News Scrapbook 1959-1962





SUMMER SESSION The College for Men offers the following Summer Session program as a service to students of the University of San Diego and of other colleges and universities who would like co spend the summer profitably in South- ern California's H arbor of the Sun. Classes are small. Guided by em- inently qualified professors, the student thus gets more personal attention and counsel. No student is allowed ro register for more than two courses in the Summer Session. The Summer Session schedule consists of three periods daily: Period 1 - 8:00 co 9. 15 a.m.; Period 2 9: 30 co 10:45 a.m.; Period 3 - 11 :00 a.m. to 12: 15 p.m. Business Administration 6A, French 2 and Spanish 2 are from 11:00 a.m. to 12 :35 p.m . SUMMER SESSION CALENDAR June 26 - Monday - Registration. June 27 - Tuesday - Summer Session classes begin. July 4 - Tuesday Independence Day, University holiday. August 4 - Friday - l:;inal Examinations. Summer Session ends. SUMMER SESSION FEES Registration Fee ( for students not attending current semester at the University) .............. - .. Tuition, payable at Registration per 3-unit course Late Registration -······-·.··-···· ·-··-·- ················-······· .............. Room ( resident students) ·-..··-······ ........................................... Hoard ( resident students) -·· . ·- ······-··········· ....................................... SUMMER SES SI ON FACULTY 2.00 50.00 3.00 65 .00 75.00

THE COLLEGE FOR MEN of the Univ · . endowed non•profit corporation chartere~rs1ty of San Diego is d by the State of California to co~pletion of its program the degr~:s a; ;mr;ered to grant upon the Soence and Bachelor of Bus1· Adm . . ac .e or of Arts, Bachelor of ness m1strahon ~he College for Men is fully accredited b h . non and it is approved for veterans. y t e Western College Associa• The general objective of the Colle re f M . . complete man; specifically, the deve~ or en is .the formation of the virtues which secure the f d . pmfent of the mtelleccual and moral . . . oun ation o a happy 1 J .f sponstble cmzenship Philos h . persona I e and re- h · op y, science and the arts · t d · a armonious whole which offers the stud a~e m egrate mto a9d the achievement of the present as a . ent ~he hemag~ of the past progress. n mcennve and guide for future Welcoming each student with t . the College is however c:~ .respfect to ~1s religious background, f , ' a nst1an oundat1on Catholi·c . th f l 1 sense o the word - embracing all th t . ood ' d m e u source. a JS g an true, whatever its PRESIDE T OF THE UNIVERSITY THE Mo iT REv. CHARLES F. BUDDY, S.T.D., PH.D., LLD. DIRECTOR OF SUMMER SESSION IRVING w. PARKER, M.A., DEAN or ADMIS IONS CAMPUS The College for Men is one of five units f h U . . the others .being the College for Wome~ L~ nivers1ry of San Diego, Heart ~mm~ry, St. franCis Seminary. , ool of Law, Immaculate The Un iversity campus is a 221 bl l Kearny Mesa, high on a hill c •acred~a an~ .ac tl~e western end of Ocean, Mission Bay and the ~;;a;f J~fnmti-mng views of t~e Pacific Alcala Park after the Spanish city of Al l ,ego. The area JS named Di

College for Men


·······-·-· ............................Philosophy

Walter P. Buctzler, Ph .D. (St. Louis) Francis J . Carroll, M.A. (Boston College) Harold Dermody, M.B.A. (Northwestern) Leo F. Lanphier, M .A. (Gonzaga) John T. Martinelli, M.B.A. (Chicago)


··- Spanish



............................ ···-......Business ............................................. Speech . -······......... ··-··· ..........Business

Philip N. Nacozy, Cand. Ph.D. (Southern California) Irving W. Parker, M.A. (San Diego State) ...English Joseph W. Ruane, Ph.D. (Catho lic University) ................................History Willard A . Swan, B.S. ('\few York) ..•. .... .....Economics Ernest P . Tovani, E. E. (Colorado) . ··---···········.....Mathematics Robert C. Walsh, Ph .D. (Fordham) ...._ .......................English Joseph M. Williams, M.A. (Catholic University) ............·-········ ....History Walter J. Willoughby . ··················· · ··················-··· ·· Art ..............French . .... ....

