News Scrapbook 1959-1962
Pro Football
rs to Train ark Camp
San Diego Ch On USD's Al
of the lea!!lle'a W
tern Div!•
the Charger• c ming to olll' cordial welco,me from all a.t "We are awar11 ot wha.t the 1porti an dynamic d velop• ment of physical pnwer1. c&mpW!. They expect a lca.1& :Pii.rk. Chargera etand t crr clean
The San Diego Chargers are going to live the life of collegians, will traln for the 1961 foot- ball wars on the University of San Diego ramp\ . An agreement be een the uni- versity an the p10 te m was 1-eached ll'I week. The Charger~ champlon9 The prD American
sion, will begin practice July 2Z. The new sladlwn, now Alcala Park campus, will be und r ronstru on on the
aoddeq b 'by the
tha.t time tar u
ar,ger •
The :Most Rev rend Blllhop,
sp ltlng on behalf university said, "The
the culty
ings W it Energy "The very name, Chargers, l"ings with enPrgy and enthu• Riasm. It. aymbollzea 'get In ther,e a.nd wln ' "Lei us not fot'kel I.hat th8 Chargers bring new life t.o ~an Diego, rt cnuld well b9 that they lna11 urllte a new era of progre~1 for San Diego. "Our clly needed a. shot In the arm to get away from the hick town a.itllude and grow up to the 11tature that the population wanls. Spells Succen "The high caliber or men promoting the Chargers spells success." Sid Gilman, gP11eral man~.- ~er and co &<'h of the Charger&, 11ai,j "We're de• lighled lo avail OUl"fil'lVCB or USD's excellent facllit1e an after playing their last exhi• bitlon game here against Dallas SeptembP1· 3. The Chargers plan to aid in the COHt of ~adding the stadium field by 1tag!ng an intrasquad game and turning the pl'O<'eeds over t.o the Rchool. The gam~ most II ely will be held on ll Sunday afternoon. The San Diego Chargers were shopping for a new training site today after the Stale Board of Regents re- fused them use of San Diego State College's Aztec Bowl. University of San Diego and Cal Western both are under consideration by the Ameri- can Football League tram which will start practice July 22. '.'We're going to do evPry. thmg we can to stay in town," aid general manager-coach Sid Gillman, who confrrrrcl yest!'rday wit!;!: Pioneer and Westerner officla . USO ' ted' , Father J.. Wal..11 urray, 'CSD athletic director, said his school "definitely is inter- ested, but there arc several contingencies.•' In a Jettrr to Dr. Malcolm Love, San Diego State presi- dent, Don R. Youngrcen, act. ing chief of the Division of State Colleges and Teacher ~ducalion, said yesterday it 1s contrary to policy to lease state college facilities to a profit-making group. Aztecs Sur1>rised Aztec officials expressed surprise at the decision, point- ing oul that Los Angeles State and Fresno State both have rented their athletic facilitcs to professional teams. It was believed that arrangements still might be made for the Chargers to st't up camp on Montezuma Mesa. If the Chargers arc unable to drill in San Diego, they probably would have to return to Chapman College in Or- ange where they practiced last summer, USD's fif'ld is not sodded, and Cal Wr>slern's facilities are leased to church groups for summer conventiions~ 1 Pro Gri Seek
and sludent..s o the unlversily are thrilled with the Idea of
Joos Made President Of USD l.£tte,trnin
11resid<'t1t of the nrwlv formed <:ampus L<>ttermcn's Club. Also elected during a meet- Ing of the .33-member club were Mike H,·minge1, base- ball, , ice president; T a n y C a put a, basketball, ·ecre- tary, Charles \\ 0 ical, basket- ball, treasurer a ri d Jim O'Leary, football rrgrant- at-arms
Mon.,July31, 1961 Bonrf1ue a Grid SA! DIEGO - ?mm r Uni• verstty of San tackle and team captain, Wayne Bourque, Sunday was signed a an assistant line coach by the Pioneers. Bourque, a 26•year•old Air veteran who earned l e grid le ters at USD, re- cently was released as a free en by Montreal of th oana- ctlan Professional Foot b a 11 League.
man in yesterday';; game at iCRD', Hall Field. Coming in to help i: Tony P o op10, or the varsity. lumni won 14-8. (Story, Page b·~l-
EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA b 9 l' Tues., :ltay 23, 1961 •
SPORTS NCAA Takes In Pioneers As Members The • ·c '-A has ~('C('pted the Un VC'r y of San Diego as an actl\ c rnemb~r. effective Sept. 1. it w a anrounced to- day by Fr. J Walshr Murray, SDU athletic di e<'lor. The school had been an as- sociate 1'1ember pending com- pletion of requirements for full membership. Father Mur. ray said the last hurdle the Pioneers had to overcome was the rPquirement that schools seeking membership must have completed five rears of rompetition with . -CAA schools. San Diego U. began com- peting in football in 1956. "Our athletic program i~ geared to the NCAA bylaws.' Father Murray said, "and we already have several NCAA schools on our sc1'edule so the full membership will not change ou program greatly. 'The • CAA permits us to start f o o t b a I I practice as much as l\\o weeks before srhool opens. The efore we will begin practice Aug. 28."
