News Scrapbook 1959-1962

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f>i~~er Nine~ Heads North For Games 'ilt;:?lt I The Unive1'8ily of :;an Diego baseball t e a m this weekend travel.ft north to play two games In Los Angeles and one in the Oxnard area This Friday, Apr 14 USO meets Pepperdine College in Los Angel<'s 10 the second game thts ea: on between the two schools. The P•oneers defeated the Waves 11-6. on March 17 in a i;ame al Mike Morrow Field In Ba boa Park. USO eontin• s north this Saturday Aprfl 15, to play the Pl. Mugu

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'Jazztown Girl'

§tyle ·sh~i! X To Be Staged By Auxiliary A luncheon-ta.shlon show will be presented by the University of San Diego Auxiliary Thurs- day, Apnl 20, at the Kona Kai Cluh. 0 11 ..... a~ 111011 •nou-11d the Pool" will be presented by Madeline Green, Mrs. Quinlin Whdan, chairman, snJd. l\1911,v Mor~e will bt1 the commentator The sQCial hour is . t for 11 :30 a.m., with the luncheon scheduled for 12:30 p.m. The donat ion ls ia a person. Re ervatio1111 may be made until Monday, April 17, by call- ing Mrs. <;:harles Bau,pgartcn, CY 8-4273. Mrs. Joseph Dollva, SK 5-4126; Mrs. Jame~ yla.s- gow, HA 0-4892; Mrs. Jo.seph Maguire, CY ll-7597, or Mrs. Robert Stirnkorb GL 4-6965-

Diego's College this Friday, the Lark on


A.~~ 'r/~tl Arizona '"•ne Due X To Test Pioneers Nationally rated Arizona State College (Te.rnpeJ and

his J19\¥ld to Costa Mesa Fri- day afternoon to 1qeet South- ern Cali!omla Cpllegl), 'rhis wm be th~ t.i st paseball meeting bet e f;SD and Southecn Ca,I orn a College. Seco~ }:> PJck Wll- );,ur, USI,) t,:am <:p.J?h\ln,. leads .tll& remilan w1-t.n,e..,.3'8 aver- 11ge;,,-23 hi!A In p6 times at bat. C JL t e r ~elcler Jim Thomp3p11 ,has a ,339 average -.19 li!Ui In 56 times at bat. Utility fielder Ra Martinez has a .363 average-eight hits in 22 time/! at bM, Wi).1/Ur &11-d Tom Ooddard lead the team in home runs '\\1th tlirtfll IIRleC ; Terry Lorenz leads £le team in RBI'a ;i,pth lil,, Next week the Pioneers meet three opponents at home Pasadena College May 1, University of Redlands May 6 and Loyola University May 7.

h I none.ers Kamble X 'f/i~ i~

the University of San Diegr, meet 1n a $aturday morning game at >.I k.e Morrow field In :Ball;IQa, ar~ The g8.Jl).e begin~ at O a.m. The Pion rs won four ot aix gamea )Ast d(. USO •nd rlzona 51,li,te met for I.he lust time In baseball 4-Pljj 7, B60. U$Q defeated An;Oflq.. ~- Ari• .zona Sta.[~ ra c.d among the natlon·s co tgla e top 10 last &eason, w,ui ninth-rated In last week's Issue of Collegiate Ba.sf'ball n wa. Ali.zona Stat11 has won 27 of 1111 32 fllJl}ea The S• !1 De•ils won the r first 17 games, b fore j g three straight In a t r s with the Un Ive u t_y <> Michigan. Coach Mike. llforrow 1ty of •otre Dame, 2-0, and a doubleheader to Cal Poly !Pomona), 13-18 and 11-1, the d e being called after gs because of darkness.

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c- p.epnrcd by camp oefi$, dd i 1onal events also a r being planned, said Donald H. Ste\·enso~. program coordina- tor.

e n John Calise• solos and Frank Ponce' • d f\C~ we r out- atandlng eatures. Han)( Ac- quarelli aa Barn Google, com- -plete with h Is trusty • teed Sparkplug scored a hit on his arrival 1n tbe third act finale.

SD, Marints' Pra£tice r It says ba~~fr -~/-on on rhe calendar but football holds much of the spotlight at Ma- rin<> Corp~ R<'eruit Drpot and l'niversity ot San Di go to- d1v 'fhe .\farin<>s and USO offi. Clall,, OJ>('IJPd ~pring 'J)racltC'(> t~is afternoon at MCRQ. Th<' P10n<'<>r w<>rc tr, d ill at tre DeJJot Transporta on A I e a nsiqe lhP Ba t ~t gate. Tile • Ia rn nlle new coac-h co tr h sd1<'dulcrl tQ rgjn ere! ;ti a Hal'. F A turl)nut o

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SD Rips

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