News Scrapbook 1959-1962
'Joh ~t>~ ~$)JY 1 Offers Merriment The Al('ala \fasqu('rs of thl' 1 as love and kissrs in abun- University of San Diego'5 Col-Id an <'I'. Also enjoyed 1ll the ll'ge for Men arr providing lc om e d y arr the . atlrical brisk entertainmrnt a n d thrusts aim Pd <1t pompou · much rnerrim<'nt ift Norman people in high placPs. Krasna's <'O d "John "John Lovrs Mary" is S<'I Lo\'PS Mary, • c-Jo~ing a thr<'e• in 1947 1n a de luxe suite in night run tonight al 8:30 in 1 'ew York's St. Reg'ls HotPJ the th te at thP Collrge for L e a ct i n g rol1>s ar(' ,·itall) Worn play d by :1-farty 1urpj1y a As . r.ected by Rrv. Leo F. John Lawrenc-1>, a soldlrr just Lanphier, Krasna s comedy back from e wa and by offers plrnty of humor as W<>ll Kathlern .Murphy, no r('fa- tion, as Mary ;1,icKinl<>Y, John's fianc<'e. Th<> role of Mary's iath<>r, S<'nator James Mcl{inlr~·. i~
2, 1'61
t.auu• llah•d l~,. .,.n
USO Toreros Seek First Wi In Grid Clash With Peppercline
I r.ialnst Chico Slale earli r this year. Satul'day' contest shapes up •• a. rugged match between two evenly ma.tched teams, each one !ightln desperately to take the flret 1tep on the win- ning tr1ul. I Starting Llne-~ps: '\\- a, ros. Terero" 7,unmt.rm•n l:300J 8 'J~~ro (1e~tiO) .Jepltll IIU) 0 Ell1olt (2UI li:\~fls (jg'JJ T ll_rllock ) Ora.le r,t HH) i, '\~~ 1 F ttOl 111:r, ,oo, ll y. Gabri 1 218'.,. no ( 2001 QB imln1er 1..,.,, ~1iholt 11561 JIB Dnk01'ali:I ( 2 0 5 ' Anry (1901 MB V:U1tat on ( 11 8905 )1 Wooton 01&) FB DtSan (
In t Jlm,nt• of ,. h•dttl b hind, tho fl n Diego Tor- turday·e 8 p.rn. P pperdln• !'t
Vlth thl'e
mun! ro\11
ity of
'n1v I
Balh1> t Ilium a" the chance to do a llltle c tchmg up in the
impres -Ively played hy Mar- tin Young, a biK shot b1•1tc•r adapted to politics than to the home. AnothPr pompou · roll' is played to the hilt by T('ny Kl'ttrnhof"n as Gen Harwood Biddle. Other agile acto1 contrib- uting to the SUCC'PSS of the production ar L, roy Pc•ndray as the McK!nle ' but!Pr, Doi , Jy Barr as Mary's h,-wlld('red, mothPr, Penny Nutting a · an Inconvenient charmer from Europe, and Hrnry Acquarel- 11 as Fred Taylor, the friend who aved John' Ir in the war, and Roger Irhb ch as the bogus Lieut. Viet O'Lca, ry. Frank O'Conn r briefly as a Red Cro who i. alrno t too h lpful. It is a pleai;u1 that the problems
oth le ms
th Ir !!rat win.
an Die o Marln:s laat week took the m ~ure nt USO, 37• o Th tartM, • printed to a 30-0 halft.lme le beh!nJ the Ing of fo1mer Uni r lty
---•~--~~-~Son 01.. 0 Union Staff Photo /1t'd1im1 ,•mly n•,,l'rrmlicms with ~Palinn arrangements in tlie "Golden ( in le ' ut ( irde , \,is T ftcaler {or the opening Louis Armstrong Jazz ( 011< eil or, '011 17 are Mrs. Thomn Tieman, lef L, and Mrs. Walter JiUis o[ tfll' l 1 nir1er:;ity of San Diego Arixiliary. The auxiliary will sponsor tf1e ronart and ci dinner Lo precede il al the Sands Hotel.
