News Scrapbook 1959-1962
ROOK Co By Bt:VF,RI,Y Bf. 'ETTJ-: I! America' youth b to help c:hop down th e t r e of communism, young p oplc must first know the depth of i t roots an the natur of lt fruit. according to Mother Agnes Murphy, profo • or o[ history and philo- ophy at the Univer:;lty of San Diego Colic for Women. In order to teach th anatomy of commur. sm, Mother Murphy wrote the book, "An Evil Tree." [Other M ll r p h > a member of the college's faculty sine 1952 eall her book a "practical Instrument" for teahh· !ng. Its me age i sim- ply stated In a mannl'r ea Jly grasped by t h e young mind. . ntPl,U-1 "It's 1
Tough Back
yot. lC'arn about \\ ill not be ta le the fruit."
degree at oyola UnivPr- sity of Chicago and her doctorate at hi' Catholic Univer. H> or Ameri In "An E~U Tree' he refers to commum m as "a ree planted 1n human blood, nourished in human blood and forever drlppmg with h u m an blood.'' "We do not want that tree to be planted in America," she adds. FOL'R ROOT' The author divides the t re e of communi m's roots Into athel m, dia- :ectlcal materialism, nat- urah m and clas trug- gle, and explains each in turn. Revolution i · examined under "The Planting of the Tree" and dictator- ship under "The Flower- ing of the Tree.'' Biogra- phies of communism's gardeners-Marx, Engel , Lenin and Stalin - are p r e e n t e d In another chapt r.
"An is bei g used as a supple- mentary te. ·t tor a course in Communi t ideology being taught by other Murphy th1 semester at the College for Women This course n o w re- quired of all students at the college, is also open to the public. It meets on campus at 10:30 am. each Tuesday and Thurs- day. It was at the ·ug• gestlnn of Rev. Jo •ph Stadler, former superin- ndent of d i o c e a n ~ch ol in San Diego, that oth r .hl u r p h y decided to write h e r s ory of commurusm. INl-'ILTBATIO:'i JtEL1' "We felt the Commu- nist Infiltration on the elementar) school level. both on and o[f campus," she says. "There are thou- d of books on the ul> t but no starting p I t tor th voung mind." toth r :Murphy who a member of the Religious Order of the Sacred Heart. She earned her master of arts F:, ii Tree" devo her lit t teaching. i
In her appeal
hittier I
young mind, the author tells o[ the threat o[ com- munism in term. of things dear to the hearts of the young-including baseball games and circuses. RE OLUTION EXPLAINE Her explanation of rev- olufon s this: e ;\'.Ir. Green
Black's hou e lack is unwill- hlm ha\ e it. only way ~Ir. Green
o, rr th r rok ince
can e It I
to take it by
1othe~ :'.\lurphy deplores the oHerlng of the Iruit and flowers of the tree of communism a. "fra- grant and tempting com- forts for body and mind" inst"ad of the poisons they are. clusiott:o.s
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I want th t atomic bomb, I don't \\ n to read it in a kel'nly in- tellectual ricntiflc vol- ume." S!'lce publication of her book in '.',,1'.arch Mother Murphy ha be n highly encourag d by the re- pon e. Now In its sec- ond prlntlng. the volume i bdng Y.1dely u ed as a te t In cities through- out th country "F eler"" have a l o be n r c lved [rom edu- cate In South Ameri , Au I a, Canada a n d En la d. K cities now u In th n heir sch l lnclu nclnna- ti, Cleveland and Miami.
