News Scrapbook 1959-1962
SPORTS SAN Dl!GO, CALIFORNIA X Fri., ,July 21, Hl6I Sexton Named USD Athletic Director Outdoors EVENING TRIBUNE ---::-----------
ick Wilbur Gets USO Player Award Dick Wilbur, a pitcher-second baseman, WM named the Uni- versity of San Diego's out- standing baseball player for the 1961 season, at USD's Baseball Awards Banquet in the San I Diego Athletic Club. Wilbur, who had a 2-1 pitch- Ing record and finished third In batting with a .322 average, was presented the second an- nual Bob Kerrigan Perpetual Award, which is given each year to the school's outstanding baseball player. Wilbur, the J 961 team cap- tain, also was given the school's team captain award and his second varsity Jetter. FiftPen of the 16 members of USD's 1961 aquad received var- sity letter . Shortstop Jim Fiorenza, last year's Kerrigan Awe.rd winner, left fielder John Holliday, infielder Tim Leyden, and pltrher Terry Lorenz re- ceived the third varsity letters. Besides Wilbur, vars!ty let- ~It!~n~e:i¥:!}~Etii~, 1
is compll'ted 11Pxt to the n<'W !i<'ldhousl'. Work on both projPcls is in progr<'ss.
Bob, his wifl'. ,Jane, and 10 rhildrt>n will Jive on thl' USD campus wh<>n housing
cuse ~quad to I:; ope and the Near East on a playing tour. Sexton ~tart<-d his car<'er s a gridder and basket- II player wh<'n he playt>d for Dartmouth in 1943 World War II Interrupted his college care<>r and in 1944 he won All-Service All-Star rt>cognltion as a guard ht! playing for Sanip on Naval Training Cen n G n<'vll, •. Y. He playe bask<>tball and foot- ball for Canisius from 1946 to 1949.
Bob Sexton has stepped up from his position as as- sistant athletic director at the Univ<'rsily of San Die- go to become full-time ath- letic dir<'ctor, cffrctive im- mediately, it was announced today. The former Dartmouth and Canisius basketball and football playr-r will retain his duties as a~sistant foot- ball coach. Sexton came to USO aftrr being with the Syracuse Na- tionals of lhc National Bas- ketball Association f r o m 1952 until 1958. He joined the Nals as puh- lkity director in 1952 and was general manager his last three years with the club. The Nationals won the world championship in 1955 c>xton i rrc>ditcd . Plling the> State- De m!'nt on the goodwill 1 which in 1955 sent the 8~ ra-
SAN 01/'00, CALIFORNIA l' 'fut'~., ,July 2i'i, 1961
A I um ni Gain ·Win
1 Pioneers Bill Six Home Gr",d Games
ars1 y
;~:ye~\o~~tB!~mega~~ ,
The u n Ive r I It y ot San quarterb Diego's 1961 1prlng football d D practice came to an end when the Ah1mn1 cllpp d the Var11tty, •
catcher Way'rie
Nelson Murphy to Bodle, who made a
Ne"· Nlekname
Six home games were listed pitcher Mike H
F P • orget 1oneers- They1re T orerosl The University o! San Diego athletic teams comp ting under a new nickname this sea.~on with the annount 1 nt by the Most Reverend Bishop that the Alcala. Park athletes will be known as the Toreros. During the last six years, USD teams have been operating under the name of Pioneers, "The name Toreros ls more in keeping with the friendly relationship which exists between San Diego and Mexico," His Excellency .said, 'roreros Is a general tenn describmg a bullfighter and signifies courage, honor and fidelity. ;!.11>-1,c.~1,."'- l>u~
San fielder Raul Martlllez,
the University
.>ad catch While aurrounded by on
Diego'/! 1961 varsity football baseman Guy Selleck, pitcher T Dennis Shields pitcher Terry d b R
h d I 1 sc e u e re Walshe Murray, I
14•8, In USD's !lrat Alumn • Keyes and Vern Valdez of the
., .
director of Stallard and cent r fielder Jim
ngeles Rams.
\'nrslty tootball 'l'he Alumni
Trailing 6-14 after lui con-,athletics.
