News Scrapbook 1959-1962
l3/l~Ju-/ Pepperdine
TO START AGAINST LONG BEACH ST. ;; £1 .J f) Uw.Hv AT BW3OA STADIUM S'JJ~)i),r T orer s attle Wave T h between the guard aild rather than the usual tackle P•,'0,· and .~A, The formation paid ,1 off wtth a net of 248 yards '" 1 f ruahing compared to only 60 ckle ~- • • • By CHUCK AWYER mt a pa ~. Ing game 1s es- · 1 ~;~t~~~e~gains t Long Beach Loesch:i~\nt~:{1~ How v h last week's big showing with 333 yards In 73 carries. Joe Gray ls next with 243 In 49 trips. USO has remained close to the opposition on the ground but ls badly out- classed in the passing de- partment. Th e opposition 1 has gained 962 yards to 908 for USD on the ground in five contests but has a big bulge, 728 to 261, in the aer- ial department. if~= .STATISTICS USO T h e temperature W a s 2 1 431 2, FJrst downs Ru,hfn1 vordo1e • Passini yarda.. ~~;m• ~~:::t,., 1 0 , 1 . •. •••• . . . . th 90 d hovering around e e• · Marrah will return to ac- t1on after sitting out the last Pecarovich said he would st art Don Dorkowski and Ho\\'ie Williamson at the halves and Jim Desantis at game. grre marK bµt lt still took University of San Dir.go and lntmopted br .. "W,.'ve s co11te
2-1~ °'·~ 0 '·! for the visitors. '° 51 Pepperdine had o ly a net Pepperdine three quarters to Yan1, ••nallzed · · get warmedbbeudp Tor os gra il dslo b 11 belf3-0ore fthte dcsperatlo~ p: s; es and a total of 107 of!e Ive yards, i a oo · . d I on Y one gaining 47 on s x pass com- r the Waves and they pletions out of 16 attempts. Detrrmined to regain pos- u'\?sO.::wnnamson, ·,o· run 1klck 1a11e<1J. b II d ..... : ,i--u 1 gave up the a on owns. P••••Nllne ... .. . . . . • : yar s.witd1ed from an aft<"rnoon affair at thr new USD stadium since pr,•ss hox and lor·krr room faciliti<'s wen• not cnmpleted and also lo avoid a ,·nnllict with MCRD 's daylight homP with ('a l Pol) of f'o1>10na, Cnal'h 'Wik,• PN·arnvich ha: not Y" brP , a blP 1<1 mam: faC'!ure an ollPnslvr lirf' un • dc•r tlw usn Pli!vPr which has sc·rirPd on!_ sl'Ven points in losirrg lo Whilth•r t2i-01 , P11c-it ir. U . (10-71 and '1CRD t:l7-0) SA.'11 ~' l-i1'AR'l'J 1 ;m; Tit•• \,Vavl's havP fan•d a lit 11(' IJ!'tl ('r hut have ill f'Ollll' out 011 t hc sho.-1. end of game with Sa <'1·anwnto Stat<• (21-0J . Chil'o Sta1e (27-!Gl , New .\1.ex- ico llighl.inds 1 18-rn , anrt \VhiltiPt· la s t \HePI< 1 28•11 , p,,,·arnvich is sticking with th!' Sfl Jn (' TO r ,. I' 0 S lineup whid1 howt'd to thr Marines la st Wf'l'k. Fullback Jim DP- Santis cont inue~ to servr a s USD's most (I' t1g,, ous run. n,•r , picki ng up 1\0 rds in 11 c-ai-ri <'s u v;a 11st 1.hl' Nlarinrs. Allltoui,:h quarterhaPI< Pa ( I!Pmiugrr has <'omplf'tecl only ('ight ol 'l3 pnss at lrmpts this sPaso11 lw may find himsel/ ag,li n:-t llu· Wnves whose pass d el<'11St' INtV('S something to hP d('sirr•cl. P<'pperclinr out gai n<'d ruggPd Whittier on thr ground last wr r k hut w a s swampi;d in tlw a f'rial drpar( m rn l. HECORO B }!AK lt m,adi111{ the Waves' attack is i;ophomon' fullback R o n W o o I t o n who brok thr school's t ushing record last yPa 1· as a fres hman. Fresh- ma n QuartP1hack Derek Shel- ton is rf'covcred from leg in- juriPs tha t sidrlinrd him !or t hr pas! two game· lo g1vc> 6-1 and 2m-pound hrui:er. is the wa ,·ps' <"h il'f pass receivrr w