News Scrapbook 1959-1962
po I s of S. D. Di o~,;;~~ se raduate 3,376
162 Scheduled For Degrees aN~tsf~!,!~2!~,~oo• lnstructlons In the Diocese of San Diego this year. The number Includes 31,000 students educated ln 100 Catholic schools, colleges and universities in the diocese. More than 3,300 students will receive their diploma., at graduating exercises' from these schools In the next several weeks. At commen cment exercises at the University of San Diego's coll ges, 162 graduates will receive degrees. College for Women Lists Number The College for Women wlll award the Bachelor of Arts degree to 69 graduates, Bachelor or Science In Nursing to six students, the Moster of Arts degree to two and the Maijler or Science In Education to four. In addition, 19 students of the women's college wlll re- ceive the general elemt'ntnry credential ln teaching and one In the junior high credential. A member of the graduating class, Myrna Stoflet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Stoflet of San Diego, received the second annual I{athryn and Cllftord B. Cherry Award for outstanding achievement in the California Heart Association's student research program. 3 Awarded Sorority Membership Three graduates, Mary King, Mary D. Louie and Karen .r. Perlowskl were awarded membership In the Kappa Gamma Pi natlonnl sorority. The Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego, president ot the university. will preside at the graduation ceremonies at 3 p.m. this Sunday, May 28. His Excellency also will deliver the commencement address and confer the degrees. Rt. Rev. Msgr. William A. Bergin, ~tor of Immaculate Heart Semi- nary, will present the Cf\ndidatea tor their diplomas. The baccalaureate Mass wll! be offered In the college chapel at 10 a.m. by Rt. Rev. Msgr, .Tames P. O'Shea, editor ot The Southern Cross. Commencements for the College for Men and the School of Lnw are RCheduled for Sunday, June 4. 'l'he Bishop Will eonfer the Bachelor of Arts degree on 71 students or the college and the Bachelor of Law degree on 11 graduates of the Law School. Irwin to Give Address John J. Irwin, altorney and member of the university's Board of Regent•, wm deliver the commencement address. Irwin 111 a former deputy mayor of Los Angeles and former administrative ass stant to Vice President Nixon. The Bishop will also otter the baccalau:reata Ma~ tor the graduates at the 11•., ~o lege and tn,e law 11chooJ at 11 a.m. Sunday, June 4, In 'ti mmaculata. Grammll.r schcio!s 1 the dlol"f!!!e wm graduate 2,363 stu- dcntR, high 00I$ 'Tb'l', ti colfe,reil 216, bringing the total number of graduat!'s to s,a'nl. Nlinlbet of lnttlfutions Told
..., Football (.'ha111pfons 6 //ft ,jv San .Diego Chargers to Train On USD's Alcala Park Campus I S. e.e
year's "Leo " loran was be t actor for h1. wori< an "H ey, • Diane Head b st actress for e Girl From Jazz-Town;" Donald Dorkow- as named b st supporting tor tor his role or Sextus in "The Betrayal,' B rbara Jor- dan, beat supporting actress !or "Harvey," Roger 1 eh I • brech, mo ,crsaUle a.ttor; Alan Zuniga, ~t eomed1 n Donald Giesing won the til'llt annual summer theater award for hla work in last summe1's Ma,quer production of "All My Sona." The award v.ere presented by t ye t'a winnel'II and by ASB pre !dent Jan Chapman, who o pr ented Rev. Leo F. Lanphier ~1th a plaque for his setylc e to the Aesoc,ated Stude t Body during the 1960- 1961 aaon .M chael .Marqu~ ·as elected pre 1dent for n ex t year's faaquer ea.son, John K vice pre 1dent Joe Bello, cre- tiry; Alan Zunga, tr,-asurer &nd Staff Kelly, sergeant-at• llm'.ll. kl
The San Diego Cha. era are going to live the life of colleg' .ans. e \\ill train for the 1961 foot ball wars on th Univ slty an Di go cam An nt ll<-tw en the u~,. Ve.t lty and the Pl'o t am was !'<'ached thi we k. The Chargers, champions The pro d American oolball Lea
