News Scrapbook 1959-1962
M ,-M, ~'f{"( en
L~le :t his t!lrst y e.r '-4 hell.d b1U1ket- b8.ll coach &l the 'University of nlng sea.• ho~~fl&e
The San Pedro Inte
n'e and uruon, ona /J California, co t
Long.h how;e
outstanding AAV
South m
tui'day night
the Pion rs In an 8 pm. at Kearny High. The includ arrav of former USC and Beacll State playeni. The Dockers' ten tat Iv starters for Saturday night' game are John Wema.s (USC) and Bob EsplnO!la (Lon Beach St.r.te) at forwurd~. Bob Hamp- ton ( USC) at cent and Jirn White (USC) and B111 Bloom (USC) at guards. The :Marines will start Lou Gibbs (6-3) and Ray Waters (6-31 at forwards; Joe Miller (6-5) at center, Darrell Putrell (6-1 l and Dick Bratton (6-10) at guard•. Miller leada the .1a- rlnes in scortng \\1th a 16.3 points pal' game average Gibbs, an NAIA All-American while at Pittsburgh (Kan.) College, has averaged 13.6 The :Marines' 26-3 record l the be t among e.11 the college and en1ce teams In outhem California. Tjle M e, have an 11-1 record aga: n college I teams. lfll!t week, defeating Cal Baptist. 97-57; San DI O TrA In- Ing C<'nler In Y. , 70-66 r;; Doe n' line-up USD \\Oil thr e g r
the years for p la.ity, and ..,th year at Fiat Ho 11:enter ln Minn
Father Dorllnn
cRDR'au'fs X
. USD, 95-73
Marine Corps Recruit DC'- pot's basketball t,•am roul<'d Uni,·ersity of an DiPgo 95- 73, last nigh. In th<' I.a Jolla gyrn. tlw Marin,•~' 10th ~trnlght vic•u,ry and th<'il' 27th in 30 start . Lou Gibbs, a fi.:J Marin•• f.orwa, d, po ,p d for 11 field goals and nim• 1 e e thrnw:s for 3 poin • 6-5 Jo<' Miller afloull g fine sup pm t with a 24,polnt output scon•d 24 point~ to p CP 1he Pioneers who suf! Ui~lr 1ir t loss in thPir last four starts and now own a 10.n I ord. The Marinr>s kd, 45-31, at halftirue. MCA D (9S)USD G F P T Gibbs 11 9 4 31 Croven1 Waters 2 1 '2 Mad n ~1fl~s I g 321 ~frfdulo 0ll!erd 2 2 3 6 O'Connor Postrell I 1 , 3 Flf-mlng ~~nt?~ht 1 j l 1! Robbins Corrigan 3 2 2 8 Gr P(7~ !> 3 5 13 1 U J 2 2 I 7 , 2 5 6 3 I ' 7 612 5 2' 5 • J 1 • 1t ww Jim F 1 en i n g
and Cal BapU
Senior ~d scored 7 ~m{,iHn-t~ gam br to to, 427, oft
Madsen 'e,9t~~~or Robbins Baron Fleming
24 25 2, 73
31 311& ts Totals
H.clftlme score-MCRO -45, USO, 31 .
. IY SA.'\' DIEGO: Roger Wrenn saw a classified ad in the Evening Tribune offering a Lcic,:a camera for sale, and dialed the number. A voice answered after a long while, explaining that Wrenn h a d reached a pay phone booth outside a drive-in. Wrenn doubl"-C'hecked his number, and then asked about the Le1cc1. 'Oh, that's sold," the voice told him "Fellow drove up here this morn mg. with a book t read, parked outside the phone booth and an.,were the phone for about half an hour until he'rl mad his deal. I asked him at the time, didn't he hav phone at home. 'Sure,' he said, 'but this way can sell the darn thing and then not have to si around listening to the phone ring all day an night.' " _ ·AME GA~lE: California Winter came to town just the other day. She's an art consultant, conducting a workshop for the county schools. ... And Void B. Null of the cit.· ehools i'l still getting along splendidly, thank you. . . . At Northwest Adult High there's a student nanwd Finis, whom Celia Squires disC'overed was, of course, the youngest child of a large fanuly. l\lEllO FROM A FAlTHFl.Jf, COPY.GIRL: D ar N.M.-Two of the Evening Tribune copy boy Bill Hagen and Willem C. Vanderwerf, are among the 36 University of an Diego students on the dean's honor list. ...Then 1here's the one that we are convinced never happened here. But we have the word of a reputable attendant in the lost and found office of the Transit System that a young lady did indeed come in to see about a lost sweater. ''What bus line?" he asked. "Thirty-six," she answered.
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Parker Film lrving W Parker. dean of admissions of tl:.e University of San Diego's Col ege for Men, wilJ ho slides taken on a trlp to Yucat and Vua Cruz, Mexico at a. meeting of the collcg 's Alcala Gulld at 8 p.m. .Monday, Ft1iruary 20 in the university HJl.11 of Arti! and Sciences. Thom1111 C Acke:man, Jr., who accompanied Parker on the trip to Mexico, v.111 be present. Special emphruus Will be made on the Maya c\llture of Uxmal and Chichenltza.
'Piiiee1S; 1 ' CRD Play U PGr.dders nFall
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