ith IJ ,·atdws thus lat· this "iPHSOl. Jnc lL cl('(! on the Pcperdine ro t 1· a t'<' 1wo San Diego pro- duc ts, ha lfhack Wilnier Green i-rom Kr arny Hi gh and tackle l{al ph !'oh rotn Lincoln. l'rolla hl, l1111·> lmcuw / th•• visitors a ddcq tr th. Enrl ;\,lik,• \ ·~ ,t ,•.id1, In Balboa Sta- draw play game .nlit 1~ mm <1S mg . . . d a fullbark backfield . to round out the . The v1s1tmg Waves actual Y never got out of the DeSantls Is the Torero's No. 1 ground gainer after run re- session and apparently flgur- they dropped ing USD would only run out --- uso-Grav. &J frigerator as NEW TIME & SI TE SD 11 ___________ their fifth game without a the clock win this · eason. U D ta strd Into a 10'.man defensive line the Waves moved f/\.lJ.laP I epper • 1 s • h d I f WI tc e victory for the !irS t time with the 11th man only a few after three setbacks. yards back. Gray hit the t. Halfb CK Howie William on middle rd ,around right and ha.'d no one between him or . on and the goal by the time he the opening play of the fmal was five yards past the line quarte r. It climaxed a ss- of scrimmage. yard march in srven plays Pepperdine came to life for about on a 27-yard pass from quar- th re e minutes left In the terback Pat Heminger to g a m e. Quarterback Derek halfback Joe Gray to the Shelton connected on two Waves' 11 yard line. straight passes for a total of With 1 :02 remaining In the 29 yard and two first downs game, Gray scooted 63 ard~ to the Waves' 42 but the for the final '.fD with Duane drive bogged down moments Rudzin kl hooting the con- later. version, The Torero · came up with The Torcro~ had possession a new A offenshe formation on their own 37 after three lwith the slot-T man linlng up end for usl5 s fl with the big gainer coming the first time with found a small hole went 1 The University of San Diego has :switched its football game with Peppcrdine from afternoon to Saturday night and from USD Stadium to spacious Balboa Stadlum, il was a nnounced yl!stcrday. Kickoff is slated tor 8 o'clock for the fourth mt!c1ing be- tween the 1WO C h O O l s. The chan • rm de so as and the press box have not not to <;,QIJIW~~ W tll th fa. b(' finished at the new sta- r ine Co R. rult rpo • al dium," Boh !(Ing, l/SD pub- Poly Pomo ) contest to be li<-ity director, statrd. played . aturday afternoon at Mranwhile, Torcro con ch Hall F ield, a school spokes- :I-like PPt'arovi<'h was making man rt'ported a Jrw minor adjustments hlm - "This also was made nrc- self. essary bC'causc locker rooms Mike ::-rarrah, a l95-pound C) ;JOHH. \ \lcUON,\LIJ • • • STATISTICS LB< 17 280 .. 4-10 ' 4-19.2 1 '' USO 10 \83 0 H • 1-31.1 • JS First downs RushlM Poss Ing Passes Pnses Intercepted Punts Fumbf-,; lost Ptnal11n frr shman fullback , has b('Cll shifted to guard; thil·d string tackle Don Kubeika, a 6-3, 197-pounder, has bcrn given linebacker chorrs and T o n y Pugliese, a 160-j)ound half• back, has been m o v c d to quarterback . Puglies!', a :.13-yca r-olcl fresh• man , has impressed Pecaro- vieh with th<> way hr handles the club and believes Tony has the potential of becoming a fine leader. At present, Pu- gliese will be playing behind Pat Hemlng<'r and N r I s o n Murphy. With IIeming<'r completing only eight of 3:3 pa:sses for 119 yards and Murphy doing little better, Pecarovich 1s not at- isfled with his quarterba ing. After three games, fu!Jb<1c Jim Desantis once again. lead the club in ru Ing with U yards in earrie . Do Dor- kowski, a halfback, is next with 81 yards in 12 carries. Sr.N DIEGO, C4LIFORNIA i,· .