65 1
\ Char ers Still See 1ng Si For ' The Char"er continued to ,eek a San Diego training site vrsterday while rr>ceiving a i, r- ck on i n g gesture from Orange County. Chapman College, where the Chargers trained a year ago, i~ anxious that the Amer- ican Football League team return, it was learned. :.-[eanw h i 1 e, Land, Charger busine ma,1ager, conferred w i t ti he Rev. J. Walshe • urr I.; 1v Tsity San Diego at l e d ctor, on \thc availability of • D a train !Uty. Fa lurray 1Ud the red on 1he iinan• cia1 ge of the Chargers occup}1ng USD quarters and drillin" in the Pioneer stadt· um n7'w under construction. Charger practice is scheduled to begin July 22.
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Wl : o point
t San Dl
Lr vcr 1ty
on a ~alcty \\ 1th t\\O minute the game when re•
lumnl i::l'ldder
prov<'d theyle s
have no
rown too
r u a t y maining t tie y Chapman
11 l4,8 victory ov r the out of the end zone after 1c- l th e i r ceivlng the pass from center.I Hnll 11cld ye trr- ,ar ty was halted w hr n • • * A last- pconcl thr "lt by the
Plonc r • v r lty In !Ir t nnnual m r e t I n g at
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• omr of the c1cd1t for the triumph Y. Ill have to go to l nlv r lty or ~·outhcrn C l,[01 nh ancl the n Diego I C tar ncs, how '-lumnl bol tered 1th forml'r Trojan a u Dl'V· I" lclo, back Ernie \erk er, lnc the its rostl'r
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oU e USD Facilities "a grass is growing under the feet of the San Diego Chargers, bt t l'ni\' rsity al . an Diego plars to gro me. Thr hu~y Chargers ~e tPr- da · found a new training home at U 'D, where thl'y U begin practic-e July 22. l'SD officials said tl1e firld in the school's new stadium will be sodded for use by the Chargers. To repay USD for this , the Chargers plan to hold an intrasquad f'ame then• and turn a, <'r (JrQ.Ceeds to the .. chool. The game likeli.; w II br held on a un v afternoon sincP the field is ·not lighted. lJSD officials said vesterda\'. Stands, only p art I y com- pleted now. will be react,· for this <'\'Cnt and will eat some 3.000 persons. Sid Gillman, gpneral man- ager and coach of the Charg- ers. said he was "delighted" to be ablP to condition his tear., ln Alcala ParJ;,'. " O\\ we can concentrate on d ~el- oping l!, team ·• Gillman said "We couldn't )lave done \tat if we had had to eat o e place, live one place and prac- tice another."' The Chargers "ill occupy 25 apartments on the USD (ContinuPd on a-15, Col. 1)
1 · 1 :
lnltr Punt\ H2;• ~•~';'d~ 1 upe~;liztd o 20 • • • cam • r training period. Each apartment ac- comodates four persons. The team must vacate the t:SD quarters by Sept. 2. It 1 will play its last exhibition\ game he1e Sept. 3, againsl Dal• las, a,nd hold its first dril! at the ::\Iarine Corp R ·uit Depot SPpt. 5 The Most. Rev F' Buddy, 4! op "The facult:," and students of the university are thrilled with the idea of the Charger coming to our campus," Bish- op Buddy said. "They may expect a cordial welcome from all at Alcala Park. "We are aware of \\'l\at the Chargers stand for clean sport and dynamic develop- ment ot physical powers. "The very name Charger rings with energy and en- thusiasm. It symbolizes "get in there and win. "Let us not forget that the Chargers bring new life to San Diego. lt could well be that they inaugurate a new eta of progress for San Diego:• Until yeste1:day tne Cbarg ers had beeq norl)i;less inc,:, 11ay 19, when the tate Board o! Regent denied them the use of San Diego Stale as a practice tacility. I dur[n Diego dloc~. l~ of USD, \\ el Ji ers. 4 e:. mtet c•rpted a Jong pas': rom Murr'1Y on the Alumni l) yard st ipe The Pioneer, prcva1ied In l x a,mo t "" cry department ex• the ccpt the fmal score, running t up 1 first downs to the Alum. ( 11 \l''l , ·HIT· MrrK t II d t'te 11r t point~ for the grads tn early minute wh,.n he t of the cont latl'ral 1rom ni's seven and