News Scrapbook 1959-1962

Must Stop :Va quez' Runni n 5.10. 200-pot1nd1 Thc-We>sli>t·nel'S ha\·p b, aten . ~ullba_ck. will b<' lC'ading lhe'N<'w J\IPxico JJighlands, F:ast ; mva?mg lore es trom N••wl Arizona ,I .C'. and th<• Arizona 1 M1•x1c·o Wf'slPrn tomorrow Stat<' Univc•1·s11y B's, and ; aft<>rno~n V.:h<'n they battlP have lost to Adams Stair!, Sul th<• Um\·crs1ty of San DH•go Ross and Pa11handlP A&l\1. gridden; al USD Stadium, . l If Juau VasquPz isn'I a 011P <'lll"<'rl squad rnosl of v.hom ;lm:rn tt•am, hp's tlw rlo,c>st werP around wlwn It upsPt ( thing- to 11. j Vasqtwz, _a t'SD last yea!', 29-20. _Ed Heinsius and Clyde> Brrg Tommy Jor. King at tackles, Jrdi, lrlLtal rr110.hing re•·· will he at <'nds, Leo Ward and 1S: What makes that Pven JTI(JlP J. D. Williams and H.ob<'rt ~'. imi,o ing is lllat th1.· total is CaslanE·d t guarrls and Mar- ~: grrate1 than the TorPro'pllY_ StPff rt t <'Pnte1·. Waltl't· .:1team n1 hing ma1·k for r rlW1nko I I rt at quar- ir- <'Ollie ·t . U' D ha pil'kl'tic A:sociation s m a J l I ony Yan,..,. Mrxico has a V!'\eran:

Coryell Calls Sa turday's Meeting 'Toughest Of Season' For State By HOW.\RD H.\Gf:. .Coache, of the San Diego State and Univc>rsity of Sar Diego. football teams, which meet for• the first time Satur• day mght m .Aztec Bowl, traded compliments at yesterda • wc>ekly meeting of the Union-Tribunc Quartrrback Club.



coach Don Coryelll...-----,,,,_..


~aid "this no doubt will be our toughest game of the S<'ason. Our scouts, Tom Bass and Jim Erkenbeck, saw USO at Cal P o I y or Pomona last ' weekend and reported USD's line may give u more trouble than Fresno's." '.',,t i k e Pecarovich, whose USD club Jost to Cal Poly by 41-2, largely b..-cause of Polv's a e r i a I bombardment. said '·coach Al Lewis of Cal Wes tern told me S\ate can be stopped. Y 01:1 just need eight , men m thr !me and six in thel backfield.'' : Pccarovlch,who can take a l whipping with the best of aft. , er-dinr:cr speakrrs, said •·we did a pretty good job against their rushing but couldn't stop their throwmg. Our men were in position but couldn ·1 handle their recci\ er .... We wcr 0 40 minutes latr coming out for the Sl'l'onrt half, so I told the r<'f it took us 25 minutes to talk our l!len into coming back onto the fleld. • Coryell a aln pra1 ed l>is a J. t. rnatlug qJarterback , Vayn Scv1 r and Larry Ko m l r I or their pas,ing in the 54-3·1 onquest of Cal Western. Each \ ompleted four of five aerials or a total of 270 yards, which came P \\ith a couple of touch- \ 1wns." Cor) ell added, "I ked one of our playrrs what is the matter out there. And I . :r plied "you should see 'Ir ryPs. Thcy·re bigger n their heads.' Cal Wes. \ led the Aztee record. When Cal Western


