News Scrapbook 1959-1962
C I Western Pla_yoff
Afaaeffiy' Choices By Wilson Told
~CRD Firsf' Of 5Tough USD Rivals .........,..,,. alr/ ,1 ]{en L<' ll C! 1101)<'5 to clos<' out l1is first sra•on as hear! basketball ·o ch at the Uni• vcrsity of Son D1,.go with a winnings a on ut SD's last five opponrnts r uld provid<' the young con h with ia dlf!l'r• ent fate. Fir t or the five obsta c-lcs will app,, r at La Jolla High gym tomorrow night In th0 form or the toug and taknt<'d Marine Cotps n cruit Depot. The Piop<' rs lo t to the Ma- rlnrs on 11 C 1 , ln a closely cont t d nff Ir. 'ft, "'an P rl o Int rnnlion- al Lon ho
Pioneer , i Cal B ~ist Quintet, 85-7
Coach M I k e M o r r o trimmrd thre" mor from 11 vnrslly b b 11 ro. t ·r a ,d announl'rd that t\\o ncwcom- <'rs w, rr J kc y to break lnLo the sl;l U up this sea- < n 1 t tyo!Sn DIC'go. Tiu• with rnn o! the e rc,turn- in lctt~rmrn l.,t'tt rmen · r<' pit rr-out[lcld<'r Tom God- dard, JHtrher thlnl has<'mnn T<•rry I..orrm:, second base- man-pitcher Dick Wilbur, out Ilcl - t ba:;cman Guy ~elleck •); 1 Vv ltj'?IC F<'rris o rl},Ck Uni\·crsity o lia~eball line. N:o row dis- Wa "C• ol lh<' In ,.11,,,X .--. ., itducator To Conduct USO Retreat Rev. Thom C. Donlan, & Dominican au hor and educa. tor, \\ill conduct a retreat Feb. 15-17 at the 1Jr. r ty of San D! go CC l o r :.fen, the V <' R ll Wllson. l:ol e announced. Father Donlan a pr est since 1944, Is thE: autnor D! "Theology and Edu~a\jon" and a four-volume serJ,Cll ''Catholic Texts in Th~oJogy, l ·nlch fs being u~ed n PJOl'e than h If of the Catholfc 1- )<'ge n the United tat . Father Donlan has taught at St. Xavier (;:Ollege in Chi- cago and Rosary College ~ll River Forest, Ill. He now Is on the faculty at the Domini• can House of Theology in Du- buquc, Iowa. ,, 'Depot, USO 7Z !~»!~! C!ash o,. op. another ual, U:cak and tonight hopes to ma e thc- improved Univ<' ty o! • n le o its 10th stral ht k I \' J C· tlm T po!t s o'cl ck tn I.a J Much to tl Plr~~-'-' may, th Leather a t C'cord ol l 1 , le ore and a single o ( to · :U I c g o StalP I with coll g 1 u b s. MCRD' ove all rec rd i :!6-3, E\Pn more imposing i~ the :fact lh'l.t all the [nrln~ start- er are lutt :: In d o u b 1 e figure • Joe M U enter, heads the 1::.v i :wrecking crew with a tS a ·crnge. For• war'.1s i.6u Gibb antt R a y V.. ate I i1 'I.:' G and 11. pol t li\.ertg s re ectivc!J while \IA s U4rrl'll P;istrcll and Bob rtu trlgl;lt are listed at 13.3 and 2.!l. USO, ti:~ lorn! ttlrnabout club or th 1961 1011, has \\ on three_ straight and posted a 7-2 record I ice Jan. 6. , I op ·Mou·ncf Seen for Pioneer:s Three of the 22 i:andi tee who reported for ~g session of varsity baseball practice last week were ttunmEJd from the squad by University of San Diego head orrow. The 19 aqua.d. members include 1even let trlnel\. 'llhe letter• men Tom Godde.rd (pitcher-outfielder), Terry Lorenz (pitcher-third bueman), Dick 1 Wilbur (second baseman-pitch• Augustine High, Stallard wa.s er), Tim Leyden (outfielder), graduated from Poonona. Cath- Jim Florenza. (short.atop), J'ohn olic High last J1111e, and Hem• Hollida. (outfielder) and Dave inger, whose twin bl-other Pat Y ' ls a. candidate for an outfield Melton (outfielder)• po~ltion, Is a arraduate of Cen- At least two newcomer, ap- tral H!gh In Fort Waype, Ind. pea.r destined for starting a,;:. Daily worltputs wfU continue sigrunents-flrst buema.n Guy each afte.."nOOn at Mike Morrow I<'ield Jn Balboa Park ( at the Selleck and catcher Wayne Fer- foot of TMas reet in the Mor- ris. Selle.:k, a freshman, i• a 1 UQ!l uea 11ntll the varsity football letterman. Fer• openb dauble-hea.der with tis, a '1956 graduate at Plus X ;A t&te College here High m no...-ney, I.a a tranafer ~'fhl nator Bob Sex• ! from Long Beach City College. ton unced that USD had Three new pitchers, right• , l?l' ment With thi, ~anders Denny Shields and Mike fFDl'"""'....,,._res organization Hem i n g er, a.nd left•hf.llder to play th& UCLA (March 10), Terry Stallard should join God· USC (March 11) and Notre clard ln giving USD t11 trotlg• Dame (April 6) games as West- est pitching s t & f ! since the gate Park. opening sea on of ba!leball In 1958. s 1elds !s a graduate o! st. · 'T' 'i. rama ., ·oumament' Planned March 4 The second annual high school drama tournament, 8pon• sored by the Masquers of the University of San Diego's College for Men, will be held Saturday, March 4 in the College !or Women theater. High schoola from the San Diego &nd Los Angeles areas 2/9 I t 1 have been invited. The !ollow- lng have accepted and will par• tlcipate Jn the competition: Pomona Catholic High School, Cham In ade High cl'ioo1 of Los Ange I es, San -/J go High School, Crawford ii:10 School, Cathedral Glrla' .ti,oade- my of Our La.dy oti'Peace, Ro• sary High, Anny aric! Navy Academy ! Carlabad, Notre Dame .A~llfl my ot J,,os .A.pgeles, and U 1 ;it-i;1ty ~igh School of San Di o. Ned Wilson, USD )umor, Is general che:1rman. He Will be assisted by Roger Mehlbrech and Ml<;Jie.eJ Mar The tournam 11 an a 11-d a y affair. Pretltt1lnarles Will be held in the morning and afternoon, with the three b t plays pre ented In the e final for the awards of b t play, best act r b t a tr ss, best support t: e.ct or and best supportlnr, ac Rev. Leo F. Lanphier the faculty moderator of the event. t'af Bapt,s( ~><-I Host To USO :Soeclc1 to TIie San o tto untan RIVERSIDE .r b The turnabout Unlver lty of San D go, a ba kctball q u a d with a new lease on life, tries to make it two ti 1 a row over Cal Bapt t here tomorrow night Tht game will start at s o' lock The Pioneers toppled t h e same .club la t Tu!' day In ~an !)!ego. 97-57, With J i m J, leming Pacing the attack with 28 points. •·
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