News Scrapbook 1959-1962

iPf~f(;~rs End~ Cage Play on ~Ti~lt ~a::tego lost rt last f IV e basketball an Jinlsb d the 1960- gam , 61 11~ on laat w ekend with a dbma.J 10-17 r ord. The Plonee II to t b o t h ot their :road games 18.'!t week • end 80.68 to Orange County St College and 78. 44 to Loyola University. Th~ Uni- versity of San 'Diego now has an O ·erall 63·0:I record after !!lx a ons of fntercollegtatt b ketball en nr Jlm Fleming and aophomore Russ Cravens pro- vided the eason I only note- worthy a.c ompliahmentll. Fl~- lng and Cravens set f ve ind1- vldu!ll scorll'g record II and their combined e!Corta account. ed !or halt ot USD's total team

SD Shows Good Sock l~/R2~t Dewey J. (Mike) Morrow started his 41. t season as a baseball coach yesterday and, while It wasn't a wm~lng start, It had its compen~a!1?ns as far as the veteran um, l'f· sity o! San Diego mentor was conccrnt>d. "We made too many errors, but our power wasn't bad, ·t•" asked Morrow after was 1 • d ped an his Pioneers had rop 8-5 decision to Marini' Corps Recruit Depot at Beeson Field. Le,·den Romer Two ho~c runs accounted for tour of USD's runs. The one Morrow particulJrly was leased with was one by usu- ~lly light-hitting Tim Leyden, J ·unior first baseman.. . "He hadn't been h1ttmg too well until today. Hi: almo~t had two out of th par • though, today," Morrow re- called. Leyden homrrcd In the sec• ond inning with John_ Raum- artner aboard and tripled of! rhe centerfield !ence in the eighth Inning. Connect. with Cur,·e ho had tripled, was ~board at the time and the drive put the Pioneers ahead, 4.3, But in thP I a t o( the cvenih Bob Seeiey homPrrd (pr the Marin with ,John ·padonl on to give 1CRD a 5_4 edge. USD's de!ense fell apart In. the eighth when three unearned i·uns came across on two r rs• .Five of the Marines' r. n were ttn- carncd The Pioneers booted n,·e. StelP'I' J111t I\ Thr ('I Seeley drl)VI!: lhre i'UJIS for the Leathernecks, vho, 1 i k e the Plon crs, op ned Lt'ydcn said he hit a curve over the le!t!ield fence !or the first home run of his college , career. Jim Fiorenza put one out in the seventh at about the samP spot as Ll'yden's poke cleared e fence. Jim Thompson.

San Dlf'gO Union· Stoff Photo Cre,,~ at San Miguel School for Boys. I[ .·rn•.cn;s, class will be expanded.

Tcrrv I faas, li>ft, and Carlos Dau~h- ady ,v'ork at board during dass in

SAN MIGUEL~~ J_/c.. It; chool Requires Course In Greek / Uy ( 11,\IU,hS J> \ \ J. Th<• San Dl1·go I 111011', J.d1u-11ti"n \\.l'itcr F"m· 23 ninth and 1<'nth I ::uagp d pa1·tm<'111, 1ei,orls grad<'rs at :=::an :II I g u r I that th &1•1 llgn,,f ho} a1·p School for Bo) , it l n I I hPcomm~ in r,•nsi, gly ••n• ; Greek fo1· 4:; minut • · a da>, thu in t c about th,•Jt• Greek five da,. a wrek. studlr.,; The ;irivat<' Episcop;i.l at- For one thing, It is .,8 flliatcd chool at 6501 T.!nda strange langua c with -4 \'i,ta Road In January Jni- basic cJmrar-ters, many of tfatcd a one.year requln•• them totally unlike t h e ment !n classical Grc-c-k, be- English alphab<'t, and ~t ll<•v I'd hv its In ·tru<'tor to stlmulal<'S the sense ot curi- he 1he on1y . uch course in 0~11y to learn about ti em. the count.1·, WORD DERIVATIONS 2. ·n.n•.. \lt CJ.AS<;; AnothPr JlOint hP adds, !~ Mnr(•O\ ( I', If the <'OUT.(' ls the U()('('SS school offl.

........ Miss BuckIin ls Bride ·Of

1n arou 0 lng' lnt<•rest ln Eng. lish "ord dm·Ivatlons. Tlw Gr<' k word "gr H p h ,. i" m ..ans •·10 write''; thr w o r ct "topns" m ,.. a n s "pla<-P" - whkh ha,<' a familiar nnr; 1 n pr, "lit• day English. C u n n I n g h a m p r <'· Ides o, ('r ·two ela <'S i11 Greek, one fo1· 'ninth grad- ers and the other for tC>ntlt graders. 'rh<'re ai·c hout 12 AfuclP.nt· in each class. P completion o! a :i, tudies. the b o y s should have a "rathrr good !oundntlon in Gr~ek gram- mar ,~1 h a fair reading kno J 1r , " pl a basic nc,w t.• t•ment ,ocabulary, Cunnlni;:ham says. If the ,·o. rse is continued into a ·eco1 year~ 1 n ln- Mrttctor said .i;tudents would find thcms,.hes de I' p In Grecian rlassies. "EXACT TRi?'.iKJ:SG" As to thr vniues of GrePk, Cunningham cont,•nds t h e language, like Latin. force a student into a great dral of "exact thinking"- a n d, also like Latin, helps to ln- crPase his English vocab- ulary through a knQ.Wlellgc of the origin of words. And, finally. he adds, Western culture has l ts roots deeply stE>cped In C-,rero-R om a n traditions, ;vtneh a ~count for a large 'h n! our laws and phi- lc, o·15l , 'o/ t h a t nakr-• ,ft.flUing for a young srh('J, • to have an eye co,.i,~•·, ba~l.ward into hi s hel'itn. ,HI I in that light lridipates, r.un- )1i.1fi1t.

