News Scrapbook 1959-1962

Ba~·_;:,garten)(. Paces USO HomerJ\ttackl ..J/,g!,, Outfielder John Baumgart- en led Univ,•rsity o! San Di- ego's power parade yester- day as the Pioneer buried Pepperdine with a six-home- run assault, 11-6, at Mike Morrow f'ield. s were to en- tertain Whittier in a twin bill today, which Peppcrdinc was scheduled for a doublheader with San Diego State College on the Aztec diamond. Baumgarten hit two round- tripper , while Terry Lorenz, Dick Wilbur, Wayne Ferris and Tom G o d d a r d each smacked on . Lorrnz' b J o w came w,th he bases full, Score. 1~'° ,fl 1 ==1 t 1: ; do~g!~,1~r:"t11

SIGNS CHARGER PACT~, X. ,l,J:J..'f {,/ Keyes Is Unawed By Star Mates


rason De-

La!lt football

san in- divlrl al rushing with 532 yards in carries. He won the 9€-0 Gil Kuhn Award as ti} outstanding pl.l) er. Spring football practi<'e at the c o I I e g e begins April 12. I d the Pioneer


X{1~·ia~~y Donates To USI) Tk Vl'.'ry Rl'.'v. Russell Wil ~on, prcs1d for MPn at the nlvc-rsity of San D,ego, tras received a c h e ck tor 5,500 !rom t h e Univer ·ity A uxillary. ThC' prrs- entation was mad" hy .Mrs. Thomas Kt'<')in, past pr<'si• dt'nt, and frs. Richard Bar- ber active president, 111e monry will he allocat- <'d as folio\\ • $1,000 ior . chol- arship aid lo worthy studC'nts; ~1.500 to hi> l)f'partm nt of Social Scie1 I'.' o th:c -pur- chase of largl' map : $2,:;oo to convPrt a room In thr Jail of :,;c1cn c uulldi g into a romhined audio-vi ual c nt" and thra'<'r and $500 to use for photography da k ro m c-quipmrnt. Another $1,00U was gl\"n lo Mother Dan, for scholarship aid at the Collecc for Woml'.'n. Dean Wil

Wi16urs 'r Average Leads Pioneer Nine se'clJirr-J)sfrlian Dick Wil- bur leads t.:niverslty of an Diego's ba eball team In hit- ting aftrr ix games v.1th a .321 ave age. 'f''le Pionc rs, with a 3 3 re- cord do oi Jay aga,i until larch 29 ey o aln t I 321

"'1--uSD Gridders

>'outh tlon's team, Player

~. Heminger, p P. Hemmg~r, e, Nllbur, 2b-P 8ovmgorten~ lf-c Thompson, cf Ferr,. c s rg:~,v~b Selleck, b Gcxldard P- • Melton, {f Mel,, 2b M,Jrt nez, rl Tota s Vt Heminger W lbur GOddard Lorenz


.... ::-, 7...l._(!:,/t,, Pioneer Nine Due

The University of S an Diego's College for en will admm1ster itl! English nlace- ment tests dunng Apr'I and • la)·, I E' v I n g W Pa1i

1~v~1aVe·ct 1 / Sunday in Balboa Park The bcauti!i.! woodland set• ting of the Ba''>oa Park Or• gan Pavilion will be the background for the tradi- tional Palm Sunday presen· talion of the Univtrscty of San Diego 'Masquers' annual Pas.qion Pia · ' The Betrayal." The performance w.U begin at 4 p.m The large cast presented the drama in the USO out- door th 0 ater last Runday. Dou;,:las Ian Duncan. city organist, a;;am will play the pipe oi-gan as background music. The authentic cos- tumes of Jbe period • add to colorful atn:osp e ot the event. Joseph Locschn1g, playing the role of Chri tus will be ably supported by :Martin Murphy s • 'icodemus, his law;er at the tna 1 ~ore Caiphas, and Rene Scheuer- man ns Pilate The roles of' the women in the play will be taken by BtU· dents from tn~ College for \Vomen. Lead roles are done by Emily Pugh a.s Pilate s wife, Dolly Barr as Judith of Moab, and Penny Kutting as Flavia, cousin of Pilate's \\ife. Al Borza and John Kelly v.ill assi t production mans.• ger Roger • lbtecb.

