!-/OST MOSTANGS TODAY T oreros Eye 2n . s jJ I/ {)t.Go-," I~ I ~ I 1ctory n I\O Hy ,JOUSNY .\ld)O!li,\LD l 'nivc•r ity o/ San Diego's footballers s,·ek their S<'Cond \·e>nge today at !'.SD Starlium when tlw~: 1anglc ,1 h N <'IV M<'xico W,•stc-rn's )fustangs, 1 l<'kolf fo r tllC' r u b b c> r l makh ot thC' thl'<'C'-Sl'l S<'l'icS c•om[nO' lrnm behind to . J '('{ for 2 • 1 k " w I 11 0 c CJ<' • lirn U);j8 c•on1C'St, J;l-10, but b<'· llallh~<·k Jo<' Cray and fuJI. ing U)IS<'1 last )<'!tr. 29-20. That lml'~ .J11n .DPSan!ls, tlw To- wa Uw Mustangs only vic- I<'l'O s lradmg ground gahwrs tor)· 111 1960. ,ill pa cC' tll<' USD atta, k L·1 t we~J-'s ,~ o t · I ~ , · ·t th , · ,, , ,,. nump 1 ,. r:am . <· i P!l•ran 11 • 11 H1e,·s ()\'<'r PemH•rdlne mav have• h orn Stl\'<'r City, N.l\1. Gray h, en tl.c• tonic Prc•a;·ovirh's 1 ; ts p1c_ked up 71. ya'. rls in cn•w nr,•rll'II, r;ray, a 19,1. ··~ _r-ar J<'s a nd D a.nils has pouml si, 11101-, ,.h()Wt>d somr ol J,a, ked tlw bn 1 4U ltm<':; !or hi 1:)60 form against t h <' 1 8 8:. \VaVl'S wlwn hi' Pl <'k,•d U]l 120 [ :-;D roach 111ik P~~ar"vkh yards and lhe USD C'Oach j hopeful his often ,, h a s ho1H•s lhat lw is finally tTady J•l_1llcd out of ,.., 1,nd g<'ar . lt to roll the rc•st of th<' srason. ~Viii ha,·,, to b1• lf tllC' TOl'C'l'OS Going with (,l'ay and De u ,t end to kc<>p pare> \I ith the /Santis in UH• USD ha<•kfieJd 1ustangs onP-man gang will be quartrrhack Pat IIcn,. ullback Juan Vasqu 7 lngp1• nnd hallback !Jowie Wil-1 \'asq n :,,10 21)o.p 0 und liam 011 l'r from l Pa o, f<'X., is , ur- N1 v Molco Po' uso r <'ntly ranl1Pd ~e,·ond among (!;"'"cillfS\ LE 12181 Gabr1e1 na tional mal, ('()liege• run. f 00 ~one~; (200) t b 1 1??lNi\ri.~ ners, ha\ ing nt tt, d 632 rnrds J~,rgg,~•rN, ~G 1190) Gurrola on i:;3 arries dunng the• ~lus- \~!°(m. J dUf~{~l lg ' . Winkowski <1601 OB c<,1,2.0l HM•cmD,.•,,~••·t! 1 S I. ~ garncis. cross (1681 1_ H .. v) " ' The ~<'ri r · is ('\'I'll with USD Yanez (175) RH (190) wW~~,;;~~~
angs The sweet taste of victory 10-yard line from Quarterback still on their lips, the Unlver- Pat Heminger and behind a sity of San Diego gridders go perfect block by Gray circled out after their second win of right end for the score. the • eason Saturday at USO The play was set up on a 28- Stadiul)l agailll!t the viaiting yard aerial from Heminger to Mustangs from New Mexico Gray. Western University In a 2 p.m. Th T intersectional clash. . e oreros 8 cored again w,th one minute remaining In Paced by the running of the contest on a 63-yard n halfbacks Joe Gray, Don Dor- by the II peed v Gray Dua kowskl, Howie Williamson, and Rudzlnsk! converted t~ rou~~ fullback Jim Desantis, t.he To- out the scoring. r e r o I completely dominated Gray ded th • t.h ! t t I t s l rd en e e\'erung wilh er con es as au ay 120 yards hi with Pepperdine Co 11 e g e to rus ng on 14 car- tak 13 0 d , 1 f th rles to lead the Torero attack. e a - ecis on rom e The senior halfback 1 1 k d young Wave eleven. a so P c e up 112 yard1 on punt and Holding the Peps to a •ingle I kickoff returns. fint down and 115 yards net in Saturd , M t th · ay • us ang match e ruah1~g department, _the should bring back bitter mem- Toreros P I c k e d u P lO fn'llt orles to To,·ero Coach Mike Pe- downs and 248 yards via th e carovlch, for It was In that rushing- lanes. game last season when a. 200- D e II p I t e the overwhelming pound fullback by the name of edge In the statistical depart- Juan Vuque:1 bulled hill way ment, USO was unable to dent almost single-handedly to a 29- the scoring column until the 20 Win over the Alcala Park fina.l quarter when Williamson team. took a pltchout at the Wave Behind 21-0 after 2 •,i per-
v·I itln Wu Ve!<. Both n Ill he. ..-rn In action at 2 p.m. Saturday at D 'ladlum when the New l\lexlco \\'e~tern 1\lu tangs ('ome to Alcala Park.
