News Scrapbook 1959-1962
UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO l,Yl~ COi elll for Women•• Theoter./i)//f {,( ",John Lo\Cs 1\Jar ": Co~· e for Mer Alcala 1\1a r.u •rs will perform on'lan Krns na's three rom c v T, u · day through !sat'.ltday. tain time :30 p.m. CAMPUS.CANOPY Informal 5~lu~ Dance Sc~t,i At USD io-iJG,1. By ~1ARY OLIVE CIIA"BERS The junior class of thP Unl- VE!r.,~ity of San Diego College f~Jllllm will ho d it an- nual Autumn Informal rrom 9-1 Saturday Jn the Palm Pa- tio. Gi>neral chairman Is Peck, junior clas pr ;',fiss Peck will be by Georgia Bechler, chairman; Barbara ele- ri, decorations; Ste p h a nie O'Connor, orchestra and en- tertainmen l, and E 1 e a n o r freshments. Music will be pro- vldrd by the Four Sharps. The University held its first football rally Friday in the Lark. Newly elel'ted song leaders, Mi aele Flaherty, La Delle Willett, and M a r y Edna Banga ser taught n<'W cheers for the fir t game in the USO Stadium. USO mPt the University of the Pacific yesterday afternoon.
SID TO PHQ})!E QB 5 ij}.fffl ff(/" 1 C-hargt>r coach Sid Gill- man "ill give The Union- T r i b u n e Quarterback Club meeting today a tele- phomc r e p o r t on the Charger-Boston Patriot game Saturday night in Boston. The QB Club luncheon, open to the public at the Sunset Room of Town and Country Hotel, al~o will hear regular coach panel- i ·ts Don Coryell, San Di- ego State: Mike Pecaro- vich, University of S a n Diego; Al Lewis, Cal West- ern, and Maj. Scotty Har- ris, whose Marine Re- cruit Depot team m e t USD yesterday at Balboa Stadium. Fan will submit ques- tions to {he coaches on past weekend games and future p o peels. Bob Wil- liams, executive sports editor of The an Diego Union, will be toastmas- ter.
f.1i I
M q (,J TorerOs ( ioneers) Op
ith.Whittier \ 11 m to l kk· bus and while en routl' they Lo an dhot m o v e d w!II bl' shown movies of to · from tn1klr. to ~uard anrl mer Whitt er games. thrl'P.•Y ear lNti,rman .Jop ____.....,___ Loeschnig hn., movPd from halfh11ck to end .
.s A) Cwu~ - ....._ lo//6/ Ml S DE SIMONE ,,, Ml,s Mary Ma1·gar'?.!:-,Qe ~ne is eng-aged to filch. ard Willia7l}_§mith, it is an. n~oy h<>r parents, Ml'. and Mrs . L. D. Dr Simoni' 2401 Call<> Gaviola. Miss D<'. Simonf' is 11 senior .studPnt at Mercy CoJJege or Nursing. l!C'r flance, son of Mr. a11d Mrs. Richard Allison mith 5841 Ro111Jok1i St,, rPce ved ; d<>gree 111 philosophy at San D1go Unlvrrsitt CollPge (cj 1 J .!11!:.!1, l-1<' el o I\ t t e n d e ct C:l'orgelown Univ r ,. i t · graduate school of 111 11 lo. •o• phy In Washmgt '!'he e t of the line 1nc,u Taix and Pamela Jordan, re- ~,.....~-~· efore the r t for 1ke n•ros. The -!nan traveling go to Whittier by San orevo vn1on Slaff Pholo 'tudvi11g arr 40-7 I had PXt<'ndl'd its maq;in to 40-0 on Alsup's pa. s to Hall With quarterback Nelson M u r p h y al the control , USD moved 75 yards in sr.v- ••n play , to score with: Don Dorkowski going th flna 35 yards. Two Mur h pa • PS Itwo of the scv<>n com• pl<>tions) set up the touch• down. U. runner• Paci By ,JOH••• ''\ h·00 AJ,D' l'nlvl'rslly of San Di go Toreros didn't have enough picadors to handle the bully University of Pacific yester- day as the Tigers charged to an easy 40-7 victory be- fore 2,217 !an - at new USD stadium. Waymond Hall, a senior halfback !rom Los Angeles, was the workho1·se for the terrific Tigers as he ran 44 , yards for one touchdown and was on the receiving end of a 20-yard scoring aerial from quarterback John Alsup. ln all, Hall picked up 115 yards in 19 carries. All- Coast fullback nommee Dick Scott was spared as he carried only eight times for 40 yards. This distance however, was enough to place him 10th among all- time ball carriers al the Stockton school. • ur1es score a the ond pcnod , uane Is et ti skirting the rlghl side from the thrl'e. The) u cd up nine plays * * ,. STATISTICS PoCiflc Fir1t dowr,s Rushing yardo!tt Poulng yardage PasSH .