News Scrapbook 1959-1962

Valois Poses Bi Thr For University of San Diego's problem is simple. Either find a way to stop Dick Valois, the nation's fifth• ranked small-college passer, or head for the bomb shelters when the- Toreros meet San Francisco State in a home- coming date at 2 p.m. Satur- day at USD stadium. Stopping Valoli; won't he slmp[I'. The 18.5-pound quar- terback has gained 973 yards while completing 6:5 of 111 passes. That's enough to rank the aerial artist 18th in total offense, even though his rush- ing total Is a minus 100 yards. S.F. Runs, Too The Gators won't be hurt- lng tor i-unnlng power, how- ever. They have halfback Tom Manney, who has gained 1 314 yards on 63 carries for a 4.9 average; fullback Bob I BurnC'tt, who totals 295 yards on 64 runs for a 4.6 mean, and halfback Mike Jaramillo.who has 303 yards on 46 totes, a 6.6 average. The G a t o r s were hard. pressed in their last outing before downing University of Callfornla at Davis, 13-8. San Francisco has a 5-2 record for the year. Gators Won Last The Toreros scared Long Beach State before bowing, 14-12. The Toreros are 2-4 for the season with victories over Pepperdine and New Mexico Western. Last year the Gators stomped USD, 35-0, and al- though San Francisco is strong again this season, the Torer- os could improve considera. bly on that showing oft their close game with the tough Long Beach crew. S('a o 1 sta- tistics (USD has pla'1'ed six games, San Francisco n l :



z Threat to Toreros


The question: How can Uni- versity of San Dirgo beat New Mexico Western tomor. row? The answer: Stop Juan Vas- quez. The key to v I c t o r Y ls wrapped up in those thre<• words but the job won't be that ~imple. Vasquez ranks as the nation's No. 2 runner, having compiled 632 yards on 83 carries in six g a m e s. That's an average of 7.61 yards a carry. The El Paso, Tex., native l ~tands only 5-10 but weighs 200 pounds. With good speed J and bruising power, he has carried the brunt of. the Mus- tang attack in three wins. The Mustangs have lost to Sul (Texas) State, Adams (Colo.) State and Panhandle A.&M. of Oklahoma. They have beaten Eastern Arlzo. na, N w Mexico Highlands and Arizona State Universi- ty's B team. The game will be _pla);'ed at University of San Diego s sta- dium at 2 p.m. Offense Start University offense fina against P P The Tore s yards on respectable 4.68 team aver- age. . k Chief weapon 1n this atta~ was Joe Gray, last years leading grnund-gainer who. Is making a late bid to reclaim the honor year. Gray i;cored on o c.)ldown a nd laid down th for t~e other in h r,:>i;' 13·0 wm P-'""".,,.,., He gained rwtrllt111·tl'i ell .for an 1n t t ttackL .(_' I He indicated the quad has : gone all out In practice on 1 working out ways to contain Vasquez. He also has in- stalled the A formation to the left side, a complement to the right-side A the Tore- ros ran against Pepperdine last Saturday night. Gap Is eated The A-format on is rovich innovation o problem o! The offensive line l5 guard an4 center. The hack Jin tcp behind the. position. The defense has t linebackers in to p hole and prevent the h andof! to the fullbac Pend.ray I~ Ba The Torero defense while, has been stre by the ret n of Le dray, a tough lincba m issed the last t re ames win a broken hancJ,. Halfback Joe Loeschnig will iss Sat- urday' s contest with green- stick fracture of hi~ left cla vi- e le. The l&'l-pound senior is a three-year letterman. The ::-1:ustangs' forward averages 199, the b 176. Probable lineups : N M Western P01. ( lml :r MG_Mi!i~ a· Cos'eda (200\ lg G. Elliott M Steffan (185 c M . Gurrota +· ~:~1~o"cf90j190) ~f RV:·y~~f E~ Hein's (195) re J . Gabri~! W Win'skl (160) qb P. Hem r f." S~~:ie! 16 ?doo) m J. fies~rifl! 1: Yanez (175> rh H. Wll'son the co er ack. , 1 , cre- ating a gap between one up in thi.""'-i'.t"'!~ j ust a t erback halfbacks, ho along with l in sta a r who 1 The Toreros big weight ed th tors. t.:SD's starting lin age 207 and it baddie ill carry O· h ••~.,,,,... pd ek I we1

