News Scrapbook 1959-1962



Irish End Tour With USD Clash Notre D11ml' Univer 1ty


near~ thf> <'nd of a I o n g WPst Coa~t hasPhall tour tonight at 8 against UnivPr- i:ity of San Di<'go at Wc·t• gal<> Park. E~raping th.c cold ot rar- Jy spring in I P Mtrll..,•·~t, thP rri h hnv" made! 11 k <> \, a11d1•r1ng min lI Pl , play- ing gamr in n Franri. co, Frl' no. 'acramrnto, Fallon, NP\ .. Lo~ Angele and Long BPach.

inning. ThP Pionr<'r · Mike 11Pm- lng<'r, who had b aten Cal We tern a arhPr, recript P.d for th 1 Afl f>T to lght' da e thP South B , Ind. ath• letic powl'r, the PlonP<'r ]lead for a aturda> double- header at Morrow F J e I d with Cal Poly o( Pomona. Catchf>r Walt Osgood, who played for t. Anthony's HI h in Long Beach, i~ onP ot N o tr e DamP's chirf thrPats ln the contPst in the- San Diego Padres' Parific Coa~t LPague patk. He's

A~14llB USD r1aye rs To Present 3-Act Mu ica l I !fRi. tit. 'Tr 1, 1 Frpm :Jazzto,1m' a tnre t .rr 1cal t th 1920 w ll b presented by th,. Al I a,;quers o! the Uni v ) r an Diego tonight. tom.orrow and Surday at 8:30 p. Performarces by the cast ot 51 collegians will be in the• Lank-on-Campus in Alcala Park. Ti e Rev. Leo F. Lanphier, director of the show, II.Tote the production as a :follow-up to two t,lher musicals he wro '1'h Girl From Montana," two yl'ars ago, and "The Girl From H1 pnniola," last year, lle was assisted by sopho• m r Frank Ponce, choreogra· l)m' • Th c:a t ,._ a elected frorn both the Colle"'e for Women and Collei:e for MC'n. and ha Diane Head and B 11,Y Bourque in lead roles Roger Mehl h, , Iasquer president, is c-oordinator for the production and sets were dc:,ignf>d by Adrian Lcnain.

.1R:'I la~l year. Ad- \ iii bP SI. YestC'r-

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trish Core 2 In 2n , Defeat USD ine, 2-0


Coach MI k e Morrow's ch b now I 3-5 for the sea- on while Notre Dame is -6 heading Into its tour v. ndup. l'Ol'PUE . So the Pad- l'I' thlrk th ir Indio ball- park i a big one' Notre Dame player said their horn!! fl ld has a right field fence measuring 1 400 feet from home plate. . . Trish coach Jake Kline aid, "be- fore we came out h<'tt\ we hadn t been on an lnfi Id. Wf> had been OU d a coupl of days, Jooki or d spo on thP field so we could hit a f w u any Infield practice • pprcclatlve gatll.._. ._....,_,_,~ f n applauded last m ht s mn:iy fine defen Ive pla . . .. The very ng Dami? came w st t ·a rain- ruhed what could have be n a good pay a at Candle~tlck Park, w h re more than 6.000 were ex- pected for a game with Cali- fornia. ·ore: ~i'b' Dame = f ! Oonn1IIY at\d OseOOd; Goddard Clnd Ferris.


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runner bryond second. A id o- tre Dame ,, ith nine strike• outs. USO' top p rtormeT w a s centeriield r im Thompson, who l n g I d tv.lce and mad a spcctacu• from G o d d II r d fa tball collared whos

rd needed lt to b l' D's Tom Goddard ir, an entrrtain- ing duel before somC' 700 fan . Goddard. a f!mncr St. Au. gu tme performer, countered with a six-hitter. He ,truck out ,1;ne witli a fine fast ball and a SWl'C'ping slow curve. I walked on..y three and would have shut out tr" lri~h but for a 1 error of om Ion by the Pioneer lnfielt. In the second Innln.r \ 1th runners on M d and ti !rd and two. out tr J D im'ter defens,:, p rmitt DonnPllv's high pop to fall just behind (Continued on b-7. (•ol. 3) .

