News Scrapbook 1959-1962
THE S N DIEGO UNION Thur ., '\11rlt:JO, lll6l '!., a 15 S•N D1 • 00, CALi,ORNIA
b 7 •
SAN Dl~GO. CALIFORNIA 1· "\Jon., Jlay 2f), 1961
.Pio c r • regular
The San
iego Charger aftc1
I\ hos ) our farnnte !oral ball player? LAt ea on fabulous S•fool-7, 240-lh. Frank Howard, former Ohio State Buckeye bomher supposedly de5tined to bPcomt basPball's 'OPW Babe Ruth," led all the rest In the race to the wire, Perhaps ovf"r•glamori7.Pd by Dod.,wr publicist RPd PattPrson', 'tar,fl mPasurn homr run" buildup plu~ public awarenPss that he was a $108,000 bonus baby, this NT.. rookiP. of.the-year wa \ntej l!J60's "Most Popular nodger" by Tidings readers In our corw a[l/lual popufarity poll. ThP year beforn it wa gen1.1l (;11 HodgP vrt ran first sacker with the huge hands and hoart, who pollt'i\ the most votrs by a wide margin. The hallotlng hooth, now arP open for 1961. Since there's a new tram In Angeltown, this yPar's l'1dm~s pops cont<' t won't he d~sii;nat!'d by the customary "Most Pop• uiar Dodger' 1ag. Now lt'll hP <'alll'd this paprr'.s "Most Popular Pro" comp t t1or.. Rut the eventual w1nnet again will be award• ed thtt hanclso ·o plaq1,e at a spf'cial prP-,game ceremony at !'!the .Me j,r11m or WrlglPy FJel!I So Jio'1 o. 1 Angrl or Dodgf'r diamond hPro? To pa1tirfn I polling, simply fill out thf' coupon be'low and mall tt at. our ear!iP,t ronvrmenrP. (A postcard, let- t~r or reasonablP. facs1m1le likPwise will be okay.) So don·t delay-ciut ~·our b1 Jlot todaJ t ~,,,,,, ................. . .......................................... ' , , , , CYO Award for 'MOST POPULAR PRO' , , , ' , (Signed)...................·-·-· ··-···· ·····-·· ·······-················· - Please clip eat ond mall tor Spel'ts tdlter, The Tldlnqs, 1530 W. 9th St,, L.A. 1 S • , • • , , , , , , , , , , , • ,, .. It has been Qb. Prved here that no real hope can be held for a small ll<'ale, play.for {un football program at Loyola in the face of student apathy. The earnest call for·football must come from within univPrsity wall.~, from the ranks of Loyola students, not from alumni and "rabble•rouser" newsmen. Hap- pily, now Jt appe?rs 1herP may bP some hope Lion student opinion finally is shaping in that Jo111cal dirertion , "Frnm SP1>(PmbPr to DPcPmhrr this campu~ !~ a~ qult"l as a ronrgnf," rommrntq an un•ignPd column called "Rip Tide'' in the '1ay 15 lq•11e of thl' l.nJfJla ~tudPnt nr'1spaper. " crocs the rrmntn, Fall Is a not~,-. chePrful time. It u,ed to be here. Fall I~ a time for footbalL It balances hMkethall; In other achoo ls Jt !1 the local point •••" 'The school's unsung, unsigned Homer then cites Santa Clara's successful return to the sport. "They've forgotten the old days, when they were in b1gtime ball, and losing money, They are breaktng evtn now, and they're havinz fun," * * * * LOYOLA IS 'O E SPORT' SCHOOL? StratigPl ·, Mntinu,. th,.. "Rtr 'l'ide•" lament, T,oyol today "Is • one sport school." Rasl'ball, rugby, crew, tennis, golf, llater polo and bowling "arf" ~11 shunted off into a dark corner, to cower In the ,i11:ht or basketball. "There Is nothing wrong with basketball. Here at. Loyola e best team in our srhool s history graced the Hill this year. gave Loyola a name, has attrarted many more students, and , rall~•ing P!l nt !o( spirit on the campus. But 'ffhy slio M 1l be th only ont?" This ~tudent eclltorial in ~lli,:-rntl acknowledges that "we , , , , , : -r vote for .