cials hope It will be, a s<'e• one! y,•ar c I ass PVl'lltually will be ad,Icd Why I e a r n C'la 0 ,ical Greek" To understand this, a<'- C'0rdmg to Dr. Bar1 J. Cun- ningham, r,•qulnis a com- prehcn ion that San \IigueJ is a ,·ollege pr paratory school trying to )Jrovide its ,tudent with a <'omplPte liberal arts hackgrouml. And, he add,;, 1t is tra- ditional in We tern r11 ture that a !ibPral art founda- tion contain tudies in both Latin and Greek altliouglt omehow in rPcent y e a r s Gr eek has almost silently dropped away. L\Tf T REQURED ~an :.'11iguel air a quirPs at IE>.ast two rs of Latin from its \litUdf'nts




v. eeks tnclude~ Cal ·w e s t e r n larch 8), UCLA and USC


their seaEon \\lth the 3-hour, 15-minute 1;aTT1e. They hBfl to turn the light on to !11\l the diamond ma,ra~h~ni 020 000 201-S 9 5 USO · • • ' QOI t20 21• I • 1 M~~dard . a"d Ferns. Hol11doy OL Smallwood end Li:sfrr.


1lcR.'o ~apt,,; Baseball Play Against USO

-~ J/'f/wx Drama Tourney Slated Today The work of famous drama. tists \\111 be g,ven today in tr.e se<'ond ann-ial University of San Diego College for :.\fen Drama Tournament. Chek- lov·s • A .1arriage P1·oposal " ~ha,, s ' The Music Cure, ·• Barrl,.'s, "The Old La d y ~hows Her .Medals," a n d George Kelly's "The Flatter- ing \\ord" will be given by Crawford High, Chaminade of"I Los Angeles Ro ary H i g h, and Chula Vista High, respec- ti\'ely. Other plays enferrd a r e Richard Breen·s "The Dream. slayers" by University High of San Dlc"o. Bre in prom- inent in Hol~llQ(# cript-writ- lng circle ~r;, ademy of Our Lady er will give Harold wc· s " fore Per- fect Un'on." Pomona Catholic High Will pres!'!lt "The Wall," by Verne Powers. Army and • ·a ·v A adcmy of Carlsbad w.I. ao n original by the director, J. F ;Hannon, titled "In1er1I11. an Diego High wlll offer Just Ti'l Morn- f nament with Ruth Glo oft' "Lavendar a'!d Red Pepp . The plays \\111 be g en the College for \Vomen Aud., torium, starting at S a.m. and continuing through the entire day. The threP most efi,<:tin plays again will be prcsC'nt rJ· at 8 p.m. Awards will he glv l'n fpr the best play, bC'St ar. tor, best actress, and b • supporting actor and actress in0" h,· Thomas A an"'d Cathedral High Diego will open Glor!



Fin ~?&l!.!/~tm, hol!"n bask tball game of the season to l ht at aga1.1. t Universlty of ·a D1e:::o at :.\Ifs ·io~ Ba · .i g The e tE> e

, ~if::ycr 'Men' Co lege Is Reaccredited The Coll ge fnr :Men, Uni• u• CJ.aremont Men's College versit,Y ot ~an Diego, o<1 y anrt WC A p1 esident, on the . i-ecomnwn l,1t on of the WCA received f a er d1taUon Ir om Commission on Me m be,·ship lhe \\ e e111 College Associ- and Stanaards. aUon. A ttt dinir hi" 0011vrntio11 as 'rhP an11ou1wrmcnl w.i.s 111ad~ offir,at Uf!IJ r" pre sentath·e at the an, 1at on's an nu a J was lhe Very Rev. Russell convent 011 jn Los An1;rlr~, by Wilson, president of the Col- Geor;::c C .S. Benson, president Jege for Men.

SD Opens


SD rato~1i h 1 ] To Vi Monclay •, 41 ,tudenta have 1ftl1f1,d for th., final M lht econd annual l'lr&lorlca.l ront•sl nf th, Un1v~r11ly <'J( &;an D1er;n Colle,-,. for Men Th~ final v.·ill h, h,ld in I d lortum of >.fort Hill! a.t A fonrtay, T llnall ta u" B n H l<'loru, "Ml A Hall, John R.. Gamty, T~riy M K~ttenhofen, .Jamee A J.aml>, Joe W. Picone, Gary :Ft Ruernpmg, John M. Wild a.lld Charles H. Wi11!am1. Th~ tu,;! n s will be compet- ing tol' ll $100 membership. The associated atuden body will also pr1>vid~ trnphles !or lh• first thrre runner1-1111, Fr. Leo F. Lanphier, dram11. dirrclor at th• College fol' Men, will be <·ontest moderator.

be::_ ~ A/ Io.1iT37'1f76Jj

5 Recel·ve Grants

,dine, San Dkgo bu ine Sil' have bPrn a\'. arr! d fl e dci,ts of the l'nlvrr ty

<; D l J ,


·Y,!-J11tf;rs1ty Diego husin,·

~) 7:J



S200 slfiMz.fip a n d and ••conom1cs dh,islon J. Daltou, trlhutcd by Charles Ray Con. GarfiPld Rd ,, Won ti c :! o u r SIOO scholarships, <'Dn• L<•onard

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