News Scrapbook 1959-1962
Coll~ge Debate Club Form d
T oreros' Dream Comes True In am · h Aztecs onight n r k m ghl take a pal;l' rrom Cal Westerns book la~t w r l' k J: u , record re out the w nrlow tonight lmprhte i the Ai.tee · ml11rl Is t;SD' . 21-20 up · t o[ 1arinc c;orp lt£'c "Ult D pol a !'Ill" ago. Th Torcros 1,1. r,•n t uppo I'd to w n th t on c1th r, hut lh!'Y <1111 l'::sD primarily I a 11m- nlng t m, hut l'r caro\lch again t the Aztrcs and Inau- gurate an airhlt with quar• t i:back .NPI on Murpi1y at the ontrols. The Torcros have goo,! rec rivers in rnd Jim Gabriel and • like lcDevitt. . hey bnnk on hittv Joe r;ray and powcr[ul ,Jim De• anlls to pick up tlw yard- age on the ground
AIR ARl\l POISED.- Nelson Murphy will start at quarterback for Umversity of San Diego Saturday as the Toreros hope to vary attack with passing
game. USI? fa~es San Diego State College in cross- town meeting m Aztec Bowl, first between the two area schools. Sevier, Korsmeier Eye Sky uild ~l As Possible Route Past USD l~st week. It was the !lrst time thls year the Azt<'<'S used arm with any great ucc-e . of Coach Don Coryell isn't revealing his ~trntegy, but quarterbacks ~ayne vier
Party Arranrrcd lcala The Alcala Guild the "niversity of San Diego':. Col· ege for Men will bOld its an- .,ual Chmtmaa party at 8 p.m. this Monday, December 18, In the Arts and Sc nc.e Building on the Alea Park campu . ){rs. Dominic DePetri, Guild pt-esident: Mrs. Har()ld Der- mody and M~- Frank O'Con- nor are in charge of the pro- gram.
be his old form wlll bolster the Aztec ground attack. Fullback Hank Enriquez probably won't see action because of a knee Injury and guard Jack Thomerson, 210, also 1s out for the To- rero game. End Neal Petties should be completely recovered from his bruised should,·L" after seeing only part-time duty against Cal Western. -P.C.
and Lar • Kor me1cr may be arm-weary after Satiu·- day night's intracity rivnliy between San Diego State College and University ot San Diego.
The Torero have been burn~d b a d I y by !ltrong passmg teams this year. Coryell ha respect for the USD linl". H the Aztec ca_n't go through it, u 1 might try going ov r ft with their newly found all lift. I Return of tailback Marlo Mendez to what appears to
lengc Staters tonid1t in Aztec Bowl. O'Learv \\ ill operate at cente1· for Torero:. He recentl) returned to team and bol e line.
ay of take
Which I, anotbN aylng the Aztecs m
dvantage o~ be U'o-
akness p
th ow
fens ball.
Sevier an d Kor melcr threw a total o O passes I 1
9:"d compl~ted eight for 270 yards agamst Cal Western 1 _________-:,________________________
orer s Jackie S.F. State In Homecoming aturday
0 . E . Robert Anderson as- I God and country in the field s1stant to the publisher of of American ideals and pa- The San Diego Union and . . ,, E\·erung Tribune and edito- tnoh sm . rial director of the Copley " E .. Robert And~rson is News Service, yesterday the ki_nd o~ American we r£'celved the diocesan cita· all edify with and hold up tion of honor at a private for admiration," Bishop Bud- luncheon held in his honor dy said in making the pre- by the Ylost Rev. Charle· F. ntat1on. Buddy, bishop of the San Th medal bears the bish- Diego diocese. ops coat of arms on one The citation, which w a s side and is inscribed on presented along wtth an In- other. s e r i b e d medal, was be- Toe 11trn~h,,,.., stowed by Bishop Buddy on b Anderson for 'hls outstand- ing service to the cause of
. Girl
