News Scrapbook 1959-1962

Q) PAGE g-1 D,42-2



Az ecs

ave Punch


Mendei Ri s Toreros For 4Scores ByJIOWARDHAGEN 'I' h e y turned halfback M:atfo Mendez loose u n der tbe lights of Az tec Bowl last night and he Je d San Diego St a t e to a 42-12 vic- to ry over Univer s ity of San Diego in the first foot ball meeting of the two schools. A crowd of 10,000 fans saw Mendez, a iling most of the season with a lame knee>, score the first of his four touchdowns the fi rst time h<' laicj h ands on t he ball, and otherwise plague the Torcros .. STATISTICS First downs Yords rushing i:,~1• ·:·. · ·. · Panes attempted . , Passes comPleted ... Punh , . . ;~";:~'/:ss J()d .. • Stefa USO 2J 12' 299 141 94 so 393 191 1 ' ' 3 J.45 ~3U 7.75 5-45 2 1 2 • PaSHI Intercepted by * • * all through th frec -whi:>eling contest. The victory gave Slat.e a 6-2-1 record while the Toreros are now2-7. Guided expertly by I-forma- tion quarterbacks Wayne Sev- ier and Larry Korsmeier, the AztPcs moved almost at will despite some formidable USD line play sparked by lineback- er J im O'Leary. The Aztecs punted only once. Mendez, formr,r junior col- lege All-American from Cer- ritos, gained 152 yar ds in 20 rushing plays and 21 yards after catching two passrs. He romped around the ends, o!f the tackles and burn<'d the Toreros three times with neat draw plays. RUGGED DE'FENSE


IQ Wi ll Spell Caron Er USD

San Olooo Union Photo bv Thone McIntosh Converging to bring him down are Toreros .J im O'Leary, o. 40, USD center, and tackle Tony Pro- copio, No. 75. Carson made a short gain. CORYELL BEAMS Aztecs The By ,JOit , N\' \1 :1 ,•DON.\ LD '•W,• had h<'ard rnmor. all ,,·pek w<' wouldn't be able to run 01~. them and I gue ·s uu1· boy~ just wantrd to provP th<'y ~ould.. saiII last night aftrr his San D1Pgo Stater· J'Ull1P<'d pasl Uniwrsity of San Diego 1~12 • . ''C?ur boys dld an outsland- and ripped the sign to shreds ~'.)g Job, I thought," he addrd. TPm Ji r.- flared and a f<'~~ _fhc>y \\ ere r<'ally up for thi I fights ensued befon, it was game. halt Pd. .":\lario. '\fpncJ,•z was just Police were alerted and g1 Pat. \\ e l1ad to see what . h<' could rPally do. He had to about eight patrol cars were carry thP hall most of the varked near the north end time bpraus<' llalfhaek K,•rn zone to prevent .~tudenls from Can;o_n was hur~ early." l\Ien- vou rmg from the stands. dez picked up le12 ,·anls on ;tO L' h (' lTiPS. . . me C Bill Schutte> "'Kern injured an ankle and praised all boys as "do- tried to come in for a few Ing a finP job, You might sa} pla),~ but just C'O~lP standing, !;ichu id. the film. Actually the two Three USD layers, Paul coach:•s _haYe pro~ahly tlw Ekberg, Rudy R uclzlnsk!' and! poo1 e. t \ antage point to see Tony Pro opio, who we r e a football gamP. He a.-ked ii he thou"ht ti . nwmbers of the Toreros first "I think i1 could be a great nt<'rrupt tlwir college can•en;. Th<' 10,000 on hand defiml,•- the big dlfferC'nce." said Rud- ly J>.•i,cd that San Diego fans zinski. "l think we might arl' all for the series. This ha1·p giv,•n them a bc>ttr1 "·as tlw biggest home crowd game if il had not been foi one." he ·aid. "J think that :\1endez was mtra-city r l v a 1 r Y had t;;~ club makings of a good seri'es. in 1953 were gaml'. Each had service time i.n this I I

San Diego State halfback Kern Carson, No. :!4. picks up yardage at midfield during first period of la. t night's game with Univer ity of San Diego.

Son O t90 1 JnlOC'l !::atcff Pho o

Randy Chaffin, San Dieo-o State tackle, has mended after an earl~-~eason le" injury and will be in A,.te< lineup af;ain:t l'SD Saturday nl!!hl.