• , . ---· .. ·····--·-··--···· .. · ·----------·-··········· ......... __ : as my favorite L.A. Angel or Dodger. , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , ...................... .............. , ........................... , gay 5p1rlt across the windy hill·• * * * Big league clubs sometimes get left hold~ the cull and long term pa;r111ents 1 yet the era of baseball" high.priced ''bon- us baby" Isn't endln Tan, he no-.. pending cal'-e of senior infielder Bob Bailey from Long Bea,.h Wilson High. He may sign a rnaJor league bonus contr~ct for close to $150,000 within a fo1 tnight "Three clubs alrP,ady have bid $100,000 for him, or better," reports Dan (Private Eye) Crow- ley, onetime home run slugger for the Hollywood Stars and more recently, a candidate for Sheriff. Pittsburgh dropped out of the bidding at $i5,000. Bailey, "ho worked out with the Angels last weekend is a short.stop. "But it's the bat they'rt all after," chuckles Cr~w. ley, "The kid is a great natural hitter. He can field okay, but the auction winner may shift him somewhere other than short• stop." What scout would dare ink even a budding Berra or !Iantle for $150,0007 Probably Bobby Mattick o! Houston. Those wells keep pumping black gold down in Texas," quips Crowley, "and the N.L.'s new Houston franchise ls anxious to get away B·I·G in '62. You know how those Texans play it podner," • Indicatne o! how mflahon has hit baseball is the marked contrast between the hypothetical $100,000-plus bonus await• Ing Bob Bailey a tht deal his talented dad, Buck Bailey, re• ce1ved from the St. Louis Cardinal chain during the "Gashouse Gang" era. Dad mKed a contract calling for $75 per month Crowley avers, and ran home rejoicing at his business acum~ ' * * * * ~oi only did Notre Dame's varsity virtually obliterate the Old•T1mers 50 to 7, biggest score in the annual spring game·s 31.year history, but Paul Hornung suffered a personal setback. In a flPld goal exlnbition at ·halftime, fullback candidate Joe Perkowski_ humbled the Green Bay Packer k1ck111g star and former Het man Trophy winner. Hornung is the National Foot• ball League's all-time top scorer for a single season. Since m~st of his points were acrumulaled via field goals and extra pomts, this was qu1ta a feat for Perkowski. San Diego U's grid warriors dropped their sprmg practice finale to the alumni 14·8, but Qb. Nelson Murphy (ex.J>ius x High), end Dan Bodle (Santa Clara High, Oxnard) and several other sophs showe, promise. Bodle grabbed the varsity's only louc~down tak111g a Murphy aerial surrounded by two pro de- f;ns1ve spec1ahsts Bob Ke:rs of the San Diego Chargers and '"Tl_l Valdez of the ams. F.rnle Merk, ex•USC and San Diego l\farme star, led the alumni off,. in• charge. Pecarovich was cheered by ttt, Jar;t his upcoming varnty won everywhere except on the board. llis boys accumulated 18 ~~;t dowm lo 7 for the old grads and outrushed the alumni A ~O. 110 I' 's own home stadium, located on the scE"nlc 221. -.Rlll"4.,\,!qi&..,Park campus ovulooklng Mission Vali"Y as it opcns !~~•~iJ,:~~!fi')'.~-.. ,'-~~n D1e,i.o, 11 dy for September OC<'U• n l alt apa ill b" 1 realistic .3500. taking a page f1:om Waller OMalley, It readily can be expanded to meet public demand. Ot-&pllf ha n OiP o thine rhnr~. during the off !~ason Coach e ·Id! llll realdN In oiling Hills ,nth his and six daug!tt.ers. Wotta Father'~ Day Mike ougbta have ....!ding a hand with ae,en queens! n afford the na11on,11dP, bigtilll.P (football) schedule, •• But H (football) could be hPre just the rame, spreading !ta
will use the !acll!ties of Uni. season tarts '<'pt, 22. versity of an Diego's foot• ball field for their preseason.a trammg sil
No':' that th Cb.arg,•rs have
thny't<> in the quc•Pn. Th p ponsorcd by
tor h
tr a I n I n g, which
begins queen contP. t
July 22.
