News Scrapbook 1959-1962
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 1· Jlon., Oct. 2:l, 1961 Football ar
By JACK REBER The question: How can Uni- versity of San Diego beat New Mexico Western tomor- row? The answer: Stop Juan Vas- quez. . The key to V i C t O r Y IS wrapped up in those three words, but the job won't be that imple. VasqUPZ ranks as the nation's No. 2 runner, having C'Ompiled 632 yards on 83 carrie in six g a m e s. That's an average ot 7.61 yards a carry. The El Paso, Trx., native i stands only 5-10 b\lt eighs 200 pound . With peed and bruising pow , • has carried the brunt of he Mus- tang attack in thre s. The Mustangs have l o Sul Ross (Texas) Stat , Adams (Colo.) State and a handle A.&:'.\,1. of Oklaho ~ey have beaten Eastern Anzo. na New Mexico Highlands and Arizona State Univ rsi- ty' s B team. The game , , University o! n Die O sta• dium at 2p. . Offense tad Clldung , University of D Dlrgo 5 offense finally artrd to perk against Pepperdine last werk. The Toreros rushed fo: 248 yards on 53 carries, a highly. respectable 4.68 team aver- age. k Chief weapon !n this atta~ was Joe Gray, last years leading ground-gainer who. Is making a latP bid to reclaim thi- honor this yPar. Gray scorrd one touchdown and iaid down the block for the other in the Toreros' 13·0 wm over Pepperdine. ~e gained , 120 yards on 14 carr1e~ for an j 8. a erage in that contest. Pa ·s Attack La,:- Although the runners had a field day u:o•s pas. in at• tack lagged again. Thi' To- reros got one first down pass- ing and eomplPted 2 ot 11 aerial:: for 29 yards. Torero coach Mike Pecaro- vich said his team has worked on pass offense this wpek •·but not as much as we would have liked to." He indicated the squad has gone all out in practice ~n working out ways to cont~m Va. qucz. He also has m- stalled the A formation to thP left side, a complement to the right-side A the Tore- ros ran again. t PrppPrdine last Saturday night. Gap I. Created The A-formation i a Peca- ro\'ich innovation to solve the problem of the cornerback. The of!en IV<' Jim.' splits, cre- ating a gap brtwern one guard and cent<•r. The full- back linr.s up In this space, j ust a step behind the quar- terback who, along with the halfbacks, is in standard T position. The defen~e has to pull its linebackers in to plug this hole and prevent the quick handoff to thr fullback . Pi>ndray Is Back The Torero defPnse, mean- while, has been strengthened by the return of LeRoy Pen. dray, a tough linebacker who missed the last thrre games win a broken hand. Halfback Jor LoC'schnig will miss Sat- urday's contest with a green- stick fracture o! his Je~t cl~vl- 1 cle. The 183-pound semor 1s a three-year letterman. The Toreros will C'arry a big weight edge on the visi- tors. USD 's starting line aver- age 207 and its backfield 190. The Mu~tangs forward ~all a,·eragrs 199 the backfield 176. Probable linrups· N M 'Westem Pos. USO c · Soro (205) •• M McD viii !190 L Ward (2151 I G $el eek 22Q e'. Cos'eda C2DO) tg G. 111011 218 M , Steffen (185) c M. Gurrola ~rs {: ~j~l~a'?f,o~190) ~f R~·y~f (225 E Heln's {195) re J. Gabriel (218 w· w1n•,~1 (160) ab P. Hem'r (190 R • Cross (168) lh J. Grav (19.4 J.' Vasauez (200) 1b J . OeSoptis (185 T. Yanez (175) rh H. Wilson (190 I
