News Scrapbook 1959-1962

Q ON'S ..---- SPORTS DITOR ------ Archie Eats With The T in Men As Chargers Display Profiles


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Sun., ,July 30, 1001



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5 ~;:.:.-N DIEGO, CAL1FoRN1A


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Grid Assistant Added By USO By JOHNNY )kDO The University of Snn Dir I B added Wayne Bour ue go . oh o n, nPw!y ap- expanding coaching\tarioy Hs t:oin~d athlf'f ic director, said tPrday for what may be I'S~ u ir onN•rs will have to rPly mountainous task this fall 1 :ont:rrshme? again, mean- Bourque, a pillar in the· JI " 1 at, tlwy II have to de. for the PJonPrrs the last thr~e v~ ,o:i thP1r own talent. seasons, wlll assume th<' 1 our former USD players duties or assistant linP arc> rPturnlng and lh should tor. The former USO ca:i;r~ help l1 ," Sexton sal . "They and tack]rg, Tony Procopio and club in the Canadian profes- Ray Yoast " sional league so that he might Rudzinski has spc>nt two accept the post. years in the Army an.d Yoast Th arquis1tion of Bour ue was a member of thP Marine bring to three the numbe::1 of Corp~ R~c~!.lit Depot squad. new staff members for th Rud1,1nsk1 1s a fine fullback 1~'1:il season. Othc>r~ sl ne~ and Yoast was a ·trong de- the past WC'ek have been tam tensive playrr In the middle Dagley, line coach and scout ot ,(Inc- ,and at the corners. and Ernie Merk, backfield We-_ ve .talked to about 200 coach. · kids ! 11 Southl'rn California With few transfers and fut _w1 th only a tuition to of- tOUfl:h academic r<'quircm<'nts /'r it . makes it roygh," Sex-

Cul. For a while, 'hargrn;' trnming vittlP'-

p rlrnent will st•n P to justify 1oorP w s tra,11111g ut lonti- < nt hit fi ,ht with Guilio Moon·· t·arnp al Kut hcr's

at. the unlversl9', head coach on .said: Mike Peca o Jch and his fel• h ~entC'l

John Marashiello as been droppC'd because of I othc1 prrlo1 mrrs are going to summrr school to makr up credits. This latter group In- cludes fullback Jim Desantis end Dan Bodle, guard Al zu' nlga and <>nd Wayne Blul ,,. ,Should Di•Santis make up h1.s grad

on the

told that Fullv ow• wu


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met G1llman

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hen practice be- arad:mlc r.easons and


fl l't Nobody Loves A Fat Mon

gm~ Au . 28.


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left, Boh Zeman, Dan

ing signals· for, from 1ht-

The Chargers hucldlPd ye,:terday and-who's that fellow 111 the ('Cnler? \\ hy, it'. Archi }loore, <'heck- '51/2 Tons' Of Chargers Here For Pre-Grid War Traini R · ,!EURY \JAG t•:E In particula1 Gillman Roberts wl'l gri , head of the "f 's

Ficca, Jim 'ears and oac::h Sid Gillman.


Irom a rat d; Doc did not loore, "he f Pll out of an

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out of an mrp a favor'' u1d rch1e, deadpan. "The air- on the ground. Doc fcl' coming down the h airport. r o tunat ly, hL inJuries were , but h h d ore big 1


THE SAN DIEGO UNION D )Ion., Oct. 16, 1961 SAN DIEGO. ~RNIA_ Toreros Await N.M. Western After 13-0 Win Vnherslty of San Diego is looking ahead to Saturday aft- ernoon's home battle \\' i t h New Mexico Western after the Toreros scored their first victory of lhe season Satur. day night, 13-0, over Pepper- dine College, The Balboa Stadium tri- umph, witne" ·ed bv i ,891 sweltering fans, gives USD a season recqrd o:I one vie- * * HATISTICS 66 __ tory again three defeats. The Wavels 'dropped their fifth game in a m without a win. Halfb ell I-lo e Williamson went 10 ~jth:ls for USD's first score agam the Waves on the first play ol the fourth quarter. Then with 1 :02 re- maining on the clock, half- back Joe Gray sped 63 yards for the final TD. Both teams failed to display much of an offen iv punch in the early going 1th ugh a good deal of this co fd prob- ably be traced to I unusu;, I heat. Although the ti t three periods were scorlbs, USD clearly dominated the game. The Toreros ended with a yards rushing com- the latter producing only 111 total yard, rushing •md passlfli". net or p a r e Waves, to only 64 fo the • *

s,ngled out dcfens1, e tackle Dick Chorov1ch, who came in at a trim . for him 259 pounds. But al~;:-.,.,__,o,., lllmois who wa experted 1 o r£>µort at 265. ac;J. he prrjved tackle C liff Robert hoice from draft

EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 39 ")' Thurs., July 27, 1961 3•

'nn .Sar Diego Chat gers, all dolled up In thl'ir Sun• f 1 ay bl"st. smiled prettily y e ,; t e r d a y and s a i rt "chec,e. ' . 'obody pokrd an) fLn at thr dude.. The Ch rgrr~ lookrd too tough to tantaliz" a, thev outfitted ,n gamr uniform~< lo the first timr to ()1':1' for pholographn s at l m- v,:,rs1ty ol San Dil'go.


