News Scrapbook 1959-1962
an Jit!lll
I • lnde ndent Tabs Ciridil'on'
By BOB KING lndepe den Sport& Editor
Seven , ophomo1
gridder~ from
. 1taliie1I 11rd Annual
Aztecs of San Diego • tate he dim.-, th Independent All- 'an J)iego College Foot 111 I T am, lla,,;ing their be:--t season in ten ~·ears. und r n_ew head c·oach Don Coryell, the Aztecs compiled a 7-2-1 season record, due to a great extent to these seven athletes. Also . haring the spotlight on the HHil myt~ical squad are three veteran performers f!·om ~he Umver- sity of San Diego and two from Cahforma Western Unh'ersity. The Westemers coached bv Al Lewis, sported a 3-7 season mark wh'ile Coach Mike Pecarovich's USD team finished with a 2-8 record. As in the past, the San Diego ~1arines were ~oi con- sidered since thev are and have been made up m part by college graduates and profe ·sional players. They should be recognized though for their accomplishments this season. Coach Scotty Hanis' eleven fini.. (Continued) i8 ) ards onl to be stopped on the Wrstcrnrr ·' ~ix. Then, Homb Bl"d Ho m b came up \\Ith a brilliant 92- , ard tourhdown pa play. Brothe r.erry g r a b b e d a ml romp<'d about ·or . g1mc ,, ith c·or ~h<'n 'eLon fi ling n for l jur<'d Pat He n •r o pl ted a · yard to tchdown pa to end likr :\IcD t t With nl) :!ti cond.- gone, SD had a G-0 lead. The We tl'rners halted rso ] , ard touchdown march in the 1 r con d quarter. Joe Gray f _punched in from the thre~. A C pas.· attempt for two pomts ' lailed and l'SD Jed, 12-0. • Cal W c- s t e r n recovered ; a U D fumble on ~he Tor~ro J 1 earl in th thirrt penod l and 11 pla) later Jim Hombs \\ent In from tlie one. The fir t of four placements · b) Terry Love made it 12-7. I hen, the 2-lard TD play adE' it 14- 2 before the To- ;: ro C'ame to life for th<' final time. f 11 r p h y, with his team pu hed bac-k to it · 43 because of a pe1 ,onal foul, connected on a third-down 57-yard touc:h- drOI e ( o We · in tlie fot1rth. Cal Western drove f ;ards in 12 plays with Jim Homb go1pg In from thP !our. e fmal tally was set up ers truck again t r epted Murph~ s pass on the l'SD 30 and ran 1t to the 11 Hombs and Hombs collab- lurphy, who ha not pla,:ed his much thi: season. did a (me job but it wasn't good enough. do He completed 13 of 2ti passes 1 USD's best mark by far this the work- hor-e of the Toreros this year, incked up 43 yards i-1 12 trips, Joe Gra} collected 30 in 12. a d Tony Pughe e for Pason) for 280 yards. Jim DeSantis, h Pancho avarro. who in- orated on t t~e 1x. six-pointer from to Joe Gra~. ThP points mis.·ed and -14, at thl' end of t uartP \"ith Duby a d Je,s :\!ur- dock d ng th Jfm H mbs th nnmg and pa . ing, the is DESANTIS, b 5 • 10, 185 PETTIES, e 6 - 1, 185 HOMBS, b a - 11, 175 MENDEZ, b 5 - 11, 195 their 29 in the ~ame period Jilt ga,e way to USD's 56- 1.,_~~~-~------, ----~--- n ot 19 o Union Stoff Pt,oto in the second half as he score~ twi<:e on touchdown passes to help give the Westerners a 28-18 vidory over ~e Toreros. Howie Williamson (2ol closes in to aid Gray in the tackle. llotnb (:!.ll, Western Jim O'Leary ..._. Da,·e Lay ......... T LSD SOSO USO SOSO cwu SOSC USO ewe ·n C (;•1..-~ ,Jr. So. ,Jr. So. halfb l'k, i toppl'd by .Joe Gray_ of 'niversily o[ Sun Diego durmg fmst quurtcr udion ~c 1crduy at Balboa Stnclimn. Hombs wa Jrnr r to hold T -HHU-• Jim Gabriel ···-··-··-··- Neal Pettie .... _ .. ___ - -· dim Rombs .. ·---- ,. -···- Marlo Mendez •n-••-•-••-••• dim De.Santis ···-···-··-·-··· B Je;,~e Murdock ..... ··---··---- B Kern Carson ········----------.. B E E B B 'r. o. p es e Sr. So .. ers MURDOCK, b 6 - 0. 