iods, the Toreros fought back but were unable to make up the yardage. Vasquez is back again thl• year and ls ranked second in the nRtion among small college rushing performers with 632 yards over six games• Mustang Coach Al J ohnson has built his off se <'ompJe te- ly around t he El Paso Texa.s gridder and has had ' r 2
zona State University Bs, 21- include tackles Ray Yoast 11.nd
4, laat Saturday.
Guy Selleck, center Mike Gur-
Johnson'1 crew have Jost to rola a nd gua Sul Ross State, Pan hand I e and Wally Joos. &M, and .Adams State. . . . The Torerot1, m winning their Rudzln f1nt game of the season. show a 1-3 rec11rd tor the season m :STA.\GS with losses to Whittier 127-0), tri\\!:;,, 1 \~e:i, Univ lty of J'.'.llcific r 40 7 ~~~••ti'~/ 200 J. and th an D l ~go r Ward ,21s, l37-0J. lm) Line stalwart.11 expected to oonllnue their outstanding play Wlnkow1kt uoo, Cro :s {168 \'am•z (lil vuqu~z 1~00, POI. C G G T T f f;
Gray Ell!ott
t" 8
Vo~quez (200)
fllllil n~<;n,.,t!c
Other being coun led on for
and Dorkowskl.
TOBl:BO8 Ou.rrol1. 0901 Jooa Hilo) E'!Uott 12181 Yoast 422bt Selleck C2201 tl'.'.[)eYilt 090) Gabriel (2181 Hemin,er U901 Gray !194) Wlll:a.mson 0 90t Oesantl Cl83I
able success WI th the plan. The :Mustangs h a. v e a 3-3 record thus far v.i th wins over New Mex I co Highlands (who de- fea ted Pepperdine 18-16 ), 17-7; Eastern Arizona. 21-0; and Ari- The San Diego Union's Gridiron Selections Hui I ,Jatk Phil I Bob fo lonl'Y_ ~lurphy Collier \\1lliams - IW -8:J, -12 5, L-30 W-85, L-30 W_, L--.11 Pct••72' Pc:t••739 Pct. ,730 . ..L. 1-!!~t. . ,, ! ,, D ego St-- San Diego St. son DIKo-IL San Ole~St, bV6 , bvlO bv 6 _.__ y 8 CRO___ MCRD (;;CRO -• bYl4 bv7 ·- y 6 f-- 1~-- USO N b'/'e6. r-'est VI Y3 bY6 SC use - 1 -CollfOr11 0 C'1,!!lo 3m!!, bY6 by7 bv3 G~A-13___ u~~A1 u~!/, u~~. I cnhlnoton w~il'l9fon Washington wa,h nston ! by I bY 7 by 7 bv 7,1 hlo Sra••-- Ohio SI Ohio Sr o,gn1. : by bvl0 by7 enn t. Penn St s-,,r-ocuse ___ Tvroe~e A ,., bv 1 -- boma bv 6 eoro a "redl bv 7 Alabama bv J Gt,o;ula T ecl'I bv 6 bv.6___, Alaboma Alct>orno bv 7 by 6 GeorgJa Tech by J Georgia Tech by 6 Rolla • -elson I Williams Fb ber W-IJ, L--.11 Pct, .722 W-81, L--.13. l Pct••713 San Oiego St. bv 7 Son o,_ St. by 13 MCRO MCRD by 7 bv 1-4 N. Mex. West. usb by I by 6 California California by I by 6 UCLA UCLA I bv l by 7 wgr•,n•1on WaShin;ton I bv 13 Ohio St. Ohl0-Stcit_e__l by 7 bv 7 ! svracuse Syracuse bv 1 by l Tennessee Alabama . bv 1 bY 6 Auburn Georgia Tech bv I by 7 i Howard ,Jerry Dushan Harry Dave I Bill Hagen J\lagtl"' Lazovich :\Ionahan Gallup Hollohan W--82, L-33 W--11, L-34 W-79, L-36 W-79, L-3& 1 W-78, L-37 W-76, L-39 Pel• • 713 Pct. 702 Pct••617 Pct••687 Pct• • 678 Pct.