jumped to an
urly 8-0 the Merk, a former USC and San Varsity got two more point.a game at Whittier College Sep- 1961 baseball season with a 4-1 Diego Marine halfback a tember 16 USD's only other victory over San Diego Naval , on a afetv when Chapman, · T lnln c t lateral from end C. . .Valk r • road trips next fail will take re. g en er. and ran 15 y nls for with only 1:30 I ft In the game, Coach Mike Pece.rovich's var- The Pioneers beat PhibPac down. Th fumbl d the ball _out of the end sity to Long State Col- on May 9, 12-7, and Azusa Col- Walker cau from zone a!ter receivmg a bad pass lege October 28 and Cal Poly Jege C'1 May 11, 13-5. Jan Chapman, J as t ye rs from center. (Pomona) November l0. The season record tor the nrslty qunrterback. 1115t second lhr t by the • , Pioneer baseball team Is 16 V it unalted n a pass Nine of USD s 1961 oppo- 1 w1n 8 and 10 losses. In tour Chapman p&ee appointed assistant football coach at University of San Diego. WELCOME ABOARO-Mike Pecaro- vich, left, greets Sam Dagley, newly Dagley Signs As USO Grid Aide, Scout If the Universitv of S a n Dil'go doPsn 't win a lion's share of its games next fall, it won't be because of lack of brains on the football coach- ing staff , Mike Pecarovich U S D lhead coach, holds a doctor's degree in jurisprudence a n d today the Very Rev. J oh n Paul Cadden, dean of the Col- lege of Men, announced Sam Dagley, owner of a master's degree in philosophy, h a s been named an assistant coach. Coat•hPs Long-Time Pals DaglPy, long-1.imc acquaint- ance of Pecarovich, comes to USD from LaSallP High of Pa,:;adena, where he was an English instructol'.. He also has joined the USD English d e- partment. According to Bob Sexton newly appointed athletic d.i'. rector, Dagley will serve as line coach and heaq scout. Plays with Reese Sam is a pretty cagey fel- low when it comes to revPal. ing datPs which might give away his age, but he admits he's been out of coaching since 1939. He c-oached football at Loyola of Los Angeles and Gonzaga. He also recalls playing semi- pro ba,s.e 1I for the Catalina Cub .llack in 1921. One of his tearnmaJes was J i m m i e Re e, recently departed as mal'.ager ot the San D i e g o Padres. - opponents - San Diego Marines starters In hitting with 37 hits (October 7), Pepperdine College tor 115 times at bat and a. .322 (October H), New Mexico average. Wilbur tied with Western College /October 21) catcher Wayne Ferris for runs and Cal Poly (Pomona). Two batted in (22). Last season other opponents, Whittier and Wilbur hit .352-38 hits for 108 San Francisco State (Novem- times at bat. ber 4 l met for the first time Top pitcher for the Pioneers last season. was Hem Inger. Heminger Tlcketa for the 1961 see.son posted an 8-3 record. Goddard \\ill soon go on sale, Father followed -with a 4-3 record. Murray ~aid, and will be avail- V'lllbur, also a relief pitcher, able through the athletic de- we.• third with a 2-1. partment's ticket office CY- USD"s team batting average press 8-7711,ext. 57, or CYpress slipped from an impresslYe -307 5-3681 Cl 1960 to .262 this season. I All 1961 USD home games USD's 1961 opponents had a will be played In h new sta- team bat~ng average of ,223. J dium no llll 11Blru tion, Father Murray srud, on the en ot the univer- sity's 221-acre campus. THI! SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1961 Pag• 6 • ' s OFF _ Sid Gillman, and manager of the San Diego Charger~, ts ,hand- ing • 0 u to the O t Reverend Bishop. The picture was taken at Uni";~t~ of i!3.n ~~go,::_"~; dlum aturda , t1ly =~ :te:!a!:r''::!eo:tt~~n~~fdl"'.: 1 1 1:,uf~;a=~fl: of ;hn: -Jnfver,;fty. ·The Chargers will play 8:,' t:hrou~ thel~ aces twle.e daily for the schedule of games ahead. Members ~r~:ui:;:."!i~~e l:'uman and hls .fa1r live In the students' dormitories on Linda. Vista Road. They have their meals at the Lark Cafeteria on the USO eampus. . . . S.D. Chargers Banquet Set The public Is Invited to the first annual Kickoff Banquet for e Jti. ers, Thursday, Au- gust 3, but reservations must be made in advance. This was the announcement today by Dr. ,A. L. Anderson, chairman of the San Diego Chamber of Com• merce Sports Committee, who has taken a. 1 ea d ! n g part in planning the progrll.m. The Chamber I• receiving ad- vance reservations by me.ii at a charge of $5.00 per plate. Co- sponsoring the event with the Chamber are the Junior Cham- ber of C o m m e r c e and the Charger Backers. The banquet will take place in the Caribbean Room of El Cor- tez, starting at 7 :30 p.m. A no- host cocktail party Is scheduled from 6:30 to 7:30. Dr. Anderson's major duty at the banquet will be to Introduce Jack Carson, nationally-known comedian appearing a.t the Cir- cle Arts Theatre, who will be master of ceremonies. · Buddy Rogers, Dick Whitting- hill and others well known In the entertainment w o r l d will take part in the program. Stars of the Charger team will sit at tables with San Diegans to en- able Joca.l residents to become acquainted with them. Checks tor r e s e r v a. ti o n s ~hould be made out to the San Diego Chamber of Com erce e.nd mailed to 499 W. Broadway. 'l'hose who make reaerv&U s may ¢ck them up the or Augu•t 3. Because of • ace llm- ltati . , reservations will be on a first-come, first-served basis. with the S a n defense of The Univl'rsity Diego beefed up its coaching ,Pioneer staff yesterday with the an- As a ack at H e l i x nouncement 11-CIF and City High and Southern California League P I a Y e r of the year . . . honors Ar was selrcted to gridder Ernie Merk will srrve play in t annuaJ Breitbard as a backfield instructor. All-Star garne. Merk, who won three letters Merk als rlormed for at USC and performed against the Eagle Rock . t Jctic Club Oh10 St~te in the 1955 Rost' and two outstanding MarinP Bowl, will handle offense and Corps Recruit Depot clubs. th a t ex-Helix Merk won E '"•USC Ace 1'lerk Named USO Backfield Coach SAN DIEGO-Former University or Southern Calitor- nla hal!l:>ack Emle Merk Thursday was named backfield coach at the University of San Diego. Merk, a graduate of Helix High in La Mesa where r 1tewas an All-CIF grid selection, earned three football e rs at SC (1954-57) and was on the 1955 Rose Bowl team which lost to Ohio State, 20 7. Pitt >Pl:lt 11 \ not F-Char~<•r coa1·h Sit! Gillman han,I off football to the He\. Charle .l-'. Btuld)·, pre,idenl nh·ersit). Chargers 'an Diego of opened drills for 1961 sea~on at grid field on the uni"ersity campus.
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