By JACK REBER Unlver,ity of • an Diego whipped _l'iew :uexico Wei.t• em, 20-18, Saturday at USD Stadium .. _but what un- doubtl'dly was the Toreros' most exc1tmg and best- played game of thf' srnson also may ha Ye b<' n the> mo:l costly. Two kev defen i\'C men. guard Jim Da,!. an? haH- back Lar~v Strohmner, uHered elbow dhiocauons 1J1 the hard-fought conie. t and will mi~s. at le_ast. thrpe weeks' action, ac ording to team phys1rwn, D1. R1cha1 ct LuthPr. everal other TurPro~ were b:1111,ed up bu( ari, ''"· ecled to pla\ ·aturday night whrn USO ~ra,·eJ tu i:.o Beach .~tat.e Halfback Don Dorkowsk1 wa• the mo:f ei iou. of th . He was injured in the !atter P~'.t o! the game and was_ taken lo :\fercy Hosp,it:I ~,h~,-~ .· x stitches ,,en• requ1rrrl to c-lose a gash o, r1 h1 <') '. and c, en mor :nerdecl lo dose a dPat wound in his :h~~ . ' Althouah U:SD'< offen. e romped at it: most pruduct1,·<' rate of the ·ra. on, it performance was. matched b~ the defender who intercepted three passes, ~o~ble~ u?, one fumble a 1 d held Juan Vasque1 , thl' nation .. , o. - all,collt",. opncl-gainer, to 93) ards on 19 carne ,\!though ·pw :IIP.·ko \\'e,IPrn'. lJrui,lng ~oo,-pm~nder • n't hut out h,· anv means, hr has held to 29 111 d. \\ a • · b hl - n rrage In the se1·011d half. Va:quez roug a , a, into the game o ti.12 yards in 8:{ carries. , . Ti 1 rer~ used both the A and the I -format10n a ai:-t ~•ew lexi<"0 w,•stern and h~lfback Jo<• Gra; : and Howie Wflllam ·on and fullback Jim Desantis had a : f1<>ld da~, Dfl ·anti~ ,v thP bii;- gun. l'Olll n~ U(t 1 7 )·unls on 24 carrir1; a 6.9 a, erage. Gray cove:"d. yai-ds ~; li l"arries and Wiiliam:on rambled lo times for y~~~:· hard-charging OeSantls :cored _lwi_ce for the Tur- ,-1,0 during their second half surge. H1 · fir t came "hen he circled right end Into the rmbrace o! two 1!u,tang kl " Thr 185-pound i;enior ore away before the of. tac er.,. t· ct 48 ·a1·ds fi<.:ials could blow the ball drad and con mue ) for the score. • De ·anti~ chalked up the 11!-ddin,:- tally In the fourth ' eriod on an right-yard burst which left ·~w Mcxko • tv<' tern tralilny, 20-12. The • Tustangs rPtahated with their ace rnd, Jyde Berg, , 01 ing on a pass from Walt Winkowski. Quarterback Winkowski e, lclentl;: thought. he \\ a. ,cu1:• !ti •ing the Toreros by n_ot u,ang his top ~1 ound:gaine1 , Va quez, for the two-pornt com crs10n try but 111 , 1,as~, though complete, went out o! the rnd zone and the To1- c-,ros wcrr left with the wlnmng margin. SJ>" th halflrnc•k Ray ( ro, put •:ew ,_1e ko W••~trrn t f ont parl\' returning thr opemng k1ckoif 90 ,>at_ds a touchdo\~n. Th" Torcro C'am.r ri hi . b_ack ;;u~ ray 1 -unnin" eight ;ard, and leapm o a t:-'c e1 1 lo the end ~zonr. Duan<' Rudzil' T WHO'LL CARRY I ! ra , I ft, and Jim De Santis are battling fo_r the lead among University of San J?i- ego ground-gainers. Gray leads w_1t_h_ _ _____ o arc!. on 32 on 49 tote . nt ·her for 1960 team. USD Rally Co quers New Mexico Western Sf> lt1-1{hu !3/~0/.4,1 Im roving USD o !"_...~IM-'nse S. F. St. Gators BJ ,HIii. ·;-, 1 'ldlON,\J.I) dog rule• again h<'r,. . ·a111rda~ again t tough ~an l• rand ,., . 'tat<' but If ti e Tor-,, o 11la, an~ thing Ilk,• thr> did agamst Long Br, d1 late•, the Ca- lo s lOUJ tt/3/(./ Sa rancisco State High Hurdle For USD San Frandsco Stat!' tomo1·-,will b!' aerial artist Dick Va- row will bring 10 San Dil'go,lois. The 6-foot, 185:pound Ga- t O r so Jl h O mo re quarte>r• lop small hark is lis(C'd fifth Ill the na , . avrngr last yrar's 35-0 Joss row's gam!': Mike McD£'vitt signment for his Univrrs,ty Pecarovich announcrd the of San DiPgo TorPros tolfollowing startPrs for tomor, '0 clubs mPP1 at (190) nnd Jim Gabriel (218) Il ll br up to Jim (The Ray Yoast (225) at tackles. D antis and Joe Gray Wally Joos 1185) and Tony th job done for the Proeopio (210) at guards. lhe . at ends, Guy Selleck (220) and senior Mike Gurrola (19()) at center arrumulatC'd Nelson Murphy (]88) at quar'. onP of lhr. wrst s C'oll<"g<' football tPnms. . lion among small co 11 r g e On 111£' stn•ngth of ih1s, pas~rrs with 6:-i compJe1ions '.'oar!