News Scrapbook 1959-1962

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Loyola Zips:;,,; By Toreros SPt<,al to !IIENING TRIBUNE LOS ANCEL!•'.::; - Loyola 11 32 ·6 lead in Ow first 15 min. Ut!'s !ast night 011 its way to a. 69-,ll victory ow•r u nivt>r- j s1ty



fir ·t game under n e w

playing their

An all,ng Ru will try to make a eom, back tomorrow night when niHrsity of San Diego It· , Pls lo l'hihl'nl' 1, r nn o'cloek gam1 Illn<'ss knocked l ravcn~ out o! the lineup a USO lo l to Orange County Statt• la~t Saturday. E\·rn if he' back, th<• high. oring for- ward probahly won't b able• to go all th wa,. He's the• Torcro top co 1 er, a,eraging ov,•r 1· pomt a ga!T'e. u t Ing on guard Bob T11tz to take up om<' of th" The Toi o wlll b"

Diego's !'ollege basketball teams two of three games Saturday night. Cal Wl' t m Universitv and Umver ·i. 1\ ol San D ego eath won Its encounte1·, but an Die- o State ( oll!'ge lost. C I W" stern drfcatPd ClarPmont- 1\Iudd, 73-52, in ttw Westerner~• Golden gym, alter ))('Ing tied by the , lsltors, 29- 29, at the ha!!. Dimlnu. v u ate !Pd the We \· " ol t and 6--1 Art John on no Lrona1 di !Pd the lose-rs U D, lending only 35 32 at the halt, broke ut I, In the second half to drub Luke Air or Ba c. 79-59, in Phoer x Bob Tritz d 22 point :for the Tore o ,

coach Ed Baran. San Diego State College dropped a 77• 5;; decl~ion to California Collegiate Ath• Jrtic Association rival Fresno State In a gamp played in State's Peterson gym. Ron NP!!, a 6-9 rrntrr, 6-5 forward An• thonv Burr and 6-:i forward Mike Mc- FPr;on rach scorPd 16 points for the Fn•snan . Dick Maureau had 19 for the Aztecs. San Dil'go Statl''s lro h !l3 points from Larry . le£> \'int Garrett, ~cored a 72-61 \ ·n Bernardino Valley CQJJrge In prc-Jiminary .S Uthwl' trrn C'Q t t '1 cc-an 1 -Carl bad, 57 __. __________



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Both w,•r,• out with 1 Jl'ITY Ila] ey's 16 pol ,/USD


T1 Hz scored

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earllt!r, 53•51

the To e1 will be

t 1e ecord ho :;taIt for th1• Tor<'ros under tudt>rt roach Ed Daran.

the 1coro at 62-

Weakened USD Tests Cal Poly SPtclol lo The San Diego Union 1'0:\10. A, F,•h. 1 Uni• V<'rs1ty ol San Dif'go, mmus thn•<' :;t;irtPrs, will havl' the unhappy task of [oc·ing tough, lnlr•ntc•d Cal Poly of Pomona In tlw op,•ning rQund of tlw Pomona lla•k<'thall C'la ·sic· h<'rc tomorrow night :.IL '.I o'<'lo('k, Whittirr opposr::; C'hapman Collc•g<' in th,• 7 o'clock op<•n• rr. Winning !<'ams play in the nightcap Saturday whil<' the• two losers play at 7. The Tor<'t'o ' t,1sk mad!' l'V('ll toughPr tocla) WhPll starting C'<'tll<'r Bill Scham• mel dn>pp..rt 0111 or school. lligh-s,·oring forward Russ Cravrn \\ill mi s thr gam<' hPcaust! o1 a torn ligam<'nt in hi right J,..g anrt forward Tony Caputo ha,; bC'<•n sill<'· lim•d with a fracturPd lilt!,, fing-,•r on hi. right hand. ,Jf'rr • Ila! ,,y and Art Wic'al fill ln at the Joi varrls while n<'Wl'0nwr Daw• Ilinds go!'s in al C'entc•r John Robhins anrl Jim O'NPill will opc•n at thr guards. Hinds, who is 6-7 1 1', 1J1ayed part of last yNu· with 1-0 hut has b<'Pn out for only 011C' pract1,·,• ~Pssion thi~ eason. Cal Poly will !)(' lwadc•d by San D,cgans Arthur (Ham- bonl' Wllliams, ,Artist Gilbc•1t and F,tl ,J1Jhlls1Jn Cal Poly is !hi' only coll,•gp tN1m to clc-1 lea! tht• San Diego MarinPs.