195 O'LEARY, t 6 • 3, 235 o. SECOND TEAM Toreros, 28-1 Cent<-r Joe Spn.uldlng (CWU). Guards Bob Reinholdt (CWU) and Wally Joos (USO), Tacldes Da,•e Price (C'WU) and Ray Yoa,t (U 'D, Ends Joe Gibbs (SDSC) and Tt-rry Gree,on (CWU). Backs Wayne Se,·ler ( DSC), Joe Gray (LSD), ,Ja<•k Duby (CW ), Gerry Rombs (CWU) and Pat Hemlngw (USO). eaJ Petties, Kern Carson, Warren Sim- mons and Mario Mendez were unaminous choices for the fir t team berth as were Jim O'Leary and Jim Desanti of the Toreros and Jim rnbs of Cal Aztecs • • • players back to thl' benches after a few fights. However, usD c-, STATISTICS ,. m li attracted 1 15 the llgh and football game Sll"all rrowd of 1 n1 1 ·~ lf in "hich ,.,._; 4-lt~ " " Cal Western s c ore d all it - for Cal points, \\as a <'ornvlete turn- ,. • • lo d thP ~ason Western :1., rn with a record bout for Hombs a \\a Ii . D finished with one for<~es and thet Petties, O'Leary and ll mb team Gabdel. Pettie& wa a first team Independent's mythical the hlf ters on the 1 end Jim years ago hef ddlecl Tor ro~ r fd P harcl about stopp! hem. hile th o e '\'ere selected l :Most of he. t n In ath for one or two more seasons and, coupled with the newly-instituted grid rivalry between the three schools, should make 1962 an even more banner year for San Diego football fans, But Hombs' pass-recell'ers started catching the ball and hard-dri\•ing Jack Duby, a fullback converted from a tackle, did the running. Duby helped Hombs set the Toreros up for the kill with repeated gains through the middle. The 210-pound sophomore packed thE' ball 1 times for 72 yards. Homh most of the show, ho completed , six of 16,~,1~1~. b1.1t two of them picked up 12 points. He added 23 yards on nine car- ries. On the rec lv!ng end each time was his b other, Gerry. One was for 92 vards in the third period t put Cal We t- ern ahead for the first time, 14•12, and the second on a six- yard pitch into the end zone in the fourth quarter Hombs, a 173-pound senior and B-plus phy ·ical education major, began his instruction a year early. r-: ext season he is slated to work at Coronado High as a student instructor. If there had to be a turning point it probably came in the third period whert the Toreros (ContinUPd Oil a-22, Col I J CARSON, b 6 - 1, 190 6 - 0, 205 :--e\ en. USD CQJ westr.rn ,. 11 4 4 6 t o 14 14-28 I uyi{fflt; - t~ 1:i_/11 /6 I The Final Gun GOOD SENSE tells us that the Uni- ·ty of San Diego has done the vers1 1 +1-,• it prop r ing, indeed,_ th~ on Y t>'m? could, in giving up its mtercolleg1ate football program. c-? 3 000 in When a small colleg·e- lo s "" ' a season, it's time for a change. The wisest thing is to wipe out the cause of the debt, yet when that turns out to be a wonderful thing like college foot- ball, it is sad. . lfhe University o San D1e_go kn?ws ·ts limitations and it knows its obh"ga- ~ions. If it decides to give up f lb!ll • then that is best. -------=- sD~coev lt 66 P0i5 ron A phy < uci 0~~)3 ( ~r,l' ) ,e .>0s• loHedl CWU-J Home Qoarterbocic $Mok. G Hombs 92, POSS cm J H us~'tc~es'i!c~s f m Mu,.ch•, (run ' 0 t._~(J-J t"ombs 4 quorterbocK sneak.. £:v•uk 1 '_ G. Homes 6, Pais from J . omos. (Love kick~),:_,------ I - v~tc Continue Winless Uni\ •1 i of San Diego uphill / basketball battle tonight whc1 it meets I /. tough Whittie ,,College Poets on the Crawfo1:r 1 High court at 8 o'clock. ' So far, Bob Sexton's Tori'• ll' ros have dropped four straigh1 ) one of these an 82-56 decision , to the Poets. The opposition l!has averaged ~-7 points to , USD's '57.7 per game. l The Poets will be paced by 1·guard Bill Roberson, who \ canned 17 points against the l Toreros in the last meeting. Othel' probable starters will l be Ken Reed <5-10) at the other guard, Steve Hayes 16- ; 21 ancl Hank Ashbaugh 16-81 at forwards and 'Fom Rous- t· faces anoflf<'r The University of San Diego cagers return to the wars Fri- day night at Fullerton gym when they llegi- n dean of the take on Orange ate football program, Very Rev. State Col e~e in an 