News Scrapbook 1959-1962
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Chargers Not Very Stylish But Who Wants Classy Loser? 1ar, go to the rlressing ·oom ,vith mak 1g only one first down in 30 l. I was rcmindC'd of a <'omment by a pl1i10,.,ophl't' named Big Henry. < u of th, hig thieke1 C'OUntry a fpw yt'ar.s ago to accompany Roy H rri · to California for a heav)- \\ tght title fight with Floyd Pat- t 1 011. Harris went through his 11 ming t·arnp ritual at Arrow- (' d • Jll'tngs and Henry became In n•asingl) annoyed as news- m n nitidzed th d1allenger'i,; nwkwarcl ring style. "Thcr , '. one> thing ou fellers forgt't,". aid Hem). "The curl in 11 pig'.· tail looks pretty - but it don'1 make no more pig." I gues.· that's equally appli ·a- hle to San Diego's professional foo!hall team. The Chargers would rather be loppy winners thm1 stylish loser.. And how do )OU improve on a 16-1 record? n' weary, h<1ttt.>rerl athletes have gained total of 8.5 ) ards running in thc>ir last three Iurphy
Toreros Quit Football By JOHN:'.\'Y l lcDOXALD t:mversity of San Diego football had a quiet funeral yesterday.
Father Caddrn's prepared statement came as a . urprise to many, including head coat'h .',,like Pe- carovich, athletic director Bob Sexton, the ex!'cutivr board of USD boosters and the students. However, few seemed shocked and expressed little opposition. , "This decision has been reached after many months of c-areful study and discussion by the ad- ministration and reflects C'0nsultation with other schools of our size and character on the Pacific Coast," Father Cadden said. ''This decision was in no WU) determined by our unsuccessful and lackluster i;eason (The Toreros won two and lost eight this year)." Father Cadden listed two reasons for the decision:
"1- From a budget standpoin1 the football pm- gram has hecome inopt'rable. Th!' deficit from last st.!ason is of more than major conc·em to the of- ficials of the school responsible for its financial maintenanC'e. "2-The College for Men is a liberal arts l'0llege and it mu ·1 reflect in its academic program and academic standards the policies and praC"tices oI other liberal arts c·ollegcs of it:, comparalivP sizt•. Regr (fully such sc-hools c-an se ldom afford and maintain such periphernl and specialized curricula as are needed 1.o support a vast and vigorous com- ' 1For Baugh? Ti tans' Owner Charges Sammy Wi th Violating 'Loyalty Clause 1 , EW YORK, 0<'e 11 t1~ Ilan-y Wism<>1·, just ;;Jmnwrillg down from a verbal lusslP ,~ilh Comm1;; ·ion<>r Jot> Foss OV<'I the American Football League "secret drafl," said loday Jw intends to solve his new feud with h<'ad coach ~ammy Baugh by demoting Baugh to assistant backfield <'Oa<·h of his New (('ontlmwd on h- 1, ( 'ol. 1} ,Demotion
The death came at 10:45 a.m. during a spe ·ial as. embly when Very Rev. John Cadden, dean of the College for :\1en, informed a rather ubdued student body that the university was abandoning its pro- ~ram in intercollegiate football. Thus ended the roller-coaster ride of USD through rather turbulent time . Football was born in major league fashion Sept. 29, 1956, against the Air Force Academy and closed last month with what was hoped to be the tart of a cross-town series with Cal Western. * • •
Gridders Differ On USD Action Several Holdi ng El ig ibil ity Look To Col Western "You·ve heard of a
the p I tr l rt . Y t,
they've won
P ·pit • their dif(kulties,
more than an · I am in pro fQOtball this year. that ·illustrate the Chargers' relationship n •p of the Ameriean Football League. 14 «,;-, .• ~11 to mind the two inebriates who ·aveyard after a night on the town faced rhap named Mike, wa sei:ted c , hing. 's a terrible ough you ha,·e, ~1ike," . aid , Pat, quite <'oncerned. "Y ·," agreed ,\Iike, ge. turing toward the grave- ard, "and every one of those fellows in there would like to have it." Injuries Weaken The Offense Thal's the wa) everybodJ in the AFL feels about 1he Charger ' e ·traordinary record and, particularly, c1 hout tlwii iugg defemw. Ganws won by the defen- ive platoon are j a valid as the other kind and t 1 Charg s glad! nke th m as they come. Th£' • an Dif'go ru ing game was never the best in the 1 agur but it ha brok<'n down largely due to cir- cum. tanr beyond :,;body's control. The troubles began u forr thl' first lengue game in September when lark mi \Vright mjured a knee so badly he ~hould ha,<' und rgone an Op<'ration. He'll have the oppralioll aft r 1h tit! game on Christma. eve; nwanwlule, h ' playin on one leg and a lot of dctP1minat1011. 'I lw h rger. . tarted the . eason with the league's out. ta, ding offen ive ta1·kle 111 Ron i\lix. Gillman con- iders Ii the most accomplished tackle he' ever ·o,ich . But .:\ii now belong,., to the U.S. Army dur- ing th k and to the Chargers on weekends. Prneti kr perfret and .l\Iix ha.· been an imper- fe ·I t d
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York Titans for nPxl season Wismer charged Baugh, wi10 is completing the second year/ three-yeat· contract as • ,. Tilans' coach in th<' AFL, with violating the "loyalty clause" I of a
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in his contract.
Rams' Coach Denies Story 1 0f Dissension
LakersWin 7th In Row LOS ANGELES. Dec. 11 rn 1 Elgin Baylor scored ~:! I points tonight, his high this yc•ar against SL Louis. lo lead the Los Angeles Lakers to a 132-119 victory over the Hawks before 6,986. Il was the Lakers' seventh straight win and fourth ln a lrow over the Hawks thl.s year. Los Angeles, lPacling the WPstern Division, 11 o \\' has a 22.7 record. The Ha\,ks arc> next to last with a 10-l? mark. ST. LOUIS LOS ANGELES GFPT GFPT Ca~te 1 1 3 3 BOYlor 11 10 2 52 Ferrari 5 3 3 13 Felix 2 O • 4 Foust O 3 2 3 Hawklm 4 I • 9 Hog:,n 11 1 3 23 Hundley 2 2 l 6 Hotton O O • OKreb 1 O • 2 ~~ 1 ~0•1r ! g k~,v~usso ~} l~ ovellefle 12 a 2 32 Sim:. 1 oo 2 McMl!lon 2 o 3 • West 11 6 '1 :18 P It/I 11 9 2 31 Votes O o o Tofo ls 47 25 24 119 Totals 53 26 2l 132 st, Louis 36 21 24 JI-lit Los Anseles 24 • I 31 36-.-132 Alkndcnc 6,~86.
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