglln and Ray Peter• on. :,tCRD' Q ad I!! upectPd to b bol tered v. Ith addl• llonal .Pl from Hawaii and av . moll~' of 1h1• )last Saturday " o~casion was the an'. e ~ual alumn! vs: varsity spring ootball sk1rm1sh at Maril}(' Corps Recruit Dt'pot's Ha 11 the Ex-Pioneers Jan Chapman C. G: v.:alkt'r and Rudy Rud: zmskl t1gured prominently in the victory. Walker, an end, took a pass from Chapman, a quarterback a~d lateraled to fullback Er- nie Merk tor the game's first touchdown in the first quar ler. The play covered 15 yards. Merk was a "ringer" for the alumni the ex M · - c • · arme orps Reocruit Deopot helping to B o h h.eyes for the two-point con- v~rswn. Rudzinski rambled ~;> y_ards for tlw other alumni l n m 1hr third quarter zone until the fhird quarter wh<'n Howie W I 1 J 1• a ms on rappC'd a M-)·a~d drive with a one-yard plungl'! for the touch- down. Freshman quarterback Nelson Murphy's 24-yard pass to Dan Bodle set up the score Chapman tumbled the bali out of the end zone in t h e four~h quarter to give the varstty a safety. Murphy connected on sev- eral short passes for a total of 68 yards in the alr. Fullback Tony S~o~zo, a converted end, an~ W1l11amson paced th USO ground attack. e 0 the 1'1c>ld. to fill out the linC'up. , Chapman passed Thr P i O 11 <' <' r s outrushed their foe>s, 170 yards to 81 hut couldn't fiiid the <' n d wantrd to turn b the cl toda~. • ·o ri His present \\l're b • Jon., • Jay 8, 1961 @ Sl>N DIEC.0, Cl>Ll!'ORNIA Loyola Bia ks Pioneers, 9-0 SAN DIEC.O, CALIFORNIA ;: • (! Frida ·, la 6, General 1 26 Lettermen Out For DGrid Pr ps L"nlver itY of San Diego's'game, in which the Pioneers football squad completes the scrimmage USD graduates. second week of spring prac• I Impressive 1n early work- tlce today at Marine Corps outs have be~n veteran guard \ Tony Procopio, tackle Paul Recruit Depot. Engberg and captain-fullback Coa Ike Pecarovich has Jim Desantis. DeSantis scored 26 tncludlng nine seven touchdowns and was 1 on hand at the second In team rushing 1ig- ures la t season. 13 c hThcontlnttue 1 The Pioneers open Sept. 16 ay · e O a at Whittler. squad numbers 35 to 40 candidate. t-----------__: Pecaro~ ich ts devoting the majority of the spring ses- ~ingle Layde of Lo Pion :on F:i hivo°'a ' B ' ears est 'Y f l (1()8 000 or.--4 H:o~c~~of(l, Little John .Robbins, peppery floor leader of t;niversity of .-an Diego's ba ketball team, has been amen USD's out- :tandmg pla1rr for the J 61 ·eason. Robbin., 4th.' '.!~dard and F«ris. THE SAH DIEGO UNI N bb w·1 u Wins Bob errag SDA n ard Tim W lb o e1. formed at •con ba ,, and on the pitcher's mound this rason, 1 eccived thr annual Bob Kerrigan award 1 a st Tiight a. ti'e L'ni\·<·r-it, of San D1r>go . outstanding baFe- hall pla) rr '!'hr aware! was made at 't b. l t held in th San DI go Athl lie Cluh. THE SAN DIEGO UNION G4 un., )lay 7, 1961 __AN~EGO, Cl>LIFORNIA USD 8, Redlands 7 sions to sharpening blocking and taekUng skill , with most ol the ottenslve drill to come In the tall. I The practice period Y.ill clo·e with the annual alumni SAN DIEGO, TUESDAY , Pl 1 1 for , ho ,, ill Wilbur anoth<'r al,o \\8 CALIFORNIA MA y 2, 1 9 6 1 1%2. camp i named w 10 f, th!' next sea on. Fiflel'n pl THE SAN DIEGO UNION (i) Tltllri;,, la) I l, 1001 SAN OIEl:!Q C,-L1FORNIA :4 Pioneers Oppose Azusa Today l'i\ ed , r terners Card rid Contests f1 om Io <'h ,11ke • !or- ll'tter , ompil<>d ' row Tl e P, mP< r in • eem·d , 1 -lo a 1 1 - 1%1. Bob dinator dd't· a. 1 ion of Uni versit With . ./1 Lewis will start his sixth list of o of San Diego. to it ponf'nt~. Cahfornia W st P Y ar as headman at th . has completed a ~-- ern Loma unlversit e Potnt 10-game :chedule~o~~JNIOUS, comers to Cal yw ~t:? ne\~- The schf'clule, :Iron e: . schedule are Univer _e r n s Cal W!'Sti'rn hi to1 7 st_ m )1exico and Whittie s1ty of four new tea · h_ b chedule: r. The cro ·stown game wit~ ~m , fJPI. 16-RedJond,, Point L and San Diego S 5.., 1 o,,,a Hloh, The USD-C 1 t t College. dlum. ·1_23-Unlv. of M« tel'Z
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