~ oi~-l'fJ' irch~es Aids Library The He1 o rt Hobv :rcluves at Stanford Unl.-er tt)· Library has sent a nJWjJlle gift of books to the Unlv~reliy of San Diego Libra~•- Tho\nll.'I T. Thal- ken, archivist, said that two cartons ot booka were sent from the Stanford ru,·ersity Archives, March 16 The fo1mer pre zl:t 'has di• reeled that dupllca -tnaterial in his collection be dis free o!. ~ost, to .va,. ''UH/'""~ libraries. At Thalk ' tion, the U,SD Jibr11,1y sent a list of 11.£ holclings on the his- tory of r. Hoover's presidency and aclll°ities. Whatever was needed to fill thui in hM now been donated from the Herbert Hoo,•er Archlns In accepting this extremely ,·aluable gift, l>'ather Charles olltn, USO librarian, said that ese Yolumes will fill a gap in he history collection and add depth to that section. Since !story Is one -of h maior sub• ject~ taught at e :university, special eff rt Is mad to grow in this subject area, Father Dollen said.

')(__~ USD Asks Funds For Taiwan U '.?Jo? h I The University o San Diego's College for Men yesterday an- nounc~d a. di-Ive lo help estab- liRh a Catholic university on

Team Hosts Powerful USC --=?h? It r University it ~an Diego's ioneers return to baseball ction tomorrow at Westgate Park to entertain University of Southern California's pow- erful Trojans. Game time is 3p.m. The Pioneers will take a 3-3 record Into the game against the perenllla)Jy strong Tro- jans. Dick Wilbur, second ba ,. man-pitcher, leads the Pio neers with the at with a .321 mark. Terry Lorenz, pitcher- third baseman, is the club's leading RBI producer with seven. Tom Goddard has been the pitching workhor 'C.. v;lth a 1-1 record 1n • he 22 ¾ Innings he's pitched. Player Ab h rt,I av~. ~J~eH~~rr::~;, c• .. ·: , : ! f :m Diclc Wilbur~ 'Tb-it • • 21 9 3 .321 1f:;,n T~~~~~•cn.; lf-c ••· · ~} Ji~ Wavnt Ferrll, c • .. ••• u _. 2 286 Tim Levdtn. lb • . • • 1S • 3 .267 Jim Florenza, :u ··-. ·--TI, f 3 .217 t/_~/~dn°l' ~b " .' :2 • :m ¥~ ie~ec?o;d, 1 ~P.rf .' '~ l ·~j1 8f(ke ~:l~~lir. . .,. 1~ I O :o 3 Raul Morttnez. rf 1 8 8 :888 TEAM TOTALS c,~ h rbl av". gso .. .. .. . . . . 211 ,9 ,o .2.. PPOn~h •• , . . •• 216 i' 'JS .273 .....'fA i 1b~ ft e~ t!~du;,d •· :·:;::::•: 2~!:J l : 1i 18 Lorent . . . . • S O 1 S S I

Cuninal Cus~ing, )n " lo Father Br11g'm!\n, ,aid: "All Rl11nilninl( of a uni- versity tha1 \\ill hrnefil thou- ,ands of nl hrr pturl•nts on an island th~t our rountry l• com• mitten to defer'(! against a pow• ,erful enemy, l•tter

Appointments'11lay be 'made and m ore information ob- tained about the tests by calling the Admissions Office at CYpress 8-7111, ext. 46 or 47. SD W1'~t,x_

t aplains


ame Lowe

D~st ,9,~it Chief Dr. Frank Lowe, 2555 Fl elected chief o! chaplains of Church secretary. the n e w 1 y organized San The 'executive committee Diego County pvil Defense also includes Hollis L. Ander- Chaplam Corps. son, pastoT bf the Vista Sev- D. f...owe Id s\mllar enth Da-y Adventist Church; post in San D(ego d U r l n g ·Rabbi Morton J. Cohn of Tern- World War n. Other officers pie Beth Israel, and the Rev. are the Rev, Samuel W. . . f th Uni Sp ar, pastor of Borrego W1ll1_am A. Nol~n o e • Community M et hod is t, vers1ty of San Diego facttlty. ChH.J:Ch, assistant chief, and th cll.ev. Charles L. Conder, defn of he San Diego Convo- . ~-Ch It Ave., a ret_1r~u Church mm1ster, h been c a t i O n of the Episcopal



The Uziiveri,ity of San Diego-Southern California baseball game schrdplrd for 3 p.m. yesterday at V,,•tgate Park wa called hf'cause of wet grounds, The game will not be ,chrdulcd, accordin~ the USO athletic dP ment. ..J t 1

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