News Scrapbook 1959-1962

ChArJr. Ra_y Consilllne, A San Diego bu•ln••m•n and pa1·l •time Instructor al lhe lJnlvPraily of San DiP.go'A College for Men, has con- tr I b 11 t Pd !iv"- <·holarahip •ward• to the <'Olleg.,_ lhP Vpry Rev. Ru~~eJI W1Json, rollege pres1dMt, 1tnnounced. co;MirtinP, 11n Accountant, IM owner of Roe-king Te• RanrheM a n d prl'.s!Mnt or CRB Corp., A r Pa I e&L/lte c-ompnny. He alM leaches bu,lnl'SR ('OllrSPA al usn. One o( the awards 1s a !200 cholarshfp that II P RWAr<'te. 1 G G 'IOLA Whiling (6-2) Hlll$16-4i Seltzen -6 Hart S-7 Nothelfer 5-8

EWCO~fl':lt--Ornt r n,ne Hind,, a tran fPr from tho nlvn• ,tty of an FranPl•rn, JolnP>Nl USD defeat Nevada outhPrn Collrg , 66·1!1, la t , /tlurday ~}d~O~s~r41/s'eek. Third Cage Win in ow

USD Student ears From Sp nish City

ll rl•••••~--.....""'-'-...,......,,...,____ 'staff), New :Mexko nnd Qal I' ~y '.High! nds an Luis

Review Due Tomorrow Jan de Ha og's drama, "Skipper c-.xt to God," opened three- lght run lw t n t th Puppet Th at B ii Park in a perfo by the Al• cala la f •he Uni• ve I of ·go The all-ir. a.I, 11 ect- ed by Rev. Leo Lan- phi r. A cview C'on- stanc Herr(' hoU will ap. pear tomorrow ill Thr San Diego Union.

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n l: nl ers1Ly or A l (' a t ll fro~ "h h "e could !ll&ke a rain tmg for the school. Reply Received few day ago, Duran. who has been n lb1s ountry f'lur year and 18 a SP.nt()r at USO, rece1voo a reply from • ia vor Fehx Hu rta Enclosed "a.,i etter fot r photo,.rap I! h o l n the unlver IL · and h~ " v of and three re p r o • o a ompo e pie• hi orlcal

rd A Sw.a:1. S ·an teaches business ad· mtn1stration. He a o spends m ich of his free time paint• · Th t's what l"d h to mg. a make th" reque t He ·ant• I'd ll photograph of th• oni::1• ,

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K USD Statistics


'Ii. RaUaoa Park

Scheduled by USDAuxiliary I J,,._Jl I , Electi6n ifua mstalla.tion of j officers of the University of' San Diego Auxiliary will take place this Tu day, January 17,1 at. the La. Jolla Country Club. The social hour for the an-l nuaI election luncheon wfl! be at 11:30 '8..m. j Reserv1J.tions may be 1nade by .cariing M111. John_ F. Scan-I Jon, GL 4-7642, or Mrs. Remo DOWJ!Jl, BR 6-3985. Assisting Mrs. .1£:a.t·l C. Lind- burg, luncheon c·halrman, will be Ml·s. Paul Doherty, decora- tions, and Mmes. Clifford L. Sutton, John T. Schall, John A. Waters, Robert J. Stirn• korb, and R. T. Finn, hostess committee.

1 I, ... kr Masquer Play Due For 3;,Night Run , The stirrlng th act clratna of the sea. "Skipper •e,ct to God," wlll open IL! three-night run at the Balboa Park Pup- pet Theater ,-t 8:30 tomorrow (FpctayJ night. It will be staged Frida.y, S, tu day, and Sunday. This "Exodus" is a story of Chnstr;i.n charity n it most virile forrli. I eoncerns a pious and Idealistic Dntch captain with a shipful of Jewish refugees who are refused a'dml tance in every port. The captain, played by Jim Lamb, takes his Chnilt anity literally and is determined to give his passengers a decent chance of finding a safe home and escaping the Hitler purge despite all odds. Supporting lamb Ii; an all-male cast that contributes ex- citement, ~t•ong drama., and pathos to• I.he J)r uction. .Mas- quer veterans Don Giesing, Roger Melllb c~ Mike Marques, Tom Ragan, Tom Ge tllella, Al Nottoli, Bill Hermsen, Phil Powers, and .Andre Eortier will be seen in lmJ?Ortant 1·oles. lHn Bennet, Tony Tofuya, and Robert !,)chneider will hit the Masquer boards for the first ti '!le, • Ned Wilson is production manager. Joh!), ,Kelly has charge o( business. Bili Schammel is sound technfc1an; Staff Kelly, lights; Terry Chapman, costumes; Jerry DitMn and Bllly Van Loom, props, and Al Borza is st.age manager. Newcomers Ben ;Flores, John Coombe,


MISS JOAl 'NE MARI:E KREJ . . . . • •

Joanne Marie Krejsa Betrothal Announce DEL lAR Mr. and 1'.Ir1. Jo epb A . .Kr J a. Drive here h,.,-e announced the engageme.ut of Joanne .Marie, t-0 Thomaa George '.['iernB,IJ, Jr The prospective bridgeroom Is the son ol Mlj Thoma8 George Tiern,m, Sr or 471 Arizona Str The bride-elect is a. gradu• (!>-------------

USO,,~~ 3rd in·Row . Special lo EVENIN//rder;/.rf,I

ate of C1t!hedral Girls' High School and the University ot San Dlego'11 College for Wo- men. She "-' student body president at both schools. Mi s Krejsa. has been an employe ot the Chancer'!,r Office two years. She Is teaching in he San Diego City School System.

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end nctlv,ty, will Awsa Coll g alurdny night U D holds vlctor le o,·er bo'h clubs ha,Irg d oppcd Biola, 102-6i, and Azu , 74•66, U D s qui,! t ha bC'Pn bol- tered by c t r Davr Hinds, a 6-R tran for !rom the Uni- ver lty of an Francisco. Hind b camr- eligible last Satu day n ght ar.d co eel on ea or th 1 VC' flel'd goals alt pteu and contributed \ Jth 10 r hound gainst l\"e- vnrll\ outhern. trav I to

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BIOLA Wh~ 1 11~ Seltzen Hart 5.7 Nothelfcr 5-8 tt.n 1•-•1


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'l'!. ··-~ ''!. 1{ 0 l.1., r st pr{' 1. dent, will tum ov r tJ->e offic a1 "lub gavel to pres1de11l•elect, • !r~. P.ichat d Barber.

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