News Scrapbook 1959-1962
Uuties Told I' Graduates at USO Riles
THE SAN DIEGO UNION L A (i) Fri., Sept. 29, 1961 UN Oll(iO, CALIFORNIA ~o ts Top:Ground Offensive By ,JOHNNY ~Jc•DONALD De-emphai;izPd or not, Uni- vernlty of Pacific or College or Pacifk, thosl' Tigpr from Stoc-kton arP sti11 tough. Pac-ifir, hl'aded by All-Coast fullb1\C'k nomlnPe Dick Scott, will engag1• llnivPrsity of San Di,•go fo1 the first time to- morrow at :.! p.m . at t h e Tol'c-ro ' -w stadium. De pit thP cutback p r o- S;:l'llm, Pacif1<• has defeated Long fl!'ltch State, J:l-7, and Jost to usually-rough Sa n :Josi' Strtt<', 16-0, in its fin,t wo eonti•sls. "ThP only difference from la_.t y1•ar's team ls that Pa- cific is not playing teams like Washington, Marquette, Vil- lanova, Wa~hlngton State and Utah Stat this season," USO <'03Ch MlkP PN•arovich point- ed out. Again t Long B<>ach. Pacif- k w1•11t to thr outside for most or II gRins and against an Jose It went through the m1dcth• rtunll , thP Tlgc•rs rely xelu. iv<'l) on a ground of- C'nslq. 'rh, y pickPd up 145 or 1/w :.!47 , ard against Long BPa ·h on th" ground and 143 of J'l'o a~ainst San Jose by ru~hlng lust WPPk into the football history books will uncover the .~act nPw.· that San Di ego Slate had nothing but trouble with th£' TigC"rS in r e c en t years. The Stockton collegians won by such lopsid<'d scores as 68-17, 3:.!-6, 62-14 and 41-14 in th<' last four meetings. Proba hie starting lineup for Pa ific will be Jim Bush (200 pound~) ancl Mike Smith (2081 at ends, Bill RPc>d (220) and Dick Nemetz (2051 at center, Jack Sparrow (1001 at quar. trrbnck, Greg Stikes '175J and Dick Hrrnander ( 1001 at half, baeks and Scott ( 19:l) at full- back. A Parch Don Sha('klPfotd (2:lOl at tack-, lc>s, Bob Scadina 095), and John Gambl (2:J4l at guards,
ge o!
82 Students Awarded DegreH ell Wilson ot the Colle e t r Men Qf. "Bachelor ot and n on 71 students 6t the WI, n of th aw oo1
conferred ~uslne111 Rev.
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and al o "
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Irwin. who al.!ro degree, said the a to his obligations aa a f The aj'>eaker cont "It la to that task
rlcan citizen m\.lllt 1ie
TO START SATURDAYS: Freshm n Earn; U End erth
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purposefull> have already that endeavor, I the compelling business of every patriot, but parficu!ary the educated patrlot. Must Do More Thon Vole ''It is no longer enough that good dUzcns vo e .. , 11.nd that they obey the laws. It is not enou h, f we are to dis- charge our obligations as enlightened freemen, that we con- fine ou elves to our business or professions, engaged solely ln the grim, never-ending task of earning our daily bread. " ... No, graduates, as you look into tomorrow, I invite you to conclude v.ith me that it IS for each and every om, of ua, yourselves and your perplexed and worried seniors, to throw off the stifling cloa~ of 'public apathy' that stills (Continued on Pare 8) et t1lem respectfully Iv . with mlt, sho be
Coryell Expe ·ts Mendez To Play Against Poly (Continued)
PRAISES TEAM EFFORT sE-cl 1110 1J 1/;Lt/~1 Coryell Expects Mendez To Play
the ub-
By HOWARD IIAGEN a bye-"University of Pacific. D?n CoryC'll, San Diego State football coach, yesterday our opponent here next week- p~aised some of his players for good jobs in the 13-13 tie end, has switched rom an
with Los Angele's State last Saturday night and gave a guarded prediction that ace halfback Mario Mendez will op-
open style to a powPr g ·ound attack. Though tt1ere !'¥is bN•n talk of de-Pmphasis at Stock- ton, they still have good play- er~. • •. • Regarding the gam- blmg situation in college ath- ·
USD 7'. H f; ~J,1 '"'"~"' ~:: "~arty unday sters' Club Will h a vg~ football eason Sunday at t~ fir t oclal vent of th ~ncho _Presidio H O t e 1 e ,• I' Gridiron Kickoff Fiest~ oosters' Club u._._
erate for the first time this weekend.
