News Scrapbook 1959-1962
-, v~ -11/~2; )ti IC Wesfer:n s USD ridders Meet For First Ti e In Balboa Stadium ,n,uiiLL I Today
'l'h 6-Z·l mark Into Saturday night's 1 ; sea. on windup. They lost to Long Beach and Fresno and were ti<'d hy L, A. State. Al 01 ·en, SDSC athletic !lirrctor, said the Aztecs and t SD havc not signed Jor a re- turn game next year. othlng hns been done at thf. point, We have one plitCC' open on our schedule no,,," pointed out. He adrlerl he thou "pretty good control !W tainect of the rooting ;i~~~~.l dur- mg the U D- zt LICC<; takf' a
N<'Wl'OnH'rs J ];,]s<') am! Bill Schamm!'I wlll lwad. 1111' Univr•r·sity of 8an Di<•go ha~ketballrrs tonight a· llw 'l'oreros op,•n thC'il' season :It Clair<•mont J l1gh a g A i n s I <; rand Can) on Coll<-g•• ot l'hornlx ,J l'l'I'}
( or) ,,11 prui "" th" Aztec l n ror pln~· again t USD. •·our 11110 11luyt> o'<'locl< LO junior \ al'l'ilY will e T" oil IS slalc•d Ior the prPlimi- l' Coll<•g lart!n,: at 6 ·30. a f,.t forwa rrl. pSD alt<•r an ollt• •ason at PhihPa<' II-Na, y seh•<'tion fl~. a G-6 cC'n\C'l", te \'<'P sel<'c- 1x: ar d !'.tarted t\\o the 11al1011ally. r a n kc d Weber, lltah Junior College tc:>am. J 1" ,;ill hrlp the club tr, ,Iously in n'boundlng, Other tarter on Bob S<'x:• ton's club will be C'aptain- guard ritJ Rohbin~ (5-10), Tritz ni-9) and Ruiss Cravens (6-:J). Io is USD's ath- ' has acc<'pted ba ) DISPLAYING his boll handling proweu 1s Col Western's out- standing quarterback Jim Hombs, right, who led the West erners to a 28-18 win over the University of Son Diego, Thursday at Balboa Stadium. Toking the hondoff is half- back Jesse Murdock, the Westerners' leading ground gainer this seoson. USD FALLS H bs Duo Pace 28- 8 CW Victory It was 'l'hanksgi\·ing J)ay at Balboa Stadium and California Western University head coach Al Lewis was singing the praises of the Brothers Hombs following the Westerne · stunning ~8-18 win over their city ri1als from th niwr. ity of San Diego. Paced by quarterback J m H 1bs and his hal k b ther ry, the W terne o came a 0-12 halftime rt JClt to down the Tor eros of Co Followmg the ockoff, Mur- y passed fol' h'" ·econd score f the aft r'loon on a 56 yard rial play to G1ay. The Torero b~ck pie up the low pas:; Cal Wes 37 and scam- But the \\'cslcrncrij were not lo be denied the w111 as they dro\'e 68 yards on the next With 2:::i0 remaining in the seties with Jun Hombs going second quarter, the Toreros over from the four 011 a sneak scored agam on a three yard I through the micldlc. Murdock, dash off right guard by half· Duby and Homb• were \nstru- back Joe Gray. San Diego had mental in the drive. scored a few plays earlier on a Love boo ed his thit'd of four 5~ yard pa~s from _~furphy to conversions o give Lhe West- nght end Jim Gabrted but the erners a 21-18 lead touchdown was nullified on a With nme minute 1·emaining holding penalty. 111 the contest, Mu hy again The Western rs caught fire took to the air but with no sue- early in the third period when cess a:s a pass intended fot• Gt·ay Torero halfback Tony Pugliese 1was picked off by Westerner fumbled a punt on his own 14 defender Pancho N'Rvnrro on yard line and the Point iI,mna the Torero 30 and relurned to team recovered. the 11 yard line. After a one yard pick-up by In three plays, Jim hit Gerry halfback Jesse J\lurdock, full- on a ynrd ~coring pass; back Jack Duby, a workhorse Love conYerted; and the West- for the \Vest<>.rner, all day, einers led 28-18. drove to the ne yard stripe. Both teams threatened once From this point Jim Rombs more but their advances were scored his first of two touch- thwarted lay pass interceptioM down.s. with Gray of the Toreros and Tetry Love converted to make Larry Hancock of the Western- the score 12-7. ers stealing enemy aerials for On the next series, the Tore- 1 their respective squads. ros drove to the Cal Western six Gerry Rombs snared five of where they lost the ball on his brother's seven completed down•. Two plays later, Jim pa.sses for 129 yards while Mc· pitched a look-in to brother Devitt held on to four of Mur- Gerry from the eight and the phy's to ses for a 128 yard net. halfback ,member of the duo TJ;te Torcros oulgained their ~ed through Ix Tore os to rival in both offensive statis- gain another lx-pmnter for the tics, 179-155 on the ground and Westerners on a 92 yard play. 280-149 in the air, but appeared Love again kicked to send Cal to be sluggish in their line play Western ahead, 14-12, with l:09 While the Westerners were out remaining in the third period. to win-and did. college Cagers Open Season :.hke J>ecaroYich, scoring twl each m Lhe final two penod!. lead with but 28 seconds gone in the game on a 66 yard pass play from quarterback ~el.