Die o
The Most
Charle. op,•n<'d today Single girls bP•
Buddy, bishop of the San Di• twPP ego diocese and president of the Ja;. '
18 and :.!5 l'an apply at Olficl', 947 Colurn.
ourselves of USD's facilities and are overly happy at hi'• ing able to train at homp " Gillman said. ' The A rn e r J <' a n Football Lea~ue tpam Will movP to/ Mann Corps Recruit Depot l
Jan Chapman, right, niver ity oC San Diego's departing quarterback star, pas. e along some poin r to
pen The San Diego :.'\Iadn and ·v,11¥•~f-1! couple of football teams which have an•~~~= Balboa Stadium, ye erday began P. lng p kick or two apart. -----~ Maj. Allen S. (Scotty) Harris his team thro~ tarted hi· first season as Ma• training. I rlne headman by welcoming Ni regulars from an 25 candidates at MCRD s eleven which finished 4-5•1 Hall .Field. are available to Pecarovich. N'earby on the , larlne ba e, Missing, however, are star at the Depot Tran.portatlon quarterba~k Jan Cha~man Area Mike Pecarovlch going and captain nnd tackle 'hayne Into his econd year a ' SD's Bourque. chief str teglst, aent 30 alh• "I've ~?t a theory on spfr letes through. Ir t i rs t ex• training, Pecarovlch ercls • plained, "that if you try t' Both coach they wmltoo much you' acco!1" concentrate on 'fundamentals no th1 ng · So we re go1• d i i Is con nt t on two ur ng the pr ng. Harr said tackli g d bl ck· , •he wan to school his squad n an ° mg. In the a cs so thoroughly USD came out of that he d vote all of next drill with one casua 1 fall instaIJ!ng his ,ving-1' of. back Howard Willi tense. A kn pulled a lT'
Harris could count f e w re- car vfch said, w~e· turnecs from a ~Iarine team too far f_or a wic! which la t season won eight f!e•I?ractice garr I of 10 games. Back, among nms. 1 others, are halfbacks Kelton , Winston and Billy Charles, tackle~ Blll Meglin and R a y Petersen, guards Dom Bruno and Donn Carswell and center Bo Raney. I arrls can build, however, around three products of a Quantico team which whipped ~CRD. 36-6, In the Leather- neck Bowl. They are e n d Marshall Hollingshead, a 215· pounder, center John Yoh.n, a 205-pounder, and quarterback Torn !auldln, a !ormer USC star. •·we expect to get some more play r trom Hawaii and Okinawa fo e we're through spring training," Harris said. Pecarovich expe s "40 or 45" candidat s for today's drill, He has ays to send USO Grids Meet Alumni At Depot University of San Diego's football team, well stocked 1,1,ith returning lPttr.rmen will get a chancE' to strut its stuH Saturday on Marine Crops Re• cruit Depot's Hall Field. The occasion ls the annual alumni game sponsored by the USD Booster's Club. Tu•enty-six returning ,·arsity letterrnrn, including n i n e starters from last year, are in• eluded on the present Pioneer squad. USO coach Mike Pecaro,1ch has named Pat Heminger tor quarterback dutles, with Joe Gray and Howaru Williamson at halfback pos s nd Don Shotlif! at fullback. The alttm• ni squad: Crt; P«1rscn, C. G Walker, J a c k !1 1 crLoteo,,oh, VKtrn Valdez, Bob Keves, Cura en Cook, Pat O'Connor, Hor• ..d(k~' l.arrv Tessory, Wovne Bovr• Novae , Pete Junqers Dick Go dne, tnd Ray Yoast. Bill Pot Joe f T'7010 Bob Hughes, Birt anaoo and mCIJ'n and D~"'b,~t:lflj~elmt~$~~ Chrone1, Tom KtllY and gahuck. W tuams RUdz nsk Marty Young, Don Gil' n , vtY V qut, ,., Jl ~AN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA \\ed., :Ila~· rn, 11161 1· ' IIDDLF; GU.\RD'? - Little Chuckie Williams, :;, make like an interior lineman as he gets together with t.:"SD lumni. Chuckie will be on sidelines when n Chapman, papa Chuck Williams, Rudy Rud.. oeo a01 noo 020-< , 1 100 000-1 4 2 Adarr~on Aoumucrter,
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