News Scrapbook 1959-1962

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Plot ztec G



USD Plotting Against tee (C'ontinu !'JI put him at on back spots. "The othPr gu), th!' long hall so hi' g<' s the othPr tail. back spot "Wc'rp going to spread the ends, !<'ave gaps 1n the linro and run, pass and run som~ mor<' " continu d the Torcr, 1 coach. " The Tore o pass defensi' also rc>c<'1ved some brush U'; work this wPe1<. PPcaroviC'I has practiced double-tPamin· in preparation for thP <'Xprct ed a<'rial assault which th\ I Aztecs used against Cal Wese! ern with good results. "There's no doubt abou " said Pecarovich. ' Th a •tties can catch a hall am n knows what to do with i, ler he gets it. 'On<' man won 't be able t< >P him." fhr Toreros "' Ii be takin1 , field IC'ss some kf'y per ·mers Including their tct 1C>barkc>r Rudy Rudiinsk'C" 10 "had a case of the flu tu1,, o pnPumonia thi« W('('k. '• Others, who are not cxpec-t.i play, ar<' guard Jim Da,~i d defcnsn·p halfback Lar)i eohmP ·er 'o 'l!nt, Jim O'L,,ar), w um('d to the team t \a s ago after leaving it 1 r y • eptPmbcr, i still h•rt ng ,n "renc hed knee ½ Lised thigh "'1'1ch he ai r ed in ·aturday's 41-2 It., Cal Poly Pomona l. • (!\"elson) :'lfurphy, can hrov,


Mendez Bi Will Spell Carson For fU h Uy HOWAl{J) Jl.\(:J•,N For thC' first time this s

season, San Diego State will have its one-two ball• carrying wallop of K<'rnl Carson and Mario ~lendez ready to operate in the UnivPr~itv of San Diego! game at Aztec Bowl Satur-. day night. t Carson, who starlC'!I l h "I s <' a · o n as a wingback in Slate's I-1 or ma l 1 on, wasl switchc>d to l<'ft haltback when ~frndf'z mjurcd a krn·e in prc- sC'ason drills. I Carson, a long-s t r i d i n g, bl'Uising runner came through in gr<'at style and !<'ads Stat<'·s carri<>1·s with an avn- agp of 6.1 ~-ards pPr try. ~1Pnrkz, form<'r Junior col- if'gr AII-Am<'J'ican at t'!'1'1'i- tos, has m<'ndNI slowly. Ill> ran just onP pla~• at FrC'sno · tht·('(' W<'C'kS ago, l(ainr>d right w a tunwd oos" for thr<'P plays against I WPSl!'l"Jl last Sal- li ·ctay night. On<' of his <·arr! Cal Wf'sl<'rn gamr was a dr c<'µtive, 46-.vard touchdown gallop off-tacklr. Latrr, Az- t<'C coach Don Coryell said "it looks as though he's read Co yell , id ycstrrday Car- n and l\1 <'nclez will alter- ate at tlw lefl half, or tail- back, ·pot 'aturday night. It means th<' utmost rushing p . ure will be exerlod on th!< Torcros at all limp·. I Agamst their two common foes, State and USD ·haped up quite cv<'n Each lost to Long Brach 'State by two points and Pach downC'd Peppf'rdine by two, touchdowns. l\faking furthC'r compari- sons, The Aztecs ha rt t h c yardag" <'dge ovPr L o n g Beach, 260-201. hut Long B<'ach out-gainC'd USD, 280- JS:l. USD led P<'pperdinr in yardag<', 277-107, while the AztN$ toppe'd Pepp<'rdinc>, 440-:ll!l, giving l'SO a margin over State in that contf'st. Aztee scouts who saw USD lose to Cal Poly of Pomonaj last weekend , 41-2. claim, nev- ertheless, that Torero line- backer Jim O'Leary may be the strongest dPfenseman the Aztecs have encountered this season. O'Leary, however, is one of S<'veral Torero players re- ported banged up and their status uncertain for the Sat- urday night contest, first foot- ball m e e t i n g of the two schools. O'Leary has an injured knee and ankle. Other wounded Toreros, according to the in- firmary bulletin, are Guy Sel- lech, Bill Kugler, l\!ik<' Mar. rah , Larry Strohmeyer, Jim Davis, Rich "hei'ry and Rudy Rudzinski. llffie have had their ailm<'nt~ most of the 1 vards; hP " d Pl'pprrdinuhp;"''"-'"' t I' UJ1 ing wcPk, an