·on ~1:urphy to end Mike McDevitt. Murphy filled in for the injul'cd Pat Heminger. USD had tak 11 6-0 to the goal 1vitl\ onds left in the third sthllZa to put USD ahead, 16-14 even m. Diego S11l Gillm Char i'r ' co ,•h <· m ent- ver 24-14 wm ing on th unclay, said '·Wc'~e . Dal on better tea the got play, herwh than has b ing!' "We' welcome the week off . o our wound can heal,·• Gillman stated. "Chu k Al- kn will be the onlv one we won't ha,·e back • for the , llou~ton game in two weeks,' ,·otty f' g 0 VC y \JSD P01.. Grdnd ca-nvon a,htin,.,,r'e No f Russ Cr Jerrv H cv (6-5) Merlin Tidmore (6-8) C B SctHftnmcl (6-6) M Martin 15-9) 0 J. Robbin, (S-10) Lorry Aycock: (6 2l G Bob Tritt CS-9) (6-3) Bennv Lind~ey (b-!l) Fronk. (4-A or abl more than throw it. Jim Ho terback. a1 lurdock. a Depot perform fo 3 Aztecs Honored In UPI Team Pick Iarine er • v. ,11 the W ttack. HO:\IB' AIR THREAT te Although Hombs has com- pleted but 59 of H2 passes it \\a. hi arm that loQScned the San Diego State derensei; and helped fumioh Cal West- ern with 34 points. The Aztecs won, however, 54-34. By compari 6n, USD was beltPd around, 42-12, last week by the Aztec~. The other com- mon foe is Pepperdinc. The Waves rallied to top thr West- erners, 16-9, but lo ·t to l'SD 13-0. • Hombs and fl\ e other team- mates will be playing thelr !inal collegiate game OthC'rs will be fullback Pancho • a- vairo, center Joe Lutes gua1 d 1Carl Thurnw tackle George odes st H If B~· ,JAC.:h RJ•;B lm I Th,• leg ct of the t rtois and th< hare W'l~ l'<>li\tcl last night at Clarpmon:t High' gym. 'nivf.'rsity o! an Diego was th" hare, ·µmpmi; off to a wirle earl}' 1 ad, but Grand Canyon Coll<'' •, as steady as the fable tQrtoise, over- took tllc Torc>ro. and won, 70- 55. Sophomore C:ary-. Gilliam, a 6-3 forward, anrl Jim Cook, a 5-11 freshman guard, bagged 21 and ~0 oints, re- spr>ctiv<.'ly, for the high scor- ing Antelopes from Pho<.'nix who notched their 1ird vic- tory. It was Ilic firs ontf.'st for the Toreros, but they didn't start making first-night mis- takes until the sPcond half. Grand canyon (701 uso CSSI Gilliam Cook GFPT GFPT 9 J 3 21 Cravens 8 3 3 19 7 4 -' 20 Tritz 6 0 4 12 - 3036 2 1 -4 5 37113Madsen 7 • 9 Halsey i 81 1f ~t~~mel 0 0 0 0 O'Neil o O 1 O Rcbbins 0 0 0 OS•Jlllvon Lindsey Buzzard Fronk Conner 1/lorfin .Aycoci' Anflnsc,n 2 O 2 O 2 5 2 2 0 2 002 c O O O o 23 9 31 s, • Rodee artlnez 22 26 17 70 Totals Tolols 15 B,uJtme score: 25, Canyon Grand San Diego.. college ba ·et- ball teams tip oft theit• 1· gular season action thi• week with Cal Western initiating the pro- ceedings Tuesday at 8 p.m. against their Alumni at Mis- sion Bay High gym Coach Bob Kloppenburg returns to guide the Westerner five. USD and San Diego State both open their 1961-62 schedule Friday at home. The T reros, under newly-named coach Bob Sexton, will host Grand C yon College bf Pboeiw-. m an 8 clash at K High while the Aztecs er C ; P ts be: USDFo(~~ The University of hE , D i e go basketball sc takes its first road triber the season Friday and mu , urday when it travewe1 W h it t i e r for an 8 pla match with the Poets b~ I day, and then takes w mona College at the faci hen's court, Saturd Fo\ I the same time. Ji Coach Bob Stxton'a if ; I charges dropped their in , 1 opener last weekend 'Cho , the Antelopes of Grand (trac College, 70-65. Ma. The Toreros took anMi~ I point lead in the fir the minutes of the conte.witl were unable to cope w'Jl et free-throwing ability o'f m, Antelop '- 0 .who potted 21 of 2', charity Tosses ill the secon George Zieg visiting Redla the same time on campus. I THE s N DIEGO UNION b8 ,V.N 1 tie;;~"t,!i;,~:~:" ••---- e ks Win; Poets Block Door Univers ty of San Diego will seek o get on the ,v!nning track tomorrow when it trav- ! els to Whittil'r fo.r an 8 p.m. I tiff with the Poe USD lost i to ChapI;n n.. The T reros wlll be count g ' heavil on the scoring piµich i of Rus Crav('lls and Bob Tritz, who contributed 19 and , 12 p o int s, respectively, 1 against Grand Canyon. i -=---- •-=-==::: I Grand Canyon Whittier has a only loss wa •
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