News Scrapbook 1959-1962
0fa~'i~ ~t~te Subdues USO basketba I team suffered lts 16th loss o the s<'ason h•'re la!it night th" hanrt~ of Orange Count State, 80-68. Jim F'JPmin&r pace l t, I'lulleers wit:1 16 r,oint , b tt hf,th for the gam ·a Jim Hatrhett, the winners' cf'nter wi1h :ll. :ummarv, Oranee County St. (10/ USO 161) I I P I p I Cravens 3 o .4 6 Brettman I" 2 l • Caputo s • • U Iver on O J 2 Mad$1n 1 o H tche!t 9 3 21 R:obblna J O 1 6 Hermann '1 3 3 17 Fleming 6 • 2 16 Ston,:r !5 6 3 Jd Hinds 1 O5 2 Oann~rbrlng 1 o o 2 t ~ 11 ~gf i i A Roach 1 6 o a Tr1l1 3 O 2 6 Boron ,4 .( 2 17 Total, 27 1' 2J ,a Totals 2, 21 14 80 u;.HJ'I~~~• 1cor1 - oran11 stat, :lit 5Ptclal to EVrNINO TRIIUNI!! F L'LLERTuN Un!VPl"Sil ot San D i e , o'
PI0 1 Y
rugby Season~ 9pJII!.~?~t ..
CW Quint Rips Foe; ~opts Win ~3471 W l r n \ r. lly
chools To Compe e In Drama Tourney
I Fi LOS A.'GELT The on-again verslty o! an ball tr-am strps der tomorrow I
• in tic WCAC
Lo{iola Kro~~~ f ~:i~ r:I'r::t s'i~l Grole (6-4) Santa Monica Urricariet (6·1 Gonzalez (S-11 Brendin; (6-7
C. 2
F s G
Bro1nan Elserutodt
~l'!--s o -L~ 1u: oses · Finale, 78-44 LOS ANGELE , Feb. 24- lJnlversity of an Diego Pi- oneers were outplayed 1.n all department here tonight a they lo t their final basket hall game of tre ea on to Loyola, 7 -44. The lo s gave the Pioneers a 10-17 record for the sea- ~on. Loyola's is 17-6 '\\Ith two games remaining Loyola showed fme )Jalan~, .Je1Ty Grote leading the or- fp11; !' with 13 points. Omer imeon and Tony Kra,lman cont1 ib· tirg 12 each. Loj ola ~-purted to a 29-19 lead m I d- way of the fir t half and kept increa ·ing the margin there- after. The hoFt were In front 35-22, at halftime. Ru s Cravens of u··D was the game·s high scorPr with 14 points. USO(..) i F p Tl.oyolo cm G F p T 0 ' i t~ u~:nmo11 i ! l~ ~i~~ng ! i ! g~l~ Y 9 ROIJ!) , San O'-1Clo Jl"1on Sto'ff Pho1o Dr. Bernard Cunningham. Fads in book, "Masters of Deceit," will be pre ented by religious groups. Discussin" J. Ed ~ar Hoo, er's book on c.-omm•mi ·m are, le t to righi, Frank Pnce, Rev. Charles Dollen, • nd co(~ 1' { Sc F resen ed I s 0 • 1oneers Cage Season 'tt:I.Va off-again, on-again basketball lea.Ill hopes to be more on tha11 oft when it travels to Los An• gel~s Friday night and ends the 1960-61 season meeting Loyola University. Game time iR 8 p.m. Both Loyola and USD lost Important games last weekend. USD lost its fourth straight game to crosstown rival Cal Western. The Pioneers, after holdil1g a slim lead through most of the second half, tinall dropped a close decision, 53-48. Loyola, one of the outstand• Ing teams on the coast for the sec-ond straight season, defeated University of the Pacific Friday night, 70-61, but was upset at St. Mary's Saturday night, 92-61. The University of San ~ Nine~~ 3 xi For Season. Opener Se\·en lettermen were na:lned ay by baseball coach Mike Morrow as etarte for t e U tty of San Diego'e opening day double-h attu!daY w, Lo Angeles State College. The games will bcgm at.12:30 p.m. a.t Kear~- High. Coach Morrow, a nterah of 36 years of coaching in the San Diego area. fa op!!mlstlc1P-----·-------- about hi~ 1961 club. He has both er· Tim Lcyd n first base· Dick 1 bench and pitching strength th ,; ' JI • Fi seuon, an unk.nown qua.ntl y In e, m or- previou.s USD team~. top, erry Lorenz, Coach Morrow met- witJl 22 third b&se· John Holliday, left varsity candidates at the open- field 1 ~~P$0n, center ing practice session on ~·ednes- field, an ,·& {elton, right day, February 1. &nd th team field. RI ht-hand r To God- ha.s workouts at Morrow g e m Field in Balboa Park. I dard v.ili p!tcjl,. e ttrst game, USD posted a 7-12 record in and left-hander Terry Stallard its inaugural season, but has is J1Cheduled to Sl.1\rt the second had two outstanding seasons in ga,me. succession. USD had a. 17-7 Fiorenza hit 12 home runs record In 1959 and last year • 1 posted an 18-8 record. drove a.cross 43 runs and led the The starter. named for Sat- team in hitting last,n with urday are \Vayne Ferris, catch- a. .442 averag • Goddard (.