By HOWARD HAGEN for 56 . San Die_go State _gained the fense and Kern Car n wry ard . We tern al. o had good first leg m its "city series" httle on defense. They arc our Pnds In Terry Greeson and here Saturday night, conquer- best secondary men again.-! Uvaldo Martinez. Coryell said he- was happy appointrd they burned us for point record for Aztec Bo I. with Mendez' 46-yard touch- 20 points in the firs! quartl'r, of rio. for clown burst. The Aztec half- but after that it was PV<'n in the season, will re u m e back has been both!'rerl most scoring. Takr away thP M<'n- led out Petties player! no elf'- <'atch!ng six passes ing Cal Western, 54-34, In a pa.• es." game that set State's total- Lc>wis said "we wc>rc> dis- The Aztecs, now 5-2-1


thC' lhe


thn npp 0 •


~; 675 Janis

nl'l'IS havp dani•(•d to !lie tlllll' rubb,•1· matc·h

first gam" In 19:'i •

Tlw • <'W :'vl<'Xic-O squad will Th<' TO I"(' r e returning with an nxpPri• cc1unt<'I' w th l'a

q11nrtNOII.Cl·, :rnd Howit> William on at halv,•s und ,fim Dc•S1rnt"s at lullh:H'k. The line will have Mikf' Jc• DPrmitt and Jim <;nhri end~, Ray Yoast and G lt>ck at taek!es, Wall and <;ray Elliott at gu:nd and M lk,, (; urrola "t c(•ntt•r. .JnP c--:r11)

Safery Lone USD Score

dez run and they gained only C'ighl yards rushing in thP sec.

cross-town action in the same arena Saturday night in


stat• wes1 m }J: rn u: ,lt tU 1:

~~:J. d,?.,":~rn, t;'a~• .~~;: ~:::: i~:=i:/::

colll. fo

ond half.




'"Their spred

with University of San Diego. The> Aztrc-Westc>rn g am e, ViPWed b) 7,500 fans, was a l ~~~!lu.. battle hetween the "home run" I Panes interceo1ed bv

?I C_ooks, PPtt!rs and Mendez \\as too mtl<'h for our rte!rnsr: , though we had warned them

2 3


did 't


at out ·t 1 ,

1 Fumblos 10st


r<'a Z<'




Aztecs and the lighter, scrap.

IPY, grind-It-out Westerners, lof the sea.,on by a lame knee how fast th<' Az~<'c backs r~al- who stayed in the fight on but Coryell said "it looks likP ly wPrP. But it was a fine fine passing by qu rtcrback he's ready at last" for the ~amP and ~-p hope to play Jim Hombs l'SD and MarinP Corps Re- State again. ' I San 01.. o 20 12 I 1'-54 Thr Aztecs sped into a 20-0 ' cru I Depot gamrs. ca1 we,1ern o 14 , 14-34 lead in the first period but Western coach Al Lewis was ,,:? kl~~••• 1 5. oass from Sevier


The Toreros are in a tough



was fired up, all right."



This time th!' mversi Y O oryell said his men "must 5an Di!'go faces the prospectl y their best game" to get of meeting the top small-col· t USD. lege passin team in th e na- rchle :\f o o r c, the light tion Cal Poly of Pomona. v veight box i n g cham- 1 'The game is set for 8 p.m, 1 was a guest at the Saturday at Los Angeles \ e k 1) luncheon meeting State College. I at Town and Country ' The Broncos have complet- el Jack Murphy, sports er! 109 of 20a pas. es for 1 , 9~ 2 or of The San Dieg n- yards and 19 touchdowns th ! 5 , wa toastma,ter-. ea on, Chief threat In this oore said his ne attack is sophomore quarter- en t. Canadian h a hack Mike Arnone ht champion Bob Cl r- Lead~ Pa •er~ ",looked like a good Arnone )!'ads small-c~llege er when Moore saw him fhngr with 74 of 135 ~-t• cam two years ago tpmpts bring good for 1 ·- 53 1 hes come along well yards. th n." :'>toore add d. Cal Pol> hold the. edge oft o re and Cleroux will cores of games w 1th th ree \ ec. 5 m :Montreal. c o m m on opponents. The ,!Jes' comments Br O n cs beat Pepperdine, ,e,, i,, C '. t r 28-14, lost to San Franci~co knew . t tc.' State 26-19 and to Manne Corps Recruit Depot, 28-14. The Torcros whipped Pep- perdine, 13-0, and lost to MCRD .o nd to San Fran- cisco St te, 25 O'l.R turn The u 'D defens has been bolstered by the return of Jim O'L • 6-3, 240-pound center whe> t the squad aH· er the ope iam_e because\ of linant"ial c ties. O'Leary a settled his . • \ troubles and Is fighting to get hack in playing hape and '