~ .:l,l'i~r Pl'enrovlch r!'a!- on 111 1ossl's fo1• 973 yards lZ<'S 1t will lw qu1t1• an as and 12 touchdowns. • JHi c o • Ulllll'\'l Oil whc>n lroni; wind 111 USD S · 1um. Th,• inal)iJII and a pa, tlw third p1•rrod provpd costly as the 1wo-tuurhdown undc•r• ITwi dt oppPcl a 14-12 to g t dug Ton•ro <1£'d ion to tlw 1'.JPJ s al Lon ' Tor<'ro.. DeSanlis. a BParl) la. I Satun_lar night h, · fullback, has fore rans ill 1,00:3 yards 111 three srasons- terback, Williamson '190) and V••1£'I an·, !.IPmo1·ial Stadium an indication that he is the Gray !194) at halvt's and De- USD qua,wrba<'k J' a t biggrst and best USD w<'apon. Santis !185) at fullback. Ileming<•r and NL"l•on :llur. Offonsively, 1 h" Toreros ph) fai!Pd tu rom]Jlete a va have gainrd 1,091 yards and in six tri<> · b,•tWl'• n th rn. Su. DrSantis has picked up 414 of whc-n it <·am,• 11m to yu to 1· thrm with 91 rushPs. The Ga- the 1\10 110inls afte • th!' Torp. tors havr pickPd up 1,099 1 ros' ~<•<·ond tou<'hdown th•:, yards on thr ground but 1,168 Plrl'l<"d to 11111 and fall,.d in thn Air in onr. morr conlPst Both roachc 11 e1·,, di ap- :J,900 surpnsf'd than USD has played. B e h i n d Desantis in the gr o u n ct-gaining dr•partment comrs Gray who has 290 yards In 58 carriPs, Don Dor- kowski 170 yards m 24 trips and Howie Williamson 1681 yards in ,16 C'at rirs. J USD's big worry, of C'Olll'SC', pointi•d, l/ "D l'oach \lik<' P,•. caru, ic-h \la: do\\ II!':\ l , ltP1 gamr and ,,]1 111 IPam c·ould ha,,. \\Oll t11,• , unlP 1 although it did pla1 IHIJI<' hi~ against gn•al,otltls Long BC'11<'11 lll<'lllUI D o 11 Rr<'d mum bl cl a 'thank you" 11 hen Pecaro\'ic-11 ,·ro sPd tlw field to eongratulat•• him hut h1• honest!\' ft-It liis 49,·r ,,·,•re mucl{ b<'lt,·1· than they ~howed . Thr Torc•ros, although hob- bled sonwwhat \\ Ith four dc- fensiv<> mt>n out pf nc·tlon l'OII• tain<'rs \\'Crc Olli of hrr•ath Ill IIH' fin. ish. ThP 49c•1·s slari('(I imprf's. :i\·cJ;- \\'h<'n fullbark St1•1 <' Hartman ,1,•nl :!li 1·anJs lor tlw fir~l louehdown ·with onl) two minute's ;i;Onc u1 tht• ,gatn<'. 'J'hp TOI'<', (J camc- hacl ho\\'- ('\'f'I', \\ilh Jo<' Gra, skirii lhc• right ~id<' for a inu, hdo\t J'rom th<" l:i. Seen ~,..,~s to Tackle each State Torno • la m,01 Joos '115) F.IUott 12181 Ycot f225l 6ell,ck 12:IDI !eDevllt IIUOl 6helTJ 010, ll881 U11!hJ QB HB Gray UtO H.B Willlam,on 11901 FB 0.Banlls ll861 overthrew Berg on the extra rus- tang's nationally ranked tull- ta• on the grounds while DeSantls top/ gained lndl dual ru•hing h . San point try. The Torero• held the co ~onte•t w s back Juan Va.,quez to 93 yard o by the Toreroa th!., ou !or the day with 165 yard.s on 24 earn~. nes (0•J 7 ). w '.M t rd y at lJSO proved to b th TO START AGAINST LONG BEACH ST. s,{) !t"'!unv SD Promotes uarterbac r year. klcko!! return tor a touchdown I by ruatang haltb ck Ray Foll Ing a ahockln Va.,quez wu ranked 1econd 90-yard In the nation among amail col• lege players going Into the tilt r011a, with 632 yarda on 83 carries. In Long Beach State, Coach flke Pecarovlch'• Toreros '";n one ot the better o!! by b tanced elevens In the South- d n an lu eetln By ,JOH.