•6'1 Son Diego St. Sonto Borbora Son Diego St. SOn Diego St. San Diego St. l Son Diego st. by 7 by 7 by 7 by 7 by 6 by 6 MCRO MCRO MCRO MC RO Mt~~ MCR O by 3 bv 7 by 7 bv 10 by 25 Uf,~ l N, Mex. west N. Mex. West N, Mex. West USO USO by 2 by 7 by ; by l I by 7 use use California USC California Collforn1a by 6 by 6 by 3 by 3 by l by 3 U~;A7 u~~1 UCLA UCLA UCLA I UCLA by 10 by 6 by 3 by 2 wa!ihington Washington St0n1ord Washington Stanford Washington by 6 by 10 by 7 by 4 by 1 bY 1 Ohio St. Ohio St. J Ohio SI. Ohio St. I OhiOSt. -I Ohio St. by 7 by 6 by 6 by 6 I by 3 by 3 Syracuse Penn St. Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse s,.-rocuse bv 3 by 3 by 6 by I ' by ; by 6 A 1 oboma Alabama Alabama Tennessee Alabama Alabama by 10 bV 7 by 12 by 6 ' by 5 by 10 Georgia TMh Georgia Tech Auburn Georgia Tech I Georgia Tech Georgia Te-ch by 10 by 3 by 2 by 3 bY 6 by 3 Chari Sawyer W-76, L-39 Pct, .6'1 Son Diego St. by 7 MCRD by 25 N. Mex, Wes;t by 6 use by 2 UCLA by 7 Woshin9ton by 3 4 Oh!o St. by 7 Syracuse by l Alabama by 6 Georgia Tedi by l
UnivPrsit) w <' I c om rd
c!'arovich pla11s to give l\!ur-
Lucsd1ing phy more of a trial in an 1'1- to perk up the Torcro miss!'d pa~s game. Heminger will
hack to tlw lin<'UJJ 1ocla ~. Thc rort
183-pouncl la t WP<'k's game hallhur·I,
in which handle most defensive the Tor<'ros wl1ippNI N e w work and spc>ll Murphy on of. M e;x1,·o \\',.stern . Ii<' s· t ou1 f£>ns<' with II g rrPn sti<'k fra<'lUrf' of Fullha~k Jim Dc>Santis' an- 111 1;ight cla\iclP . ti<-s again s t New Mexico . USD roa<"h 1\1tkP Prcaro- w cs t C' r n Saturday vaulted H eh has ai•nottn<·ed lw II ·tart\ him back 10 the top among ophomor e Nelson Murph~ al T O r r r O i·u•hrr$. Desantis •1uarlC'l'haek . against L 11 g Sl'ored two touchdowns and Beael1 StatP ~aturda,Y mg'. 1 1: ,gaincd 163 yards on 24 earries Junior Pat IlPmmg<>r h a s 101· a 6.9 average, 1andl<'d th" bulk of till' qua r• , , . t<'rba cki ng chores to ctat<' but . 1 hat output a(mo~l doubled Ins season rushmg total. Go• ing into 1he game the> fiery the
W-a4, L-31 Pct. 730
Son Diego St. bY 6 MCRO by 10 USO bv 1 use bY 1 UCL.<; by ' Wa!.hlngton by 4 ow.f.· by sYrac~ by l Alabama by 5 ~Geo ula Tech ~y 3~--
185-pounder had gained 168 yards, second to halfback Joe t;ray who had 171. Gray ear- ned 17 limes for 88 yards ! a gainst th<' Mustangs but al- lhough that amounted to a 4.2 av erage, it didn't stop h Im from sliding into seconcl.
