News Scrapbook 1959-1962

GENER~L INFORMATION · COLLEGE FOR MEN of the University of San Diego is a privately .....~_._...ed non-profit corporation chartered by the State of California to uct a four-year liberal arts college and empowered to grant upon the etion of its program the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of e an


COURSES OF INSTRUCTION BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 6A (WITH LAB.). PRINCIPLES OF Ac- COUNTING. A foundation in theoretical and practical accounting. The study of commercial transactions, financial reports and systems. 4 units D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 122. LABOR RELATIONS. The study of labor movements and the theory and practice of labor-ctfanagement relations involving grievance procedure, collective bargaining and labor legislation. Prereguisites: Economics lA-1B. . 3 units O BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 123. PRODUCTION MANAGI!ME,:\IT. The efficient use of materials, labor, machines and methods of modern prod- uction; with constant stress upon coses. Prerequisites: Economics lA-lB; Business Administration 21. 3 units D ECONOMICS lA. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS. The study of the institu- tions and processes of producing, exchanging and distributing goods and services. An analysis of the total economy and its parts. ......... 3 units D ECONOMICS 111. MONEY AND BANKING. Organization and operation of the commercial banking system, the relation of money and credit to prices, and monetary policies. Prerequisites: Economics lA-lB. .... ...... _ .. . . ·- . _.. 3 units O ECONOMICS 122. BUSINESS CYCLES. The causes, measurements and control of economic fluctuations; the impact upon the economy, and pos- sible uses for forecasting. Prereguisices: Economics 1A-1B. Period 3. Penod 2. Period 3. Period 1. .. ... .... Period 3 ___ .. ..... ...... ENGLISH lB. RHETORIC AND CoMPOSITION_ Mechanics and technique of the research paper. Increased emphasis on vocabulary and prose style. Prerequisite: English lA. Period 1. 3 units O . .......-.. 3 units D ENGLISH 125. THE EPIC. A study of epic poetry from Homer to the present. Period 2. 3 units D ENGLISH 46B. INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH LITERATURE. A survey of English literature from the mid-eighteenth century to the present. Period 2. Period 1. .._.. . 3 units O EDUCATION 108. PHILOSOPHY OJ' EDUCATION. Critical study of edu- canonal thought, modern educational problems. Period 3. __ _. . .................. . . ......_.. 3 units O


The College for Men offers the following Summer Session program as a service to students of the University of San Diego and of other colleges and universities who would like to spend the summer profitably in South- ern California's Harbor of the Sun.. Classes are small. Guided by em- inently qualified professors, the student thus gets more personal attention and counsel. No student is allowed to register for more than two courses in the Summer Session.



- Monday - Tuesday - Monday - - -

June 27 June 28

Summer Session classes begin. Independence Day, University holiday. - Final Examinations. Summer Sessions ends.




August 5

SUMMER SESSION SCHEDULE Period 1 - 8:00 - 9:15 A.M.

9:30 - 10:45 A.M. 11:00 - 12:1'.> P.M.

Period 2 - Period 3 -

Accounting, with laboratory -

(Business Administration 6A -

11:00 - 12 :35 P.M.)


Registiation Fee ( for students not attending current


semester at the University) Tuition, payable at Registration Late Registration _ Room ( resident students) Board ( resident students)

per 3-unit course 50.00

3.00 65.00 75.00


Roger G. Ashamy, M.S. (Illinois) .. - .. Stephen J. Barres, Ph.D. (Purdue) --· John B. Bremner, M.S. (Columbia) Walter P. Buetzler, Ph.D. (St. Louis) Leo F. Lanphier, M.A. (Gonzaga) . Paul Louis, Ed.D. (Michigan Stace) Francis J. McKeown, M.Ed. (Loyola) .. Irving W. Parker, M.A. (San Diego Seate) Robert C. Walsh, Ph.D. (Fordham) ..... Joseph Williams, M.A. (Catholic University) . James J. Young, M.A. (Dublin) .. ·- -·

. Accountmg Management ...-..·· .... English -..- Philosophy Philosophy &onomJCs

Education English . English




History English

ENGLISH 140. MODERN BRITISH DRAMA. From Wilde and Shaw to the present. Period 3......-....-.........._ ....-....-........ .....................-....-....-......................-... -..............3 units 0 ~I~!O~Y 4B. HISTORY OF WESTERN UVILIZATION. Survey of European c_1v!hzat1on ~~om the Fre~ch Revolution to modern times, noting the re- hg1ous, pohttcal, economic, social and cultural institutions of mankind. Period 2, ...._ .. _ ..........-....-..... ·-· .......................................-....-...... ·-............. 3 units O HISTORY 17B. HISTORY OF THE UNITED ST.ATES. The Civil War Re- construction, Industrialism, World War I-II. This course covers th~ re- quirement in state and local government. Period 3............-....... - ... ...... ........................-.........._. ·-·· ......._ .............. 3 units O HISTORY 172B. U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. From the Civil War ·- . ·-·........................ 3 units 0 MATHEMATICS A. BEGINNING ALGEBRA. For entering freshmen defi- cient in high school algebra. Period 2.. .. . ..-......._ .. ·-·... .... ......... ...... .. ..................... 3 units, no credit O PJ:-IILOSOPHY 32. LOGIC. An investigation of traditional logic as the SC1ence and ar~ of correct thinking. A consideration of the concept and the term, the Judgment and the proposition, and reasoning, both deduc- tive and inductive. Per~od 2. ........ .. ...._....... ........... .. . . .................... -.... _ ................_ ... 3 units O PHILOSOPHY 131A. PHI~OS?PHY OF C:oN?UCT. The general princi- ~les of morality, norms, ob1ect1ve. and subJect1v~ law, conscience, obliga- t10ns, nght. Methods of formmg the conscience, responsibility for unwanted results, free activity. Period 1. ...........-....... .............'. ........................................... ··- ...-.......................... 3 units O PHILOSOPHY 175. PHILOSOPHY OF CoMMUNISM. Study of the philo- sophical aspects of communism. Period 3............-..............-.......... ..... .. ......................................-.................3 units 0 APPLICATION This page "!a~ be detached and used for your application. Check box opposite course descrzptron for courses you want to take. Applkations should be filed before Wedne1day, fune 22. Name..·-·-·--• ..·······-·-·--··- ..·-·······-·····-····-•···-··• .................-..._ ....._._···-··-···· .. ·-···· ..············-·- Address.--...·..··--· ..--·· .......-...-..............-....--. ·-...............--····· ..-·......-...-...-... . This will be my lsL.. ·-· 2nd......-... 3rd....--.... 4th.....-..... or more.-.......... semester of college work. to the present clay. Period 1. .... ......-...._. .... . .... . ...... ..............


College for Men



Alcala Park San Diego 10, California

Admissions Office, College for Men UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO Alcala Park, San Diego 10, California


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