ru hlng for a nd r and raced 170 to 81 advantage. the final 1~ )ard for the TD. Murphy. who will be only The play startl'cl Y.1th Walker a sophomorr this fall dem• taking a ~hort to from ln t onstratcd good ability on ra 011 • 5 "ar ty quarterback, hort passes against such Jan Ch pmnn tron"' aerial defenders as Chapman passed to Bobby Valdez Keyes and )fork. the l"c> for th two-point con-\fonnet: now a defensive hack v I slon to give the Alumni a !or the Lo; Angeles Ram.. quick 11-0 advnntngr Peraro, !ch apparently has M •rk ;ilso thr<-w a k r Y round a couple o! good run- block to prtng halfback Rudy ning hack to go with l\lur n.udzlnskl Joo r on a:r-y a rd phy ' pa ng in the person~ jaunt for t ,e Alumm ,; econrl of con rrted ell{! Tony ::;uoz- co c early In the third P rl- 1.o and ill! mson. uard Al od The play \\ a et up \\ h. 1'" Zuniga "a another .,. ~rs1ty rat Hemlr"cr c,f the , 1ly tandout with ~um rous good rumbled tl e ecord halt kick• stop In the !me off and Don. Gillmore I ccov- uso : : 1 ~,! 1 d to the Alumni on the "' 1 '/,.'r.,~ t _ ~""' 'l 1atera1 from .,,,,k- er 1011owin9 1J..vcrd c,on from ChOPrnan l1 D .;. (J The Rev. John Cadden, who will become dean of USD in June, ye. terclay had an appoint- ment with Most. Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bis hap of the diocese or San Diego, to dts• cuss the Charger matter. Bishop Buddy today has scheduled a meeting In his of- fice at USD with Sid Gillman. general mana~er and coach of the Chargers THE SAN DIEGO UNIOtJ L6 Tue,-.. \1 • 8. 196l 0 S,\N DIEGO, CALIFCRNI,\ Aguirre Added To USO Staff Dick Agmrrr, a two-,·ear letter winner at the Univei-sit,· of Washington. has been add- lurphy to Da the tally with a f nc grah whll • by d-ef nsive men K Vern Valdez 'The var ity got its final ed to the Uni - versitv of San Diego· coach- Ing staff.. Boh , <'Xton a thlet• ic director an- nounced yes- terday. Aguirre eon- ;;idered one of the best pas:,; l'('('Ci\'l'l'S on thc> H u s k ,. andle th Pic- t: fall. He is a Augustine lo tball Si N DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ~at., ,Juh· 196 Z EV 'ENI NG TR IBUNE UCLA West's Best Bet in Grid Ratings CLA generally ranks a~ the West Coast's be t P J\jltlonal honor~. but don't disco~nt Wa l Although losing 21 ot their first 22 play ' trey. . ot tne last two years have some 0 e Bowl champions · 1 M uette romlsing new talent and even transfers rom • arq ' which has abandoned the rt. • · · U lvf'r 1ty ot an Diego h 11tannln~ to add tennl~, go1r"an1I tral'k to It v n.itY sport,; program next. chool rm, nrw gym 1~ cheduled, t Solly Hemus philosphlcally vie ed his fi~n:ft b_Y t~; st: Loui Cardinals w le vl lt\ng r~h ~~=;~. he sa[d. aY you well to be~re t~~t b;u;~~ m:n ger until you've " nd !h"Y !aY you rt ,. In that case, the Padres have been !irrd a time or wo. N th· Juts the a ralt ol cimdidates to choose from. o mg g market like tired ba eball managers . ... pect 1 hln~: I - USD AIDE SEXTON MOVES UP TO DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Bob Sexton assistant athletic director at Univer~ity of San Diego si~ce 1958, has been named the school's ath- letic director. Hi appointment was announced yesterday. Sexton. a former Dartmouth and Canisius basketball and football player, will continue to act as assistant !oat· ball coach. , Sexton came to USD after serving the Syracuse. ::-::a• tionals of the ::S:ational Basketball Association as publicity dirPctor and later general manager from 1952 through 1958. squad , neer end former ,· star Thr> S1111 Diego athl<'te b0- ·eomes thr tourth Pew men•• ber to the l 'D staff. Sam Dagley, Et :\!erk and Wa) nc Bo r ;uc o the r coach act lllms apµointed withi!1 tic last two \\<'ek;;. :\like Pee ro, ich \\ho rc- tc..rns for his ,euond season \,ith l'SD, will 1:sue the first C'all for uniform checkout and phy,ii'ais At g. · 9. •
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