News Scrapbook 1959-1962
To Man, om1
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the Year a dB
the San
Bo s of the
Year are !:'rank Poole ITI, U'homa. S rton, H. M. Martin, ame R mmer, David C. church, Emannuel J. Otis, LeRoy N. Jones. Frank L. Hope Jr.. Cllfford H. Asay :Jr., Frank C. 1unster, Rich• rd S. Hall, Claude McKenzie, stcr W. L rson, and John J. ndcrs. For Youn Man of th Year, Thoma W. Fletcher, Emman- uel J. OU , John C. Leppert, Dr. 5tanley L . Miller Regis Phllhln, Jack R. Levitt, Ross Tharp, Dr Da,1d Lr Jame- son, hvlng W. Parker. Rirh• nrd G. Morse (;harlcs E. Por- t,:,r, W mer P. Heu ehele Fred rl k B Holobott, and ohn T. nd rh1 1. Also, Arthur J. Gasemco Dr. Andr Rec nltzer, Har- old R. Lawson, .arl Bernard .Murr y, Tom Ables, Lt. (jg.) Jack Co e ard Peter Peck• h n m Jaycees Ge Record Crop 0 m,,~~~\omi n tion tor the "Outstanding Young Man of the Year" and "Bo of the Year'' have been recl'ived by the San Dieg,., J u n I or Chamber of Com• rnerce Jack Harrington, chairman of the conte ·t committee, aid 22 nominations ha,·e been received f o r Outstandina Young .\lan, and 15 name~ have sugge ted for the Boss of the Year contest. Winers will be announced at the an- nual awards dinner at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Bahia Hotel. Nomination for Bo~s of the Year are: H. \I. .\Iartin. Frank Poole III. Thomas Sef- ton, James Remmer, David C. • church, Emmanuel J. Otis, LeRoy •. Jones, Frank L. Hope Jr.. Clifford H. Asay Jr., Frank C. 1-lun.ster, Rich- a1 taff of the Unherslty of San Diego's ••Understanding )lodern Art." The L3. Jolla Vi taught adult education courses and gJven private art in. tructlon. 1 -r JOl:"i' FACULTl:-\\'alter J. \\llloughbv will join thl' College tor )(en to tea<'h an e\enlng course 911 art 1ru;tructor pre,1ou IY $ .C.:~os·.s· • I 14 "-1 • • • ' College or Men Plans Art Course Walter J. Willoughby,. La. Jolla art instructor, wtll teach an evening course on "Understanding Modern Art" In the spring semester at the University of San Diego, Cc.:.Iege for :Men. The Very Rev. Rus ell \VUson. college pie 1dent said Wil• loughby's course could be taken for college credit or audited as program for evening stuaentB....---------- glnninng Monday, ~·ebruary 6. he gave pnvate instruction and Registration wlll be \\'ednea- painted portraits. In 1929 he day, February 1, at i p.m. mo\·ed to Long Island, For the past several years The • ,arine C9rps called him Willoughby has worked at Con- n"k to active duty just beforo valr's art department. taught the United S tat ea entered adult educa.tion courses d glv- World War n. Until 1943 he en private art instruction. served matnly on submarine \Villoughby attended the Ac- patrol duty In the Caribbean, ademy of Fine Arts in Pl1ila- then was transferred to San delphia from 1912 to 1917. It I Diego nnd was stationed at the oldest art school in the :!\11ramar Naval Air Station for United States and at that time the remainder of the war. The class will be held Monday !rom 7 to 8:4 p.m. and Wednes- day from 7 to i::IO p.m .• be- ph a he opened a Arter his return Lo Philadel- tudlo_ where When World War I started the war's end and stayed In San he was commi. ioned a econd Diego. He w a free-lance art- lieutenant in the Marine Corps. 1st until 1950, when he went to He became a pllot and flew work m the art department at combat mi sions for five months Ryan Aeronautical Co. He tra.ns- was considered the best in the ' He retired a,i a major in the Manne Corp Reserve at countr:Y, lJSD Slates Art CguJ~~ lM/ { ~'en "Understanding 1. ,fj .;/4~ / in '.lodcrn Art" will be taught at the Univer- sity of San D <'go College for Men this pring. Very Rev Rus ell Wilson, college pre !'nt, said the teacher wll( e ter J. Will- oughby, a La Jo art Instruc- tor. Rcgistrat on will be at 7 to 7:50 p.m Wed tsdays. The course IUJ\Y b aken without colleg