News Scrapbook 1959-1962
~ooeersri~t )< Nevada Ouime
{;l i, '/,/ eers Se [For Invasion Of Nevada The Unlver~i1.y of 3an Diego basketball team Ieavea for Las Vega.a this Thursday atten1oon for weekend games wlth Neva- da. Southern College and Ncl!ls Air Force Ba.5e. I USD meets rugged Nevada Southcm College fn Las Vegas al 8 Frlclay night. USO meets th~ Nell!s Air Force Mustangs at Nellfi Jn an 8 p.m. game Sat- urday. The Pioneers de!ealed Neva- da Southern 66-64, January 7. Nevada's 1960-61 record in- cludes impressive victories over Arizona. State (Flagstaff), New Mexico Highlands and Cal Poly j (San Luis Obl~po), Nevada Is expeoted to start Bernia Fumag!l,111 and Odis I ThOmpson at forwards, Tim T,conard at CE'nter and Jim Jon- i sen and Jerry Hain~l at.giiardR. Leonard ~cOrPd 26 points and collected 16 rebound. in Neva- da's appearance at Kearny High. Fumainim l!llffl'ed 25 points and got elg'ht ebounds. Nellis' 1960-61' r ·on:! in- clucl~s wins over Vandenburg Air Force Base, 114-99; Oxnard Air Forco Base, 74-70. and El Toro Marinr,s, 78-63. Nellis lost to Nevada Southern ovember 25, 101.a2; San Dic 9 o North I Jnnd NAS, 56-53, and San Dl• ego Naval Training Center, 83- 73. The PioneerR return to San D.tego and meet Gal Baptist Colle.,.., J ary 31 at Kearny High nnd v1 ·1t the Naval Train- ing Center ebrull.ry l. Conch K n J,e,sJie has named Russ' Cra·vcns 16-2) and Dick Ma.d~en (6-2) l',t forwards, Jim Fleming Cli-.l,l) d Joh Rob- bins ( 5-ll) aids and Dave Hinds (8-8) at e ter f~ the ~ames. Firming and Cravens are tied for lndivldunl coring honors with 297 points in 16 games for 18.5 polnt8 per game scoring averages. . 10 t..a.s Ve
the Kor tion.
He~ a~ awarded the Br~nze Star, the Legion erit w 1 h two oak clusters, and the Dis- tinguished Se1·vice :\fedal.
jf' d ,> V
College Sponsors , 1 a_, 10 Night Courses 1 ·:; Ten courses ~•·ill b• off<'red in thl! Evenlni;:- Division of Busines.11 Administration. the Umver1nty of San Diego, College for Men, in th e A_pring An Enrtl,h cour~e in 'War semester, Very Rev. Rusfell Wilson, ~ollege president, and the Drama," wjll be announct4 taught )1y 1tobert C. Wal~h, Courses will be offered In Ac~untlng Art, BuSmess Law, chairm t the dPpari.n1~nt Education, English, History, of English, .on Tuesday eve- Music, Phl!osophy of Coh1• nlng cnnr e. in "Understand- ninga. Joseph W. Ruane qt munism 0 Philosophy of Re g Music" Father Gallagher the Department of Hi bry, Ug!on, Sodo!ogy, All ~&urses holds the degree of Master of wJll teRch ''The Histo • of ma.v be taken !or college ,-{',isic from New York Uni- Russia,' 'on Thursdays. Rev. credit or .audited, Fj,thCT Wil- ven ty. Joseph M. Hoc, of the De- son said. Another appreciation course partment or Social Scien'ce, A feature ot the Evening will be "Undel'8ta.nrling Art," will offer a courlie $6e1- Division v.ill be the coul'Se in taught by Maj. W. J. Wil- ology, "W ~tern Ill! the Phll9soph o Rel,g1on, Joughby on .Monday evenmga, Thought," on Wednesday~. In conducted by h osl Rev- Major Willoughby ia a prom- addition, a course m "'~ec- .,rend Bis)Jop He has t:wght tnenl La Jolla. art iMlructor. onda.ry Eclll.