Sixt . vo p 1 a throu;:il their paces r the cameramen. The only ab- entees w re l.\llback Char• hP Flowers detained b) a minor auto ac nt enroutP from is ho e in ·vlississip- tlnuPrl on a-11, Col. I) <' 1 an

. .


a a fat 292.




Coach S

d G i I I m a n

Toreros Set 2 -Tilt Sked The University ot Sall DI• ego has announced a 26-gamc ~asketball slate for t)le 00 _ 0 mg season._ The Toreros open t!Je campaign against Grand Canyon College here Dec. 1. Two tournaments are on the sched_ule-the Kriss Kringle r Klass1c at Anaheim Dec. 21. 23 1-,..-..... and the Pomona classic at Po. I l-- mona Feb. 2-3. The schedule· ::i f~ffier]' ,?r~rp~~~~'? f 5olh,e; 0 8, ·at •~ N°i!~'lo S!~)h~~l!eg~f Ja. KW 1 ~ftler~ 0 "f9~ Klossic: ct Anaheiffl r SS Kringle Jan. .4, Phibpac;. S, At Nevada Sol.1th ~n;t 6, at Nellis Air Force Bose· 9 caf p~ 5 or'2fra~~ tJnv~k'toft~er~~~'eo~°n~ 9~ cg"'~~ 1 !! 0 ~ ~• oPol.P 1 hibpac; 2?, at Chi• atF¾tYolci. in Mugu NAS; 30, 2 2 ec·ai293,, tomina Classie at Pomona~ .P) Pomona; 27, at Cal wtstern. a y o






L' They're Big And Well-Behaved G1thn m 11.1


o 11 e 1 gocd Gil.

-;tahll h d a st•t of rule::. for his ath- l icll'm·e at USD, and it's 'll be w •11-b •haved. Fraternizing with [i<; Leyrer, 1s verboten. Anybod~ forbidden because it stains the id s, thrre are no pittoons in the campus . And ·making is permi sible only when ll en't t> po.·ed to public gaze. timt> of t .·ting. The players receive only tn y'r 111 11wlud111g 1 inking into i<-ating du t m dal and, liquids will inddentally, his lose his job. chewing I th


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t>xhibition game

their first

room and !mare. until ~,tn Hou:,;ton at Balboa

'tadium on Aug. 6. Then

t'I 60 for ach pre- ·ea-;on game. Salarie · gm with th first le guc game SC'pt. 10 at Dalla-. The Chargers are budgl'IC'rl for 1,200,000 this )' •ar hut a lot of th rook1t•s won't get mu ·h of the p1 . C11lman mu t trim his quad to :13 men for league play a11rl the ranK will begin to thin right awa~ • A lot of them wi I hP 1·ut lhP first week," says ,1llmnn. "W c · n tell whrthrr thev've ol a ·hance al'Tlo l ir1m di :ould cut a thou and and wouldn t b \\rong more han on ·e r twi :e. k thr h d new t , earh player ·e cut. and lll'n \\hj. W ded!l q.i,<'kly he1:au.e it's a fight 1g, 1 t llmr. The qu d mu t b r •duced to a reason- a\>'e numbf r in ord tog tour work done.' f R,<'h rel full) love and a lot of oth r · first 1m- p1 r I n1s rt> going to he aw[11II) important. ._.___ ____ '11 be pc11d

J • ' IE ME~K, LEFT, AND JACK FAULKNER aid and Charger assistant talk football

Robert Sexton yesterday was appointed as Universit) of San,Diego's head basketball c a on 1111 Inter- im basis 1 e 1961-62 eason by the fac t mmlttee on athletics. niversity's director, succeeds Ken Leslie, who resigned from the job this year. Sexton is a graduate of Cani- sius College where he starred in basketball and football. As a student in the Navy V-12 program he played b ·ketball for Dartmouth Coll ge in 1944 when that t reached t h e National · te Athletic Association He coa<'hed . everal high schools fn the cast before joining the S)racuse . ·ationals of the National Ba ketball As- sociation in 952 as a publicity director. Ile ,,. a s appointed general manager of the Nats in 1954. and r€'mnined in that position until 1958. During the Pl!ri0

jEx-Helix Grid Star Be omes USD Aid Ernie Ml'rk, ex-Helix High of San Diego, and Southern Cal athlete, has nounced today. :eturned to the college 3:thlrt. Merk, winner of three let- 1cs scene here as assistant ters in the 1954-'57 USC 'd football coach at University wars, will be backfield cogar~h it was an-

• o o t a- o 0 O O 1:1-13






for handling both offense and defense with emphasis on the latter. Ernie wound up his Helix career in 1953 with four let- ters in football, three in base- ball and two in basketball. As a halfback he earned :first s t r i n g All-CIF and City Le a g u e playPr-of-the-y e a r honors his senior year. He also was selected to play in the annual Breitbard AU-Star game. Merk played freshman and ~arsity football for USC, earn. mg three letters. He was on the Trojan e 1 e n which fought Ohio State in the 1955 Rose Bowl. After college, Ernie played two years with MCRD. the Pioneers,

USD-Wlmomson, 10 run (kick folied 1 ___!l§D-Grav, OJ run (Rudzinski kick). ·


Leslie Quits as Cage Coac at San Diego SA•• DIEGO-Former • ·a- tional AA U A 11- American hoop . tar Ken LP lie re- signed Saturday as head ba:- kethall coach at the "C"niver- sity of San Diego. Leslie·s action was expect- ed slnce he tt'cently joined the San Francisco Saints of t e newly formed profe•- fnonal American Basketball League.

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