News Scrapbook 1959-1962



51 J,.. 1

Schroeder Praises Spirited Don Netter By DAYF, GALI,Up Effort, competitive spirit comM a big Jack o! ablllt •. and dctiication always havP H e f i or t accounted !or hern considered Important cn'rythlng th e guys would components of a tru cham• beat th,, world. Th<' players pion, and no where is tht no this year': Davi~ Cup more true than in trnnis squad could take a Jr son Ted Schroeclrr, the <' from th<>m," Davis Cupper now in mill• • ,. "' tary relations at Conv , Quote from the pro, - was one of the gam • mo t o b} RI gs· "After wa 1 d1- fiercely comp<'t1thr- t ycr I g Andre. Gimeno (the While his serve, O\ erhead, an!) !or the S<'concl volley and ground strokrs m c nvinc'i'd he Is were V<'lj' good, th y y; one -of the not the epitome of grace, in the h1 tory And Ted wa not a big man. ir•~~f:!e ha every either, hut he didn't ha\ o the lans, he. He had con ntrat eally like th and that insatlahlc thlr t !!~l'.f~1~·~h on to the ~ictory. To T<'d tht!re t \loay he no substitute for mg

,~o- nomics rnaJor from Buffalo, N. Y., became the Unlver~ily of San Diego Coll~ge for• Men's 961-62 associalP.d student body president m a JandslldP. first- ballot victory, Wachowiak, a 25-year-old army veteran, won 16J o! a possible 281 votes cast for presidential candidates in what was expected to be a close race- Sophomore Dennis Adams finished second ith 38 votes, sophomore Andre Fortier and junior Roger Mehlbrech each got 31 vote8, and junior Martin Murphy got 16 vot . Wachowiak la the , on of .Mr11. Roae WachoWiak ot 133 Holly Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Thr.,., other atudenq were elected to the College for Men's executive •tu dent council: Frank Ponre, unoppo~ed, vtce- presldent; Br!1111 Ford, treaa- urer; and Hank AcquarelU, secretary. :Four unoppos~d students won the senior class o!ticea: Ned Wilson, pre ident; Jim Delaney, vice pr !dent; Pat Gandolfi, secretary, and J oaeph Bello, treasurer. Junior o!flcens elected are Scott Gavin, pre dent; RullS Cravene, vice pre11ldent; J rnme Sherry, ecrelary, and Tom Schaefer, treuurer. USO football team quarter• back Nelson Murphy got 70 o! 99 vot n,I was elected sopho- mo.r c s pr sldent Other sopho ore ofticer11 will be Ja.me3 Colllnli, et ry; Terry C'ha11J111:lllf; tr ur r, anci Pat cant at..-arma, f! e ection between abd Richard Bart h r-e vke pre l- dfflre7'-1itHbc held thill week. Lo

and to this day, h has noth ing but contempt Jor an . body who gives ou l than 100 per cent. So when Ted t lls ou he's impres, C?d With 1111 athlete s effort, the comm 'lt bears weight. Ted is lm1Jrcs rd v.ith University High's ten r is team which recent!) clinched the Southern Prep L<'ague championship the otht'r day, "there ar Kramrrs and Gonzales s the bunch but whc:1 th chips are down. they're a bunch of real tr) eq. • The backbone of the squad consists of Tony Bianchi, 1ike Grind r. Waltrr John ton and Bill Springer. The e are boys who last year had the lmti• alive to tart up a school tennis team on their own, scheduling thPir own matches and arang!ng their me own transportation. This year, with help from Rev. John Paul Cadden, school principal, and a few pointers from Schroeder, the boys negotiated their regular season with only one loss -to Crawford - and won the Southern Prep title. Three matches. v.ith Army- ~avy highlight the . ea- son. The ilrst ended In a 3-3 tie and was decided in favor of Umversity, 8-7, on the basis <'f total sets won. The return ma ch wound up in another a-3 tie and this time, Army avy won, 8-7, in the evaluation. In the playoff for the league title, ft was decided to play eve mat hes in- stead of sl,x In crd to make a tie hnpo 1ble. nl\'ersi- ty's hustlers won the chips, 5-2. Scm,,,.,.,.,,. sts he con- "Let's face 1t," ald T"d John Downs,

r chtatio~ At Men's Col

'an Diego

Balboa ·ta di u m. The

. 0011 \\.ill be hang-

Char ge1• pla~ er

their O\\n helmets in the lockers they now are tearing dO\m. hic:h



eject Char er Bid

o Use Aztec Facilitie

it "as


'ou, grel'r,


agair t

tate policy to lea e tate college fa- to any profit-making The Chargers

thing m our or r.-nt out

senior w n Saturda with the Un! the Cotillion rte7, Hotel. alls will meet

\ lop1 g a football cilitle have to eat on group.

had and planned on using Aztec Bowl we can't for tralrung. beginning July 22 The, al-o had hoped to was u e the college's dormitories




r6,1, associated slu- t! t!on commission, ASB pre ldPnt fr hman Al an,

m<'l'nbetl! ,.,t th faculty ln a I 71 gradua garn at 10 a.m., TuPs-/ Sunday, June acr.aJaure- day, May 30, at University I ate Mass ls !chf"du Pd for noon held on ~oftb

n of

' In the Immaculata Chapel, fol- lowed by graduation at 3 p.m. in the Alcala Theatre.