andra C11•M-ll, a nwmber n Gro,e hom of nd Rolwrt Sexton nf the USD ath- lng on a..., Thompson' daughwr, Ann11 lPtlc Ntaff. Th party w staff. Thomp~on "a manni:-er of lhe ,. feterl f <'omlni;- to th" Alcala Park campus. larl t ,:NI by ('olh•g" tor ~f Pn (Onnl ) of the La.rk 1 r and mrrn ll1dPnt iy lor 28 year!I bt'fore Cnh yracu USD LIKES SPLIT Play B t . THE SAN DIEGO UNION 64 SA Boasts Top Ground Offensive B. ,JOIIX. T \It-DO. LO De-emphasized or not. Uni- ,·er:U). ?f Pacific or College of I ac1fJc Tigers from Stocktor. a till tough Pacific, hE'aded by All-Coast fullback nominee Dick ·cott will enfage l'nin•rslty of Sa~ Diego for the first time to- morro,\ at 2 P rn. at t h e Toreros' ne» ·rndium. De.·pite the cutback p r 0_ gram. Pacific has defeated Long Beach State, 12-7, and lost to usually-rough s a n Jose State. 16-0. in its first two contests. "The only d,fference from last year's team is that Pa- cific is not playing teams like Washington, Marquette, Vil- lanova, Washington State and l:tah Sta_te this season," L'SD coach Mike PeC'arovich point- ed out . Against Long Beach. Paci!- ic went to the outside for ~ost of its gains and again t · an Jose it went through the mi di(' Actu I , the Tige1·s rely exclu iveh· on a ground of- fensi\'e, _:'hey picked up 145 of the 24, yards against Long Beach on the ground and H3 of 170 against San Jose bv rushing la t week. • .A search into the football history books will uncover the ~ad news that San D J e g 0 St_ate had nothing but trouble wnh the Tigers in r e e e n t year·. The Stockton collegians won b) such lopsided scores :is 68-17, 32-6, 62-14 and 41-14 m the last four meetings. P!·~bab!e starting lineup for Pac1f1c \\'Ill be Jim Bust. (200 pounds) and 11ike mith (2081 at ends. Bill Reed (2201 and Don Shackleford (2Wl at tack- les. Bob Scadina 1195) and John \}amble 12M, at ' ds Dkk . ) at center: Jack Spa 190) at quar- terback, Greg- tikcs 0751 and Dick Hernander (190) a half- backs and Scott 1193) at full- back. - ---- Masquers Seat ameless Works By ,JOHNNY .:HeDONALD The rumor from San Francisco is that• tbl' professional 49ers wer>t to the ":-hotgun" offense as a desperation measure last ) ear Fort~·-nlner coaC'h Rrd Hick- other yard from the tackle. ey is the talk of the , ·ational The halfback is stationed Football Lt'ague tlii vcar and about three yards hack, fac- his club is knorking own the ing the gap in the line. opposition like tenpin . ·"The opposition must use L\ke Hickey, coach Mike six men in the line wlth one Pecarovich of the Univerf;itv lineback"r," Pecarovich said. of San Diego was a bit des- "They can't play us with a perate after losing three m a five-man line." row and came up with a new Pecarovich said this enables formation to beat Pepperdine. the quarterback to fake or 13-0, last Saturday. handoff to the slot back on If there is a nickname to be each roll out and gives him had, PeC'8ro\·ich and his staff a better opportunity to work have not come up with one. the option The slot back can All that matters, as far as move in as another blocker the eteran coach Is con- or be effective on dive plays. cernPd is th'lt it works Joe Gray, Ho,\fo William- Lack1ro a passing game. son or Don Dorkowf;kl »'Ill be l"SD has had to fino new alternating at thr :t t back wayi; of breaking away their post against N e Mexico runners. So far the 'foreros Western Saturday afternoon have co.