News Scrapbook 1959-1962
ENGi SPACE AGE CONNECTIC~l The growing role of Prati I aerospace program is •ppa, ment projects and long-ra, ducted at their East Hortlord Research a nd Development At present, openings exist research, design, and develo I BS through PhD l with ex • LIQUID ROCKETS • NUCLEAR POWER • ROTATING MACHINERY • MAGNETOHYDRO- DYNAMICS • THERMI ON IC & THERMO ANALYTICAL f APPLIED Ana lytical studies and prelimi in reactor systems and compon MECHANICAL • AERONAUT Performance and optimization power and propulsion syst ems Relia bility studies of advanced PHYSICAL CHEMISTS • ELEC Analytical and experimental re electronics, solid state physic related to development of ener METALLURGICAL • CERAMIC Ana lyt ical and experiment.I sh/ lo all types of propulsion an DESIGN E MECHANICAL• AERONAUTI Mechanical Design of propul1i including electrical machinef'\'. Elastic and Plastic Analysis of structures. Analytical solution of proble structura l concepts, S-.,Jution of complex flutter pro Ana lysis of internal f low pro engines. Analytical design of compr systems for odva need engine, Weight ana lysis of advanced Ana lytic al design of axial , ana lysis of controls and , true EXPERIMENTAL DEVEl MECHANICAL • AREONAUTI CHEMICAL ENG INEERS: Performance ana lysis of air-! Experimental development of power systems. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS: Ana lytical and experimental ting mach inery, including cry, high speed machines. N UCLEAR ENGINEERS:
theGOlFER Buy Now For Christmas
·Munsingwear 1 Golf Shirts 5.00 40 Different Models Goff Shoes
Bag Boy Golf Carts 29.951.37.50 I
Cardigan Golf Sweaters 15.951°35.00
150 Putters to choose from
English Golf Carts 29 95
folding English- Type GoIf Carts
8 9
~p 29.95 Wilson, Billy Casper Golf Clubs 4 Woods 4500 8 Irons Save 599s 7500
I •
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$298° 0 Down
Analysis and experimental ponents, including combustio, ings and sea ls, turbines, com Design of experimental test hydraulic, electrica l and in11 fasting air-breathing and ro, TEST CONDUCTORS (OPERA To conduct the complex tesli liquid rocket engines and co ELECTRICAL • MECHANICA To set up, ca librate and red, chart and d ig ita l data recorl Development of acceleromele' and random vibration testing c· COMPU NUMERICAL ANALYSTS: B. S. physics, mathematics ' minimum of one year's exper actuaf propulsion systems P' 1 709, 1041 and 1620 and/ or' BACKG ROUND IN MATHEM PHYSICS: I INSTRUME CONTROL
I-Five pofnts, doubles, 2.10 quiniela perfecta ,0.20.
1- FI~• Points, sin9111, quinlela 2'.80.
~ulnitla 21,00,1 t: gg 3.20 13 «>
3 60 H& h'~~~~;f m IAporfc•<>-Alberdl
Lupi (2) ~g~~e,!~t
- -.--.-- - 2-F,.v~ points, double..s, 41u1n•elo 21.00. . . Apor,c,o-Belouste lsooc-Ocorlz (II ~~di W ___ 3-Five points, sln,fes, qulniefa 20.40. (6) Belauste_ (,_J___ 4-Flve points, singles, qulniela 1,.eo. _ _ Orio (1 J Ocarlz (6) 7.00
,=Five POi!1ts;-,ingles, quJnlela
6.00 5.00 6.20 quiniela perfecta 107.80,
3.«I 3.00 Ocarlz
, 00 3 00 3.20 3.60
6 60
Alberdl U) Sanchez (3)
1278 University Ave. Across from Sears CY 5-3141
, .oo 3.20 10-Fivo poinfs, doubles, quonlela 14.20,1 6.20 3.20 quiniela perfecta 41,00. _ 2.60 Vlllor-Olosolo 11; 6.00 , 60 3 20
3 «> ~.?_O
, 40
Egu,o-Muguerzo !31 ,.so 6 20 A~ric,o-Elorde (51
Morcelino \31
-4• .tO 2.80 11-Fivt points, singles, qulnitlo 17.IO,
(5 2
qu1nlela 11~:, ,~•~:~~0 er:•~e;=~o • 34 W'fftn!~!~ 4-7, l-4, 4-S, 1•3, 1-.1.
d bin
)· f :O°,!/'.fia 3f.~.