The second of three na ionally times\ A two point conver£10n at• ranked opponenta of the Uni- Saturday in the Toreros' H-12 tempt was nu 11 if i e d on a versity of San Diego comes to Joss to Long Beach Stu.le, net• fumbled !tchOut by Nelson town Satu~day afternoon tor a tin 81 yards to up his Ilea.son Murphy to Dorkowski. 1 2 p.m. gnd contest at USO t !i t 414 yards on 91 carries The Toreros will take a. 2-4 I Stadium. o o 1 d •~ S t d ' . t i th nnual for a 4 5 average won- oss recor ..,,to a ur ay s I Takm par n e a · ·. . . Gray follows with 290 yards Gator tilt with wms from Pep- wlth the host Toreros will be on 118 carries; Dorkowslu has perdlne (13-0) nnd New Mexico I I the Golden Gators of San Fran- l70 yat d s on ~ 4 carr~es, 1 a nd Western (20-18) and losses to ! C 11 • tly Williamson Is m fourth p ace cisco State. o ege, cUiren h •th 16 g University of Pacific (7-49) and ranked fifth in total offense among Torero ru~ ers w, San Diego Marines (0-37) be• amon the natfon's 111)1 col• yaros on 46 carries. . . . . g l t d The Toreros capitalized on sides Whittier and Long Beach. lege teams, 0 . J/ op 1 t Long Beach miscues Satur- San Francisco State, a peren- Torero foes UI sea~on re ' 0 · 1 h i 'h F . '"'" d y to nearly null the game ma power ouse n ,. e ar Whittier (w1nn over '-1..,.., "' , w t C nf h d d • C I p J f ut but their Jnab ·ty to ke es o erence, as roppe a 27-0 margin) -and a o Y O • b t t t •~ i ' the'r conversion temp ()(Kmt u wo con es.... n seven Potone. (neict week 8 oppon- pro~ed to be the downfall. matches, having lost to Hum- en ), G t t · 1 , will l<'ol!owing P Forty NI n er boldt State (6-7) and Los An• Pacing the a or & c.,. el St t (21-28) be i;ix-foot, 185-pound Dick V • score two minutes after th ~ g ~ns ~=ve been· over Santa -- lols who quarterbacks the Bat game bad Hlarted, thfe Tor~~s Barllara (159-0) Long Beach Cit eleven Al Borza plcked of & s..... y • y · · l all r aer'ial by Long Beach quarter- Sta e (14-9), Cal Poly Pomona lJeSantls carried 1 Homeco~lng Game feslivlties
Queen At
day In the unh erstty's Al- cala outdoor theater. mPn and sophomores w i I I put on the Saturday game's half-time aeth ities. Alumni will he guests of the seniors at a ~ocial hour after the game at 6:30 p.m. in Rancho Presidio Inn. The Coronation Ball v..111 be from 9 p.m. to 1 a .m. in the audi- torium of More Hall on the campus. The coronation is scheduled for 9:30 n .m.
Susan Monahan wa~ ele~t- ed queen of the l"ni\'crsity of San Diego's fift al'!:iual
h o mecom- i n g yester- day. She will be crowned at a ball Sat- urday night • after the aft er noon football game w 1th San Francis- co State. T h e 21-
Susan year-old San Diegan ls pres- ident of the sr.nior class at • the university's College for ; Woi:nen and is an English , maJor. H e r attendants, a l s o chosen In the campus' Lark Cafeteria before a pep ral- ly and dance, are Patricia Shannon, a junior of t\orth Hollywood; Olga De La Fu- ente, a sophomore of Cal- exico, and Mary Eli2abeth Mattison, a freshman of San Mateo. Runnerup 'teniors we re Margaret Bangasscr of Se- attle,. Wash., and Margaret Gillson of Phoenix, Ariz. Miss Monahan will be es- corted by Jim Desantis captain of the Toreros tea~ whicl\ will play the San Frar1c1,co State 'Gators at 2 p.m. Saturday in USD stadium. song- fests and receptions w i 11 highlight Club rally at 7·30 p.m . Fri- ,."'ii-ff' 11\rls ~ oro-MCRV 53, CAL _ • Pom-pom parties,
(48 OJ
The sophomore signs.
(26 19)
8 eva a
completed six of eight aerials back John Bennett on the beach •. ,
Davis \13· ).
Saturday ;n the team's 39-yard stripe.
1ll sa-
Halftime festiv1t1e,
the Toreros
four plays
th U . t Da is c
er. meet Univer ·ity of Sa_n Di~go _at Balboa Stadium. K1 koff m this city series game will be 11 a.m.