·. ·y '.\lrDO.. ALO ·elson Murphy, the young sophomore who handled the Torcros capably in ttic sec- ond half against • 'ew :\Tex- ico v.·estern la t wee' . has been assigned th . ·o. 1 quarterback dutks w'!en the University of ar Diego en- gages Long Beach State .:at- urday night. rurph), a 19-yPar-old sig- nal callrr from Monterey Park, will open at th quar- terback slot in place of Pat Heminger, a junior. Torero coach ::llike Peca- ro\'ich hopes Murphy can find the range with his pass- ing ar · f nsi ely tou d However. Pc>carovich feels that a passing game is es- sential ·against Long Beach thi · week. "Wc'\'e sroutcd them three timC's and looked at pictures and it "ill be hard to r against thl'm." Pecaro,·ich said. "They're not a high scoring outfit but can take ad\'antagc of y o u r mis- takes." Long Beach has faced t o u g h e r competition and never has been disgraced. The 49ers have a 3-3 record \\ hile USD is 2 3. Long Beach lost to Pacif- c, lZ-7; San Francisco State. 14.9: and Cal Pol:, of San Luis Obispa la t week. 21-14 . The 49ers t pied Sacra- mento State. · Die- go State, l - anta Barbara-, 18- The Toreros v.111 he minus lees of defensive half Larry Strohmeyer and second string linebacker Jim se Davis for this contest. However, halfback J o e Loeschnig ~d tackle Mike Marrah will return to ac- tion after sitting out the la t game. Pecarovich said he would tart Don Oorkowski and Howie Williamson at the ha!Ves and Jim Desantis at fullback to round out the backfield. DeSantis is the Torero' ;\'o. 1 ground gainer after last week's big ·howing with 333 yards in 73 carries. Joe \ Gray is next with 243 in 49 trips. USD has remained cl se to the opposition on e ground but is badly ot t- classed in the passing d . partment. Th e oppo ltion has gained 962 yards to 908 !or USO on the ground in fi,·e contests but has a big bulge, 728 to 261, in the aer- ial department. t I the Tor ros drove 6~ Y to acor eight y rda bmng pac I , oe Gray. halfback Although. dropping a 21-H up.,ct deds10n to cat Poly of Du a n f' Rudz..nakl converted 's Gray Flirts aturday, have ne,·er aucc s!ully to put th Toreros I an Lum Obispo • ner the Forty d, 7,6, ah "YJ!~-rl,OOQ ,J9 Joe Gray has a good chance of joining fullback at USO. I ad wa1 been outclassed In any ot the Th r t1rat p rlOd lived as the .Mu1tangs t d a seven-yard •cor- ing a rtaJ from Walt Winkow- ~kl to ~yd Berg to t&k a l2•7 h Um I ad. ullback Jim D antis, To- r ro capt put on a brilhant di play or rtlM ng to l ad the Slln DJP 1108 In th Ir econd- half ! , scoring twl on . run! of 4 and eJght ard . I With th score 20-12 ln fa,·or ot the To , th ustnngs rds I • Sa~s 1s m his third season Gray needs 86 y a r d s against San Francisco State Saturday to pass the 1,000 mark. He has 915 stripes on 199 carries in his fourth Jim DeSantis Saturday as the only gridders in the six• year history of the Univer- sity of San Diego football than 1,000 to gain more yards career total. year of competition. en- . enior, Desantis, The Toreros will be cele- , circle the charm d tered 0 1.:,1i;m-,.th<' last Saturday night by pick• brating their homecoming ing up 81 yards in 18 carries with the 2 p.m. game at against Long Beach State. USD Stadium. San Francis- He has a career total of co State arrives tomorrow 1,003 yard-s on 235 tries. afternoon and will stay at That's a 4.3 average. De• Marine Corps Recruit Depot.
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