\Ion. Ol'l. i 3, 1061 Football M b-6 I * • * ore at .3 'OU 1an le o ial Stad1UM. tontnlned the backs but 1 about a of abou• m the t rd thr k1C'k •, • ol ) Ton•ro e Torero Win an Diego whippe d . ·cw ) l exico We'>l· !!. n, 20-18, Saturday a t USD Stadium. _but what un- doubtedly wa the Torcros' most exc1 mg and best- played gamP of the season also ma) have been the most i.:o ·tJy. mi-n, J?Ua · Jim Davis and half- hack Larn Strohmeyer, suffered elbow dislo ation in the hard-f~ught contest and will mi~". at least. three week: ' action, accordi lo team phy 1cia n Dr. Richa rd Luther. e,·eral othPr Torrros wer e bani;ed up hut are l''-· prcted to plav Saturday night when USD tra~els to Long Beach State. Hallback Don Dorkowski was th most erious o[ the c. He was injured in the latter part of the game and was taken to Mercy Hospital ~vhere six stitches were required to close a gash over his e):e and seven more needed to close a cleat wound m his hand. Although U D's offense romped at its most productive rate of the season, its performance was matched by the defenders who intercepted three passes, ;CO~bled up one fumble and held Juan Vasquez, the nation s_ No. 2 small-college ground-gainrr, to 93 yards on 19 carrws. Although New :\lexleo Wt>stern's bruising 200-pounder wasn't shut out by any means, he has held to 29 yards in the ·econd ha!!. Vasquez brought a 7.6 average into the na me on 632 ·a rds in 83 carries. e Toreros used both t he A and the T-formatlon again t • ew , 1cxico Weste rn and halfbacks J'?e Gray and Howt William~on and fullback J im DcSantls had a held da). D eSanti was the bi,:- gun , r olling up 167 yard s on '.! carrie.. a 6.9 average. Gray covered. 88 ya rds on 17 carries and WiUiamson r ambled 15 times for 78 1 _ 1 )ai-ds. d . 1 •h Tor The hard-charging DeSantis score _tw1_c c or u,e · rim, durina- theit' second half surg. Hts first came when he <:irclcct''right end into the embrace of two Mustang 1 tacklers. The 185-pound senior tore away_ before the of- J fidals could blow the ball dead and contmued 48 yards for the score. De anti s chalked up the deciding tally in the foo~th ( period on an eight-yard burst which left N~w Mex~co we ·tern 1r Ung, -12. The Mustangs retaliat ed with their a ce en , l"lydc B rg, scoring on a pass from Walt Winkowski. s Quarterback Winkowski evident!)'. thought he was _con- 1 fusing the Tor er os by not usmg his totprygrbou ;~i;ap1:~~• \~'. Va squez for the two-point convers10n • though ~omplete , went out _of the en_d zone and the Tor - cros were leit with the winning mar gm. Spe edy halfback Ray Cross put New , _cexico West~rn out front earl). returning the opening k_1ckoff 90 ya r_d~ for a touchdown. The Toreros came n ght back wit Gray runnin" eight yards a nd lea ping over a t ackle~ into the Duane R udzinski kicked the rst o the important conversions. . The l\lu tangs went a hea d a gain on a ~ix-ya r d pass f ·om Winkowski to Berg in the second pe:1od. T_hat s~ th stage for Desantis' second-half heroics which le th: Mustangs with notliing to look forwar_d to but a two- day bus trip back to Silver City. New M~. By JACK RE BER t;niver~ity of Long ch St. Ekes Out 14-12 Wi SD oe - SD for Tilt r Unin•rsitr of San Dirgo PPcarovich pla!fls to give Mur-1 •e I com rd Joe Loesching phy mor e of a t ri al In an ef- hack to the lineup tocla:,;. The fort to p<'rk up the T orero )SJ.pound halfback missed pass game. Hem inger will last \\ eek's game in which handle most the defensive t he Torl'ros whipped l\ e w \\Ork and sprll Murphy on o!