] "John Lov • dl'an•d up sud in the nick of time.
. . . ~lcala Gujl~~,Er£~~s if or Fashion Show 1 i,~!~ 1 : The Alcala Guild of the University of San Diego·• Coll~ge ll' Men will :,,8 p.m. this Monday, October 16, in the .ark cafeteria. l: pus. . t· d Dr'. T. Hillard rofes bu8ine~s adm ru&tra 10n an •onomlcs, M'lll be guest peaker. He II be introducoo by Father hn P. cadden, Colle for • the followtng area cbe,1rmen for Cen dean. A final report on the "Go! n ticket ~ales uhder the chairman: utumn" luncheon and fllllhion ship of {I'S'• .lerom S. Sherry• IOW slated !OJ.' 12:30 p.m. Mrs. \\11bur die~h. Ken-· aturday, October 21, in the sing-ton; ;Mrs. D. Ve B I e Y Jtdoor theater on the campus Coombe, La. Jolie; Mrs. J. J. •ifl be given by Mra. Daniel K. Hell, Hillcrest; Mrs, Lance, err cha.lrman. Jones, Pacific Be a ch; Mrs. ~~rge Scott will be the com- Vesco, :Mission Hil_ts;_ :M:rs._Rus- entator at the fa~hion show, sell J. Rawres, ,M1~s1on Village 1 lmost a.11 of the sportswear fo and Linda Vista; Mrn. Samuel ,la "Golden Autumn'' were Gal88so, North Park; _Mrs: A. L. rocured from western de- Giesing, East San Diego, Mrs. gners. Many of the special Charles F. Harr~don, Lemon •casion clothes were brought Gro,·e; Mrs. Mai le umn, :om New York. NnUonal City; Mrs. mlnlc De j J\1rs, Kerr and Mrs. Paul A. Pietrl, Loma Portal, and MM. eaco, co-chairman, have named J. J. Wilpur, Clairemont.
1 Comm.i ltee Narnedi :For Theater Party~ Members of the committee> Room of the Sands Hotel, to j ' for the University of San Di- precede the 8:30 p.rn. concert, , ego Auxiliary's theater party is being arranged by Mmes. ' at the Louis Armstrong jazz Walter Ellis a n d Thomas concert Nov; 17 at the Circle Tiernan. Gold chrysanthemums will Arts Theater have been. an- decorat<> the tables in keeping nounced by Mrs. Charles Rizzo, with the color theme. Din- chairman. ner guests will be seated In They are Mmes. Edward the "Golden Circle" at the Farrell, Emil Ghio, Phillp theater. . Nacozy, Stephen King, Leo Receiving dinper _guests will Heyn, Marcus Borlin, John be Mmes. Rizzo, ~1chard Bar- Gallagher and R!'gina Val- ber, auxiliary president; Harry dez. They are in charge of Collins, Carlos Tavares, Th?rn- ticket sales throughout San as Tiernan, Bernard Cunnmg- Oiego County. ham and James Mulvaney, A dinner party In the Flame board rnr _b_e_r_s_.______ gl)l-~-
The I y of San Di- ego has announced a 26-gam basketball slate for the com- in · ·eason. The Toreros open th~ campaign against Grand Canyon Coll('g(' here Dec. 1. Two tournaments arc on the schedule-the Kriss Kringle Kia sic at Anaheim Dec. 21-23 and the Pomona classic at Po- mona Feb. 2-3. The schedule: Dec 1 Grand convon Collecie; S, ot Whltti'er,' ,. ot Pomona i ,sWh~Iu~ron~~ ~~~'Jo .St~hfr_~l1e9! .~Sr Kriss Kringle Klosslc at Anaheim. 5 At Nevada South· Jon~ "at PJ~ftY~'A1r 'Force Bases 9, Col ern,t . 1 t Luke Air Force ease, res r~ro anyon College; 20, Orange c5ou~tv, StoteJ '1 at PhlbPOC: 2!,,._t. C~· co State; 29 ct Pohi USJU I'll ' ' atFL~vo1f_3 Pomona Closstc ot Pomo2al 22, e,· 0 1 Poly of Pomona; 27, at 0 Western. ---·-- IV