MtSsisslppJ SI. I G@OC"gia by 1 by 7
Misslssii:;ipi St. by 3
Missl!,S.ippJ St.
Mississippi SI. by l
M1'3sissippi bV 8
Mississippi St.
MissiSSIPPi St.
M L M lo N
PPI sr.
Gt':,"•Ja___ Ml;;l\S!PPI SI,
by 6
by 14
by 7
bY 2 by 6 by 21 by 18 ! Kentucky Iowa
I F ive-game statistics: tEAM - ,first downs rushin~ '
l1,~ 3
LSU ,.~bv 7
by 7
by 10
bv 7 MiSSISS~ ' bv " Iowa by 1 Mgjan SI.
by 3
by 6 by 7 by 6
by 3
by 7
by 5
bY 3
bv 6 by 9
Misssisippl by 18
Mississippi by 10
3t 26 68 263 122 962 !l 3
Mississippi bY 26
1lppl ~y 1,___ 1 'lJ'" Dame- urdu•--- wa bv 13 -, 6
bY 20 by 13
by 6 by. 10
by 7
I first downs pass•n? · first downs peno1t1es total first downs total rushing play, rushing yardage 1 yards lost rushing • net rushing il ~grs~~r~~d p~~~~~~e,Jed totol offensive pfays total offense f l :g:~::
by t9 by 13
by 14 by 10
9 .$
54 310 1,ow 112 908
by 10
bv 10
by 6
bY 10
by 9
0 ~
Mich igon St.
N. ich iqan St.
Michigan St.
Notre Dome
Michigan St.
M~i,'°n Sl.
Michigan by 3 Purdue bY 4 Kon,;.as bv 6 Arkansas
Notre Dame
Mi;!'lfan St.
Mibc.:1rn St.
by 7
by 7
by 6
bY 6 P'l:tt Konsos by J Savior by 7 bv 7 by 1 by 7 by 1 Texans Bills Titans Arkansas by 1 Giants bv 7 Lions bv l Browns bv 3 Packer-s b-, 13 Eagles by 6 Cardinals
bv 3
by 1
P'lf:ut -K~l Texas by 7 Baylor by 14 bv 7 Titans bY 7 Tt:icans by 3 Giants by 10 Lions bv 3 Browni I bY 7 Packers by 10 Eoqles by 7 8111!,
Michigan by l by 6 Kansas Texas by I Savior by 3 Chargers by 13
Purdue bv 10 I Kansas
M~iian 011:tahoma
Purdue by 3 I Kansas
Michigan by 5 Kansas
Purdue by 7 Kansas by 3 Texas by 7 Savior by 6
Purdue by 13 Kans.as bv 10 Texa! bv 13 Savior by 17 cnargers by 3
Purdue by 2 Kansas bY 3 Texas by 4 Baylor by I
bvl bv7 klohoma-- --Oklaho~ by 6 bv 3 t
Kansas by l
ni l 356 [
bv 8 by 4 Texas Baylor bv 7
by 7
bv 3 by 7 by 10 by 10
by I
?6t 405 30 17 10 25 n.,
Texas Baylor
Texas bv 6 Bovlor bY I
by I
by 4
by 6
Baylor - by J
Savior bv 14 by 17 Chargers
Baylor bv 6
JO 13 s 36
pun ling overage
35.7 37.8
I Chargers
c~;?{' by 3 Ti~cr•e 01~-;•{, Bills
• tumbles l peno ltles gg~ • Desantis I Gray ' I
Cliargers by 16 Patriots by 7 Titans by 7 Oilers Giants by l Liens bY 6 Steelers by 3 Packers by 16 Eoc;;iles by 6 Cardinals by 10
Char gers by 10
Cl'largers by 14 Patriots
Chargers bv 13
Chargers by 10
Cnarg;;:;--- Cnar;ers
fumbles lost
bv 10
Patriots by 2 Titans by 6 Texans by 3 Giants by 7
yards penallze.cf
by 2
bv 3
1 by 3 Titans
by 3
bv 6
by 3
by 19 by 14
Cumulative Score by Quarters
Titans by 7 Texans by 6 Giants by 7
Titans by 10 Oilers by 7 Rams by 7 by 3 by 7 Browns Colts
Broncos by 1 Oilers by 2 Giants by 12 Brawns by I Packers by ; Eagles by 6 Liens by 5
by 10
by 10
bv 7 by 3
by 3
by 7
by 7
u 4.9 7.6 3.v 4.9
73 .49 19 is
341 263 1-'8 !i~ 18
333 243 1 ,u
Giants bv 7 Lion$ by 3 Browns bv 7 Packers bv 10 Eagles by 7 Cardinals bV 14
Giants bY 7 Li~s 1
by 10
by U
by 10
