News Scrapbook 1959-1962

l.arsest ('lass Graduaf1on Rites Set a I tln 1 iversity Superior Court Jud the commencement add~s• at the third annual joint g1·adu- ation exercises of the nlversl of Slln Diego's College for M n aod School o! Law this Sunday, June 5. The oat Reverend B11hoP. ll preside at lhe exercises hlch will start at p.m, In the Alcala. Th te on lhe campus. Ht., Excellency also wtll award the degr es I' Magenot, MarUn J Mon- oy, John C. Muir, Albert V. Perona, Edward M. Redmond, Hugo K", S o to, Thomas G. T JQjin T. 'I'rlly and


Bachelor 'of. Laws· Fred- epck C. Conrad, Carl E. c on, Robert H. Hargrove, yden W. Ingalls, Gilbert

laureate M The

and Robert A.

D. Smith,

Fifty-two students will b awarded d greea. They com- prl U)e largest graduating class In the young univers- ity' his ory. Twenty • even wlll rec lve Bachelor of Arts degr s, 19 Bachelor ot Bualne s Administration de- gre s, and ~ilc Bach lot' or John H. Archard, John J. Bowman, Richard C, Corbln, Wllllnm H Corneli- son, Anthony Di Leo Neal Dolan, Michael W. Flannigan, Robert W. Gangl Fre rick J. Gunthe , Jez J. f-lan. len, Ale ander Harper, Ronald R. Haus Curt! Len~. r r . Luque John H ta,.rklt1y Michael J ii• I r, Harold S. lllltrovlch, Jo P. Mulligan, Frank D. Mur- phy, forle E. Read John R. Rulll!cll, Richard W. • mith, William G. Tony Victor J , Torrente, J11.mes S, Wargin, and Timothy J Wilbur Bachelor or Business Ad- mlnistrat1on· Stephen H. mbrustcr Joseph W. Bryans, Thomas A. Chrones, Jams J, Conley, John D. Even on, Donald D. Gilmore, Kenneth J. Kaut , Thomas V. Kelly, Henry s. Lenihan, Robert t:. Machol, Norman La De a. Gradoat , Named . Bachelor o! Arts· ilchael D. Alea


.San Ole-go Union Stoff Photo l Ir . ]olm -:-.J. AttwidP, rir,til, r.,e11Prnl cf1nrr111cm [or tf1p rlnv nl I<' ra c~. SflO'l ored b~• thP Uni{ler ily o[ San Dier,o Auxiliary, d1 er, P p/ar / r

Irs. John J. \Velf~. area tirhPf chairman.

1/11, e1 ent with



Testimonial Set Tonigh For Morrow hke forro11, who s re ing !rom Lemon Grove Morrow, a longtime S a n D i e g o Rlgh coach before moving to the campus at Uni- versity of San Diego as base- ball coach, will be !eted for 50 years' service to baseball in San Diego A former pitcher for the old Kansas City Blues, Mor- row started scores of young ballplayer,; on their way to the majors as a coach in San Diego. The dinner tonight will start at 7:30, preceded by a "bat. tin~ practice" warmup scs sion at 6. The public is in- viter!. City Sc ools Sy tern, at a night in , i 11 he honored estlmonial dinner to- I 11chad's Cafe in

Plot nay At~~;r" tk · tfA:.11oiJ / v ThP Uni, Prsrt ~n Di- . Pgo Auxiliary m"t YP tPrday Pi~; ::c~~i;~ s:~nJ~iy.. ~it : Caliente. ' Mrs. John M. Atha id P, chairman for the event, en- tertained her committee at a luncheon in the directors' room of a local bank. A traditional kickoff lunch- eon will be held at 12·:l0 p.m June 21 at 1he Shf'ltf'r Island Inn bPginning with a social hour at l1 :30 a.m Mrs. (;pr. aid McMahon i~ in charge o! the affair. Thosr a ·si. ting Mr• Ath- aidP for the dav at Caliente will be Mr,. J. Richard Wolf, hostess chairman and nine area ticket chairmen. They are Mmes Walter J<,llis, East San Diego; John J. Wells, La Jolla, Joseph Do Ii v a, Del Mar; Emil Ghio, Point Loma; John A. Water·, Clalremont; Jame. Glasgow, La 1r a. ~:I Cajon and Chu a \'i 1a; o- lmo ut I Jr and c ha es Rino an Die o, d \ alter ohn ton, Pa~1flr B a, h. Procee or tr i! "Ill he U•Pd o augme t a, d ma • tain the Jib1 arJ,,.~ nt t'1P Law School 11nd thP College for M<>n, as \\E'll as th,. cholar- -hip futirl

PLAZA 'RALl, ., ·vf'rnity of San l>iego stud('n_ts called fol' more missiles and dcfen:-;c ;,, cstcrcl;1y 111 downtown rally. AIC'x l!arper, Zi, :-;pokPsman,


30 Students arade for Tough Policy International t<'nsion ilrovr morr than 30 Lntvcrsity of San Dwgo sludrnts from thc>ir final c>xams ye ir,rday to a paradP at lhe C'1vic c;,-.11 c·r and Ho~ton Plaza Tlwy carrier! ,; I g n s and 1,aved J\m!'rican flags. ThPir signs said the U.S. C'oulrl not h<" irtimidated by a "hluffing KhrushclH'\'," that 1h,•rr• should be 'no compro- mi~e with communism," and "Let's Have Americanism." 'PIPdge u, Death' Akx I·IR.·per, 23, pokesman for lhe rallying students, said thr protest para di' "pledged itself to death to prevent Communist rule o,·<>r th<' \\orl

