News Scrapbook 1959-1962
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DEFENSE HELPS / We _te ners,T p Pione 53-48 I l'Y 111,\GlIB ' en t•d t b t \\ hen It needed mu,mi-t'>~ here la m!!ht and the West• krtl; II victory o, r •nlvcrsity y Ht 1gym. e w s t1rgie t ed L~O to th1 ee in •hat span 111 c~''·"'"''""~ ma t<'ry of t 11' Pion !our gamrs in l\\0 6<'d on·. Cal Wr tC'rr trough, had to huslle mightily to repeal an earli<'t: 77-6 <'Ol'Qlll' 0 t of it cros,town n• al It trailed throughout th <'cond ha II but pulled it out on the hoot- ing of forward 'or, i G een- wood. GRJ-:L,l\\\'OOH Gl:TS •1'1 Study House Slated Here
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~ought to hou adrnnct'rl tht>• olo !cal 1;1udents c 1tc1 Ing the Jll"ll! thood. Fathl'r D Grnndl~ said tit<' moth •r houliC of thr Sons of the Sacred Heart, wl10 also an' known n th• \'cl'ona Fathers,1 Is In Cincinnati and \\ill he mon,d to larger, more mod-' ,·111 quarte1 \\ lwn the San Dll'go County site i c-!1o~cn. He said 1.h!' students will attend rlns es al Uw Un!vC'r• i;ity of San Diego until a Iull start of te chers frnm the or- der ran lw c tahlishNI. lie said stu1l nts from J\Jexleo, nrnzll anrl canarla also would tudy at th<' sPminary. Father DeGrt111cli~ said a
estern Foe ~~~.¥~9J2~~an ftli'm Grcen\\o0d -.Jed both team~ with 20 points, eight of lh<'m in lh!> final 10 m nut<'S. Guard Jim Fleming pacc-d SD w1t"l 14 point·. U SD, dra,, in" ·omP in- spired rebounding from 5-10 John Robbin three time in the second all threat<'ncd to mar the W le r r bid for a berth !TJ an AIA plavoff It held ~1-25 and 37-31 lead Wc.-tero fmal c u ht up, 10-40, on Bar y C'u 1 1r,,.ham s looper \\ith !'i· ' I ft A foul A maJor Roman CaOiolic American s minary for stu- dC'nts o! the V<'rona Father~ will be located In San Die-go county. The R v nino DeGrand,s, pastor o( the Hssion o! San Antonio at ra'ma, s::id the ile of the propoS<'d si-minary ha.« not been !'lcCl d but that a dcJpgalion from the mothcr- ou shot b)· Rus~ turned the Pio Ii-ad but 6-5 Ha ._ from po1!1t-bla 1k r 1.23 rcmair. ng to p Wetcrnr \\it1al nun;ed lo t'le fmi h. A.·.. Ol . ~,0~11:. 'l'S ~J1~1~~~~.~;;;1 rally in the ninth inning at Mike Mo!TOW Field Yl'Sl<'r•' day, then hit a two-run home run In the 10th to give Uni- versity of San Diego an 8-6 base hall victory. It was U. D's first triumph in t gam s and the first los~ for the Westerners ln lour starts. Hem!ngrr connnected in the 10th after twice falling to bunt l safely. Dick Wilbur a 1 so homered f r the Pioneers. J oc Welch n d Terry Lo v c homered for Cal Western. The Pionel'rS will play at UCLA Friday and at USC ~3{(/i, I alton w ins $200 Award Leonard J. Dalton, n sopho• more at thn Unlvel'sitv of San Diego·~ College for 1'len, has been a.warded a $200 Cll:tl'les Ray Considine Award for aca- demic me1 it. 'rhe award, 1110:ig with four ~100 1twards, was <·011tr'buted by Charles Ray Conllidine, a Sa11 Diego bns1nPs~man and lecturer at the coll~ge. They are awarded each emefter to student! In the division ot bUSl· ne ·s administration and eco• nomlcs, Dalton, o! 2137 Garfiaµ1 .Rd., is a business adm c1i&tralion major The $100 awnr - Saturday. Col Western 001 000 112 o-6 7 , • • USO . • 000 000 222 2--8 7 I I Shubert, Leef (7) end Welch; Goddard, Heminger (9} and Bovm;arten • , S.~-4-4 .3/f 1,, jt'1oneers ro Tackle UCLA, USC Nines gs' For Young hespians thi ~;,~L,/ ij///0 To\\ n" and "Streetcar Named Desire." One-a t plays not only pro,•ide a growing space 1or playwrights. they also offer a 'jumping-oil place for young actors '\\ho are un- able to sustain large part~ yet require the practice o! sustained characterization. Comparable to the short story in its brevity of length, unity ot setting and mini• mum or characters, it !s a tncky test ot era! hip w h ! ch can discourage or educate the beginning dra• matlc writer. Fortunate oM-.ct dra• continue to dry run d and util- , ized by some o the modern theater's o tstanding play- \\Tights. High School Students a nts To The Test On Abbreviated Works Of Show, Chekhov At U D ii P r · m.c iom campu~. UCLA !lniShed In the Cal'· fornla Intercollegiate Baseball Association cellar last season with ti. 4-12 conference r ord. Coach Art. Re!chle's team h~d a somewha better 18-20 o,·erall record. UCLA ~xpectll to field a stronger team this ~~ason. Reichle ha~ a top center fielder In Tebbie Fowler. Fowler hit .326 last season and i-rns the only Bruin :namE'd to the all- 19th Century however, that one-acts gained prestige on their own. Until that time, shortened skits were used as entr'actes on vaudeville cards. But wit the probing tal- ents of Chekhov, Shaw, Bar- rie and O'Neill, one-act plays became well-knit units of dramatic or comic i;-tention ab '\O survi~"' on a thee.tri· cal m it of theu.· own ph,v'lirri,lrh1tq like Thornton w11i,er a,nd Ten e Wil- have ailo ,..ed tl"e bryo of !!The Happy J(lur ney" and "Portrait of a Ma- donna" to lead them into the m at u re \\Titing of "Our supporting and be tre , actor and actres~. Playwrights represented range from G. B. Shaw with 'The lus c Cure" and Chek- hov wlth "A Marriage Pro- posal" to an original piece titled "Interim." As the title of the last play suggests, one-acts were originally designed to !ill a gap in a longer program. Du;lng the 16th cer.turY interludes pro ded c o u r t entertainment u n t 11 t h e g r ea t swelling talents o.! Shakespeare and larlowe expanded Renaissance dra- ma to !ull length. It was not until the late . nnual 3/ ?It 1 tages Readied Fo-~,.~ Pla Joe Loe hn g Oi.(rw ond • 10 • •
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