San Dit20 un on staff Photo right Ron Damscbem

1 ft t

Dinner partners arc,. c 1-.' o t , nds and Jim De- and ~~r1ful~~cce:o~~cT~~~lt~sr c~~. guard of. USD Sa!1h , d w·111 become an annual affair. It 1 • hope game __ ~-- - --

'aliforni W t rn and lJniver~i~y of San, it down to prc-Thanksg1vmg D;l before cloi~g ~attle tomr°':!" 0 \f f 0 I Balboa Stadium in fir ·t meet n~ o -- . Iic\d r. <·hor

ca~1in !~h~ls.


171 yards on 32 carries, De Santis has 168 on 49 totes, De Santis was top rusher for 1960 team.

WHO'LL CARRY IT?-Joe Gray, left, and Jim De Santis are battling for the lead among University of San J?i- ego ground-gainers. Gray leads with

Toreros Play Grand Canyon =:olleg c In Cage Debut ;, ::i-:'..:: w,~•~t:.. '.:::..'"' orale presents "Amahl ed Opera t and Bill Schammel wdl Hcacle Parr will be Been In the thl' Un,ver lty or San Dlegq,_______--e!\lartln as the mot.her. and San- • ,:: t e Night Vi~tors" at I o! Amahl, with Carol con r J I Y H I ~Y ay, December 17, in the wo en's college theater.

USD oading Big 'Shotgun' I for Western n v r lty QI Snn DI ego mny fire oft ,I new double• R · 1011, ·y It-DO.· LO


USD .(9

57 4 ~

first downs rushing • •



PP~~?t~es •

109 :288 1,099 1,1

.. ,

6-1 367

total first downs rushing Plovs passes attempted camoleted . ~~i1;e:~~lng lolol offense .

net vards rushing . . •. 1.091

D Abandon Football Progr The University of San Diego Is ab ate football program, Very Rev. John P, College for Men, announced last Monday. dean of the In a statemC'nt read to the faculty and student body, ~·ather Cadden said· "The College for Men of the,<->-------------- 1 Unn-cre1ty of San Diego 1s, ef- pctilive sport such as football. fective today ndoning its The College for J\len finds 1t- profrram ,n mt eg ate foot- sel! In this position." ball. This decls10n has been Fathei, Cadd n ,·oicr.s mcere r "ched after lnnny m tbs of appreciation to Coach t hac' carefU: st 1d and dis us ion by Pecarm,ich and hi · staff the adnn:ustrat on u.ntl reflects Coach Pccarov1<·h did not/ consuJtat10n v. th other sch~ols "limit. hinl If Ln team thal of oui, size and c araclcr on · e could be eaSJl_y featcd , ~'ath- P~~•fic Coas~. , er Cadden said "but' rather This dccis10n v.a.s In no waylopenly sought the cl!allen,Tc of determined by our unsuccessful those teams that would c;ablr/ and lacklua t re _ 1 9 6 1 s a.son. him to teach his players the Rather the dec1s1on ha brPn very most about . llrg f t- made on the folio\ n_g ban < 0 c 00 'l From a bud point the football ra;::i ha; Tile College !ot .Men will con- b come l p~ able '1."he






1,1],g 2,267 32-36.2


. . 1,352 38--34.7

ountfng ~~'rJ'sle~~ilfzed .... . . 2l8 us~u 1 f~WJt••I



l barr l

dra. D'Agostlno as th page. Richard Hitt, Wayne Bell, and • forrls Crlcl of the College for Men will portray the three kings'

TCB VG YL NYG AVI. 91 ~· 12 ,1, 4.5 i! lit 'I f~ H A6 173 5 168 3.6 9 .cs 1 4.4 4.9 1 18 0 18 18.0 59091.8 3 6 6 2.0 26 56 .3 - PASSING p~9PCl1Pl1NY17 A 3 21 -18

tonight as the


offense a.