~;~di ( ou1n1:1~
9 00 HO 3 211 Eguio
Sonchez-Beristoin (3) Vollor-Morcellno (6: Lupi-Alberdi (1)
3 3.
8°!0 6°40 Alberdl (I) ilO !'Illar <•l •.w 4.20 Mintegul (6) 5.00 HO Mend!._.!_3) • Ar!ego (0
l . 12-Six Po'nh; Singles; Quinela 31.80·
2.80 6.20 6.20,
• 12.00
6-Slx Points, singles, quinltlo 20.80.
,.20 6.00
Villor n) Muauerzo (6) Ocorrz (5) I !;.~!:1a ::~,~~ta ~~~U~bai~u,~~g1e ,2:.0: Quln~l-~tertecta 57.60; Midnh1ht Double Mtndi (7, 9.20 , .oo J.00 Villor-Berisloin (1 l 9.60 , .oo 2.olO Berlstcln 1,1 7.2J J.,o Artega-Olaso'o (6) 3.40 2.,0 Mlnteaul (Sl •.00 EguioN,'!luerzo 12 2.40. ,_ , ....,. r: "", .. J JJ,12, Q-33.10: Go Do It ••• •• 53 I 5 3 J 3- '• 7.60 NAME WP S '• S F Odds Ted·s Clown . 65 J , 5 • , .r 3.51) t~rb~~~tP ... i~,,: ~? tt ~:n .~!~a Rp~~:wo:,:·: ~\, 1} r 1 1 Hg g 0 ~~:0.~" -. ~., J I r. ;{ lrn &~~~1: 0 tin,v ·· ~1ra,~~ 1 7 1.ool t~; J. 0 Quic1c l i J tl 1 m r2i 12.00 6.20 ,.«> (8) 1.20 s.20 m s.oo Applicator •. 55 3 5 6 6 7-2\< l.5il 7-4if0_ yds., Gr. 8, T-41:52, Q-16.20: Hoder Hutch ·s2 5 7 , s s 9.30 Exhob,t_ed .. . 69 , 1 2 1 1.,,, 2.~ m 8.0II '~-~1_ 5.oo ,. 20 < 21 8 · 60 .. r~;.: 0Doin1 :: fl 11 ii!! hil ~;~t ys~~·;,G_~--~·J;- 3 }~ 5 ·,~,i?~' 1.50 §~YNi!"JMe ..:· :8 l: H tr~. t:W ~',.f'~~"g~r ··· lio, J n nr,, ui -. . - r, n n t.f• ii:~ Silver B.B. . S9 8 8 7 , _ t, 200 Whlleowoy 650 , 3 3 7 S 8 1,.30 C,E. • BIOCl(dot . . 5' 7 3 7 6 5-z 19.60 W 7.60 ,.oo 3.olO (2) 5.80 3.60 (1) 4.,1(1 Tome Bomer ••. 69 3, 5 4 6-s 5.60 --- - G 1 . Q- 3 . Crick . 58' , 6 6 6 S 7-2'• 8.60 i-546 Yds., r. AA 7 T-3 .54, 1 .60. Broadway Bug 69 , 8 7 4 8 8 I.SO f~r~o~ay · · J,-, ! 1 t: t~ ,,, 5 .oo l .OO 2 ·'° .ill 3 · 60 2 ~ 11.20 ,.«> 3.20 (1) 320 2.80 m_ ,.,o RoPid Hali 70 5 6 5 6 6-6 3.20 9-546 rds., Gr. AA, T- ll:33, Q-t.20. Solly Sadie :··: 551 2 I 2 2 7 7 5.,o Pres:on Adoms 7'', 1 , 1 I 1-5'• .,«) Miss Lohoma 55 2 refused 11.Sll Zest Away . . . . SO , 3 5 S 2- b 9 80 _( , .60Ja.Q__J11 ,.w 460 csi 3 · 60 l~cf:,.n°rope, ·:: n°.~ 13 r.~ ug 4-54, Yds., Gr. D, T-l2:12, 0-20.20: C.E.'s Picwlo • 53 2 1 3 3 5-Jl', 25.60 Rope Dust 64', 1 3 1 I 1-r 3.20 Seporote System 67 8 6 6 , 6-2 12 30 Yawkey . . JO', 5 f ~: 1°dh 1 f~ Dee Mono • 58 , 5 8 8 7 7-3°, IS:60 ~Y.;!( ~g~, ·:·. 6~', ! 2, J 3:1 6;o Yo~\ Wonuo 22053 (4 7 lsl Ho (6ll:g Slvlish Doisy .• s, , 8 7 8 5 5-1,. 3.10 I,er Pool: sa,852. winning dogs 1-5-2-4• Capitol Ladd .. • 7 7.5'2 375 6 67 7 8 6- 7 >,• f:ll 2·1. Thirteen (13) tickets of five winners sra11cup Roa 6 - ( 2 ,IN each paid S4J.4. Consolation: $12.60. One i I I Monte Woy 2 . 2 8069 1 °'5') 2,', 03 62 88 0 (') 1 35 ·460 0 1 hundred. -forty nino 049) tickets of four (l) 8.40 5. 0 . •·• • • · winner; each. 8.20 . ,.zi 13-SI< Po'nts, Doubles, Qulntla 25.80; . . 1 2210 1 Slarll9ht Quinela 13.10;
Technical a nd scientific an• various engineering groups.