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pulled away from crlppled s nlvcrsity of San Diego quln• tct In the second half for a Ui3 basketball victory al the AmPhlb Base last night. C Returning a ft e r intermis- J Ion, PhibPac padded its 35-31 f alftlme lead by sinking 20 of· 31 attempts from the floor for 1 a 66 per cent shooting aver- i age. The Sailors shot at a 56 i per cent average for the game, hitting on 34 of 61 1 shots. Jim Henry sank seven buck- ets and eight free throws to Accumulate 22 points for the winners. Teammates Barry Pelton and Gary Feld con- tributed 18 apiece while Fred Mims had 16. USO, absorbing its 12th Joss in 17 games, was playing with- 1 out the full services of three ' starters. 1 F o r w a r d Gary Halsey 1 pulled a groin mu cle in pre- J game warm11ps and didn't play. High~cocing Russ Cra- I vens, overcoming the flu, 1 played sparingly in the first ' hall as did p)aymaker John . Robbins who was bothered by' 1 an absces ed tooth. t USO ("1) PhlbPac (91) l Caputo '; '; 1 Pttloo 'i 1 !!,O


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POI. :T 29 l I iverslly of San Diego htoke out of a !1\c>•gaMe lo s Ing streak tonl ht by l'llll))Jling Point • lug six-gamC' win- ning streak, 61-53, behind the • eff<>clive hooting of Johll Robbms, Bob Tritz and Jim O'N 111. Robbin. , Tnti; a1 d O'N,,111 l'ach ,corPd 15 pomts to gi\'C' USD its ,1xth 'v1 tory again~t 11 dcfl'a t~ thl on Georg Davis was hlWl !or the lo ers with 11 points USD pla,·s at Lo~ola at R o'clock tomorrow night. '!11




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Tolols 11 17 14 Sl Halftime score: USO 27, Pt Mugu 24. 23 17 17 63 Totat1-

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soec.101 ta, Tne San o,c.,~ Ua1011 PHOE. ' lX Ariz J n 13 (;rand} on C' leg <' of P r. •nix encl d l n!, prslly ol n Di!•go student Loa,·h Ed Baran's unbeaten record at o 1e here tonight a l h e ) dumped the , i, 1ti ng Calllor• n1~ r> 69-:'i9

Sexton Resigns U Posif (( ontlnurd) p In n

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e n p n t I l > upon \\ \\ ould call upon 0

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•niw•r<>ity of San Di• top-~corlng Russ Craven • Will battJn tough O r a n g e County S t a t In a basketball game tonight at Clalrl'- mon t High g) m Tre tip- off ls et for 8 o'dock Craven , who ha beE'n .a,eraglng 15 points a game, Is not «'XPf'l'ted to eP action bccau e of 111- nc Di !or, In th 0th ward J r y Ha 1 e y. guards John Robbins and Be') Tritz n•ul center Bob S ham!ll 1. minus


pool. Checking progres~ with Very Rev. John P. Ca.dd right, dean of the College for Men, are E. C. McLaughlin, left, m11l.i.onr rootra(•tor 1 .t1n, " · • dent dll !--tr..a.nJT


n who had taken o\er n • fl'• the



University's New Gym Work Told The reorgani?.at,on vf Uni- versity ot San Diego's new athletic approach was reflec- ted m construction news this week when Very Rev. John Cadden, dean of the College for Men, announced that a new field house, ymna.~ium, and Olympic-size sv,;mm!ng pool are rapidly nearing com- pletion. Acco1·d,n to f"ather Cad- den, the n vemfty plans to develop ch sports as gym- na: tic-S basketball and swim- ming. The all-masonry gym includes 185,000 c on c re t e blocks, 2,000 cks of cement or more th \300 ,-ards ot concrete. On of the ~ost un- usual features of the building Is ,0 dividual shower.. The Wl'rk has kept an M·erage c truction crew of 30 t·tSy ~inc last June, with adu I coniplction set for late r1ng-, :!\1asonr~ contractor E. C. cLaughhn and Son. contrac- or ls L. J.


Loy 15th e LOS ANGELES, .T n. Loyola of Lo. ,/\.T;I ci

t Spurs USD uke Invasion SP•clal to Tf'II 'Son DIHO Union I \\ i ti •amp and ur l<'nd thP C'nl \I.Ill bl' i Jc,rv JI l'n


Bento p t I 25 points for

tonight as the L\0115 rolled to a!l easy 69-31 basketball vi<-tr,r) ovrr the University of San Diego. Loyola won the non-confer• -- - - ence game in the J t J5 The Joss was USD's 15th minutes by m o v i n g ahead against six victories. 32-6. By halftime, the Toreros Halsey was high point man were behind 32-11. for the losers with 16. ifg, A 16 ! s 0 ° 2 2 1 O 1 O l Krotlmon 2 3 P 1!' 2

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24 2110 69

10 1t 21 31


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