·npleted on!:, 13 of 68 at USD Stadium. " passe . L'SD has been using this un- 1 In this formation, the right balanced line idea on the left side of the line is split and, side, too, during drills this the halfback plugs the hole. week. Pecarovich may split The guard Is split a yard from \both sides for the meeting with the center and the end is an- Long Beach State next week. I,_~I I {/l;1~ - q I Coryell Exp cts - PRA1sEs TEAM EFFORT Coryell E ects Men e To Pia endez ,c~!"""'" Ag y tackle New Mexico Western al SD Stadium. Dorkowski will see service on both the offensive and defensive squads. Dorkowski is a corner backer. Wally Joos, a 185-pound guard, left, and halfback Don Dorkowski will see action Saturday afternoon for the Uni- versity of San Diego when the Toreros a bye-' Um\'CT~lty of Pacific-, our opponent here next week- end, has switched !rom an open tyle to a power ground attack Though there ha been talk of de-e ha at tock- ton, they By IIOW,\RD IIAGE:'i ,ry 11, an Di go State football coach, yesterday Do !o good job in the 13-13 tie pl y r ome of hi d P 11 ri cles • tate last . nti.rday mght and gave a on that ace hal!back '.'Ilario Mendez will op- with Los iarcl d pr •di CA1v/PU ... 1o)sf, USO Unit Selects l Play Cast l By l\IARY 0. CHA.\IBERS The Alcala Park Players of the University o! San Diego College tor Women yester- day announeecJ the schedule for their 10th season. The season will open Friday wlth a pe formance of "Fray Junipero S rra: The Great Walker," at 8:30 a.m. in th College theater. It will be pre- sented again Oct. 22 at 3:00. This performance marks the premiere production of "Fray Junlpero Serra," a poetic dra- ma by Helm. _Featured in leading roles ~111 be Kathy Halligan, Chris- tine Camus, Francesca Halli- gan, Serita Doyie, Judy Row- 1land, Deborah Potts, and Don- 1 na Brower. B. R. Van Vlcek is the director. Also to be presented th1~ sea- l s~n \~!11 be "Androcles awl the , L10n, The Christmas Pag- eant, a variety show, an Eve- I ning of Music and "Winte1•"s Tale." In recent elections the Soph- omore Class completed its I council for the year. Acting as group leaders will be Mu- riel Palmer, Patricia Ne In , Nancy Erhardt, Marilyn Puzo, Rosemary Dum1, Lynn Mc- Birnie, Anette Coles, Linda Rahl, Catherine Lindseth and Mary Timothy Downs. Currently serving as fresh- men fortnightly officers are Ave de Vanon, Claudia Du,v"ns and Nancy Knox. this weekend. rate for he fir t tirn ix of one c '>ryell wa THE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1961 on e lrt nle\\cd by ports Warren are sound again, liters Juc·k !urphy and Gene too.' a din THE SAN DIEGO UNIO b L Ion., Oct. l 0 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNI Torer wait N.M. Western After 13-0 Win University of Sar Diego 1s looking ahead to Sat day aft- ernoon's home ba with New 11exico \\'e ti-1 after the Toreros score ir first victory of the sea n Satur- day night, lS-0, q Pepper- dine College. 'fhe Balboa ers. • . • R bllng situation ath- ture ap- . . C (,r ' ton at the w ekly noon lun •hron m cling of 'fh" l'r- 1on-Tr1bun Quartl'rback Club tur orycll, \\ho had seen pie- of th e· L. A. st ate game gambler"- ha v letlc , ::: would n th e m;et- to corlegl' _players l'm sure gamblers lght, preaches ?efore coming to b _ ~ 1~ 1 /~uded Aztec backs ountry llotrl. nt 'fown n~rl " I •rd i that ha\en't come to ea! I mad at m though es,S Kern ca;~:m, gua rd s t pay him at De aid Co ·ell • d I n 'iak~ alt Cubley aren't intere ted in USD. We tell our players to report any or good contacts of this t)·pe, and not tenso~, ) ave, park[. Bishop aind center dldn t want to t immons arren f hi I or p rforman es. m r u to g a m b I e themselves on hi of b H :aid he beheved Petties game ." \\,e hope he'll oly here wa n t at fault m the fracas, . Iaj. Scotty Harri ~lCRD, al r uturday nl ht and also hop th at ~used h_ls banishment in 1 2ll-21 \ictor ~ver Eagle Rock tackle Randy Chaltln and Gil th e th i rd penod, a nd said his 1AC "Lyn Aplanalp of Eagle lo hurt the Aztec cause. I Rock proved to be a good Coryell s a I d sophomore l quarterback. Playing a sing- quarterback Larry Fernan- 1le-wing team like Eagle Rock dcz did a good job and may , change your defen ive think- . tart again t Cal Poly if his Ing. . I don't recall what back continues to improve. I told the boys at halitime, If Mendez docsn't open at tail- when we were behmd 21-8 back m the I-formation, soph- but remember that when w~ omore Jim Stauber will be got back to the dres ing room the tarter. for intermission e general A special gue, t was Roberto was waiting f Our Mendez, coach of the Mexico back Kelton ·1r. ton may be U. team that has dropped de- a better two-way player than l'isions to Marine Corps Re- Billy ;',,1artin and Al Hall of cruit Depot and Cal Western. past easons. . . Our next He ~aid he ha no recruit- opponent. Valley Ah-Stars of ing problem at the :-.Texico Van ::\'uys, is composed of City university becau -e there former college and s"mi-pro arc sever a I prep schools players who beat Eagle Rock, right on the campus and his 24-3.' as istants tram the prep play- I Lewis, Cal We tern, 32-28 er in fundamental . victor over Mexico IJ.-":'.\1ay- He pointed out his players be we were a little com- g a I n e d 206 yard rushing placent when we blew that against Cal We tern but In- 21-0 lead, but you ave to terccptions hurt them badly 'gi\'e coach Mendez' boys creel- \ m the 32-28 defeat. it for their stuntmg defense "I have made more than and speed.... We improved 60 trips to the , tate ," said considerably in a week. Boys ' 11endcz, "liut th1 trip to 'an who did well for us were Diego ha· b t b t ot Al Madi.on, who came through J a do \\ th some critical tackles· k San umph, witnessed sweltering fans, a season recor .. .. .$TAT First downs Rushing yardoH Passing YCLrdG-,e Pa55ing Passes lnterce, Punts ~~~~le:e~:ffzed .. lory agains I The Waves dropped their fifth game in a row without a win. Halfback Howie Williamson went 10 yards for l"SD' first score against the Waves on the first pla) of tl1P fourth quarter. Then with ·02 re- maining on the cloc half. back Joe Gray sped 63 \ards for the final 'fD. Both teams failed to disµlay much of an offensive punch in the early going although a good deal of this d prob- ablv be traced to th u ·u~l heat. Although the fir t' three J period were scorle s, SD clearly dominated the game. The Toreros ended wi a net of 248 ya1 ds rushing com- par~d to on!v • f Waves, the lat only 107 total ya and passing. Pepperdine • . • o o o 0 USD O D O ll-13 1t USD-Wllllamson, 1 0 run (kick folledJ. USD-Groy, 63 run (Rudzinski kick}. three defeats. FROSH OFFICER.<1-Fortnightly officers rec<'ntly elected by the fr bman cla1,s at the San Diego College for Women are left to right, An Di:Vanon, pre..ident; Claudia Downa, &e<:r~ ta~y-trea,urer, and 1'ancy Knox, dee president. • • * • • • 1 Aicala Park Players Set Fr. Serra Story I The Alcala Park Players will cesca Halligan, Kathleen Hal- present "Fray Junipero Serra- llgan, Deborah Potts, Judith The G1eat Walker' in the San Rowland, and Kathleen Shea., Diego College tor en thea- The choral under the direction ter at 8:30 p.m. this Friday, ot Clayton Fox will ing "'Ave I October 20, and .at 3 p.m. this Maria'' and "Emltte Spiritum Sunday, October •2t. Thi pre• Tuum.'' i;entatlon ~Iii! mark fhe f'lr~t Ticket.; will be Available atl dramatic int retail n or Mc- the box office ot ma be ob- ~inley Helm's book hl! same tained y · Theater I t1 tie. Department of the San Diego B. R. Van Vleck, h ad of the College for Women drama department, has elected -- ·----- arr)' Toledo, who passed 10 or 12 the first half; ,Larry Slover, two key !ntC'rc-eptions ancho • ·avar o and J essc lurdock . Occidental. next opponPnt will be a toughio." - Fr. Brugmlir¥ 11 "1 N To Speak o~ -~ Rev. uona1-d J. :Sl'u !lli, chaplain at the College for )\{,en, will be the guest speak- er on th program, "Let Then Be Light ' this Sun- at 9:30 a.m., ove panMl 8. His . Jude, p1 to produce t · story of Father Serra In th~ lorm of a. formal dramatic reading. The narrative \ will tr e Fray Serra' • life from his el lest years to his death at Mls.slon San Carlos Borromeo 1 ·1n Carmd, Calif. Singing and 1 dancing will accompany the,nar- ratlon. Ml'mbers or the cast are Don- na Brower, Sarita Doyle, Fran-
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