("Rtlon·• ,w11) be the course e e1 · emester Two courses will be offered offered on Wednep!ay eve. smce the ~rfrtg of 1957 The In the Department or Busi- nlngs, Bishop's cow- e 1s cheduled .Admlnistratron. John Spec a.I l'll~ion tor for Thursday 8 p.m. in the van Benthem, III, a deputy married c I '}( Army Ger{~f~r Due To Start 3rd Career In b Th.. & ut~;~~ always wanted lo be a lawyer su ceeded But tn doing so, he C'ljo 1 two lilu.oqi la v and the Attny. And now th I car r the be his sole 1,in,· S,•ltool .Ao:--~ oc upatton • a v Army General ue To Start 3rd Career (Continued fi:orn ,Page I) ~t the army ot occupauon m Japan. 8 d l am Intrigue by the pro pect or a. nev. law s hooJ. There is only oi,p place to go ar. that is up" Cen, Hickman was a mem- he o! the advisor rommit- tee o the Comm1ss,on on lnte· national Judicial As.,ist- •nce headed b , Herbert Browne!!, form er attornev genera!. But vith the accept- ance llf leach ng post, he has tendered t 3 re =ation "I'll be too bus}· to rnn- tim,e In that effol't, • he said. G n. Hickman Is man-ied to the forrnrr Mar,::-aret Mor- rison, a grad, llte of Trini~ · to H1tr- Jast ""Rr Then he rP t. ne ,·ard lo complete h George w. faj G H s t H1 k • re n J in law, and t rnett to. be• com, Gen. lllac4rthur, Judg• a_dvoca le In J a an. to Korea, where he was legal ad,iser to the atl?11stice de!•- ga.Uon headed by Admiral Joy. During the •ears, he earned such decorations a.• the Bronze Star Medal the Legion of :\1erit with tlvo Oak Leaf Clusters, and tbe Distinguish•d S•rvice feda!, Durin:::- his legal career In th e Army, he became a mem- ber of the District of Colum- . bia Bar and was admitted to the Supreme Court of the United State•. H,. be ame a. member of the Washington Law Society, A ltlerican Bar Association, Fede r'a-1 Bar Association, and .American Society of International Law. G•n. Hickman had lltue Interest in tbe Anny or th" Navy When as a high school student he wa,. offered an appointment to either of the ftetvice academies. But it wa., a chance for An education and h• accepted the West Point appointment. "After four ye a r "· th .. Later he was a • n t I as " tinr to h1n, he w 11 tea h at the Ur vers!ty ot San Di o a St'hO qn, DC,, "ash CoJle.l!'e and a o eacll~I'. de.y. tevens, 11 newcomer to the oollege faculty, ia a grad- (Continued en Page 3) Rev. John D. Gallagher, of the Department of Theology, will teach a. Wednesday eva• February 6. Ji orther informa- tion ma_l( be obl ioed from the Off I c of A rlmissions, CYprP~~ S-7711, (">,;l, 46 or 47. IJa ve 11'e h ters. M nior at. Ma.n- h tlan~ne Co!lege, Purchase- Vll!e, ', Y staffed by the Re- ligious of th Sacred Heart Who direct the Co!!ege for Women here, Patr'cia f• a Aophomor,. at l'nnltv College And Mary ui a student at W~stern High ln Washington. We are proud to welcome Gen. Hickman to the staff of th e Schoo! of Law, the Most Reverend BI sh O p said in greetin:::- the retired judge ad- \'ocate general, "Thi' erqu1• tion