Alcala Park S,111 Diego I0, Californi.i


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FRENCH 109S. SURVEY OF FRENCH LITERAT_lJRE AND CULTURE. k ledge of French necessary. Penod 2. •·······················3

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TION Survey of European civili-








th F e ch Revolution to today. Penod 1. ............. ······3



ART t2X. APPRECIA1·10N AND HISTORY OF ART. Period 2..... . 3 units D BUSINESS ADMI, T TRATlON 6A (with lab). PRINCIPLES OF AccoUNTING. A foundation in theoretical and practical accounting. Study of commercial trans- action , financial reports and systems. Period 3. .. .......... ..... .4 units D BU INESS ADMINISTRATION 21. PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT. Survey c Ir in ha. i( m nagement principles. The planning, organizing, actuatmg and trolling functions of management. Period 1. •·••·····-··········· ........ 3 units D 1HfS1NESS ADMINI TRATION 121A. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. Pnnciples a practices of managing personnel, including recruitment, selection, testing a cl trlining personnel. Period 3 .................... ........... .. 3 units D BUSINI:SS ADMINI TRATTON 141A. BUSINESS LAw. Fundamentals of busi- ness law related to agencie-i, sales, contracts and personal property; case studies. Period I. .. ..• •. . .................... . ... ... . .. . ..' .3 units D ECONOMICS tA. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS. Study of the institutions and processes of producing. exchanging and -distributing goods and services. Analysis of the total economy and its parts. Period 2...................................3 units D ECONOMICS 112. PUBLIC FINANCE. Revenues and expenditures of federal, state and local governments. Principles of taxation, borrowing and general poli- cies. Prerequisites: Economics IA-1 B. Period 2. ..................... 3 units D ENGLISH A. GRAMMAR RFVIEW. for entering freshmen who have failed the College for Men English Placement Test. Period 1. .... _ 3 hours, no credit D ENGLISH 1B. RfrETORIC AND COMPOSITION. Mechanics and techniques of the research paper. Increased emphasis on vocabulary and prose style. Prerequisite· English IA Period 2. ........................................-. ... 3 units D ENGLISH 46A. INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH LITERATURE. Survey of English literature from Ch:iucer to mid 18th century. Period 2. ....... ...... ... 3 units D

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S TES The Cl.vii War Reconstruc-






tion, Industnalisrn, World W~ I-II. This course cov~~~ .. ... state and local government Penod 3. ························· · HISTORY 176. DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE .UNITED STATES. Survey of State Departme~~Jitif p~'.~~'···t~e···~·e~~l~'.:.~.~~: ... .. ~~;se;\ts D HISTORY !"fISTOR_Y oF CALIFORNIA. History of .~.~.. ~i.~ ~.; :::; 0 5 rnent of California. Penod 3................ ········· ······· ·· MATHEMATICS A. BE~INNING ALGEBRA. For entering fr~;:enn~e~i~~ftt high school algebra. Penod 2. ... ......... ·········· ····3 • u ATHEMATICS B. PLANE GEOMETRY. For entering freshmen deficiedi::t in 1•·1 .od 3 hours, no ere 1t D high school geometry. Pen 3. ........ ························ PHILOSOP~ 32. LOGIC. Science and art of correct th·i·n~-_i·n·~· ...........3 units D Penod 3.......................... ······················· · ···· ·· PHILOSOPHY 1 31A. PHILOSOPHY oF CoNou.cT. Gene~al .princil;'les of mor- ality, norms, objective and subjective law, consc1ence, obligations, nght. ·ts D Period 1. ...........................•···•········ ··········•······· ···················· 3 um SPANISH 2. FIRST YEAR SPANISH. P~onology, basic acci~ence and syntax_, oral and written exercises; readings from simpler Spamsh. Penod 3. •······.4 umts D ~;:S· t~~M:r:~~!oR~S~.~~:...~~.r~'.~'.'..~.~'.~~.. i.~...~.~~.~.~~·i·~··~~~d:~o[J APPLICATION Th pa e may be detached and used for your application. Check box opposite co::se Jescription for courses yo11 want to take. Applications should be filed before Wednesday, / une 2 I. Name..................................................................... ··············· · ·····················-············ ··············-·· This will be my lst.......... 2nd..... ... 3rd.......... 4th.......... or more......... semester of college work. SPEECH ••••• •••• •••••n•• ............... ··········· Address...... ································· ·

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ENGLISH 126. WoRLil DRAMA. Survey of the masters of world drama, exclu- me of England .1nd America. Period 2...... -· ··- . .............. .. .. 3 units D


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hNGI.I H 1,0, lJ10PIAN Ln IRATURF.. Study of famous Utopias from Plato to the present time. Period 3. . ....-.......... .. -···· ... . 3 units D l·R '. CIJ 2. l'IRSl' Y1:AR FRrNCH Pronunciation, cs ntials of grammar, simple reading , composition and conversation. Period 3. . .......... .4 units D

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Admissions Office, College for Men UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO Alcala Park, San Diego 10, California



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