• Panes intercepted by Fumbles lost Punts Yards Ptnolized ir: .... * ., ,.. 122 l·ll 2 1 4-42 11t USO I 10) 111, 7·21 1 1 7·31.4 JS to go 44 yar~s and the sec- ond touchdown with Scott bulling over from the one and collected the fina I touch down of the first half with a 75-yard march in 17 plays. Quarterback Sparrow spi- SC'rimmag<' Sl'sslons an• 011 tap for San Di<'go States grirl- men this W<'<'k bc•c•ausc• oJ tlww ·111t1<'ring offonsP against Cal Poly, h<>tHl <"oa<'11 Don Cory<'ll t,,Jd thr tJnlon-Tribunc QwH- 1Prback C'IUh \'<'>,lcrda:,. J3ob Willi.1m . l'.\C('llli\'f' ports <•ditor of T!w San D1 !'go Union, "" tons(maslrr fo llw wc•c•kly noon Jutlf'IH on at To\\n aqd c·oun1ry llold 'Our altu< k embarr,i .,,.d us in 1hP 9-6 , i<'lory 0\'f'l' Ca I Poly," s a i ,J < OJj'<•ll, ",111d \Vfl'H~ going- to Sf'rim magf' (Ip. spite th(' dangl'r of inJuriPS.. Th!' Azll'c coac-11 .said pie lure· of th<• gam<' show,,d many mislakrs by his pla~. <'I'S, in<'luding Oil!' in which all seven linemen missed assign. mPnts. "WP wrr1' flot, Poly wa~ 1 high," he added. "They gaw us openings and thr right pla:,s were c·:.,lll'd, hut the blocking wa"n't thr-re. We're proud of our pa;;s defrnsc•, an tac•klin~ wa 1mprovNI but we have a Jong way to go bC'fote meet illg Long il<'ach Stalt' h re Saturday night." Coryell -aid "Neal Petti,•, won it for us, and h.,•rn Ca1·- son also had a good night. though lw still is fumbling he- cause he doPsn't ,·arry the ball right." Petties picked up Carson 's fumble and ran ;!0 }a.els in the last minute for Slat<''s winning touchdown, Con !'II said picturPs reveal Petties thr<>w the first block for Car• son on the punt rPturn, went downfield and then completccl the 8.5-yard touchdown play. Mike Pe<'arovich, Cnive1·sit) of San Diego coach, said "\\e I have no excuses" fo. r th,, 40-7 Joss to Unive1·sity of Paci! c (formerly College of Pocificl. 1 ''In fact, we can't cvPn pkk on lhr officials, who called all excellent game. ·Pacific coadi John Rohde and his playc s showed real class. We madt• a lot of mistakes, but the big- gest mistake was playing them . . Our scouts tell 11s Marine Corps Recruit Depot, our opponent Sunday altt'.f• noon at Balboa Stadium, is even toughc1· than Pacific." Al Lewis, whose Cal West em team Jost to Occ-idenlal 21-2, said "it ,~as a doo fight the first lia 1 f. Jim CP~V!'ny track star who plays the spii1 encl for Occidental, had a good day against us. ThC'y wc>re es- Aztecs Face Contact Drills (Continued) pecially effective with their passrng, completing 16 of 31. Our secondary men j u st couldn't handle them ... We look for a hard game Satur- day afternoon al La Verne' College, which has beaten Po- mona and Claremont-Mudd." Coach Seotty Harris of MCRD, whose club blanked the Valley All-Stars, 32-0, said "Tom Maudlin finally has taken charge of the team at quarterback, and our men de- livered a fine game ... We have 12 men bark from last year's squad that was upset by Unlvi;-rsity of San Diego, 21-20, and they want to get even Sunday. U, D is always up for 11s, nd we 't be down this time" t o from the three with 10 c onds IC'ft for 1hr third ta! y. Pacific was stoppP.d on.the USD 14 in the first march of the third pPriort hut cam!' bac-k short!\ after whC'n thr Toreros tailed to mov<>. Halfback Aaron Young blood broke loose and ·print I'd 40 yards to make it 27-0 and Hall went around the same left side for 44 yards for the fifth touchdown and a 33-0 advantage. Against the reserves U<::D finally started to battle on even terms. But the Toreros didn't score until Pacific and Jim De,·antls Gray, althoug, J,e had two fine punt return·. wa .held to five yards in five c-arri!'s and Desantis picked up 21 Ill six. CSD's defl'nsivr unit held onto the Tigers in the fir -1 period but the im·aders picked up 20 points in the second period. made it 33-0 through three stanzas aPd had a 40-0 ad\'antage before the Toreros finally collected a touchdo" n. The T1gl'r · arovr. 