News Scrapbook 1959-1962
PionTers S~'t Busy Card On Diamond The Unlvcl'l!lty or • • o tr e Dame heads lhP- li~t of 14 base- ba.11 gam~s to be p.ayed by the Unlvera,ty -0! San Diego !n the next '8 days. USO mcct1l ·otre Dame al 8 pm Thwrsday Apr,! R, at Weatgale Park. This a the fl1 st meelmg o! the two ('atho- l!c ollcge:i in athletic com- petrt 9n. The USO-Notre Darn~ gam" comes near the end o! the Fighlll'li:- lr! h t c o a • L to u r, which mclud a games with th Unl!el'. lty of <.;aJ,. !ornla, US C UCLA, Loyola University, and tht n vel"lllty .o! Arlzonar
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'AUX/LIA.RY 'F A1 TILY J 7 /GI JT' ET ~-f hlohe~ Family Night teatu mg bo;,; suppers and a ba cball game is planned !or members o! the 'm,·er,1ty c San D i e g o Amdliar) Thursday in West- gate Park. :'-!embers and their !am- Wes will gat~er on the meadow at 6:30 p.m. for supper. The University of San Diego's ba eball team play the ·otre Dame team. Mrs. Rob t E. Fitzpat- rick, chalnnan, has inYited other univers1ty groups in- cluding Alcala Guild. Alum- nae from the College for Women and t!le Boo ters Club. R e e r ,. a t i o n s may be made with Mmes. Joseph Brennan, Guy Maggio, Alex Stewart, • ·ed Renick, Wil- lard Swan or Narcus Borlin.
econd rhoice
ROOK B U,DlmS-.Juanit:i Malanga, freshman at 1hC' Colicg, fo1· Women, Unh·er~i1y of San Diego, and student assistant to the librarian at the Col- lege for Men, is assisted by Lambert
.1. j)l'Pside11t, San Dit•go ChajJLer, Knights of ColunHms, and J\lbin ,J. S"ifert, C'hairman for the J!lGl Barbecue-Fiesta to be held May 28 to benefit univP1·sity library. 'intc>mnn, . I ft,
READERS' VIEWPOINT: Slur At SDU een" I AAU Bulleti • IO.
'A ti-Red Assails
Wesfer-,tPlavS .Pioneers Today
t ,,. Anti-Communbt Cru- saders, USD will ha\e to make up it own mind, and evelop Its own courage." It strikes me that these l f-proclalmed university p ofe.~sors who hold jobs as acher In an extended higlJ _chool are indeed smu ln Qfferlng to allow the Un- vers1ty of San Diego facul- ty to make up its own mind a b o u t joining their little club. A!I to their being able to influence the thinking of th~ USO :faculty, the ex- amr!e O! their own collec- t1 ve thinking contained in t is bulletin is o replete \\ith innuendoes based on lnJslnformatlon a to po 1Uvcly nctlculo T do not mrn what in- fluen the Anti Communism Chtsaders had on the Cath- Ollc !acuity at U D, but it 1 pos 1ble that the influ- ence ~·as the other way around, for Catholics are historically anti-Communist. -And -what, I am asking th.- e; ecutive con:itnJttee o! thl!I Cit} Co 1 J e g e teachers' club, Is Y.Tong with that? __ R,llf,
a tune-
today l
up for SD for Its match to- m o row night with Notre Dame in Westgate Park.
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