(22), Wilbur (.368), Melton {.329) and Holliday (.321) were the other hitters 11,bove .300 last season. 'irds ·hools. over 11 h.- the c forts or the turnc• Throug 1 f San Di<•go ,ent devo- 1ples of free "T the yo Religious Emrt sis Founda- tion of San Diego, the story County- who in America !ion to the pr of communism '\\Ill belp defeat and how to fight it w~l he government presented to school children atheistic J . communism." Edga1· Hoo\ er. of the county. The foundation is an inter- In a spectal ceremony at the Federal Bureau of gation office yesterday, copies of J. Edgar Hoovc-r's ag'l. book, "Masters of Deceit," to OT school reprcs ntatives. foundation presented organization lnvesti- denominational the which was founded 175 Diego approximately six years in San 1a ·r 8 ]) ,, , • , lfh t I IU,.~J•,NT ddi}on 10_ Cunningham, • 1asters or De- T 1 the "I 1 members ot <1dat1on celt · Hoover director or the oth FBI, e pl l~s 1'1P startling pres~nt \\l e Al Broisio, vi~e facts about the maJor mE"nace pre 1dent; Rea· Adm. Francis of our time, commuusm," Benson, l'SN, ret, tr!'asurer; said Dr. Bernard p, .Cunning Dr. Ralph Otterstrom, secre• ham, foundation president. tary; Jo Co!ton, director; "The book ex alns 'th aim laJ. E. E. Eiler, USMC, ret., of communism a d g \·e a PC-,ai secretnry, and Pa~! firsthand ac ount M Am<'ricar Terrr, education program d1- comMunism from i• bE' 1 rector of th_e San Diego Unio1 ning to the p da t . hoe. e! :,tali- defeatrd Sophomo1·e Goddard had a 6-3 record and a. 2.50 earned run average. 8talla.rd, a. freshman from Po~ona Ca.lholic High, guided hl11 tejin!. year to the Parochi~ I.,ea.gue baseball champion p. Other -•QOmera to the start- ing line-up are ~yd a utility player last seu<>l,l,, a.nil Thomp- son, an all-city on la,t year at San Dlegcr Hjgh.~ool. Los Angele, tat d4{ea.te Marines TOP.~ !i.f,t,1~&, rallied In the late In n Ing yeste day to defeat the Ur\j versity of San Diego, 8-5, a both clubs open their ba e ball seasons at the Marines' Beeson Field. Errors plagued the collegi- ans as six errors yielded four unearned runs Dick Eshba , a former Cal Western football star, led the Marines attack with two hits. Jack Serlcy contributed with a two-run ho1 er ·n the sev- e th ning Tim vyden e za eacK 4111 •,-;.,,, b while ic Wllbur and B_ill Thompaon collected two hits eacnior the osers. .!!iti O . : .• '. , IP'lftff!=l ' i Is Goddard and Ferrfs, Baumgarten (tl; mollwood and Lister. '-'iil1 Hang! Stariinp; from reaccreditation ceived USD Grid Pacific in The UnivcrBlty of San Diego• !ootba.llers will open the 1961 sea.son with a. Thoy'II tack! the Unlver- 1ty of Pacific Ti!! I'll In the e on op ncr hue Saturday aflem= Sept 30, Rev. J , WaLhc • rurray, l:rcrtor of athl tics an no u n c e d this w k, It I hoped U1e Pioneers' 13cw ~tadium, nc,w 11nder con- the Western College A ciation. Th e announcement w • made at the association's nual convention in Los Ii. • geles by George C. s. Ben~ president of Claremont Men's College and WCA president, on the recommendations of tne WCA Commission on Membership and Standards. Attending the convention as the USD repres e was the Very Rev. Russell Wilson, president of the Col- lege for Men. The colli,ge ac- c1 ed1ted since !ik every other Amerkan college, it has lo be rea.ccredited periodically. The present rcaccredita. n followed a \'1 sit to the college of a \\'CA survey team last November. - atn.'1:ttbrl, Will be complet.: in tlm6 for the footba.11 _,. son opener, Father urn1 aid. A home - and - home was ,iigned with the Univer• sity of the Paclf!c, formerly known ns the College of the Pacific. The second game will be played m Stockton at a. date to be decided later. The game In Stockton will be The remainder of the Uni- vers ty of San Diego grid schedule will be announced later, Father Murray said. The Pionees alrearly have •
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