8 College for Men, announced last Monday. Count p.m. match. In a ~tatement iead to the facultr and student body, Father Coach Bob Sexton, while lcadden said: shoWing the 0-3 season, voiced the opinion that I the young squad should come d1$appolntment over record thus far this , 'The College for :Men of the~------------ Uni\'er. 1ty of San Diego is, Pf- pelitive sport such as football. fect,vP ,ts The College for "1:en finds it- today, abandoning along as th~ seas~ progresses. program .m rnte_r:ollegiale fnot-Jself in this position." Drop 2 D~ieions ball. This drcrn1on has tteen Fathei• Cadden voicps sincerP Last w end, the Toreros reached after many months of ,appreciation to Coach Michael to careful study anrt discussion b} ·PPcarovich and his staff. dropped an 88-56 decision Whittier Poet.a Frfda:y ni and lost 82-63, Saturday to the Pomona College t, lhP adm,_mstration and reflects) Coach Pecarovich not that rhd t consullattnn with other s ools "ltm,t him elf to teams e• of our size and chaiacter on the could be easily defeated.'' Fath• hens. Both matches were on the Pac,fi~ Coast. er Cadden said ''but 1ather winners' flo The Tore loss, Ill the! Grand Cany 55 score. . "Th s dec1s10n was in no way openly sought the challenge of had a previous ldetermmed by our unsuccessful those teams that would enable/ s ,season opener, to and CoUeg by a 70- Rather the lacklust 1961 ~eason. him to teach his players the ion has been very most about college foot- made on t lowing: budget ba{l." t Special to The San Diego Union FULLERTO. , Dec. 15-Bert Clark eannPcl 21 pb - Orange C'o · State's basketballers toy d witn the . Forward..R s Cra\'ens, a 6-3 Junior, contlrwes the high scor- t last 9eason and mg pace he "l- The Col d- e for Men will con- an intramural pro- er Cadden said, and 5 11 program has, centra able. The : sity of San iego, 105-57, here tonight. I d ea s floor. . • gram, ti the Torer-0 3 from the eason 1s of mote .. th ' This was the fourth straight · loss for the hapless Toreros. Four USO players fouled out as t.he visitors were charged with a total of 35 personals. USD (57) f' ,- T Ora • (IOli F p T Madsen 3 I 5 7 Brettom'n 6 4 O 16 Cravens 7 2 ,4 16 Gunson 2 3 1 7 Schammel 2 1 3 5 Guinn S 7 2 17 ~~iflns J lj 6 i ~\:r;tn g 2? Wical 3 o 6 Roche s -4 o 14 S?J~ir I 2 : f i ? Heminger 3- o 2 • Bogdan'ff 1 O a 2 Rodie 2 0 1 -4 Ewart 3 4 3 10 R.oblnson 2 3 O 7 .:ts 7 3H7Totols 36 33 11 10S Totals than major concern to the of- con nu n o er tercollegi- ficials of the school responsible atetspo~tstepdr.~sentl:11 played or Scores 45 Po',nts for its financial maintenance. con emp a · "2-The College for Men is a liberal arts college and it must reflect in Its acagemic p1-ogram and academic stand- ard the policies and practices of other liberal arL~ colleges of its comparative size. "Regretfully, sudl schools can ~eldom afford and maintain :suc·h per1plic I and specialized In the three games thus far, the former Lincoln High ace has scored 45 points for a 15 point-per game average. Two major problems have confronted the San Diegans this season: Their lack of scor- ing power 'and their over- aggreRsivenesa which -has re- sulted In nu us fouls. Both pitfalls are b e I n g rked on during practice ses- sions this week. Starters Named Be ides Cravens, Sexton has been starting guards John Rob- bins and Bob Tritz, center Jerry Halsey, and forward Dick Mad- sen. Other Toreros include for. ward.s Tony Caputo, Larry Mqyer and J'onn Rodee, center Bill Schrurimel, and 8'W\rds Jim O'Neill, Raul ?>i&rtlnez, and Mike SUlllvan. Fo ard,s Ar rley Wlc have bee m ed up from the junior varsity to give added rebolllld strengt.h. Both are 6-4 in height. - cunicula as a~e needed to sup- port a vast and vigornus com-
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