of Gen, H,c~man is a m a r v e I O u " achievement for our law ~chool," Rev. r a r t i n Mc- Manus, law I c h O O I dean beamed- ' And Gen. H1clnnan happily fs Ioak,ng forward to a third career. aret f a inian• w113 """'"''- try off1 .and at died at lhe In!antr · Sc; ol in Ft Ben-, Ga. An1 he studied at the C mman and General Sta,ff College in Ft. Leaven- worth, Kan. But the law Wll.'I in h , blood his father was a Jai.. Yer in Kentucky His father was a. ,tate senator when he died, and the general then was little re h~ an In- fa t. \\ er e y offered ltim 'he orp rt r y to study I;,. • a attt U \'ers1 y, he a q pt t nt - And his Ai_-my .i:-ot Into n,y bioOd, • he said. And Army and fa w be- came & dual career. Now a new career unfolds before him. "I am looking forward to 1 t. I know I'll enjoy it, he 0Si5lacesx Cal Baptist Five Tonight Uni\c it a~krtball ·ign of l!f the n 11 )ea . 1 ill go after it eighth \ ictory to r ht \\·hen it COMbats C'al Hapti t College n J~carn} High ;;>rr. Tipofi S €t Je,1 8 o' ,O ,. The Pionc>crs I d a 2-IO !'<'Cord tf1r9u h DI' ,. n ber but sine 'ha1 I' l'np OV('d their marK to 7-12. Coach h'. n Les ic <'X· pected to ta1 t Rus Cra\ens (6 2 ar. l Oh c fads 'I (6-21 l at fon·,ard • Dave Hin 5 (6-8) at rc!lter and Jim Flemmg (5-111 and Joh, Robbins 15- lOJ at i uard This b t~e f,r t of two meeting t~l \11'<-'k v. 1th tt e C'al Baptist q mtet. Th<' p 10 , necrs meet tlu same 't'SD AUXILIARY OFFICERS-OUicel"I of the Unirnrsity of an Diego Amdllary were eJ,..eteo at a. rOO("nt meeting at' the La Jolla Country Club. Shoun on the occasion are. left to right, Mr • Richard Barber, president; !\lrs, Carlos Tavares, econd , ice-president; MN. JameA MuJ IQley, recording 11eer&- tary; Mrs. Bernard Cunningham, corr podding ~ecretar)·, and l\frs. Thomas Tiernan, treasurer. - - ~ ~ l'iO'nee/S' Cal Bapt-is Jim Fl<'ining- :;corche VALDEZ BOOKED' FOR ASSAULT LOS · ANGELES /.e Rookie drten ive ha.lfback Vernon Valdez. 25 of the Los A n g e I e s R~ms Wai; booked on sault cliarges 'todl\y ,after u in a cocktau...,..,i_. Anthony Z!elen ki, 36, o! Lancastel', 1o!_p tllt's of- ficer he was kooc ed to the floot kicked 1n the head and s ugg<'{t th a bar stooJ by Valdez, w h o formerly played for USO and Marine Corps Recruit Depot. ;i~ 1 /~;/4l to 1 ,. If l1is quin t. Tl~ same h10 t, ms will Uni, Prsity of San Di<'go mates m<'Pt again Saturday night at . to a 97-37 romp over Cal Bap- R' , 'd B f ti at ti e tist of Riveroide on the ,vei SI e. c ore 1 1 Kearny High School floor last Pioneers have a date tonight uight. wilh Naval Training Center Fleming hit all of his points on the NTC floor. from the floor with 14 bas- uso cm G F P TCAL. BAPTIATFct~ kels. l;Ie missed his only two K{gJ~'h' ? 1{ ~gg~ J 2 ~ attempts from the free throw Hinds 9 o 1 1a O'Neal 2 1 1 s . Fleming H o 2 28 Babnev 4 l o 9 Jmr. Robbins 5 o o 10 McDaniel 1 3 3 s Dave Hinds added 18 points l}g~nnor l y 8 ~~":[1~' and Russ Cravens 17 ns the ~ap~~cal j 6 I ~~i'uns ? 6? Pione<'rs rush<'
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