/0 /Jf-/fi Pecarovich ,Beefs Up USD 1 Linebacking After University of San Di- ego lost to University of Pa- cific, 7-40, Saturday, Torero coach Mike Pecarovich com- plained about his linebackers I Jacking size. It appeared Mike has taken care of that problem as the Toreros went through another/ hard practice session today. He's assembled a set of line- baclcers ll v r r a g i n g 211 pounds. Duane Rudzinski, the 210- pound sophomore who was a standout in the UOP game, has been moved from corner lineback to a middle spot, where he was joined by Dick Sherry •.It J90-pound fresh- man end. The w corner linebackers are Jim Gabriel (2181, former lackle who d6es all the To. rPrns· punti and Ray Yoast 225-IlJ)lrlld: • niw• u·hv moyecl / 'GRID COACH GIVES TIPS ON REARING BOYS A father of six girls gave some t ips on rearing boys in a talk last night to th,e Uni- versity of San Diego Auxil- iary. Mike Pecarovich, who qualifies as an expert on boys by virtue of 25 years as a football and clas . room teache said parents can win obedicnC"e only if they mC'an it when they give an order. I "You must also set an I example," he said. "You can't just say to your son, 'go to church,' while you watch a football game on TV." Pecarovich is f o o t b a 11 coach at the l niversity nf San Diego. He spoke at a dinner rnl'etlng given by the auxiliary for memhers' hus- bands and ,ether guests in U1e university cafeteria. from a ta " spot.
Sweet Taste of Vletorv Toreros Gun for W . a M t I n Ver
G • d r I
zona State University Bs, 21- include tackles nay Yoast and H, last Saturday. Guy Selleck, center Mike (';,1r- I Johnson's crew have lost to rola and guards Gray Elllott
and Wally Joos.
Sul Ross State, Pan hand I e
t d
I e ng coun e
on or
US an g S I .
top duty
A&M, a nd Ada'.11s ~tale,
The Toreros, m wmnmg their Rudzinski and Dorkowskl. first game of the sca.~on, show a 1-3 record for the season ~IC:STA. 'G~ Pos, TORUtOS
imi 1?~~;t m:, s,ncck 12201 McDevltt (1901 Gabriel (2181 Heminger (190/ m~) Desanti•
g Gu'Ji~!
The sweet ta~te of ~~ctory tlO-yard line from QuartcrbArk with losses to \Vhittler (27-0), ~f1\{:;:,.1\!gh, still on their lips, the Univer- Pat Heminger &nd behind a University of Pacific t, 12001 sity f San Diego gridders go perfect block by Gray rircled and the S v. n Diego Marines Word m,1 T (40-7), ~~tn 11 !j
(3 7-0).
f F.
C Derg (205) rian,111, <195)
fter their second win of right end for the ISCOre.
t Wlnkofisk1 1160) QB I O ~~~·:. 11W!l,
l:rn Wlllla~;~r,
t d
l I
L '
s a ~ar s Pxp;c e
The play was set up o, ft 28-
ea.son Saturday at USD
the visiting yard aerial from Heminger to continue their outstan ng P ay vasqu,z 12001 , s 8
Stadium against
1185 ,
Mus ngs from New Mexico Gray. \Ves ern University ln a 2 p.m.