Wilbur Who d & 2-1 pitch- ing record and linished third in batting with a ,322 verage, Y.'1LS p1·e ented the second an- nual Bob ;Kerrigan Perpetual Award, ~-h c:h ia given each year to the cho<,!'a out landing ba.,eball Jarer. hool a team captain a ,ul) and his second varslt,y Jetter Fifteffl of the 18 me ber1 ot USD'i 1981 squad ru lved var- sity letter • Shortstop Jim Fiorenza, la t year's Kerrigan Award winner, left fielder John Holliday, Infielder Tim Leyden, and pitcher Terry Lorenz re- ceived the third varsity letters. Besides WIibur, varsity let- ters were presented for the sec- ond time to tight fielder Dave Melton and pitcher Tom God- dard. Var. ity lettel'3 were pre- sented for the fir t t me to utility player John Baumgar- ten, catcher Wayne Ferris, pitcher Mike Heminger, In- fielder Raul Martinez, first ba.,eman Guy Selleck, pitcher Dennis Shields, pitcher Terry Stallard and center tlelder Jim Thomp~on. The Pioneers tln!Rhed the 1961 baseball season Y.1th a 4-1 victory over San Diego • ·aval Training Center. The Pioneers beat PhibPac on May 9, 12-i, and Azu a Col• lege r<1 May 11, 13-5. The e on record !or the Pioneer baseball tf'am ls 16 wins and 10 losses. In four years USD has a record o! 621 wins, 39 lo~ses and two ties. Shortstop Florenza led the Pioneers in Individual hitting th a .352 average-- 3t hits tor 96 time t ~at. orenza Jso led the team In runs scored 34 and dou" es 5 , He tied with Wilbur for mo t home runs (5) t e&s n orenza led the team \\1 U hits for 98 Umes at bat and a .439 WiJbur, the 1961 tain, al~ t th• !I clean de ·elop• 'f!1l' - ,:powers, Rin91 With Energy Cli~rgcr11, an
nng~ wi h en r 'lllbolfz; 'get in ~i win. I lhe1'e nrl \ n' ''Let UR Ot lorg t th t th• Chal'gPr.11 brl new life to • an Ulego. Jt c.oUld well be that th · I ugurate a Mw era. ot p for San Die o 'Ow• city n a h,,t fn t11e 11.1 m to et away from the hick town attitude am! g1ow up l<> th stature that the population \\Snt.,. Sp 111 Success ''The .h h promoting th ~(!..Rr1 5 Cathedral Slates Se.-ond Aunu, I Awards B nquet The second annuaJ Awams Banquet of Cathedt&l C1rls' High 8ehool \\,'ill be sta ed In the Palm Room of the U S. Grant Hotel at 6:30 p.m. Thu ll(!a •• June 8 Father I Michael J. P caro,-ich, head !ootball coa~h at th University of San Dleg u, U be th prin- cipal speaker p.,carovich, who hold8 a Doctor ot Jurisprudence degree, Is noted aa an outst~nd- The event la o~n to the pub- a on is $5 a person. lie. Thf MICHAEL J. PECAROVICH x.. Given Pastors . , • 21, of La Ca- been voted out- "~~Jf w~flr.Y{ confer degrci• · at comm<'1 mt'nt eXPrciscs of th~ Uni sity of San Dif'go Colle •e Men and School of Law R J).m. Sunday in th" cam Alcala Th1•ater. Brown and the com Pn m<'nt peaker, John J, Irwin, Will receive honora1 v doctor of laws d<>grees from· lhP uni- versity. The governor will ~011fl'r bachelor of arts degrl'eS on 71 graduates of the CoJIC'.gr for Men and 11 bachelor ol laws d<'gr cs on 11 graduate~ of the School of Law. Irwin an attorney a n d member of the university's Board of Regents, was ad- ministrative assistant to Rich- ard M. ixon, former vice president and is a former deputy mayor of .Lo$ Angeles. The graduating classes will presentPd b) lhC' Rev. Rus- sell Wilson president of the Colll'ge for Men, and the Rev. Martin McManu ·, dl'an of the School of Law The J\10s Rev. Charil's F . Buddy, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego, will of re the ·enior of standing College for Mt>n, niver- sity of an Diego, by ·tu- dents. He was an Engli h major and body ·ecretary. Cadden Dean of ,0 Forged In famous univer- sities, tempered in the pro- fessor's chair and tested ,in for law a.m. . aurPatc address at the mass. ~nei~Lhn .\lfflUll.lleU' brings tu his new ! Umvers1ty of U e o a Co I I e ge for Men hjgh acaden,1c and ex- e ut hficaltons. The new dean was awarded his ba he> or's degree in arts by th!' University of Scran- ton Pa., his master's at Cath- olic l"rlversity, Washington, o·c ·t 1cu m the theological screnccs followed at Catholie University where F at her Car!rtt'n won first the licenti- ate and then the doctorate of Sacred Theology. For thre e a rs Father Cadd n tud1ed at the Um- v e i, s t y of Calif m1a at Berk le u er late Dr. Herbert Bc:ton, historian of tbe Calif?rnia rruss1ons. At Berkeley the new dean of U:e rnen cwlc~e was pre- (Continued' on l'ag 3J • fer · Masquers Krasna Play 1 I · t BILL TH~ / I Bill Tho "as Named Top ~a~~~ru- dents have voted Bill Thomas, 21, "outstanding aenlor" of the College for Men. Thomas w 111 receive the Charles Franklin lllWard, a per- petual trophy p.reaented by the A.asoctated Student Body in. memory ot a USO senior who died In a drowning accident In 1959. Thoma.J received e.n over- whelming majority ot student votes, and his s~lectfon was unanlmot Iy ndorsed by the college administration. H was cited for 'out.ttanding, leader- ship, high &cad "4e atanding, spirited ~:~=:;• ex currltl!Jlaio 8.48 An Eng:J.Wn•loll!ttlnci leur• un ;mlindlP,lfJic ,airl8 do rim1m11At.,.lllkrill'10U1'111.!lmn t,t UhllJl4t l!Wvatiit7,1{ Fllr th t.1 Ml'I p:._ • . >
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