67 ards in 12 plays for th Ir first . 0 20 30 7-40 0 0 0 7- 7 Pacific • USO (Hall kick). (Holl kick.) Paclflc-lsettl 3, Paciflc.-Scott 1, plunge. Poclflc-Kotal 3, pass (POH foiled). Pociflc-Youn;blood -40, run. Sparrow from {Kotol run klcl<), 4, run, (Kick foiled) Pacific-Holl Pacific- Hall (Norseth kick), 20, A SUP. from POSS (Rochin kl run. USD-DorkoW>ki --- 35, kick). - ' Pacific so dominated the first half that it ran off 58 plays to USD's 19. Those scouting the Toreros for fu- ture contests had to s t i ck around for the fourth quar- ter to see what l SD could do Pacific utilized 11 backs in chalking up its second trmmph in three outings. It was the Toreros second straight defeat. The Tigers were rough on y ment of Rev. David Conro a professor of law at the University of San Diego was annc1unced ye terday by the Mo s t Rev. Ch a rl es F. Buddv, bishop of the S'"n Di- ego C a t h olic Diocese and USD president. Father Con- roy, who rr- ___ir;,1ceived a bach- Wiiwo;:....;.e!;._amelor of law de- Conroy gree at Ford• ham Unhersity in 1960 and passt'd the New York bar, this •ear, will teach agene , and ersonal property law and jurisprudc-ncc. He was ordain d in 1946. tos Angefes !xam r 7 Sec.6 Sun.,luly 30, 1961 THAT'S FAR ENOUGH center, and Duane Rudzmski, ight, Game wa. first played in lJSD's new tadium in Alcala Park. University of Pacific won 40-7. Univer ity of Pacific'. Aaron Youn blood picks up fir. t down on 15- yard run before be ng opped by l n v r ity of an Diego' Ray Yoast, ace to a c f~om The frown Mike Peearo- vi ch wore two days ago had been replaced by a smile as the University of San Diego head coach looked back on yesterday's brief scrimmage session at Naval Training Center. Pecarovich was disgrun- tled Tuesday aftl'T' his Pio- neers squeezed through a lack- luster morning work ut. He decided to rest the s q u a d during the afternoon session and it worked out wl\ll as the team came through th two good work ye Y, in- cluding the rugge scrim- Whit- lnade• two thP all-rowul Chapman. h d d I e post Jong with freshman Dick Sherry. New corner men will be Jim Gabriel ('HS• and Ray Yoast, a 22.3-pounder who played with the Marines last year. Guardq Jim Davis and Bill Kugler, who ha\·e been injured. may see some ac- tion against the Leather- necks. fineba,·ker n graduated univer,ity. However, Hem- Inger 1s the bet man mi the option while Murphy !111 thP potential or being a fine pa er. A[ter ) estenlay· hard drill at USO's slad1um. Pe- aruvi<'h fclt 't'ie kiri~ were gctt!n" th ldrn or what we want" Pe ·arovlch suid he in- tends to :;tart Don Oorkow- ski at right half in place of .Joe Gr11y and may have Howie Williamson at left h l! 111 place or Joe Locsch- nlg. ''ThP. !me worked well and the spirit is high." ?e arovlch comm nted. '•I tlunk we may do a little 11\ hltt ng tomorrow ' • llke aid he would open 1 th Hrmir1grr at quarter- back but lndlcntecl thnt {ur- !lh)' \\ ould ee a Jot of serv- Jc ... Othc1· chang s \\'Pre made n t fen he unit. D Rmlz!n ·ki, a 210- hedule. interest Recruit 1n:1<1"-4ut1Jlil!' beat the t year - een moved phumou who made the tackles in last week's Unlver ity or Parif- (e gamf', ha heen witched -United Press ln1ernat1on11 photo. o( . an Diego Unh·er~it)·. Charger opened drillA for 1961 . eason al i,:"rirl fit>lrl on lht> unh er•ily campu~. PROPER FF-Char ercoach Sid Gillman hands off football 10 the Re,-. Charle~ F. Rudd), pre~ident
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