JUldn !I


1urray count d a nounce4 the

Is exec l vc

Wachowiak anil

coun sente ember• .will be pr - o the stud,•nt bo t Ball May 27 in the Cotillion Room o! El Cortez Hotel. the ru ersi

y - ..-. ..r7-&/l,1 p rotessii- ~!!J'l rlb'el D1 Grorge pro- fes~or of ~1; l\t the Umversit ot :S "O, w.·ill attend a ;\ '.focience Foundation ro .~ Aug 8 lo 18 at Tuft~ !Jfi <11 1ty in ~ord, Ma· ---------

If l :,D would ather than seed the field m its •tad1um now under construe. ;:on the Chargers would turn ,,\ er to the school proceeds of l!n 1ntra quad game. Gillman aid '"\\ e'd run a <:luuc and hold a game," Gillman said. •·The ,chool should be able to make erough money to sod th e field." Fathei Ium1y ~aid VSD "defmitely is interested ' in acting as tr lning host to the American Football League team. "But there are several contingencies," he said. "The sodding would have to be done and we hav.. to consider our o,m team's practice which start Aug 2 ' T nn: I ;RIB' aid the F. Buddr, sod


Record Class Of 71 To,.,~tas!H~te At USD A r cord cla.,-s of 71 students urdny rtex Hotel The senlo the Un!v

tributed vrrsity' them p to corr faults," them how in

l1ttle to ni- . "I watched erely tried more glaring 'I advisfd tactics and op of their thing is,

s~ .


s/1g / 61


they were so eager and re- ceptive to every little bit of as istance I offered. "My conviction is that a little honest effort over-


Dattlllo Convert To Jazz with Patter

·e e of San m fa\'or of :: in Alcala

· e

Trai ·


iz.t:1l r, I


'The San Diego

were nPw training site today af\Pr the State Board of Regents re- fused them use of San Diego State College's Aztec Bowl. Unlver~ity of San Diego and Cal Western b t:h are under consideration by the Ameri- can Foc,tba!l league am, which ·ill start practice July 22. "We're going to do every. thing we can to stay In town," !'aid general manag r-coach Sid Gillman, who eon!erred yesterda~• with Piomcr and Westerner oHicial . USD 'lnter,•~frd Father J, Wal he Murray, USD athletic dirc<'lor, said his school "definitely is Inter- ested but there are ·everal contir .gencies." Ill a letter to Dr Malcolm Love, San Diego State presi- dent Oon R Youngrer.n, act- ing chiei of the Div! ion of State Colleges and Teacher Education, said ,e terdav it is contrary to poiiey to J~ase state college fac!lltics to a profit-makln" grnup. shopping for a

USD Men x Tell Slate -o social activities begin tomorrow I for a record graduating class or 71 atudenta at Lhe Un!ver~ity o! an Dle;;o'a Collegi, for Men. nal examlnatloru1 !or the college a sixth gradual ng class begin to narrow and continue Ulltil Thuraday. ~

Veteran W1~s' 1 t(ection at USD • .Y., became lhe Umvers!ty of St., Buqalo, N.Y. San Diego College ton Jen's 1961-62 as oc1ateil stvdent body presid nt in a ballot victory last week. student council: Wachowiak, a 25 _year. old Frank Ponce,. unoppo,ed, vice- Army ·eteran, won 165 of a pre5l~ent; Bnan Ford, trea- possible 2Sl ote cast tor pres!- surer, and Hank Acquarel!i, dentlal cand1dat in what secretary. expected to be a do race So on~ Dcnn,Ls A~ms finished a'eeon/l In e on with 38 t Ol"ll!, p OIJlClre. d e Fortier IITld Jun or Roi;er l.feh!- brech each go 31 votes and junior Martin Murphy got 16 votes. landslide first- e cc.1.ed t'? the College for Men's exec u t: 1 v e Th ee other students were Da:: W 4 howiak an econo- Wachowiak ls the son of Mrs n; 1cs st dent trorn Buffalo. Rose \Vachowiak of 133 Holl;

._..;., J'-f'" I. " Cemisfry Pro A!a!Qrge9,~J.I pro- fC:1801' o cher inrv at the Col- ege for Men, University of San icg

.s /. ., ....; &

A ,v-E---i_ Professor Awarcfed Confer.ence Grant


gt, h E

/' ~Iedf01d, l\Iass., Aug. 8-lS ' on a grant irom the National • c1ence Foundation


Wer en, on

o senions. Graduation exercises :for the 71 raduat will be held on S !IY, June~ - A baccalaureate Mass is achedule,t tor noon In the Tmmaculata Chapel. fol- J,,wed by 1:raduat1on a.l 3 p.rrt. in the Alcala Theater.

Dr. Georgl' K. Estok, pro- fe~·sor of chemistry at the Col-

h car 40

Dr. ES\ok will

professors l.ertl re on n t Developmrnts in

lege for M n, University of · f!Jenc San Diego, .... m attend a con- "R c

UniH•r .ty, 1olecular Structure>.

ferenec at 1'u 1 t

"Th~ J'lf'or>IP In F.m•opl' ~rP wildly tnlhusiaetic about jazz,"

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