"shot un'

Desantis Gray Dorkowskl r~!'~~~,~n Gobrli,1 Rudzinski Suono •Heminger Muri:ihv

ca n at

Torero Op('n tl'Jc1r lalrcmont High a g a i n

tomorrow morn ng for b r o k e'

bit mor wh r. it .. oe



c; and Phoenix

Ca , on


against Cal We tern Unlvrrsl-



ty in Dalbo

oros of

bers of th

o' lock

lated for

Tipoff I


D a )

Thank giving


• . ,




The Torero junior' ar,lly w,11 Junlo Collegl.' ir the prelimi- O PP O c Oc a'! lde-Carlsba_d


'\lilll b kicked of[ at 11 and olf comparative the game uoe n't fi. to be a ' Turkey" by any ., ·•


Diane Alanis, Ila Alm Virginia Blake • Iaudeen Boger Cecilia I Colern'an, Sue Curley, Lann Dirr, • Peggy Ever~tt Mary Jare Fan- 1 nlng, Patricia Giraldi al.h- 1 erme Heagney and Ca H b- lit. Kathleen Hagan, Mon! Icy. • 'ancy Knox Bonnie Kozak, Mary Ann L e d n Judith Munster, llchele Ma - Joyce Murrey. PatU ;';evin, . 1ary Frllnces Polak e- wicz, Salad Sa dino Ann an Agustin, • laria Sanchez, and Babette Baue,· Carol Burke. l'eggy D'Agos- 1' tino. Sher -Dale Ey ary ; Fipp, Mic le Flaherty, ; Gadier, ) GuZ1J1Skl orm , Peck • 1 ril) Puzo, Suz Schultz, T e Sousa, P trl r i e rna n Mary Schoett Tothy Shaw, Maure n S yan, \1ildred St .ITZel. Ml hele Un- hank, Joanne Urnez,s, Agnes 'Vest, and Jeanne Woody. thews,

Heminger ~i;r1~Y


a ~&

·· 4 ~

. PASS RECEIVING PYG 5 105 Loeschnle • 39 WIiiiamson 6 35 Desantis 2 35 PUNTING P Ave. 35 34.9 Yoast - ---· ---


nrt1 g at 6 JO


Grov Gabriel McDevlU Oorkowskl

t al y,


for W a

l. ·n afte ar out- ea on at Ph1bPac.




II• ' vy

c, ction


He wa



USD BATTLES ORANGE FIVE Univ rsit vt San Di- ego, minus top- <·onng Russ Cravens, will halt!<' tough O rang p County S t a t e in a haskl'tbal! game 1onlght at Claire- mon_t High g;m. Thr tip- off ls ~Pl tor 8 o'c-loC'k. Cra\en~, who has bc-,•n averaging 1;; poi n ts a game, is not expPctert to sep action because of iJI.

pt'Ogram and academic stand- ards the policies and practices of other liberal arts colleges of its comparative size. s qo can seldom afford and main m such peripheral and specialized a ,. rur11cula as ar n.-eded to sup- "Regretfully such

s c-om-

port a vas! and



USD PositiG Bob Sexton yesterday offi. vich had tlon as athletic director and newed. bas~etball coac~ at the Uni- cially tendered his By JOHNNY ~lc>DONAJ,D

f<'lmtinued) op in any c a p a c i t y upon !which he would call upon lme." "I have met ½ith several peopl<' in di cussions about my f u t us: I'm sincere!; hopeful th· t I i\m able to re- main in San D1. o." Very Rev. John Cadden, dean of the College for Men, agreed late last night that Sexton would remain at the university through February. He had not other comments. it is understood that he informed the basket- ball players of Sexton's resig. .nation before the squad left 'for a two-game road trip in Phoenix. Ed Baran, a student, assum<'d the duties as interim coach. Sexton, who had taken over the ba ·ketball coac>hing as- signment wh<'n Ken Leslie re- signed, also had assumed the job on an interim basis. Tlw one-time Syracuse :Ka. tionals general manager and Canisius basketball star came to the university in January, 1960 as athletic coordinator. Sexton also servPd as a line c-oach on thf' football team llurir g tl11• 1960 season and assumC'c1 duties a:s athleti ctilpctor on Augu. t, 1961. However,

een in

resigna- his c6n act would


"My contract, under wishes of Bishop Charles F. 1 the

Priest Writes _torV Tunes for 'Hullabulu'

vers1ty of San Diego.

