News Scrapbook 1959-1962

MAJOR LEAGUE STATUS SOUGHT 1 ~9, A Year Of .Surprises . By ,JOHX. ' \ . 11'1)0.. \1 ,D 01 11a n '60 furn! t ed hi ~!'are of c 1an,gcs surpri c and di•.;ppolntm<'ntl< but bcfo1" he due ed out the b ck door la t night he tu Ped over a fe1\ en ow aging Jr • ect !or youna 1%1. P,·obabl the ma o porb r, \I' lf<'m of la t ~c were the Chamb r of Comm!'rcc' attempt to b ng ma o leagt1e ha. eball Ip th, e1tY, and the po lbl!ity of the Los Angeles Charger loothall tl.'am moving to San Diego. CELEBRITIES HAVE PROBLEMS /, 1~

The year provldN! it~ share of troubles !or llght hea\ - weight king Archle • !oore, ba-eball managers Bob El- liott and George llletko\il'h and San Dil'gO State grict eoach Paul Go\'ernali. .Moore wa. stripped of the • ·at1onal Boxing As ociatlon ,·ersion of his title Oct. :./:'i and a \eek ego \\a. given an ulflmatuni hy the ew York Athletic Comm! ion that that body would take lm!lar a tio If he didn't dl'fend his ti le soon.

Elliott too~ O\ er a ba eball team but wa palgn \\hen it failed t



Go\'ernall wa Aztec footballer

to mamtam tJ c a


cellence a ogram. 'lhe ex-Columbia All-American quit hi po t as did Met- ko, ich with the :an Diego Padres. C. Arnholt Smith, own ·r o! the an Diego Padres, joined forces with Hank Gr •enberg to brmg an Amerlcan League ba eball team to Lo Angeles. But the !ranch! e wel"t to ex-cowboy tar Gen A..itry instead. • leam\ hlle, Dr. Al Ander on, head of t e ( na,m.,.., ommeri;e major leagur sport commltt e I to the l',llnor lajo Lc-ngu" bn cball C'on tempt to bnng big Ieng e ball to a • a ·ay from the , ·Ith e out "I by 1965, • aid Joe C on1n pr Ide l o vague. Howev r, San D ego may be c.e ned to go b -:-ti I.' ,, another port fir t Th Charge s unhappy with th ma c-ro,\ ds In Los Angeles. ha\'e exp res d a d1> Ire to mo,·e aod are impre, ed by San Diego. Two of the biggest up ets in San Diego sports, fntere~t- ingly enough, happened on the ame 111ght Oct. 30. In Wt:stgate Park, daring L'nher~ity of San Diego quar- terback Jan Chapman paced the four-touchdov.n under- 1':. Local rs Named its acade le




'Sp nt Mayor 'Aids fJJ!r,ft~f&,,: ot !,an Dir go located in A lrala 1 Park, has receiv•d roncspon. denrr from the mayor o! th~ Spanish r,ty from which Alcala I Pittk derivrs Its name. Th• sludenl, Joaquin Duran, who 1 8 him,cl! from Malaga, Spain, ,qeveral we~ks ago wrole to the mayoi· of Alcitla de He. nares itl the request o! a. USO faculty member, Willard A. Swan. Swan leaches nusmess · fld· minis Lt a lion. Al8o, hf. spends much of his fre• time painting. That·• what led him to make the request. He wsnted •. pho~o- graph of the original Urnvers1ty or Akala from which he could make a pRinling for the school. A rew day~ 11~n. Duran. who h:u~ hN•n in thb1 <·ountry fonr H'.lf'ii end I a f"nior 111 rso.' r•~•lnd "' ••rly from Hll~·or 1-"Pll Hu•rla,