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-son Diego Union Slaff Photo 1922 and ~rish headman since. 1931, compare lrneups before last night's game in Westgate Park. Looking on is Wal1 Osgood, Irish ca1chcl'.

a Diego's Mike a~"ball f'.Oach since Dame's Claren<'e 1gh1, a coach since


STAC':A. 0 NOT S L/!v1ofl/ 01n Slated Tonight By C. HERRESHOI<'~ The Youn,,. Artists Cham- There has been a hig de- Mr Orchest;a p;esented its mand for tickets. Let's hoJJe first concert in Januarv. The ~-ou get in. Mark Twain is orche tra and conductor are the man who said "Wag- bcin"' coached bv Da'liel ner's music fSOunds bcttl'r Lew;, cond1,1ctor· of the than it is,'' among other re- Sherwood Hall Orchestra. marks that now belong to our folklore. ,. . . It i~ good news that n• rad Susa wlll come here again this summer from New York to l)e the cpm- poser in residence at the Mary Sue Payne, 16-year- old senior at Point Loma High. School, will be the so- loist tomorrow night in Bach's Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor. Orch~tral music to be 1>layed will be "Serenade in C major," I arkT • I 1.)/t 11-,; //u;g The big th ng to see and hear tonight i H.11 Holbro<,k in ", 1ark Twain Tonight," at 8;30 al Rus:, Auditorium. tionally talented vio- linist, composer and con- ductor.

,1,~.... lrisn Conquer USD ine, 2-0 1//7/4, (CoutinuPd) the mound. By the time God- c;,tard' had retrie, ed the ball, both runners had scored. This w a s enough for the I r I s h to register a third straight victorv on their !irst western tour and bring their record to 4-6. 0 n I y three game - at University of Ari- ;i;ona r e m a I n for veteran coarh Clarence (Jakl') Kline's team. The Irish eould mmtrr only one more threat against God- dard, a r i g h I hander who pitches with surprising speed C'On~idPring his slender build. It came when third ba~eman Dan Hagan -i;Jfled a triple to 1·ight center, one of his two hits, to open the third. But Haga'l'I had to \\ait whilr G o d d a r ,1 xetired thP next three batsmen with ease. Donnelly nevpr experienced any diffiC'ult~·. HP tared just 2 battPr~. only !ive OVPJ' thC' minimum, while m ikin" out six. He walkC'd two. "' For his perrorman<'<', the youngst. from Alhany, 1'.Y., was awardPd a t1 ophy by a: USO patron as the game's most valuahle player. USD nf>ver adva ced a run- ner to third. It moved but two runners as far as second. Two doublepla:rs helped Donnelly. Notre Dame's scoring in the second was set up when Chuck Lennon lt>gged out an infield single i\lld .Dick O'L£>ary drew 11 walk. The runnNs movPd u~ on a throwing error hy P1onC'er catcher Way111• FPr- ris, then sped homt' , 11cn thr Pioneers were guilty or ll'av- ing Donnelh·'!< loft unguardrd. Notn Damt :no ooo tOG-1 , o USO . O


Diego's subdivision


Twelfth National Sh a k e - speare Festival in the Old Globe Theater. The plays this s u m m e r will be "Twelfth Night." "The Mer- chant of \'enice'' and "King Richard III." Directors will be Allen FletC'her and Wil- liam Ball. In the meantime, while waiting for the great works of Shakespeare. see "The Mousetrap." Agatha Chrn;• tie's mystery thriller, in ih Old Globe Theater. 'fhis show went o\·er wit!} c-h wallop at Tuesday 111 ht' opening hat the ru s bel'.n extended to five week . 'The thriller ma be nightly, except 'omla 8;~0 p.'11 .. ,. .. Tile Young Arli t <'l1am• h r Orl' 1rstra will be pre• ented in concert } th£> Col- lege arc;i, h.iwa l'lub at 8 p.m. tomo11:ow ln Horace l\1ann ior Higl1. SooooL TI1e ~cn_estr~. compJsed o! n1,h-a ccil . tudent musician: ol San Diego, is directed b Charil's Ketcham, an excrp-

composed and dedicated to Mozart 'by Ted Lucas· and Schubert's symphony , To. 5 in B flat major The public Is !nvitfd to hear th! inter- C'stmg concert. :e- r.: The publi<' ic. also invit!'d to h ar Bral).lns program to be )Jlayed Wednesday night at 7:30 in the San Diego Public Library by Gatl-y White, doubling on violin and viola, and Gerita Hanna, pianist. The Brahms music will be the Sonata in D minor for Violin and Pi- ano, and the Sonata for Vi- ola annd Piano in E flat. Don't ( nythinrt miss Re. Leo phicr's original musical, he Girl From Jazztowp' to open a three- night run at 8:30 Friday in fore Hall n -the Cniversity of San Diego's 'ollege for M<'n. Father Lanphier wrote the book and music. He also ;q1rects the play and obliges at the piano during per- formances.


nzona ·ate Rips Pioneers

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