:..t I\J I o /J Knights a SD Campus te Today The 1hlrd annual l:!BQ Fes- 1 al apon ored by ti•• S a n !ego-Imp er 1 a l CountlP hapt"'r Kr 1g11t of Cohnnbu Ill be held from noun to 8: '{0 p m. today on the c 1111 ,1s or 1 l nlve1 sity ot, .San Vit'~O. I Lambert J, '111leman, 11xecutive r. A W<>•te111 p.t bar 1ego-Impe1 l t I epresPrtl rn !':outhern California Coun- <:tls. Count! a Chapter

an h has r

e \ d trophy as h 10,1ee s' standing footba,l p.laJ r. Chapman recei,ed

h Is

in Lark


la. t


the USD cam-

<'afeteria on pus at th1-



n aw,u-ds dip Jim Fleming, who I rt




ha ke,ball


\~ awarded the Larry ·uui rophy a: t~ outstand- ing player on the hardwoods and Jim Fiorenzo was named leadim: hasehall player. Spe.i.kcr for the dinne was !\.like Pc>carovich, USD's new football coach. Lettermen: FootbofJ-..Lava., Baker 8111 Bonago, v. 8or~~p=~l 1 r, g~~"j1Uftlo~i~ ~a°~ Cox, J Dt.Santls, Gr Eliiott, Jim Gabriel, J rt Gcrofono. oe Grav, Mike G r 10 I Bob Hu tie oe Lotschnla, ,r(. Joy T . Vorleyl 2:.· ta er cams. A eta 'Ed 80 v Caputo, ~s 15 gp~~.m ~to O H;~t e;~l.kl, Nerle Reed, .Art Wical, Charles .Baseball-Jar, Chapman,, J:m Cox, Jim F1or~2a, Tom Goadord, John Hollldoy Bob Keyes, Tim Leyden, Terry Lorenz,'1bu;,o-9fm V.:fi~~or, Hu ao ·-- an

'/f' .f4d

testival eHeldAtUSD

P n, nre \\ II undP.r "'ay cils of tne chn for thP. third nnua barhe ,\ Western p1



cu fc Uval, Sun ay ~ponsor- ncr wi,l be served from 12 d by the • an Diego-Imperial noon until 7 p.m. at a modest Coun ti£' C'haptcr Kn ghts of price o! Sl.50 for adults and Columbu representing 16 75 cents for ch1ldren.

·outhrrn California Councils. This r,·1la PVl'nt wlli hP held or the rampu of the Cm· versity or San Diego at Al- c:ala Park from noon until :30 'J) m. One of tr" guests will bl' honored and this guest will hl' awardert $100 per mr. th for 24 month . Also a $100 I' Savi'lg Bond will he a11,nrded each hour start-, In[" at 2 p,m until 7 p.m. The BBQ Frst.val Execu- tivr Committee headed by cx- ecuttv director Lambert J . inteman has annou'lced that th" activities wJII b<'gm with a , ! to h celebrated at 'the Ch pel or the Irr,;naculat!!, a, 11 am D "

USO Festival Barbecue

held on the camp University of n cllla Park, I Plll' 8:30 p.m. S1111day. The event


the Diego-Im er1 ties ah pter of the NlllUl1[,l( Col us Mass will be c leb the Chape o the Imm on the c mpus, at Guided tours will be ed througliout the da • The tours will Inc library sponsored by th ter, whicn repre e Southern Califorrira co

C n y, s Urged



l .. ..



-San Diego Union Staff Photo Academy annual. From left, they are Barbara, 17; Norma, 18, and Jean, 20. Barbara will be graduated Monday.

The Peck ·ister;; share memories of , high school days as they read Villa Montemar, the Our Lady of Peace HAIL TO THE CHIEFS GI L//2 () t,/ l'J I iJ tJ Sisters Rec,all Experiences As President Of Academy Jean orma a d Bar- on problems we all had


Sup r •·Too much has happened in I m P. M hcdy yesterday the wo d ar f the fr •e w rid, cannot aff d to relax i's guard. HP said e- l \ s s t r o n g l y in p arc tlU' ui::h preparedness and 1\a l'd t1at pcac~rul oex I I n<·e c r be achieved only on tr. SO\ let Union's term Fifty•t" o students o! the, unn ersity s Coll<'gc> for fen r ourt Judg(l Wil-

bara Peck believe there Is nothing like keeping PQli- ti cs in the familj . The girls are nil g adu- ates of Our Lady of Peace Academy - Barbar.,, 1,H:hs up her diploma lomiay- and all held the- 'ob ot sh1- dent body presicl( ot Jean, 20, held the re first and passed tiem on o sister, Norma, 1 , '1en U1e former wa graduated ln 1958. 'or~ a was president thro gh l.959 Whe arba'ra to ko

experienced." "Many of our problems were different, too," Bar- bara explained, "since the school's principal wa~ ill most of the year that Jean held office "The principal c a m e bacl- \\hen Norma was presi- der t but thi y ar we had an" v principal.•• The Peck fa on th .pre idencr, s this year but could re ·um ag n when argle, 1

d School ot Law received dl'gri,es in the joint gradua- tion ex rc1 e at Alcala The- at r o mpus. The Most P.. v harle F. Buddy, Ro- atbolic bl hop of San -~---~-- man Diego, presided.


on Oft-do Vn on Staff Photo


Par! of l'OWd wh1d1 attended gradu- ation exercises of University of San DiC'go's College for Men and School of Lall' jq shown here. Fifty-two students

who received degrees and others are seated beneath canopy at campus' Alcala Theater. Superior Court Judge William P. Mahedy was speaker.

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