Give the Gift ofGood Health This Christmas, Famous "He althways" brand. 5 ' bar has revolving chrome-plated sleeve 1 1 . b . ns ruc- tion o_ok is included for safe and fast results in body building & weight co t /I A perfect gift for Dad or a boy. n ro . 60 lb. barbell complet,e . ... set .... 110 lb. set - reg. $30. 95 ......... $ 24 95 16016.set - reg. $41.95 $ • •· · · .... 33 sa 2 10lb.set - reg.$53.95 ·$ · •·, ...... 39 sa 11 0, l 60 & 2 IO lb sets come with h db ,d on ors on wrench. See Krasne's "HEAL TH CENTER" o complete lone of exercrs lhe whofe lomily fit d he elqurpmenJ to keep on ea lhyl
r,:,gramme rs with
INTER~f SANf Call Mr. E. M. Pe_ 11 A.M. 10
ly " '.PP um including minim 94 TH O FFICE JRCRAI • P. R. SMI PRATT & WHITNEY A ,, 4 10 MAIN STREET coNN EAST HARTFORD 8, All replies will be ha nd l,d p'' Pratt& WhitneY Aircra~ ._ _____ , If you are unable to " R tvr
Lv. 8 a.m. ~ s71s
USE YOUR CREDIT NO MONEY DOWN Up 10 6 months lo poy l BankAmerocard & International Credot Card Accected. s
,T,-.h 7 e- A"°u:-..Rc::ev-:=o.:: ir,""
.,- G:.:-r:-. -=r.-.-c,;;;
- f0---690 yds·- T-41:44, Q- 9,00: 2.20 Denny Parkway IO.•l Honey Time 4.30 Jodie Kit '!:~ t."if~;' F~~~~r:;, : ,nrermediote ,:,o 1::ur:N,~'ve 'HZ
Rel. 4:30 p.m, s400 UNDER 16 SPORTFISHERS KIDS
f6) 2.60 s---.,o Yds., Gr. c, T-41.11, Q-41.40. .. . 5' 0', S 5 1 1 l-1' 4 Rocking Pele ... 711/, 6 6 3 2 2-5'• • ~.- Lady Rocco l~~ODlcki~so~..:. ~iss Quick . .... 581', 8'.l ·~"c~n .. .. 1L ' _ [5) 6. .«l 1 7 8 8·S ,.~u oo <6> 9.8o 5.o10 6-546 yds., Gr. A, T- 31 :59, Q-35.20: s ,1ver Pot .. ... . 62 1 , 2 2 2 2 I- •• ,r, ~:: i 3 ,, t' Bridle .. .. 59 2 2 5 5 3- I,
2.10 250 10°80 t~ 8.60 l·t8 1
76•:, 2 5 3 1 1-1 8 r 1 4 2-r 6102 7 2 2 2 3-3• 1 ti 1 i t j 1: 1 :J 6, 5 6 6-3•., ~l 1: g ,- 1 62
1 I I
ff &e~
. 70
<2> 6.20 2.60 J.20 (8) 3.20 3.oo m i:20 dh- dead heat; r- nose; s-neck; z-
,2i J.20,
Info, & Res. AC Z·/ 144
OPEN SUNDAYS' 12 to S P.M. -
5.00 heod. 9 P.M. SATURDAYS 9:30 A.ft\. to 6 P.M.
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