The Toreros scored again
intersectional clash. with one minute remaining in Paced by the runrtlng of the contest on a. 63-yard run hal ks Joe Gray, Do Dor- by the speedy Gray.'Duane kow ~, Howie \Vllliamson, and 1 Rudzinski con rted to round fullb ck im Desantis, the To- out the scoring. re r o s completely dominated I Gray ended the evening with their ontest I as t turday 120 yards rushing on 14 car- with P reline C o I e g e to ries to lead the Torero attack. take 1 decision tram the I The senior halfback also picked 'Ave eleven. up 112 yards on punt and the Peps to a single kickoff returns. first d 5:1 yai!.1s n~t in Saturday's Mustang match the ~llf.tlft'·, department, _the should bring back bitter mem- l Toret. k e d u P 10 first ories to Torero Coach :Mike Pe- doY.'ll8 24.8 yards via the carovich, tor lt was In that game last season when a 200- D esp It e the overwhelming pound fullback by the name of edge In the statistical depart- Juan Vasquez bulled his way ment, USD wa.s unable to dent almost single-handedly to a. 29- the • coring column until the )20 win over the Alcala Park final quarter when Wllliamson team. rushing lanes.
Ry JOIINNY McDONALD U~iv('rsity of San Diego's footballers seek their second ~tra1ght and a bit of revenge today at USD Stadium when tr <'Y tangle with N'Pw Mexico WestPrn's Mustangs ·__ !11atch of th,e three-set series coming from behind to w i n 1s set for 2 o clock. the 1958 contest, 13-10, but be- Halfback Joe Gray and full- ing upset last year, 29-20. That • back Jim Desantis, the To- was the Mustangs only I Last week's 13-0 triumph a ~amst_ lhP v_ teran i1:,·aders over Prpperdine may have f1orn Silver _C'1ty, N.:\.[. Gray been lhe tonic Pecarovich's h~s p1c_ked up 171 ya!·ds in crrw needed. G1•ay, a 194- 32 carnes and DeSa_nt1.s has I pound senior, showed some of JJ«cked the ball 49 times for his 1)160 form against t h e JC8. 1waw•s wh<'n he pie-keel up 120 VSD coach \lilcP Pecarovich yards and the USD coach ls hopeful his offense h a s hopes that he is finally rrady p11ll<>rl out of second gear. It to roll the rest of the season. ~~-11 have to be if the Toreros Going with Gray and De- 11 tend lo keep pace with the 1Santiq in the USD backfield JI. u~tangs onC'-rnan gang will be quarter!-~ k fat Hern. Kickoff for lhe r u b b e r1 rcro's leading grnund gainers. tory in 1960. ml!_ pace the USD attack
DRIYING HALI.-SA.Cll.-Don Dorko",kl, ace halfback for the t ·n1-,•r lty ol ,·an Diego Torero,, I ho11n picking up yardage In th P<'1>p<'r
. Both will be ~<'<'D In action at % p.m. Saturday
,·i,itlng Wav
at U, D 8tAdlum when the l'i'<'W l\lexko ,\·e,t
com-, to Alcala Park.
Behind 21-0 afler 21 2 per- iods, the Toreros fought back but were unable o make up the yardage. Vasquez Is back again this year and Is ranked second In the nation among small college rushing performPrs with 632 yards over six games. Mustang Coach Al Jotm;on has built his offense comp! ly around the El Pruso, T gridd and has had reaso able succr with the plan. Th~ ~!ustangs have a 3-3 reco1·d
took a pitchout at the Wave
~l> to Stag 'My 3 Angels' " • fy Three Angels," the turn a bleak Christmas into Sam and Bella Spewack come- a happy affair for the rnan- dy about a tr(o of unusu~Ilager of the French penal colo- penal colony mmates, will ny·s general store and his The College for Men Mas- quer production has been di- . MAR~' OPE~$ reeled by the Rev. Leo F. [ _:., ,. • , /o /,JI, I Lanphier. Featured in thr title Tne'S.. catftfasqu -s'J(f/ roles arl' Tom O'. ·em, :\like the University of San Di- ::\IcDevitt and Hank Acquarel- ego's College for Men Ii. Others in the ca" t are Fred opened a th ee night-run Hou~ton, Ellrn Hawtree, Hel- of o r m an asner's en Baker, ,Richard Barsell, comedy, ''John v rs Jim Gunning, John Coombe Mary," last nl_g In the , and ~argaret Bangas ·er. th rater al 'the ere f r Repeat performances are Women. lain · scheduled Fliday and Satur- 8:.10 p. day at 8:30 p.m. Th The plot of "My Three An- hy Rev Leo F. Lanphier . gels" tells how the convicts A re,·iew bl Constance Herrestioff ·fll lj. tomoris w I The • ego Union. open a weekend run at the famil Uni\'ersity of San Diego Little ___ Y· Theater on Thursday! 'JOHN LOVES
f,:iwie wn.