Gators' 13-8 wm over c 1·r i vers,ty of a I orn e. a •
drove to the H where Gray lute Homecomm
,.eek:n.ow go-
f ing on at di Alcala 'Pa:c
Quartcrba ·k Jm will be one of Cal weapon Thursday ,
v ·
Valois has connected on 611 scored his third touch own o of 111 pass attemp s for 973 the season on a sweep around P':,2:~rtins une-up.: yards and 1 touchdowns In end. o rs Pos. seven game ,this i;uson, rank- Four minute~ Into the third r:;;~~,ct~?a. 185 t¥ I " him fourth In total yar Toreros McDev!tt, 190, Selleck, 220 Procopio, 21C Gurrola., 190 Joos, 185 Yoast, 225' Gabriel, 2te' 'Murphy, 188 \Vill1amson, 190 Gray, 1941 DeS&nlls. 185 Cal Wes ern Girds 0 t US Fraca ros are an)thmg but down. l D turned 1n a spirltrd performance agam t _San Di<'go State Saturday mght and need to take this one [rom Cal We tern or be a lo er to a II t h r e e local tl'am , MCRD, State and the We terncrs. The battle Is r a t e d a u tossup with both coa cs, Al B L wls of Cal We tern and S • ikl' Pecarolfich of SD, going all out to \\ In their ~c son f.jnales a Cal Western i; l'xpected 1 to tart the same oflenslve r ha Kfi ld that opened the game agaln t River idc. Jim Homb , the main offen~e I USD Fir CAROL MARTI John S. Martin, of 1680 Darnell Way announce the betrothal of their daughter, Carol Sue, to Gary Stephen Zellmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Zellmer of 4323 Merritt St,, La Mesa. Yliss Martin attended San Diego Junior College. Ir. Zellmer is studying at the University of San Diego, College for Men. Mr. and Mrs. the Lettermen's I \ I o! the m1stnkc . netting 21 df Suffering a 70-55 opening game setback to the Ante- lopes of Grand Canyon Col• lege Friday night, the Uni- versity of San Diego basket• ball team goes on the road tomorrow in quest of its first win of the season. Coach Bob Sexton's Torero cagers will take a two-game swing through Whittier and Pomona this weekend, meet• ing the Poets Friday night and the Pomona College Sagehens the following night. The Toreros jum .6ff to an eight-point J,.MI against the visiting t o bul:. were unable to cope witll the well-balanced attack of their opponents. Thirty personal foul vio• lations were charged agaln! at elllpt:j~ff he 21 tt·ee t h ro USO Defeat~ I !~.~~•~he ffi 1 I LAS VEGAS, . 6 Uni• J versity of San Diego, down by as much as 14 points in the second half, b a t t I e d ba<'k to defeat N ell i s Alr Force Base, 91•85, here to- night Tony Caputo hit 11 of 19 1 field goal attempts and six 28\ poin s to guide thC' collegians to their third , i tory in 12 cont?sts. USO Cfll ~ f nine free throws for tfn I 20 minutes. Four of the five Torero starters, guard John Robbins, center Bill Schammel, and forwa1·ds Russ Cravens and Jen·y Halsey went out via the foul route along with sub· stitute forward Tony Caputo. Cravens topped USP scorers with 19 points followed by guard Bob Tritz with 12. Sexton will go with Cra- vens S ch a mm e I, Halsey, Robbins and Tritz in this weekend's clashes. :rop sub· stltutes include Caputo, Dick Madsen, John Rodee, Jim O' .N' eill and Raul Martinez. The next ho e g!U'\G or the Toreros 'Wtll a Monday, December 1 8~t Whit· tier College at Crawford gym, threat with his passing, will be at quartNback, J essc • turdock and Jim's brother, J rry will be the halfbacks, and ck Duby wlll be at Iba k The Westerners ca!T'e out af the R,versid conte with ro inJurles and will be near !ull strength. -San D ego lJnio:,, Staff Pt:cto The .lost Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of the San Diego diocese, presents E. Robert Anderson assistant to the publisher of the San Diego Unio~ and Evening Tribune, with diocesan citation of honor at luncheon.
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