r vier and Kor meier, wingback . Cooks and guard Sparky Bish- ' op, but withheld further ac- 1 colades until he \"iew. the pie- < lures. ? Ile .·aid Western "wa. real . !ired-up, and their quarter- 1 back (Homb · J hurt us with ? his pa. sing. Our pass defense . leave· something to be de- • sired, but it ·hould be point- t Aztec, Sevier I COOks Ferond'°z • Mendez. Corson Ko,.sme1er Western MurdOC.k J. Hombs Bartlett G. Hombs Barren Oubv * * • RUSHING Alt Cain Loss Net Ave. 5 21 5 16 3.2 2 18 D 11 9.0 I O 2 -2 -2.0 J 11 ,, 15.6 I~ 1 6 6~ ,':~ Aft Go n Loss Net Ave. 1, 51 6 '5 3.1 12913 16 20 -' ,, 0 16 ,.o 3 8 0 8 2.6 1 3 0 l 3.0 3 12 0 12 ,.0

The umvC'r,ity of San DI"' o lnto the fire Saturday night w !th ~ass- mi!tded CaJ -'oh· of Pomona at Los Angele State Stadium.. p · Irom the 'r)ing pan n II tanglt·

I 'IT~ op,IDOg

Last week the Tort>ros con- 1t ,ainC'd Dick Valois, San Fran• et cisco State's aerial-artist. Al· though lo ing 25-6, t'SD held tw Valoi~. ranked fifth nationally, w• to six completion in 16 at- • tempts But the Toreros arr, in for double-trouble this week. The Bronco have two excellent pas ers in 111ik Arnone and\ Allen Hammerschmidt. t Arnone, a second-stringer I until Hammer. chmidt \ injured, cam<' along ~o well t that he now lead · the na- tion's small college quarter- e backs with 74 complr,tions for n' 135 trim and a whojlping 1,2531 yards, lie has hurled to 11 ' touchdowns. 1 :IIAY. TART Hammer chmldt, who sur- prisin enough ay be the starter ·a alnst USD, is listed · eighth in total yardage. He has 35 for 68 an 659 yards \ · with eigh oing for touch- downs. Needless to say, Cal Poly \if is the nation's best passing a earn with a total of 1,912 ·ards. It i ~ome 500 yards head of the D fiance, Ohio, defeat d PeppPrdine, 13-0, and lost to San Francis- co State, 25-6, and Marine , Corps Recruit Depot, 37-0. t Poly topped Prpperdine, 28-14, and lost to San Francisco, 26-1 and :\1CRD, 28-14. T rPro coach Mike Pecaro- 1 vicli indicated that he intend-I ed lo go with the same ·tarting unit that o p e n e against the Gator~week. am. O:IDION FOES USD and Cal Poly have thrC'c USD common opponents.


l>~ \~ "Louie Armstrong Show" will c be sponsored by the Umvers1ty of San Diego Auxiliary at 8:30 \ p.m. Friday, November 17 at the Circle Arts Theater. Dress is optional !or the event, Mrs. Charles Rizzo, chairman, 8aid. Mrs. Walter Ellis Is dinner chairman. Patron ti9 ets at $10 include "Gold Cll•rle eeal• and dinner al the San Hotel al 6:30 p.m. Other ti e are priced at $3.75, $3, , anti Area cbalrm Edward r I Mrs. E Law Students Plan Fele for Seniors Single atudenls of the Uni- ver 1 y of San Diego School of , Law wtl lbe host to seniox, stu- ' dents of the College for Women l this Friday, November 10, at More Hall on the Alcala Park c Joseph O'Connor, social chair- l man of the law school, is 1 general chairman for the event. · Larry Campbe l 1~ ·n ~arge of entertainment ;,..Loh'wK1rby is In ch rge of reli·'eshments, and Glenn Hayden· li '1h 'charge of inv!t tlons. lt•n 1 This Is the fit-II\: of a planned se C!J of social events for the sing e udents of the school of law. campus.