Quarterback Pat Heminger did a good job handling the Torcro T-formation but backs J im Desantis and J oe Gray couldn't break the long one against the tough Aztec de- fense.


fur 1e

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or · Tor Aztecs had

rdgc ovrr Long

yardage n, ad· ,




l1f'a< h out r,a1,ed

The play position was a Heminger to G a , Gray got (Continued g-5, Col. 3)

l SD, 280·


I' pp!'rd ne

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}a dai;:e, 2"7-107 Aztrcs toppt!d r, V n th


'an Diego~ tate quarterback \\'a,ne ~·e_i,·er, c·enter, crashes through "the

son o·..,o un,on statf Pnoto

~ne to ECOre the Aztec., second touch- own against the Toreros last night


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I t 1P

d II m1 ( e o


at Azte Bo

nh·er.·it~ of San Dieeo



W 11


42 12 -

ZtecS (( unturned)

a O P

XPal_P_etties fumbled pt,nt Oil O th er Aztec touchdowns th<' Aztec::,; have had this year. him. Hr was great." came this way, with passes It topped the 8,500 turnout for And except for that TorPro to Cooks from Se,·iei: and tlw Long Beach State contest. ning team we hav<' face a , "State is the stron est run-

sea n

1 /:uchdown Oil a one-) aid his 1,-) ard stnpe. -


O'Lcar;. several To re- ported banged up and their tatus uncertain for the Sat- urday night cont t, f1rst foot- ball m e t i g of the t\li o chool . U'Lear) ha nn Injured kner and ankle. Other wounded Torrros, according to t r in- firmary bu ll'tin. arc Guy Sel- lcch, Bill Kugler, Mike .Mar- rah, Larr} Strohmeyer, Jim Davis, R11,h • hrrry and Rud\ Rudzin kl. ~omc tave ha cl ttir1r allml'n s MO·2-1 n cord into the game com- lied agam,t lightly lighter h-6, Col. I l h.iWC\ r, 1 one of ro players

~1-/ • 1


Al Olson, Aztec athletic di- year." said CSD felt the series might Pecaro\'ic-h 'Tl

r- thr~at and two scoring punch- Korsme1er, the Mendez runs

In the thil"d period the




~a.ns by Aztec Joe Rockhold rector

l'S it was all Aztecs.

on an-

1-Iendez got the touchdown G_11. Warren and Jim StaubC'r continue although at1 itudes of ting the ju~p 0 ~"~ v;;·cfr~~t parade rollin"' on his 'l5 ,·ard :udmg the drives :lfendcz '1 the two student bodi must too

f one yard

other Gray plun


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play a b'

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for .


1g pa1 .

gallop m the first period. He . ar s, ti d just rel.ic\'ed startin" left yard·, and Cooks. on a 13- car~on when he ro~idrd yard pa , from Korsmeier. 1,·e yards and t \\ 0



were keyed up, 't stop that Men- ·


been ni-

Information ha

) a_ rd dn, · L nge,t ga

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cei\'ed during the progress , 1, __42 , the contest that a big fight, 11 ~12 might follow. A small skirm-

a 26·. -:9-rde.

:\~:a~~h wa

. . ,

Tony Pugliese, but left end, bowled O\'er two de- ii~~ .. .





USD used the new double 1 ish did develop at halftime barrel shotgun only a f e wt

agam the_ke~ -hot was an 18- fend 'IS and wrnt into th<' end yard aenal from H'"minNer zonr.

Aztec>-Mendu 25 Aztecs--Se,ier 1 run--P



b t

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to end \Y



u special pohcc broke It up. 1mes.


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USD r ot . .

ma e

CSD I ad

\Ve figured t! they were -

a ban-

- o e1s carr e

second period with a one-

one o e




the f!P~~ with the going ~o

Korsmerer n~r. 011,t.o

i'l _the first yard .sneak.

. c~rm:s _chance,

p 1,od, artt•r co,· Aztec • -


Mrs. Charles Rizzo

....,- D Unit Party

To Hea ....-. an Diego Aux- iliary's theater party for Lou- is Armstrong's opening jazz concert at the Circle Arts The- ater, Nov 17. T h e ppointment is an- noune d Mrs. Richard Bar- ber, au iliacy president This will be t e third major event in wh~l..lltrs. Ria: a served the a She ha been recognized outstan Ing assistance as a member of the committees for the an. nual "Day at Caliente" and th~ sponsorship of the pre- miere of the motion pie ture, "Gallant Hours." Her cochairman for the the- ater party, 'Ir . Walter Ell!s will be in charge of arrange'. ments for the social hour and dinner to take place in the Flame Room of Sands Hotel at 6:30 p.m. Following dinner guests will ,be seated in the "Golden Cir- cle" section of the theater for thr oprning of the concNl at 8 30 p.m. Proceeds from the e\'ent will go into the auxil- iary's fund for the university and Its scholarship program. airman Univers

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