ing-rr and haHba
fL!lback Juan Va ·qucz
Ii mso
•ins over New
thus fa ::\f ex I!!
~W MtxkO
(who de-
(2lll ½abriel ( 2? 0 Ji t\\fgt~ l (190J Gurrola! 11 i1n/f~~l ,n 90 ,o) Mcljevltl. , l
feated P ppe 1\1' 18-161, 17-7; Ea.stern An~n 11-0; and Ari-
) HemtnfJer (1941 Grav/ (190J wmromson < 185} Desantis USD Auxiliary To Sponsor Show University o! San Diego Auxmary will sponsor the opening night of L o u l s A r mstrong at the Cir - cle Arts Theater Nov. 17. Serving as chairman of the benefit a It a I r will be Mrs. Charles Riz- zo. Mrs. MRS, RIZZO Walter El- lis, her cochairrnan, will be In charge ot the pre-show dinner party. Guests will gather at 6:30 p.rn. in the Flame Roorr of the Sands Hotel ,and will be seated together in th theater.
Sopl1omores Plan Potluck . . ll 'lBl~R,' 6 ~•"'"-···of the ,·ophomore cla•. cof the University of San Diego College for Women wilJ be entertained this afternoon at a potluck supppr at the home of Joan Karp ins k e, 4135 :l3rd St. Refreshm('nts will be pro,•icted by day stu- dents. Freshmen (')Pcted th <' 1 r third group of fortnightly of- ficers last week. Serving for the two-week period are Se- rita Doyle, president; ::\farga- ret Martin, , ice presidrnt; and Anne Jurika, e c ry- tr<>asurer. The social coum;il r c College sponsored a i!anc·e for upper cli,-ision :;t · Frirlay in the Ro,;r. Ro rn Judith Bremner, o al chairman of thP college, was in charge.
T oreros Launch 1 , Ca e Play Dec. 1 i The 1 n1,·er itr of San Di- H ego will oppo e Grand ·an-H yon College here Dec. 1 to . oprn its 24-garne basketball schedule, it was announced · yesterday. Inrluded in the schedule are two tournaments - the Kriss Kringle Klassic at Ana: heim Dec. 21-23 and tLe Po- mona c-Jassic at Pomona Feb. '23. The Schedulc:>: / Dec. 1, Grand Canyon College• 8 at Whittler; 9, al Pomona; 15, at 'orOn Coon!); Stato College; JS, Whlltler· f 9 •1 ~fd'sosr~ 0 t;,._u~~~~PfTl. 21·23 Kriss Kr'Jng18 Jan 4, Phlbp 5, At Nevada South ern; 6, at NtUis Air Force Bose; 9, cai; Western, lJ, ot L.uke Air Force Base I 15, at Grand Can.,c,n College; 20 Orang(! County State' 24, of Phibpac; 21: "' Chi- ~f Lsi~tfa. .2 ot f)oJnt Mugu NAS; ~o. , Feb, 2-J, Pomono Classic at P 2 est~f~. Poly Of POfllOPl01 27, at Vo_lley_College 0"7 o 76 o • o 125
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