Dorkowski i 'C'~~1~ggJ~on Gabriel Rudzinski 1 Heminger Murphy Gabrlel Grav Gobrlel McDevltl Oorkowskl
Lions bY 3 by 7 Brown, Packers
Lions by 6 by 1 by 15 by 3 by 6 Browns Packers Eagles Cardino ls
by I
by 6
by 9
1a 9
o 0
)8.0 1.8 170 71 20
Browns by 10 Packers bv 12 Eagles by 7 Cardinals
0 ~'¥' V
Browns by 14 Packers by 21 Cowboys by 6 Cardinols
Browns by 3 Packers bv 14 Cowboys by 7 Cardino ls
Passin'J •16
t _Packers by 10 _
. Tv'\1;, I iE'l,~•1 ' Cardinals by 8
1 ..
i I by 1-4 Eagles by 7 .(9ers I by 7 ' I
8 2
Ec:J 1
eagles by 3
Pass Receiving
I Cardinals bY 6
5 .4 6 2
Cardino ls by ll
105Loeschnig 39Willlomson 35 DeSan1is
'2 1
26 19
Cardino~ --- bv 10___ "9era
Cardinals by 7
Cans nals
by 3
by 7 by 1
by 7
by 7
by 9
i klnt
at R.
• fin
-- -n
by 10 u ~,-w~ Last w.-: bY •o 21--8; 21-a, .n,
by 2
by 6
by 1"
al Btar1,____.1__,,L,-a~,~ ~-.r:--4 L 21-1, .724
~'t~s 2
by l
by l
bs 7
by 14
by 7
y l
jTa"St Week: 22-7; 759
Last Week:
I La51 Week: 21-7; .759
I Last Week:
Lost Week : :n-a; .124
Lost Week:
I Last Week: 22-7; .,s,
Last Week: 21--a; .724
Last week : 22- 7; .759
Last Week: 22- 7; .759
Last Week: 18-11 ;
27 3S.9Yoost
3 34.0
:n-a, .724
17-12; .586
19-10; .6SS
r I lauds
o·ryell Lauds Play Of Aztecs
long Beach St. Ekes Out 14-12 Win Over USD 1 B. JOHHNY :HcDONALD 1San Diego Union Sports Writer 1 L BEACH, Oct. 28 - A
Aztec Play
"Our opponents' fine punt• ing kept us in a hole part of the time, and they were fired up for us; students had bonfire rallies during the week. T h e i r touchdowns came on two loop passes that found.our secondary de- fense playing too close to the line of scrimmage." Maj. Harris said he'd heard of UOP de-emphasiz- ing, "but they have Oregon, Oregon State nd Washing- ton State on eir schedule for next vcar If that's de- emphasis, I d 't know what it is." Mike Pee l'h\ ch, coach of the Universit f San Diego Toreros, p~! d fullback Jim DeSal) for his work during th victory over New MexJoo Western here Saturda "The great ground· gainer, Juan Vasquez, was second in the nation among small colleges up to .last we eke n d. But DeSantis (Continued on b-6, Col. 1) ,
Big Five. They held Los An- geles State to minus 25 yards in beating them, 35-6, Saturday night, and held halfback Joe Womack of Los Angeles to minus 15 yards from scrim a e. "We're ot up there to shoot the works." -Gene Gregston, executive sports editor of the Evening Tribune, was •toastmaster for the weekly, public eet- ing of the QB Club at Town and Country Hotel. Maj. Scotty Harris, whose Marine Corps Recruit Depot club lost to University of Pacific, 12-9, said "overall our men had a pretty fair game but mistakes hurt us . "We had gains of' 60 and 40 yards nullified by penal- ties early in the game and our players dropped s i x passes, three of which would have been touchdowns. I be- lieve the cold weather may have had something to do with our receivers dropping the ball.