Sexton said he had several Buddy (president of the Uni- job opportunities here and in versity), wilJ continue through , the east but would prefer to February," Sexton a d d ed. remain in San Diego. "This would give me enough "With the dropping of font- time to secure a position that ball I feel that the athletic de- would allow me to maintain . partment is top heavy," Sex- th<' obligations of a large fam- ton sa;d, "I have reC'ommend- ily." Pd to the administration that "I am very grateful for the it secure a ~ound basketball association I have had with coach who also could serve the students, coaches, faculty as athletic director," and, part i cu I a r 1 y, the the university and will lts basketball program. At the stand ready to assist the bish- time, grid coach Mike Pecaro- (Continued on a-16, col, 7) USD announced on Dec. 11 boosters. that it was dropping football !Ind that it Intended to build of "I will always feel a part Loya H d USD 15th Defeat, 69-31 LOS ANG LE , Jan. · 0 I.Tl Ed Bento put in 25 points for Loyola of Los An;::elc:- tonight as the LIO'IS rolled to an <'asy 69-31 basketball victr,ry nv<'r the Univer~ity of San Diego. Loyola won the non-confer- ence game in the first 15 the contest as both were side- minutes by m o vi n g ahead lined with injuries suffered in 32-6. By halftime, th" Toreros last Saturday night's contest were behind 32-11. with Chico State. The Joss was USD's 15th, uso 131) G F P T LOYOLA tf>F P T against six victories. ~,l~~h A 5 5 f ~~~'i~an g j 1~ Jerry Halsey was high point l~r.~mmel Vii ~fu~ggon g i l 2~ man for the losers with 16. · J Ii 8 ~,;.g~~n 1f C • , !Moyer OO 1 0 Quinn 3 2 O 8 Russ ravens, USD s scor- Holsey 6 • 3 16 Brosnan 1 o 1 2 Wical O O 1 0 Kohles O O l 0 ing ace, a nd teammate Tony Totals 10 11 21 31 r~gfJ1, 24 ~i°18 6~ Caputo did not s action ln [~~ 01 ,:1 1~ 9 ? ... · :·:·.: . : .: }tjJ

Feb. '.!2. 2J, 24, and 2:5 In

The Rei·.

lore Hall A

· er.sity.


phier, d


Father Lanp !er

pr duct on,




which will be pe formed by a cast of 45. Leading rol s gan Jim DiSantis, Joe Loe- schnig. and Leroy Pendray. w111 be played I Ga or-

o! SaJi Diego, has written the book, lyric_, and tunes for a musice! comedy, •'Hul- labulu." w h I eh will he staged by the :.Iasquers on ___ ...:.___;::_ _ _:_


~roreros Uy ,I,\(( REBt,R

Upset purs USD For Luke I • vas1on Special to The San Diego Union PHOENIX, Ja'I 12 Wi pnsmg \ 1 rt or Y O\'Pr Cal J,•nv Western thi · w, Pk, the Uni- runn°in~ mat vers1ty of San Diego baskf.'t• be Bob TrlV.. ~i hall ;;quad will shoot for it~ \\ill open at

f San Diego 1as gu,en up the 1ight t 11legiate tootlall in the sil'y<>ar history of the gridiron there had heen d1 cu Ion uf di ontln- re-

But it was toda)·

gam<> and John Rohb ns will -ur- lead t•w c11ll,.g1a1 s Crav<'ns ,

head football le-tic d1rcdc. ,

l"rl at forward by ililP J'tobbin ··

final a

... -"'" t today the

uard \\ ill hamv,el

ge for :1fen,

ul CaddCI, !.lean oI the C-0

l!JIUIUl In Phol'- , and Canyon


College :\tonday rnght Grand topped 1hr Tor('ros,


Russ C ·avPns , who is a,·. Canyon

llaM :source

Curnmcnts by I

points a 70-.15, in thP spason oprrn•r.


rraging ahO\ll

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