- Iexieo Western. He sat out fens<'. 1 • with a greenstick fracture o! Fullback Jim Desantis' a n- his ri~ht cl a \ick. tics a ga i n s t New Mexico l D · h 111, c P eca ro• \V e t er n Saturday vaulted l r a nounccd he'll start him back to the top a mong 1 i;opt omore • 'cbon Iur phy at T o r c r o ru ·hers. Desantis I uarte1 back agam~t L n g scored two touchdowns and ! • Beach ' late Satu r_day 111ght. gained 1 3 1ards on 24 carries • Ju i r at llc mmger' has tor a 6.9 avr>ragr. l handled. the bulk of th e qua r-J That output almost doubled , 1 l"rbacking chores to date but his season rushing total. Go- \ ing in to the game the fier y I •• 185-pounder had ga ined 168 ' ,·ards, second to halfback Joe • Gray who had 171. Gray car- t ried 17 times for 88 yards · B In 1.irned out to be •ou hdown. Uy 110\\ RD II G I•,!\ M r[n C rp Recruit Depot, ni-<'d all thc11· artillery against the town's only unbeaten foot-1Cal Poly of Pomona here all tram on the college level, Saturday afternoon coach tou h r th.rn la t ye, r, an Scotty llarTi told the QB oppo It 11 o ch aid y stcr- C'lub d y "I" the U D game," said Mike Perarov1ch coa •h The wi'ld, although dying own soml'what in the fourth ••riod kl'pt Lo"lg Brach drcp 11 1t country t'lrn l'e Tor- ros were ab'e to grab a 49er mhlr on thl' Lor,g Beacl' 24 11idway of t'1<' final stanza rhree pla~ latrr Don Dor to" ski mt ft I ackle to- !) yard a a tou do11r The t d o tie i "ith a u but I pill>iout was bobbl d. - 1 Parochials Plan Ba·nquet University of San Diego head football coach Mike Pecarovlch will be the principal speaker at the San Diego Parochial Ath• letlc Association banquet, it was announced today by banquet chairman Joe Ottombrlno. The affair, honoring the coaches and athletic directors of the parochial schools, will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday, Decem- 1 ber 10, in Ble~sed Sacrament parish auditorium. Acting as master of cere• monies will be Bob Sexton, athletic director of the Univer- •lty. I\ Other featured speakers will d Include the h ea d f o o t b a 11 B coaches of the three area Catho• lie high schools: Tom Carter of f/ St. Augustine, Bob Trometter l\ of University High, and John Strub of Marian High. Two majol' awards will be b presented to two of the league's 0 coaches: The Lee Tracy Me- morial Ti'ophy to the outstand- G Ing parochial league coach and ti t)l.e Father Daniel O'Donovan f, Trophy presented to the lndl- g vldual who by his loyalty and fl 1ervice · has aided the associa• tlon. , The late Mr. Tz:,acy was a o coach at St. Martin's parish in G La Mesa before his death three 1• years ago. Father O'Donovan, presently n: pastor ot Precious Blood parish S, in Banning, was a former di• P rector of the league. Bill Whittaker, St. Augustine Y High coach, is now league di- C: rector and is assisted by Ot- 6 tombrtno. , Tickets for the banquet may i, be obtaln~d by calling Ottom· 1 rino, BR 7,1546. I .. < ' Defensi\C'ly t·::-D bottled up halfbacks Dallas i>loon ar,cl i<'nrv Ednev. '.