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Navorro ModiSOfl At1tt5 Sevier Korsmeier Western J. Homes Toledo



l 2' No. Yds. TO l 10'1 2 1 28 0 1 •7 0 • 1 16 0 io.

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beat out Mike Gurrola (1951 !or the top c e n_ t e r_ spot. , O"Leary saw action 111 the ; loss to San Francisco State I \


~ ---.L last Saturday.



Gab Worries Aztecs

·· ·

Statistics show the Western- ers ran 68 plays to the Az· tees' 36. "San Dirgo State was the toughest team we've played to date," Lewis added. "Th e y were physically stronger and well balanced. \ We'd like to get on their schedule again next year we've shown improve- ~-e~l and should be a bet- ter ball club next year." Maj. Scotty Harris summed up :Marine Corps Recruit Depot's 21-15 loss to Pensacola in the Leather• neck Bowl game. "We fumbled nine times and lost the ball four times. You can't do that and," Harris explained. "T h e Y found a weakness in o u r secondary defense and hit us with the swing pass and rollouts. We played well in the first and last quarters." Commenting on the S a n Diego Chargers' narrow 19· 16 squrak over Drnver's Broncos. coach Sid Gillman said, ··1 was delighted we could play so poorly and still win ... We have no excuses for our inept exhi- bition,"




t eir 5-2-1 compared

· ·o•s

to 2-6 mark. Both have beaten and lost to common oppo- nents on two occasions. USD beat Pepperdine, 13-0, and lost to Long Beach State, 14-12, while the Aztecs whipped Pepperdine, 21-6, and Jost to Long Beach by a two-point margin also, 1,- 15. "We look upon USO as the toughest game of our whole season," Coryell told the Quarterbacks. "T h e i r the best we've played against." And that included the big Fres- no State line which finally wore the Aztecs down. Pecarm·ich expres~ed con- cern over the pass-catch- ing prowess of Aztec end Neal Petties. "We'll have to double up. or three-time him," ~aid Pecarov1ch, whose Toreros suffer<'d a 41-2 loss to Cal Poly of Po- mona last week. "Pomona was the :?\'o. 1 sma 11 college passing team in the nation and we didn't do anything to take away from that rating," the aft- er-dinner-speaking c o a c h quipped. line is possible

By The football game will be wort or Io t on the field Sat- urday night, but San Diego State Collrge coach Don Coryell is fearful he' II l~- e the battle of words with University of San Diego's voluble coach, MichaC'l Pe• carovich. "Mike's gift of gab wor- ries me most " Coryell told the Union-Tribune Quarter• b a c k Cluh yesterday at To, and Country Hotel. .,Ju t sitting here listening to him, I get all fired up and I'm the enemy!" Coryell has rrason to be worried about fired up foot- ball teams after last Satur- day night's spirited 54-34 victory over a ·ky-h1gh Cal- Western t('am.


• f

DON CORYELL Fears opponents' words c O r y e I J and Al Lewis, coach of Cal Western, heaped praise on the West- erners for the way t h e Y came back alter spotting the Starers t h r e e touch- downs in the first quarter. " \\ e knE'W one thing w<'' d ha \"C to do was to try to control the ball against the Aztecs. We did," said Lewis.

:IIIKE PECAROVICH Spring u pset, his aim heights and dumping Aztecs. Pecarovich is ex• pected to stress this in his · mitablc style to his 11 week. as a debate the Az- ere i:omg into Satur- the night Aztec Bowl, the d have to go to F'r aro\lch • tutored edgr v.

,ill clo e following



th an 11


agn n t n Diego In



It i~, t he Aztecs rate

the basis of

an edge on

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