.Mike Gurrola, a 190-pounder i his third with the University or San Diego, gets the artmg call at center Saturday when the Toreros meet San Diego State a Aztec Bowl. ea._ on

ut of th!' 1

-Son Die-90 Union Slaff Photo Mendez, l•r, and end Joe Gibbs. They'll all be in action at Aztec Bowl tomorrow night as State has first football meefng with University of San Diego. Aztecs Leery O Surprise

k By Toreros

teams. Good receivers who tallied two touchdowns each against the Toreros were , Stan Sander: of Whittier, Clyde Berg, New 1exico Western and Eddie Kotal, University of Pacific. Last Saturday rtlght, Karl Finch of Cal Poly (Pomo- na) caught passes for 179 yards against USD And, of course, State has outstanding receivers in end Neal Petties and wing- back Eldridge Cooks. In State's last two games, with Peppcrdine and Cal West- ern. they gained heavily with passes from quarter. backs Larry Korsmeier and Wayne Sevier. Petties has caught 17 for 377 yards and Cooks, 11 for 266, r"'i each has scored th r e, touchdo,1111s on pa~s-e . has made known he'll try a double-barrelled shotgun attack Saturday night, with Mutphy alter- nating with Jim Gabriel. normally an end as twin tailbacks. At least, that's what the 'SD coach said. regard, Coryell was ask<'d yesterday if Pe- carovtch, a noted luncheon speaker, was ahead of him In thi · department. "By at least two touch- downs," Coryell 1eplied, "maybe more. ' State's opC'ners will be: Mike Pecarovich, USD coach, In this

Line, Petties, Randy Chaf- fin, Warren Simmons, Spar- ky Bishop, Dave Stenson, Joe G'b s; and acks Sev- i r, K arson, Cooks a Phtl Farias. USD will lead with line- man Gabriel, Ray Yoast, Tony Procopio, Mike Gur- rola, Wally Joos, Guy Sel- leck and ~like McDevitt; and backs Heminge1·. Howie Williamson, Jim Desantis and Joe Gray.

arry 2-6 Record Ag inst Aztecs University of San D l e ,,. p 1 , . will enter its long-awai·t"'edo f 0 , Yths passing yardage to 2,200 . . 01 e season game with San Diego state F !lb k J · · at Aztec Bowl Saturday night qua~t ~c k Im Desantis and with a 2-6 record after th b tl 1 er ac Pat Heminger Toreros dropped a 41 _2 de~ D 0 S 1 sa~ hcav_y duty for USD. * * * e antis ca1-r1Pd 12 times for STATISTICS 47 .Yards while Heminger ,tr:~,n~o~~~dasrl .. Va5D cl~ gained 42 yards in 11 attempts. yarda•e . .. 1 Jf 2 ft _Ca! Polly ended its season P , 1 . 7-1 0 1 1s-2 2 i w_1th the_ triumph, 1 ·ts si'xth 1• 11 Pgn~:s ntercepted Fumbles 10 t · • . , 8-3l.1 1-31 mne outmg . Ya d ' ·· · 1 2 F II · r • penalized . . . 15 ,s o owmg this Saturday's cision to C~! Poly * O f Pomona !£,am<' Wit~ the Aztecs, th e in Los Angeles Saturday oreros will conclude their Cal Poly did little t~ hurt 1961 campaign in a Thanks- its role as the pass offense tvi~g Day game with Cat I ea d P r an,ong the nation's es em at Balboa Stadium. small colleges in gaining 288 gJi° Poly f Pomona) · 1 : ? 2 ° II- 2 yards through the air against Ha~mir%hnir~1' h lws1 Poss fro~ ti:~ USD. Allen IIammf'rSchmidtJ klm,-Lowrence Re~~•ns, HtJird(H~lz~/ci compl_cted JQ of 1i ;11:rials for •• ~ri-:-Hommerschmidt, 1, run (Hazard the Wlnnf'rs for 239 ards and uso Ho, rd, tackled in end , 011 • thrC'e touchdowns. sc~~ 1 ft 1 ?~'b-zo~· •~• 1• from Hammer- Th T , CP -Mlke Curran 27 p f e or0ros onJy S c o r e i mcrschmidt (kick 1Cl11ed) ass rom Ham- came in the second quarter I a,~Pk1S1'.ron, 90, Poss intercept/on (Haz-J when Warr<'n Hazard of Poly was tackled in his own nd- 1 zone for a safety. MikP Arnon took OH•r for // Hammerschmidt in the th· •

1,251 eight





( games compared the airlanes but Aztec coach Don Coryell nevertheless said he'll be watching tor a air punch. "You can cheat up against runnl g and lea,·e yoursel! open !or the long pass," said Cor e . day. "You havp to watch !or the big bomb, even though y o u r opponent ha 't h0\1111 It m the past. T, o mistakes on pass de- fe e can mean two touch- downs and the game." USD has completed only ' 33 ot 132 pa ses with Pat Heminger firmg 24 per cent .and Nelson :\Iurphy 23 per cent. On th,• other hand . USD has been hurt by passing to only 343 via

period to complet<' live of 12 ,1 pass attempts for 49 yards. /' The game total pushed c a J ; - ,

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