\loon had 6, •ar,I; ir fom:- trips. 46 of them n the f rst srr,Mmagr play ~f the game Edn). wtio act ninf'•vard avl'ra ge, 1, a eld to :¼ In six ca r e Long Brach s cored quickly and with ease In the first pe- riod with only two minut<'s gon<' Hartman we'll off the ight :1dr for 26 yards and a ~cor Tom Turrill made the fir st of two I rtant plal'e· ments. CSD ha'1 a break in the llrst period when a Lon_g Beach punt went nut on the 19rr 41 but couldn't take art- vantage of it. BR1':AK HELPS The Toreros mad thf' most of an other cha nce a httle lat- Pr wben Al Borza mtercepted Curtis Bennf'tl's pass on the Lon" BEaeh 39 Six pla),s lat• er Grav went trr last 15 )iards around right c d. The kick, however, "as low. 1'SO stopped two Long Bcac'1 thn- at i'l the :;('cond period. It recov er r d a f..tmble on the l/SD 2"2 and hll tcd a 46-yard ma rch on Its 21. 'Ihe strong w1.-.d then cam o the a d of Long "Bl'ach. USO 6 0 0 6-12 Lon, BKCfl SI. 7 0 7 1)-14 LBS----Har n, 26 run (Turrill kick USD C,roY 1$ -l"UR (k ck fa led). LBS-Hartm 1 (Turrill klc ) uso-Oorkowsk, 19 run (Run to le~J. aga inst the Mu:stangs but al- I though that amounted to a 4 .2 a vera ge, it didn 't stop h i m from slid ing into second. I F ive-game s tatistics; TE4M first downs rushing 40 39 i1~:: ~i,~nres 1 ~ j total first downs 54 68 total rushing Plan 320 263 rushing vardaoe 1,0W 1,08<1 yards lost rushing 11? 122 net rushing 901 962 posses attempted B~ 93 posses completed :21 • 7 passes hod Intercepted 5 5 net vords pos;ing 161 728 total offensive plovs .cos 356 total offense 1,169 1,690 punts 30 30 cuntimr overolil• :5.7 37.8 fumbles 17 13 fumbles lost 10 B l'UOl't:R (ALL '11H• Aztec roach admf ed Lon ' HPach hurt his team with pa · e Into the middlr zonr·, ,ometimes left unpro- tPctcd b · stunting linebackers. , • Thn 1 made a proper c o ell said, \\hen AztP r J oe Meeker brought a l a d enalty !or running Into the Long Beach punter with 90 econds re- ma1nin The )Jcnalty kept l·xccl- Long Beach In possession of the hull and ended San Di- 11 l' JinP !State plays there Sat- J>U urday night) a1 •ra ,•s :.!29. amt•s Al Lr.wis, , ho , West- b .... os i-rn t(•am hoy, t La Verne a l Pol Col!Pgc, 33-0 Id h i club I ictory. mo1 "rl. th,• ball w1•ll. garn ng about 600 y,,nls hut \ \a.· 11
3~1 J! Fi Ct sr ~~ ~~ti~~ naliled Cumulaliv• Score by Quarters Dr raise At OB luncheon •O 122 USO Ooo. 7 0 7 26 so 32 13 27 INOIVIDUAL Rushing 73 3,1 a 3JJ 243 OeSontls Grav Oorkowsl(I William~on Leich11!9 Gabriel Rudzinski Heminger Murphy Gabriel Grav Gabriel McDevltt Oorkowsft,i Gabriel 4.6 US ces Big Assignment ,9 19 35 9 263 H8 139 AS 18 20 0 l,U 136 '' IS 7 6· J'.91 4.9 -4 J 1 ' 18.0 590 918 Passing Ao 11 1 170 0 i tory Repeat from corner backer 37 8 2 4 0 71 20 ~I 34.: WI In Making Ry JOJDi.