News Scrapbook 1959-1962

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un· e sity Be·

chool P Court


Halsey M.._caer/l To Be Shown At Fox Th at

1 W\llt1ng, IJ\f"!ber of th., l>f., 14',p taclllty, will

b• of U,e court- marlla'f to ht h Id at 8 p.m,. . May ,11 Capt, Ra de,t !.Jhby, 11th Na,·al DI trl t legal officer,· also wili IA.kt in the court-martial, F the r Mc- Manus said. Membera o( the bench a.nd bar or San Diego County have been fn~lted to attend the first court-martial staged for the bcnefll ot the 11tu- dents of the School of Law. Refreshment.,, w i l I b • served 11_fter th• ~ourl-mar- tl11.I. .Members of the hench and bar of San Q1ego County also have been invited to the moot court Wednesday nenfnf, June 1. Among th, judges attend- ing will be Federal Judge James Carter and Supe1-ior Cou;t Judge W 111 i am P. Mahedy. Wllllam Schall, San Diego attorney, will rPpresent the plaintiff In th• cas•. Rnd Arvin Brown will r/opr•••nt th• defendant.• Student., of lh• lkhonl nf Law w11I b• members of tht jury and w1tn•sses, Father McManus 1aid. Judge Carter, who wtlJ be m charge of the moot court se3sions at the School of Law next Fall, will give a special lectuire on moot court at the School ot Law at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 18, in ari;;

!'he prem er• Of th• film, starring James

• (B II Halsey, is being ~ged under the

Adm Willlitn

sponsorship he_ Univer:nty of San Diego·s womin's.awnliary. Proceeds nf I.he premierp will bp used at the Uruv~rsity of Sa.n Diego for library and •ciPnce facihll II nd to establish additional scholarsh..p fund•. Law Library to Gain The School of La · library will b•n•f1 from the prrm er•. Rev. Al{red f;eim•r. Jav. l,brarian said. A{l{l ihe 8.d'11l on or the nreded book~ w1 help th• .,peed ng Qf fu arcrerl1tat1nn of th• law school h • the American Rar oclal,nn, The School of Law hrui r~cei ·ed accre'11tJltion from the Califorrua Bar. Mrs. Carlos Tavares Is general cha11man of the premiere, with , lrs. Morton J, Cohn and Mrs. Willial:11 Goe~ EerVing as co-chairmen. 'MrR, Howard Dattan, RUX!llary board mP.mber, ;;aid spe- cial guest.a will includP nQbert !ontgomeq, producer of ''The Gallant Hours;" James Cagne · and Dennis Weaver, who starred in the iilm, and Roger \Vagner, m t~ical :,core direc- tor Rt. Rev. M~gr. John L, Storm \\111 repr sPnt the Most Reverend Bishop. Drill Team, Mu ic Featured A NA.vy rlrill team will be t•11tured Ill Iron of I.he theater, 11.nd a .' 1 1A.vy orchestra and Marine Corra RP.Crill' DP.pot bA.nd will play. Mrs. Harold Green and Mrs. Justin Evenep9 are chailmen of the ticket committee. Mrs. Will F Reed and Mrs. John Murphy are ch en of ithe ticket boot.J.s, }leading Ucjrn i,a)es committees 1n var1oaa areas are ~- ,l:larry .PJ), t Loma: Mr.s Richard Luther. Pacifie &; MrJ ~)1 :Jiard,ie, East San Diego; Mrs. Peter Shea., Leiuqn. µpov.e :s John Ho ·ell. E\ CaJon Mrs. Vincent Bacil)O La Mrs. G,ha.Jilel! Del Ma.r; .tr bµ Qutnn Coronado, Mrs Joseph Doliva, Munnlch. '.Escondido: .Mrs Waller Marty, Ira. John A. Water~. ,Clalremont Mrs. Rant'ho San,..,..-1< •c.

• • • Premiere


ued from Page 1) , George !cCleruthan, James Mul- F Ree Ross Tharp, Raymond P. Coady, and Willla,m P. • ! heey, Dean Sherry, Bonsall nt \Vhelan. Halsey Vi

{ri,. Patr,rk Enn!l'ht, San

Beach :

extco, and Mrs.

Cllula V1a(.a and



o attorne • also bu been ll,1.llled e film prem ,r... Harry ~er ls Mom~nn and Harold :re ~u

Mu. b Cc, Title co..


nu De Falco market~. In La Jolla, they are avail- able at La Valencia Hotel Stephenron·s department store, and the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club.