wo Groups Honorx ~t~! .~t£1t 0 I!~,~,~~ Koerber, professor emerltu council of the Monarchist of Asiatic studies at the Uni- LP.ague of Great Britain and . on the l'dltorlal board or the versity of Southern California organization's quarterly jour- and a former professor In San nal. Diego colleges, has r.-cel".'ed RETIRF.D I.• 19 -z high honors 1rom two foreign " organizations. The baron also has bPen Von Koerber lives !n retire- nam('d a knight commandl'r mcnt in San Felipe Valley by the Knights Templar~ of near Warner Springs, but/Gl'rmany, an organization teaches parl•tlme at Palomar which he said_ stand for cha,·. College in San Marcos. !ty and opp_oses an) thing that 1s un.Chnsuan. COLNCIL PO T · Baron von Koerber r He said yesterday that the from USC In 1952 aftrr Illustrious and Knightly Or- Ing there 24 years H der or the Crov.n of Stuart, lished C' departm nt an E llm monarchist organ. Asiatic tudies. ization, ha e!ec:ted him a Since his r lrement tlwre chevalier. bestowing on hlmlhe has taught at an Dlrgo the Red Ribbon of the Crown State, the UJJlvcr ty f San or Stuart. Diego and Call!orn!a Western In that connection, he said, University.


ball player from the San Diego area were recently n am e d to the honorable mention list of the 1960 Williamson Little All-Amer- ica team. Quarterback Jan Chap- man of the University of San Diego and t a c k I e George Bjornstad o! Cal West- ern received the distinction !or their outstanding play during the past s~ason. Chapman, a three-year main- stay wjth the Pioneer eleven, placed third among the na- tion's college punters wjth a 43.2 average on 53 'kicka, The USO slgnal•caller aha placed 16th In the nation In, completing 85 or 167 attempt.• for 1,087 yardl!I, or ~0.9 per cent accuracy. Chapman has been a. fil"'t team selection on The Independ. ent's All•San Oie;:.o College grid team during the past two years. Bjornstad a {our.year vet. eran at the ·westerner institu. tlon, has been one of the main reason.s !or the Point Loma school'• rise to prominence In gridlron circles. The 23-year old ked a line whi H6.3 yard• per ga e, placln the West- e el'II 12th In e nation In team total defense. 210-pounder, considered to d among lnte or Jin em en. ding play this .sea- on or him 11. first team be h on The Independ· ent's All·Siln Diego eleven.

er lty r mtlng

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b .i.n, repn,du~ed from thl.' photograph, W O ll l d be placed on d play. flfr 10, Uni rcrs1lv Ll Tiliar/ l1 ~~tall: Ir R1 nard Barb r was <'11.'ct •d a d 1r,taHl.'d prC' i ent ol t 1c L'n,\ e1 ~itv of • an Diego All I iar) at the ,\ I l a I m ell g he Id \L•t 1da In t/lZf.61;,,<

USD Fin s Range

r;;-- ~R "4':5 1V1J•s. barber Na1neo lj,ead 0£ Au~ ila1y it. 9" #ilru.rd elected pres1denL of the Uni ver• sity of San Diego Auxiliary at a luncheon meeting Tuesday at the La Jolla Country Club. Other officers named at'e Mrs. Harry Collins, !irst v:ice pre~ident; Mrs. Carlos Tavares, second vice p1·esident; Mr!. Thomas Tiernan, treasurer; Mrs. Bernard Cunningham, cor- responding secretary, and Jl,frs. James Mulvaney, recording sec• ret,uy. Elected to the board of direc- tors were Mmes. Thomas Flem- ; ing, Harold Tebbetts, Julian Kaufman, Edward Cooney, John Waters, Victor Krulak, Rich11.rd Wolt, and Ned Renick, Very Rev. Russell Wilson, president; Mrs. Carlos Tavares, president of the College tor M n. conducted the installation C

tt L 1 J r I I a ( JUI' r) t'!L ~- El r t e d lo s l\e W\th tcr , eie i\lrs. Jlar- 1y l"olhn.·, fir,t , ice JI c •lent ; C'ar'o,





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:\I ,;. Thomas Keelin.

'A.L "/3 1/ .>o It, 1 rt Course S

fO S ,J;J~.c,....,Jllf f 1~n i ng Communism Course ' Philo ophy o! Commun O t li;m' I one of J.O courses to in· be, offered r. :rt oufll 41 the I I.' EveniPg Dhlsion o! the Uni- tot'), v ity uf an Diego, College 1 Ug on for Men, It was ann :meed The \' yesletrl • Buddy, 13' OJ> o The Very Rev Russell Wll- will c:omluct th son, college pre~ldent, has philosophy or JI "'IOn ~et Feb. 1 for registration. p.m. on Thu1· da' Classes will begin Feb. 6. I More Hall auditotiu

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