credit art of the cultural progr rh tor evening stUdPnt . Willoughby month from departm b n em worked Heal CQ. art 950. Befo freelance a as a t and a :Marine rps pilo m W ld War I and II. He i a retired Marine Corps 'R crve malor and lives at 839 oli-tna Dr. , where ln Europe. ferred the next year to Convair, Arter the war h ent bnck from which he retires this to th!!. academ) lphia month. ----- -- \ he has his studio. for a schol ear an . rups h Throughout most of that time t i ht For Freedom, 6 0 t Forum Told d· 'I\ moughby al.aa edu .ttion cour taught a!lult at night in the .a ed there, ape tb yeats studying 111... -.t'.arll¼- the cl }' s<'hool system. He lives at Juhe.n Academy as well as at 839 Colima Dr., La Jolla. where other a rt schools~ he also maint.ainB his studio. ')(. .U~D Begins 2-Day Stand ~J2~J~2f 5 LAS VEGAS - Univ<'rsity of San Diego's basketball team goes for a second vic- tory over Ne ada Southern University in a nonconference engagement here tonight. It's the opener of a two- night stand for the Pioneers, who stay over for a game with Nellis Air Force Base tomorrow night. USD coach Ken Leslie is expected to start with Dick Madsen and Russ Cravens at forward, Dave Hinds at cen- ter and Jim Fleming and Jim Robbins at the guard spots. The San Dicgans earlier de• feated the Nevada school, 66-64. Notre Dfiine To Play Pioneers The Cn.versity The Notre Dame team will Rev. J. Walshe Murray USD fly to San Diego April 5 after pla\lng Loyal~ at Lon athletic moderator announced Beach Th .T • h I g a so are yesterday. No site has been scheduled to meet Southern chosen. California, Calllornia an d Fr. Murray said arrange- Fr~sno State on their Western ments for the game, the first swmg. between the two lnstitutions After the USD game, otre • Dame will fly to Tuscon to w~re completed last week 1 play the University of Ari- with Ed (Moose) Krause,, zona. Notre Dame athletic director. Fr. :Murray also announced Krause was master of cere- that contracts with th r e e monies at the a n nu a 1 new footba l opponents have Appreciation Night banquet been signed. • )( 1ne of San sponsored by St. Augustine Diego ba eball team will play High School. Notre Dame here April 6, , . c ~ns _,,... s US I ellis .r. o L1s:'~;;c:;:S Ne 11 · .' squeezed by the U . San Diego 59 58 ' · c~ntested basketball night. SD Edge11=~e CLUB LU CHEON-Universiir of San Diego Auxiliary members I nching at I.a Jolla Country Club, Tuesday m· officers were installed at ihis meeting. eluded, left io right, Mmes. James Mulvaney, Francis Burns, Edward Johnson and Edward W. Farrell, New I SP~iof to The Son Die L.\S V FGAS Unh·<'r ·it\; z-: c~ ada South, ru tor 1ght m a ' . • 9a un,on Sa';..;Dleoo Union . '.'. Jai_1. 26 The · OJ S,Hl Diego Nlged n P an~ tnck ba1. saw 1h,• !Pad rhangP Sl'H'll t1m • e 111 t, e ,,,c. il ~r h 1 ' 1 • <'l'P ev., Jan. 28 1 s Air Forc.e B . ase _mvers ty ot • Ill a clo ely (IP that !Jar11l ond ha If gamP to- ,Tim Fleming of USD I d l ·, D m,,.,t Fon·e T•'n e night at 8 JJ. m th" h1•1 •• thP game' " . s scorers wtth 16 Pl is r porn ts. USO 1511 Cfovens ro:sen Robbins F!eming ?,n~nnor tumn1· ov. The Pion ers will play a two-game series with L O n g Beach State startl{lg n ex season with an Oct. 28 date at Long BC'ach, Long B c,,, u~o 111, Croven Hind$ Robbins Flernmv o•ronnor Tota It Odlen G F p TNtflls UJ) S l 1 1t i'fcl~re j i 1 7 Stone AO J ,: Green l 8 g I go,tm;th I 2 5 r 2 1 1 5 s~:i:~r G F T G F P T Nevoaa Stufh!rn I O 1 2 6 2 5 1 • 2 n 1 ,c I q r 1 ; 1 g l-' 11 U j G F- P T i i ?i 3 1 4 7 o 3 3 3 l 1 . 3 21 24 21 66 ; 6 5 1 O 9 .t 19 F 1 ga 'f f A j 1 { JThompson on.sen A O 5 8 1 I 4 1 SHhlqgo.,on av O O i; 0 AB Wical 29 1J 24 71 HTorn , U Haltrlme- Score• N otol~ f'~f:h U l, 1 1 1 J Bnbtf' Totals si s AFB 30, USO 29. 14 SO 37 • evade Southem 39, 'N!f11 Score at half:
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