Coryell was
co~ches interviewed by sports Warr<'n are s O u n d again c>d1tors Jack Murphy and Gene too "
Gregston at the weekly noon luncheon meeting of The Un-
CoryeU, who had seen pie-
ion-Tribune Quarterback Club tures of th e_L. A. State game 1letics, I "Mendez is mad at me be- mg,_ lauded Aztec backs Neal proaches to college players cause' I didn't play him atJPetties, Kern Cars:m, guardsl that haven't come to light, Los Angeles" said Coryell. ,Dave S t enso~, Walt Cubley , though I'm sure gamblers "But we ctidn't want to takc:a nd .s~ark1, Bishop and center aren't interested in USD. We a chance of losing him for/Wair, 11 Simmons for good' tell our players to report any the season because of his performances. contacts of this type, and not twisted knC'e. We hope he'll He said he believed Petties to g am b I e thC'mselves on be ready for Cal Poly here:wasn't at fa~lt in ~he fracas games." Saturday night and also hope' th at c1;1used his barnshment in lUaj. Scotty Harris MCRD, tackle Randy Chaffin and Gil I th e th ird period, and said his 28-21 victor over Eagle Rock loss hurt the Azte e. AC-"Lyn Aplanalp of Eagle would conjecture at Town and Country HotC"l before commg to the meet- gamblers h a v e made ap-
, ~Ill begin With cocktails at ., p.m , followed b) a Me . f::; buf!et dinner and ~an~: Approximat ly 200 are pected to attend, includfux- mernbC'r of the Worn 'g Auxlliary to USD and r1i5 cala Guild. · Preceding the !>arty M a~d Mrs. Robert W. S~xto~ will e!1tertaln in their home honoring four new faculty ::;embers and their "'ives. r · Sexton Is director ! athletics at the College 1 o Men. or Honoree \\ ill Include D a nd fr. · T Hillard C O ;· ).fr. and fr . .John T M • tmelll, ;\Jr. and r- E. ar. p T . '"'· rnest D . I ovam and Sa m u e I ag ey.
Coryell sophomore Rock proved to be a good quarterback. Playing a sing- quarterback Larry Fernan- dez did a good job and may le-wing team like Eagle Rock start against Cal Poly if his jchangcs your defensive think, back continues to improve. ling.... I don't recall what If Mendez doesn't open at tail- I told the boys at halftime, back m t~c I-formation, soph- when we were behind 21-8, omore Jim Stauber will be but remember that when we the starter. got back to the dressing room for intermission, the general Mendez, coach of the Mexico was waiting for us. . . . Our .. t<'a m that has dropped de- back Kelton Winston may be c1s1ons to Marine Corps Re- a better two-way player than cruit Depot and Cal Western. Billy Martin and Al Hall of HC' said he has no recruit- past seasons. . . Our next ing problem at the MPxico opponent, Valley Ali-Stars of City university because there Van Nuys is composed of arC' sever a I prep schools former college and semi-pro right on the campus and his g~~i~rs who beat Eagle Rock, assi~tants train the pr<'p play. <'rs 1n fundamentals. Al Lewis, Cal Western, 32-28 H: pointed out his players victor over MC'xico IJ.-"May, g a I n e d 206 yards rushing be we were a little corn- against Cal Western but in- placcnt when we blew that terceptions hurt them badly 21-0 lead, but you have to in the 32-28 defeat. give coach Mend z· boys cred- ' 'I have made more than it for their stunting defense 60 trips to the States," said and sp<'Pct.... We improved M<>ndez, "but this trip to San !considerably in a week. Boys Diego has been the best. Not who did WC'I! for us ere even in my own language do Al Madison, who came through we have words to thank San 1~vith some eritleaJ tackles; DiC'go for its hospital,ity." "Larry Toledo, who passed 10 Other coaches' comments: for 12 the flrst half; Larry Mike PP<'l\rovl h, Univer, Slover. two ke~ intC'rcep · ns sity or San Diego, which drew Pancho Navano and J:e. sc (Continued on b-7, Col. 3) Murdock. ... 0<'rillental, next opponent, will be a toughic." A spPcial guest was Roberto s a i d
CHARGER CALL/ '}1~11@,fJ/.l speaking from Niagara Falls, N.Y., to- day will describe the San Diego Chargers' 19-11 \·ic- tory over Buffalo to the Union-Trihrme Quart<'r- back Club. The Quarterback Club meets in the Atlas Room of th <> Town and CoLntry Hotel, starting at noon. In addition to Gillman's report, tl](' Quarterba<'k • will hear from the r<'gular members of the panel. ThPy are coaches Miki' Pecarovlch of Fniversity of San Diego, Don Coryell of S'.1n DiC"go State, Al Lewis of Cal Western and G:llman,
- Digital Computer I Inst lled At D . A d;itaf 1~~fut/r"N.lff/en 111st alled at the University of San Diego's Collegp for Men / for u. e m a mathematic-s re- search program. The . research program ~eals Wlth celestial mech . ics. a nd calculu of variatlohs which, when resolved ·n havp pra I cal implicat ons to under. ta11ding cele tial hod-/ !es and pace vehic-1~ . a USD announcC'ment said. 1
1\Jaj. Allen (Scotty) Har- ri_s of the . an Diego Ma- rmes. Bob Williams, e sport l'd1tor of Diego Umon w·n as moderator. The rnePtlng Is open to thl' public.
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