ren S i m m o n s and Bob Vaughn." , Coryell said the Aztecs had defensed Santa Barbara for its wide stuff, including flat passes, "so they hurt us running inside But the Gau- chos. e x t r m e l y well coached by Bill Hammer, have run against everybody this year. "One reason w~ didn't throw more is becaa they were double-teaming e n d N~al Petties. We went into ball-control tactics in the second half because we had a 15-6 lead and knew Santa Barbara would have had to score twice to beat us." Regarding the F r e s n o State game next weekend, Coryell pointed out the Bull- dogs have lost only one game in two seasons, that by one point in the final sec- ond to Montana State last a I esno has one of the lines in the West," 11 said, "including the
By HO \' RD HAGE~ Don C.i £'11 .·an Diego State football coaoh, gave s pecial praise to five of his players for t heir work in the 21-6 conquest of Santa Bar- bara , then told The Union. Tribune Quar ter back Club yesterday that a long, hard 'light is on tap aturday at F resno State. • home- coming vi over Santa Bar ba r a e r e Sat urday , Coryell . aid "most all of ou r players c·ame through with good gamPs. F:ldridge Cook~. who started at w ing- back whPn we moved Kern Car ~on to left ha lf, was the mos t oucsta •. He missed onl ) 1 entire fir ~·,111::1'r1,,,-btt ayne Sev- 1 a other good job and v. v. 1 e also pleased 'with the p ay of linemen Randy •haffin, who has been side• lin with a Jame leg, War-
(( ontinuedJ g ame-d 165 y a rd · aga ms t 93 for Vasquez "Our hlol'l,ing has bl'rn good, which accounts ior our i mpro\ ed ru1ming . If our passing and pa s defense g et better, thP game with Long BPad1 State there Sa t- u rday will b<' a good one." P eca r oYi ch said li neman J 1111 DaYi.· and defensi\·e back La rry Strohm<'y<'r in- ('Ul'r<'d di 'ocat<'st- crn l:n e1 sit team drr w a ,,epkend h <' said lw <'X · peels Peppi' di to uncork a passing ganll' -against his s4u~d h<'r<• Saturday a ftc>r • ll0<1'.l . Lt \Vl , It ' l<'d <..rnwf La Jolla as two ol t ht h lhcol teams h as ecr n al'lion this fn J and comm · ted t h a there 1s \\ I'll - balanced c·omp<'tition among the pr<>ps .
!)nt that traveled only ·cts into a strong wind 1 Pnabled heavily fa- ng Beach State to l iarrow 14-12 decision ! th University of San " * " STATISTICS
USO 10 113 0 0-6 0
LBS 17 280 44 4-10 1 • ·19.2 3 ss
First downs Rushing Passing Passes Passes Intercepted • ·· Punts 1 , , .-. • Fumbles lost Penalties Diego before 3,900 Veterans Memorial - iJt * *
. 8-31,1 0 35
ans at
'taclium . The Toreros contained the 49<'rs' two top backs but couldn't do a thing about a l gusty cold wind of about 20 knots that blc>w in the third period. Jim Gabriel got the kick (Continuecl on b-5, Col. 3) I