1il.;a01pu. Corner 0 fie er Rites 1 Style Show Set Today l An 1nstallation c-! newly elected student body and class officers will take place at a fashion-show luncheon a.t noon today (Thursday) In the Din• Ing Hall o( the San Diego Col- lege for Women l'nder the sponsorshlp of the Junior Class, the event will be directed by Carol Kupilik, gen- eral chairman. Head of the decorations committee Is Eliza- beth Korander, with Emily Pugh as commentator. The theme of the luncheon, "La Vie en ft-ose" v.·111 be car- ried through With fashion fea- tures by Claire Stuard. Marcia West will be 1n charge of modele. Student body and class lead- I era to be installed fn their new )offices are. president ot the Children of Mary, Carol Kup. lllk; president ot the student body, Sandra Casseil; ASB vice presfde11t, , Barbara J or- dan: correswndlng secretary, Sandra Loubat; recording sec- retary, Susan Monahan. O!fice'?s of the senior class will be Mary Jan Tiernan, president; Joyce O'Hara, vice president; Eleonore O'Donnell,! secretary; Elizabeth Korander, treasurer. Junior class officers will be Mary Bahan, president; Patrice Murphy, vice president, Martha Golden, secretary, and Eugenia Stanker, treasurer. Sophomore class officers are Sally Tooley, president; Kath- leen Day, vice president; Nor- ma Peck, secretary and Patricia Quik treasurer. The Gilbert and Sullivan musical comedy, "Trial By Jury'' will be presented at 7:30 tonight (Thursday) in the theater or the College for Wo- men. The annual Freshman class operetta will be directed by Stephanie O'Connor. Serving under her will be chorus man- 1 ager Elizabeth Fiorino; Marie;\ Oddo. properties chairman; I Barbara Truland, stage man- ai:;cr: Elizabeth Bonner, light- ing director; Margarita Zelaya and Charon Abel, costwne,; Su- zanne Gaughen and Lynne Can- we 1, publicity an ara Koett and R 1seaJ1ne §iie, accom- p ln l dmg r9I Ann Hickey, a,. Carol Barr Gretchen: i Chambers, i.nd




$1.50, $2.50 AND $5


'Gallant Hours' - Tickets Available iftt/(,(7 B~· JA3IES :IIEADE l{_/V/0 N 'f ' The "an Diego l:nion's Theater \\ rlter Tickets for the West Coast The benefit, sponsored bv benefit prem1ere o! "The the Women's Auxiliary of

imlno11 or Los <\ngelPS, Jett, l~ th.., fir t wh;mcr I\ tlu, San Dle,1;-0 ;pnrt{I htng-Unl\'e~ity of San Diego Boo ten, f'lub Sportfi hlng Bonanza. Simino\\, a memt,,...,. of the Marll'&od Rod 11.nd Rl\rl Clnh and MontPbello Sport.swan ('lull, 1< hown at p·; hnmnn'11- Landing, Point Lomn, last Sat11rdar with the 12• 1 -ponnd harrdcuda. Dr. Rich- ard Luthn, JtrP,ldt:Jit or tl,!e USO Boo~l<'rs f'luh, pr.-sents Slmlnow with •• d1rrk for $2,152,5,0 for hl~ winning •·

the University of San Di- ego, will provide fonds for expansion of student facili- ties at the Alcala Park school, particularly in the Committee members said that while there will be a black-tie dinner preceding the showing of the film, the premiere is not a social af- fair, but the showing or a patriotic film to raise funds. library.

Gallant Hours'' Tucsda,· at

at 8:15 p.rn. the Fox Theater still . $2.50 and S5. There also are special patron's tick- ets at . 10. Tickets may be Pe- at a r e avail- able at $1.50,

:ueade served at Thearle's box office. Tickets will be on sale at the Fox Tuesday ni~ht. :-.· a vy and :\farine Corps commands here are going all out to make the -Tues- day night evPnt a coloriul affair. The. Pacific Fleet Air Force b proYiding a pit orche.-t ra and a band to play outside the theater. The ::lfarine Corps Re- cruit Depot band also will pl~- beginnmg at 7:43 pm. Eighteen bluejackets from the Na,·al Training Center will fot·m a guard of honor for an ]8-foot hra,.· model of a cruiser to be displayl'd ln the Fox lobb,. The thea- ter is being decorated with flags. penTJaNs and bunt- ing by the First Fleet Com- mand. * • • Gue t al the pre\·iew \fUI be J~me., Cagnry, star of the l i Im Ro~rt ::l!ont- gomer;·, producer-director, and Roger \\'i,gner, who composM the film's score whl 1 IS 81 ng . the ~um by tlie Ro.,.f'r Wal?n r Chorale. Abo " pect~d is Dennis We\ CagneJ pla. I ,,et Adm . Wilham f". Bull,, Halsey ln the film \\ h ch deal~ with the· sp , e t .S. forces re,, ,·cr~;ng the tide of the P cific war dm1ng the fall of 1942. Weaver, Chestt>r television•~ "G u n m o k e," plays a memb r or Hal- sey's staff.

BUE:\' ll!ay 1 Thr Univrrsitv ot Sn11 Diego Pioneers w o·u 'ti d up th,eir baseball season on a victory note here today as Tom God- dard bl nked n·o1a, 6-0, on five hits. Jim 'iorenza got two hits in fiye trips to pare the winner's 12-hit attack. The Pioneers are ] 9-8 for the season. I USO • • OOG 011 004-.I 11 0 Blt~dord and'. Cox~ G~~~n:e--101f;n,'. bee (9) or:d Smothcrso . PAR •.

>ft-A110AJ ~vw< · Pioneer ace Biola in .In Final =M:nt'lst Coach Hke Morrow's Uni- versity of San Diego baseball 1 squad travels to Biola College, to.morrow to clo e the regu- ·1 Jar 1960 campai n. The ga_me i~ scheduled r the La )f1ra- da campu nd t• .m. The Biola -ga~ -o ally scheduled lor lllay 2;l rescheduled o mor ,to make way for a possib1 Na-, tional Association of Jntf!t'coI- Iegiate Athletic .Dis n~l Tu1·ee playoft bid for Th'.e P obeers. The Distrtct TlulPc. pla offs are St't for San Diege, May 20-21. USD has an 18-8 record with a team batting average of .:JOT.

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