•Y ~trDONALD The UniYei·sity of San Diego football quad un- doubtedly has the harde~t a ssignment of the school s fii·e-year grid operation n~xt Sunday _ that of makmg history repeat itself. SD is re- ceil·in" condolences in ad• \ a ncc Alter · II ar en't the Torero~ facin g insur mount- a ble odds? That' s the :\la• r inP Cor p • Recr uit Depot the,·'re facin g at Balboa Sta.dium , you know . Last year, the San Diego collegians were sympath~t- ically patted on the heads m advance. However, a young quarterback named Jan Chapman engineered the blggest of local upsets as USD tr ipped the Mannes, 21-20. "We' \·e revamped our of- fense for this game in hopes of coming up with our be~t eflort this season.' ' said USD <'oaeh Mike Pecaro- vich. "Chapman was sue- C(•ss!ul with the spread a!'-d WP'll try it again with eith, r ):clson :;\lu111hy or Pat lfrmmg£L" at quarter- back." , ither signal caller Once again 2 Pou R:eceivTn9 s lOSLoeschnig 39Willia m son 35 OeSontls -4 6 2 \\ Pl"I' 1 l'r:,, d1 35 to a Puntln! •r th( 27 35.IYaast ame we ihe all-round a b i l i t Y o! Chapman, who since has been graduated from the university. However, Hem- inger is the b~st man on the option while 1iur phy has the potential of being a fine passer. After yesterday's hard drill at USD's stadium, Pe- caro1·ich felt "the' ·i «- l!rttin~ the idra of W in- tends to start Don Dorkow- ski at right half in place ?f Joe Gray and may ha\ e Howie Williamson at left half in place of Joe Loesch- nig. "The line worked well and tile spirit is high;'.' ?ecarovich commented._ l think we may do a ~1,tt1c more hitting tomorrow. l\like said he would open with Heminger at quar ter- back but indicated that Mur• phy would see a lot of serv- ice. Other changes were made want. Pecarovich sa id he in the defensive unit. Duane Rudzinski. a :no- 1,ound sophomore who_ made many of the tackles 111 last \leek's Uni\ ersity of Pacif- it- game. ha he~n ·1,itched J m id d 1 e post along with freshman Dick Sherry. New corner men will be Jim Gabriel t2181 and Ray Yoast, a 2'.!5-pounder ~vho played with the . I, nues last year. Guard~ Jim D ts and Bil Kugl , who ha\·e been in_jured. may see some ac- tion against the Leather- neclts. Jineba•'.ker g 1 Session Scheduled I Child Guidence tw /Ill(( n 0 Hll\)' \\t' Olli grdnNI cllf'd by 175) arel~ in I n111tl . 111 t T Ill's ch bt t y tt oc . ' LPwls, who lndicatecl h h('l'll bNtt:r satl:ifl'd with om. ·i11ti11 . said, "We coache · \\Cf(' on one . Ide of tht• field and olf!cin I on lhf' oth('r. We 11~1 er rould find out what \vr Wei-I' do 11" ,, rong to get three ,111<1 !our prnnltle in a row, or what pla yprs were dolng It " ... ~a l We tc•rn 's next oppo,1 ·11t, Whittler thrrr Sat- unluy, l<1 not big but fa t, Lewi aid. ha~ e slon in child guidance will be held for parents of young n at 7·30 tonight at Mercy-Guadalupe Clinic. The clinic is located at 4050 Sixth Avenue Extension and adjoins M re Hospital, 4099 Hillcrest Drive. Dr. Maxine Gunderson is the leader of what she prefers to ch1l - call a "discussion group" rather than a study course. She is an associate professor of psycho• logy at the University of San Diego's College for Men. Dr. Gunderson outlines the basic principles of guidance and discipline, then leads a discus- sion of actual case problems presPntcd by the parents. While one meeting is held each month, the plan is to make the individual session complete in itself so that those parents who attend a seRslon will not be handicapped by mis~ing a previous one. :Mothers and fatheu alike are invited. 'fhe1·c 1s no charge.
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