News Scrapbook 1959-1962
:r-REB{[o 3 WfNs CAL HONOR Special to The Son Dino Union BERJ{ELE , ay '27 John Rebelo, a pitcher from ·an Die o, has been named bv ht teammate<: th<' Univ~r lty of Califor. nla's outstanding b as e• ball pla) c>r of l' 1 With a brilliant «.-.a on pitching r cord, he rated a light Pd P over Kevin SC'arp 111, a hPavy hitter and retardv.rd a trong cot1tend r 1or All-America honor. R helo won nine games and lo t om•, in luding lv'e vlrtorfrs In the Cal- ifornia Intcrcolleglat• asehall As ociation. H pitched 96 nml two-thirds inning , yl lded 86 hits truC'.k out 73, walkPd only 29, had an earned r u n av rag,• of 2.04 and sur- 1 ndcrPd 22 <>arnrd runs. -
» '/> argers 1 Seeking Site Fo ra1n1ng 1 " St' .-,-.. .
oos to Head lJ~tttL"Jo/21 /Walter Joos~ a first-string gpard on the UnivPrslty o! San DiPgo football squad, had bN•n chosen presldPnt of the nPwly formPd USD lc>ltc>r m1•n's <'lub. Other ofticers are :Wike Hl'mlnger, vke . prPsidcnt, Tony Ca put o, srcretary, Chari<'~ Wlc>al, trr11Rurrr, and J i m O'Lc>ary, sergeant-at. arms. O'Leary is first string cen- ter on the grid squad. Hem- inger led Pioneer hurlers this year. Caputo and Wical arr jcage forwards.
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Dc>nni Halloran and Diane Donald
t actor ln "All My Sons"
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the Univer ity of San Diego was awarded an pp ciation Masquers at the a n n u a I troph)' by the A oc1atl'd Stu. d1mt Body. Halloran's award was made Masquer offlcl'r for the "Harvey." coming year will b(l .1llchael Miss Head was honored for Marques, John Kelly, Joseph hes portrayal of the title role B
town•· Other award. included best supporting actor, D on a I d Dorkwoskl; oest upporting act re. s, Barbara Jordan; best comedian, Alan Zuniga; most versatile actor. Rog-er Mehlbrech, and mo t repre- sentativi> Masq1l r of t h e year, • 'ed Wilson. The Ma quer Summer Thi'· ater Award was i en to
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Chargers ef , OKToUse t .ilil' • o ~a sf ~A:dPr the feet of the n Diego Charger . b t ·nh l'r ity ol an ·oi go plan to r
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• The facul tudents of the uni\ Cl ·1ty are thril11>d with the Idea of the Charger coming to our campL. ," Bish- op Budd aid "Tkwy ma} expect a cordial v.el ome from all at Alcala Park. "We are a'»arP of what the Charge tand for clean ipo:-t a dynamic de ·eJop- men• of phy ical power "The ver~ namr Chargrr • rings with -energ) and en thu ia m 1t symbolfze "get m therl.' aPd v.1n. "Let t.s pot fo1 ge.t that the Charger b ing new life to San Diego. lt ro !Id well be that thev inaugurate a new era of progre for an Diego." t.;ntll ye terday, th Charg ers had been homele oinc-E: 1ay 19. when the State Board of Rcgert. dPPicd tJ,eni the use of an Diego · ate a_ a practice facllit •. ----- a d
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RACE D.\Y-Univer!'ity of San Diego Auxiliary has set July 8 as its annual "Day at the Races" at Caliente. Mrs. USD Auxiliary
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• G · w-¥ij~r1- a1n 1n ver USD Varsitys.e..ea s The Un Iver I It y or San quarterback Nelson MnJ'phy to Diego's 1961 spring football end Dan Bodle, who practice. came to an end when good catch while surrmm the Alumn, clipped the Varsity, 14-8, in USD's first Alumni- Keyes and Vern Vaid Varsity football game. !Los Angeles Rams. The Alumni jumped to an Trailing 6-14 after i early 8-0 lead w h c n Ernie version attempt fa 11 e d; e Merk, a former USC and San Varsity got two more points Diego Mari Ji,,l(baok, took a on a safet when Chapman, lateral from etid C. G. Walker Y and ran Hi yards for the touch- with only 1:30 left in the game, down. The play began when fumbled the ba!l _out of the end Walker caught a pa.~s from zone after rece1vmg a bad pass Jan Chapman, J as t year's from center. Yarslty quarterback. A last second threat by the Cha d t h lfb k Varsity was halted when a pass pman passe . 0 a ac by Murphy was Intercepted by Bob Keyes, now with the San Ke es on the Alumni 10-yard Diego Chargers of the Amer!• J' Y • ean Football League, tor the m;he Pioneers t O pp e d the o-polnt conven,lon. IAlumni in everything but the The Varsity's first s co re final score, running up 18 first eame later In the same quarter, rdowns to the Alumhi's seven when halback Howard William- and rushing for 170 yards to aon plunged over from the one- the Alumn!'s 81. yard line and climaxed a drive outstanding Varsicy players which moved 60 yards in 11 linclude halfbacks Tony Suozzo, plays, a converted end, W1D!amson, The scoring play was set up 'guard At Zuniga, and quarter- by a 24-ya.rd pass from back Nelson Murphy. J-\. umn1
Party Plugs Qf frlcof J!J& ';j,-AI • University of Paclfld (Sep- tember 30), Long Beach, San Diego State College /November 18, Aztec Bowl), and Cal West- ern University (. •ovember 23) are the newcomers to the USD schedule. Four other games have been scheduled with perennial USD opponents,. Saµ Diego Marines (October 7), I'epperdine College (October H), New Mexico Western College (October 21) and Cal Poly (.Pomonai. Two other opponentl!, Whittler and San Francisco State (Novem- ber 4) met for the first time last season. Ticket.a for the 1961 sea.son will soon go on sale, Father Murray said, and will be avail• able through I.he athletic de· partment's tl e oJ:fice CY• pre.~s 8-7711.u.c.,n.,dr CYpress 5-3681. All 1961 U mes will be played e new sta• dium now under construction, Father Murray said, on the northea~t end of the unlver• sity's 221-acre campus. - . ' .
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